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Trump nominees passed by the Senate Committees

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Trump nominees passed by the Senate Committees

Jan 21, 2025, 19:30

 So far the  following Ministerial appointments: approved

Secretary of State                      -             Marco Rubio

Secretary of Defense                 -             Pete Hegseth

Secretary of Homeland Security     -        Kristy Noem 

Secretary of the Treasury             -           Scott Bessett

Secretary of the Interior                -          Doug Burgum

Secretary of Transport                  -           Sean Duffy

Scretary for Energy                    -             Chris Wright

Secretary of Veteran Affirs           -           Doug Collins

Attorney General                         -            Pam Bondi

Director of the CIA                     ;             John Ratcliffe

Environment PT                            -           Lee Zeldin 




Passed in the Senate Committees for consideration by the full Senate

 Secretary of Agriculture                              Brooke Rollins

Secretary of Housing                      -           Scott  Turner

Secretary of Commerce                 -             Howard Lulnick

Secretary of Health                       -             Robert   Kennedy    *  

Director of National Intelllgence                 Thulsi Gabbard         *      

UN Ambassador                           -               Elise Stefanik

OBM Director                              -                Russell Vought

Director of the  FBI                         -             Kash Patel                *


What is amazing is the quality of nominees compared to the ignorant  and lying  idiots who were in the Biden's Cabinet,   

Hearings Completed but not yet voted on

Secretary of Small Business Dev    -           Kelly Loeffler

Army Secretary                               -           Daniel Driscoll         *

*   The accised criminals in the  D P is fighying this nominee sll-out and has gone to hysteria levels ro prevent her appointment snce thy know she is efficient and capable and that she wiuld charge them with criminal offenses   One of the first people she will charge with a criminal offense is Senator Adam Schiff = who went hysteric when  questioning Bondi   She is likely to be voted on next Monday and is likely to be approved   .

The other nominee that send the Democrats into crazy self-defense is Steve Hegseth = who know how the kickback system in the DOD   worked and intended to stop it,   Wonder why the DC Senators have to fear from  Hegseth,  

The other nominee the DP Senators fear is FBI  Director nominenee Patel.  They hate  him for exposing the FBI lies on the Russian Hoax on which Part of  Special Council  Durham report on the issue was based,    In his report the programs of the Russian Hoax lies of the Democrats,    He will thoroughly deals  with Democrat corruption..  As expected another hystria outburst by Schiff and other DP criminals took place.   ,           





Jan 21, 2025, 20:10


Jan 22, 2025, 17:57

The Senate has now been old that if they try and delay appointmnts the Senate will sit every dat over the next four days and will have to finalizze decisions and not try to delay appointments the Senate Majority Leader told the Sebatirsm  .   

He was mad because some nominees pass the Committee stage decisions was unanimous and now one of the Senators were coming  up with BS on Ratcliffe that was unamimously passed by the C ommittee for confirmation. and the Majority leade will not allow them to get awy with BS,      

Jan 25, 2025, 12:02

The next major test to corruption that will be a horrible battle in the Senate wil be the cnfirmation of Bondi becuase she would charge anybody invovled in corruption and that include a number of House and Senate members as well.   The Senators knows what is going to happen if she is appointed and they will fight to the last man and woman to stop that threat as well.   So expect anther tie one in the Senate with Vance casting the deciding vote.   Will be interesting to see how the three voted this time around.   They may nt to p themsleves like thry did in the Hegsetth case.  

The other candidate Voach who is nominated as Budget Director is also under heavy fire because he is competent and would restrict pork and other requests,   At least - unlike the two Biden appointments - Voach would know what is in the budget.   He has opposition biased n leftist ideology and  not competence.  

I would bet that MCConnell, Murkovski and Collins will again support the DP in those 2 cases as well, 

After that the battles will be against , Gabbard and Kennedy because they are against the ultra-left ideology of the DP.    They hate them because as DP members they were undermining  decisionmaking of the voters by dictatorial action and left the Party as a result.   

We are seeing a fight against political and  bureaucratiic corruption with the  DP in  full opposition to it.   


Jan 28, 2025, 12:57

To the Top with this 0ne.

Jan 29, 2025, 19:11

The Democrats  aw in real shit despie chronic hysteria Pam VBondi was supported in the Commttee hearinga rh are some D emocrat Politicians in real trouble and the hysteria levels went up by leaps and bounds and it did not wrk oyt at all,       

Jan 30, 2025, 15:41

Mike they will pass most of the Trump Cabinet picks but there could be problems with RFK, Bondi, Gabbard and Patel. These 4 are the people they really fear.

Bondi, Gabbard and Patel will reveal a level of criminality in the Demonrat party and certain Rinos that will destroy them.

They are terrified of RFK because he will unleash hell on big Pharma and all those putting poisons in food etc. 

Many in Congress are bought by these fiends. 

If these 4 are rejected Trump could try recess appointments. Can he use recess appointments if his nominees have been rejected in the Senate s the question. 

He could place the 4 in the departments in a position where they do not have the title but weild the actual power via the presidency. Trump will make a plan. 

On the other hand any Senator voting against Trump's Nominees will face being primaried with the help of the Musk billions. 

Not only that but the  women who ran with RFK as his VP pick is a billionaire and has vowed to make out big cheques to primary a list of Senators both Democrat and Republican. 

It definitely is a career ending move. McConnel is retiring next year. An investigation into this Globalist UNIPARTY traitor needs to begin immediately. Lindsey Graham has to go along with Collins and that freak from Alaska. 

