A Very Strong Case Why MAGA Voters Are Stupid

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » A Very Strong Case Why MAGA Voters Are Stupid

Sep 25, 2024, 22:09


Sep 25, 2024, 22:19

A very strong case for Dem Voters being TRAITORS is more appropriate,   Harris's candidature  is supported by Russia, China and Iran - the real enemies of the USA..


Sep 25, 2024, 22:41

You lie so often, reaching the stage where you don't know shit from sugar.

Dumb A.F.

Seek help.

Sep 25, 2024, 23:22


I do not lie - I fact check the BS spluttered on site.    Kommerzat (commrcial issues) and Pravda (political issues) in articles in the papers and available on the internet openly support Harris - so that is not a lie,    Harris's husband operate a legal service dealing in the main with Chinese issues and getting contracts from, the CCP as well.    (proven fact) and Walz travel regularly to China to meet with CCP leaders,  So support of Harris and Walz by the CCP is absolute,

In the case of Iran it is even worse/   The Iran Government was accused of promoting assassination of Trump and hacked documents from the Trump campaign and provided it to the DP accirdng t the FBI?   Biden repeatedly broke the law frozing Iran assets  by unfreezing Iran dollar funds and Harrsi will exactly do the same.    n 2020 the Ayatollah supported Biden and campaigned openly to influence the Muslim voters in the USA to vote for Biden,    Fact as well,


.    .


Sep 26, 2024, 07:10

Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David.

Sep 26, 2024, 07:28

Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David.

Strange but true ..........then there's buddy Kim

After President Donald Trump heaped lavish praise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s intellect and personality earlier this week following their historic summit, he raised more eyebrows on Friday by suggesting that he wanted Americans to defer to him the same way North Koreans do to Kim.

“He’s the head of a country, and I mean, he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anything different,” Trump said during an interview on Fox & Friends. “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Sep 26, 2024, 07:35

Truth be told KimmiJunnie humiliated him on the world stage....toyed with him as if he was a puppy dog and then let him go with a drop kick. Biden wouldn't have done any worse but knew not to waste his time.

So much for the art of the deal.

Sep 26, 2024, 08:15

...so stupid, Elon must be devastated. 

Sep 26, 2024, 09:21

Once again Draad tries to use Musk to try prove MAGA is not stupid. The same Musk that voted Democrat in the 2020 election - hardly MAGA

Sep 26, 2024, 09:43

Lots of smart people voting Trump...trying to portray all Trump voters as stupid is actually being stupid...you lot refuse to see what's right in front of you.

Sep 26, 2024, 09:47

I asked the wquestion before - is the people in he USA better off in2023 than they were in 2019?   A very smple question asked that should not be difficult to answer.   Yes or no is all the answer needed,   

Sep 26, 2024, 10:02

I've never been able to separate Trump's presidency from his career as a tv host.

Sep 26, 2024, 10:31

I have never been able to separate the bribey and corruption of Biden from  his presidency.   Chna, Irana nd Ukraine and Russia all have proof of his corruption and that makes him clay in the hands of the enemies of the USA,        

Sep 26, 2024, 10:32

Shitory mixed with cat currie

Sep 26, 2024, 11:14

"trying to portray all Trump voters as stupid is actually being stupid...you lot refuse to see what's right in front of you"

Spot on ....... quite ridiculous how the portrayal of Trump supporters is being pushed around.

Some people that I never once considered would vote for Trump, or have anything good or decent to say about Trump, are now openly saying they will either vote for him, or they are speaking positively about Trump's policies, regulations, achievements etc etc

None of them are as stupid as is made out here ... far from it

Sep 26, 2024, 11:47

DumbAss is all the proof anyone needs that Bozo's supporters are stupid.

Just look at their corner for goodness sake . . . ou Maaik, Baboon-ou, ButtPlug, fArt etc. You may not like it but there's no disputing those are our stupidest posters. Add the likes of DumbAss, Squeaky Toy and it's glaringly obvious that our board reflects the same stupid/smart split we have in the US voters . . . and just as we have more stupid posters than smart ones, I'm guessing there are more stupid people in the USA than smart ones . . . which is why I'm calling a win for Bozo . . .

