Trump was an excellent Presdent compared to the Biden shit that followed. legal migrants was resricted and i 2019 entailed 65 000 conacts - sinc then it reached ver 10 million contacts,
Trump tried os ate end of endless wars and did t from a psition of strength - not weakness - and here as world stability as a result, The wrld arestaggering io WW3 adn that is the result of poor US leadership.
Trump kept inflation to a very low level - the Biden did not and the working class people is sufering. In the USA food banks provide food aid to over 60 million people beause they do not have the income to buy sufficient food for their families due to inflation.
The cites like Los Angeles, New York and Chicago has hundreds f housands homeless people living on sidewalks and crime has taken over, Mnay o fthsoe have no income ad i is dangerous for poeple to leave their homes
Crime was and is out of control in the USA due to policies of the DP protecting criminals and undermining law enforcement.
In general conditiosn of living of 70% .of he people has deteriorated and in opinion polls sad Biden's econmic policies failed and 62% said he was a failure as President.
So where did the BS ter said Trump failed as President? I do know the man is a leftist BSter and did not even bthr to listened to his ravings - rather beleive what the peple indcae how hey are being effected by the Bsden President and Mugabe Harris ahs no come out with relieving the sufering of 70% of the USA people.
The rich are under Bden better ff - the lower incom people cannot afford to live - theya re worse off than people ever was before Biden took over,
.To counter the above the Biden Administraton ends up issues cooked stats as a response
Rugby Legend
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