The RINOs are still too powerful in the Senate but will in time be thrown out. Every election cycle their strength wanes. The House also needs cleansing. 



Jan 31, 2025, 17:04

Why are the Democrats against the following three nominees of Trump:

Secretary of Defense                  -       Steve Hegseth  

Secretary  of Health                    -       R F Kennedy

Attorney General                         -      Pam Bondi

Director of the FBI                         -      Kash Patel 

Diretor of National Intelligence    -      Thulsi Gabbard 

The various Committees will have to vote pn te above this week and vearing in mnd that the Republicans can expect shit from the Democrats - the candidates will be supported and sent to the full Senate and the Republicans will cit up repeat o the same BS in the full Senate will cit discusions and vote to proceed to consider votting on the candidates.

The jokes remain of candidates be incompetent when most of the Biden cabinet nminees were either corrupt or incompetent,    The DP is known to be controlled by reactionary idealogues and for them lies are the only norm that rule the Party, 

 Steve Hegseth

During 2023 there was a storm in the House about the fact that the books of the DOD was not audited since 2003 and the Republicans and some of te few rmaining honest Democrats decided that they will not give authority for the budget of the DOD unless action be taken immediately and for a start the auditing of the books of the DOD should start in 2024.   

So the auditing started and because it was such a complicated program it was decided to divide the work into 11 components.    The first 7 components were completed and all of the 7 audit reports submitted indicated that there were massive amounts of money spent with nobody being able to account for what was happening  with the money.    The amount thus far spent accounted for over $80 billion of the budgetted amount,

The Navy and Air  Force spending  bilions on nuclear and armed submarines and he Air Force in the proccess  - are still to be audited, but the situation already smelled to high  heaven,  An exmple was the building of 2 nucler submarineds per year for which money was specifically provided and money was also provided annually for maintenance of existing submarines.   Since Biden took over th building of only 2 submarines were completed as a gainst 8 budgetted for and of the 60 such submatines in the US navy 20 was withdrawn from Service for maintenance purposes and no work was done on that compnent at all,   The same applies to completion of fighter jets, 

The prob;em relates to the cosy relationship there is about the close ties between he armament industry and senior DOD staff that cause the 15% kick-back system  divided between both politicians and senior DOD officials.    Trump knew from 2019 how rhe corruption system operated and the  aircraft maunufactories had to cut their prices to ciut their prices by 15% on most contracts,    Biden just caused those cuts to be eliminated  and the corrupion bazaar was back in full force,   

Trump knew exactly what was going on and decided to nominate three outsides wih managemnt expertives and no ties to the Armaments Indutry to be the DOD Secretary and the  Navy and Air Force Secretaries to avoid further collapse in financial managemen in the DOD.   

A lot of politicians - nostly in the Democratic Party and a few in the Republican Paty benefitted from the loot and they went  hysterical against the nomiation of  Hegseth.   One of those were involved in crimes are General Milley 

R F Kennedy

The first one is easy to explain.   Kennedy  got support fr hsi candidacy stading against Biden in the DP primaries - but the Democrats (knowing how unpopula Biden really was) and could  have lost in the primaries, banned any other candiadxtes to stadn agaist Biden in the primaries,   

When Kennedy decided to sta nd as an Indepenent the h ae ampaign broke out and the dictatorial conduct of the DNC as to cndidacy of opponents to Biden broke out in full force,  Th Demcorat hate campaign was not to the liking of Kennedy and their ultra leftist Woke policies - w hich  h e believes both his uncle and h is father would ahve rekjected,   

It was in September - rather alte in the camao Tump and he ook whatever was left of he working  class vote with him to support Trump.   For the Democrats that was a moral sin never to be forgiven.    They must fought his nomination all-out otherwise he hold f the DNC on the DP will be weakened if moderate Democrats leave he Party - inclusive f Hispanics and Blacks voted for Trump.   

It was an actual  fact that Trump also was a lifelong Democrat who left the Party in 2007 because of the totally corrupt nature the Democrats accepted as normal.

Bondi and Patel        

Neother of tem will allow copruption to rule in the USA and the corrupt lements ub both the Democrats and Republicans will end up in court facing corruption and other criminal charges.   The Justice Department and FBI became  corruption protection agencies and that will end if Bondi and Patel are appointed,   


 Another problem child created by themselves,   Gabbard started her political career by working for Sanders and became a DP member of the House for Hawai,   Dishonssty in the DP is the norm and she became aware that it is part of the DP when she resigned and tried to become a candidate in the DP primary election in 2020.    In the end she was forced out f the DP and remained an indepent  until 2024 when sdhe starte speaking out against the lies of the DP,

Being an Iraq veteran and loyal to the USA she ended up being  a nominee in a job where dishonesty reigns supreme she is unacceptable to the Democrats since it would expose how the corrupt systems the D P supports operate and that would end as well.   

Gabbard knew that the Biden Administration was invovle in operatig bio-labs in Ukraine and demanded that all bio-labs be closed down and patogens desdtroyed - but that came under attack fron the Democrats and Senator Romney - even after the Deputy Secretary if State Buland admitted there ere bio-labs operating in Ukraine and the danger of another Covid style pandemic is enhanced by thr bio-labs,   The Democrats have apparently learned nthing from the Wuhan case.           

Honest people are never to be appointed in any administration and the DP is at full attacking them all-out,    Gabbard is just one such an example similar to Kennedy.   Trump nominated people that would help in dealing with poitical and bureaucratic  corruption and that is going to end. if they are appointed.   


Feb 04, 2025, 23:17

To the top with thid onr

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