Sep 26, 2024, 12:37

Aag ou Rooi drol, jy moet 'n lekker dag hê hoor!

Sep 26, 2024, 13:34

The wood for the trees

Sep 26, 2024, 14:04


The stooges are supporting Mugabe Harris - there were an old Communist saying in the USSR to the efect that if you want to get support from the people - starve them and they become clever very quickly whenever the Communist Party provide them wth food,   In the case of Biden they result in milions of people having not enough money to pay for their monthly needs and Harris wants the same to continue,   She even went  the Mugabe way and want to prescibe shop prices to be charged for monthly needs - an anciet dictatorial move tried out by Mugabe and led to 70% of the Zimbabwe populatin starving -  hence her name of Mugabe Harris.   Even the New York Times and Washington Post said the idea is shit - so she is rather quiet about it now - but she has no idea how to get the people out of poverty.

The only thing is to raise the minimum wages to $20 dollar per hour  - but the village idiot from California (Newsom) already tried that stunt and prices shot up by 10% and businessses closed down as a result.   The  Communist economic ideas of Harris and Walz are going to sink the USA into starvation and destruction.

So the People know the differnce between shit and economic policies and they got wise becasue of that and wll vote for Trump.  

There ia huge difference between what I write on site and what you do.   You believe media lies aand I do fact checking  to find what the real situation is.            

Sep 26, 2024, 14:14

You don't get much more stupid than ou Blobbrain, dense Denise and Sharktwit. Naturally a half with like Rooitwit sides against Trump.

I guess if WW3 happened, billions were killed, the economy collapsed etc these buffoons would still say thank goodness Cackling Komrade K was president. 

You idiots have no clue whatsoever. Bwahahahahahaha.

Great to see a great intellect likevKHirdsn Petersen backing Trump together with brilliant minds like Elon Musk and  RFK, Tucker Carlson, Vike Ramseanyvand Tulsi Gabbard.

Man what a coalition Trump is building. 

I see the far left pollster  Quinipiac (spelling) puts Trump 1 point ahead nationally. As they always underestimate Trump it means he is a good few points better off. . Gallop who has a great history of being accurate regarding national polls now puts Trump 3 points up. Won't be a surprise if that grows further as people realize just how dumb and fake and positively dangerous this Globalist puppet is to America and tbe World. 

KKK needs to be around 3 points up to win the Electoral College. 

The only chance the Demonrats have of winning is rampant ejection fraud or assasination. 

I hear there are 2.6 miion overseas voters. The Demonrats are claiming there are 8 million and tat they are trying to manufacture these votes. 

Abortion, mutilation of children full supports for trans ideology a d mutilation and sterilization of children the Demonrats are a death cult. They are the party of WAR. I think the next war planned could be with Iran. 

The Demonrats are the party of lawlessness. They embrace the man made climate change hoax thst gives cover to the war on food production and the World economies. 

You have to be a corript perverted scumbag to hope these scumbags win. In top of thst you have to be as gullible as they come, a complete mampara. 


Sep 26, 2024, 14:20

"Ejection fraud"?

Hmmm . . . like when the ejection seats on a jet are programmed to release the copilot first and the pilot second, but the pilot fraudently tampers with the programming to ensure that he's ejected first?

Is that a reasonable example of "ejection fraud"?


PS: Not be confused with "ejaculation fraud" which is what ou Maaik's hand-held Cliques device does to him.

PPS: Or "election fraud" which is what the world's biggest sore loser squealed and only stupid people believed him.

Sep 26, 2024, 15:20


I always woder about the issue of  ELECTION fraud.    In respect of the 2020 election in an opinion poll  61% of the US  voters stated that there were election fraud - bu as a urther question asked was whether the fraud affected the outcome of the participants 42% said it as widespread enough - while 19% sad that they do not have proof that irt effected the fial outcome o the election.

So that raise a serious question - why can the backwards South Afric runs a fraud free and the UA cannot do the same?    There were 25 million votes casted without ny proof of identity and in the case of Arizona there were 57 000 votes casted which could not be linked to the vioers role,   That type of thing should not eb allwed in any democratic country.

In a court case in 2017 proof was provided tat there were 5,7 milion dead and missing voters  on the voters roll.    The court ruled that the roll should be lened up - but the Democrats in charge of the State wanted nothing to be done ab out it.   So they past a California Law that voters can only be removed from the role if they apply in writing to have it done - also he dead should apply for that - I woder how that would eb possible.   Since then mre than 1,500 000 voters fled from California because of Government chaos - so by now there must be around a least 6,1 million dead and missing voters on the role and believe me they vote for he Dmocratic Party candidates,  

Howevce, the DP are very polite people so thousands of people who fled from the State got letters from the California Democratic Party thanking them for voting for the Party it was quie a scandal.   Biden tried to get te California Elction system in all the States in the USA ad the Supreme Court would have none of it - since elctions are controlled by States and not by the Federal Goverment.

So the million dollar question is - why can the abckard South Africa run fraud free elections and the US cannot do so?   

.   .       .                

Sep 26, 2024, 18:10

Never ever thought the moment would arrive when I'd have to thank Brian, but it has, good grouping here.........You don't get much more stupid than ou Blobbrain, dense Denise and Sharktwit. Naturally a half with like Rooitwit sides against Trump......I thank you Brian, highly appreciated.

Imagine being grouped with the would be if he could be all night long pretender DA'Aggro??....this knockout or should I say roundhouse fly kick.... "DumbAss is all the proof anyone needs that Bozo's supporters are stupid." puts it into perspective.

Sep 26, 2024, 18:58

Puts some bigotry in perspective too...maar wolle weet dit nie, hy's net lief vir Husky....

Sep 26, 2024, 19:01


The problem is you can believe all the propaganda people are fed and find out what really is happening in US politics and you would be able to identfy what the difference is between reality and propaganda BS,    

I am not really a supporter of Trump - but hving a laughing imbecile and her Communist sidekick is one too many for me to believe in.   What in fact .happened the DP funders knew that Biden woud not be able to function as Presidnt even if elected - so they would force Biden out f the Preidency and the unelected Harris would take over the Presidency as a dumnmy of the DP funders.   They let Biden go through the the primary election campaign thinking they would get away with the stunt.   They got caught out and then foist Harris on the electorate,

The irony si that the DP was part of a conspiracy who did not believe in democracy and in the people selecting their representatives - that must be avoided at all costs.    Long before Biden disgraced himself in the debate there was no change people would vote for the dementia-stricken idiot,   So the funders decided to threaten to withhold funding unless Biden opt out,   

Now tthe Democrats have Harris as candidate insteaad of Biden.    If she stood in the priamries she would not get 10% of the vote as she is dumb with a horrible reputation/    So when Harris became the candidate she came without any policies and started going stupid as expected.    So who will be the people in charge of   the Government as Dummy President?   She  will issue the mandates they compile  - the same way Biden did.   Biden got away with it by some Republcan friends of his in the Senate.

            ,   /                          

Sep 26, 2024, 19:11


Sep 26, 2024, 19:34

"America is being smothered by ever larger mountains of irrational regulations from ever more new agencies that serve no purpose apart from the aggrandizement of bureaucrats. 

Humanity, and life as we know it, are doomed to extinction without significant regulatory reform. We need to become a multiplanet civilization and a spacefaring species!

This is my absolute showstopper for why Kamala and the giant government machine that is her legion of puppetmasters cannot win. 

Trump or doom. This is the fork in the road of destiny."

Stupid should hurt.

Sep 26, 2024, 19:45

 YYou Trump haters are the good guys right? Norrefok!...

Sep 27, 2024, 13:31

I hope these warped nutjobs like wee Dense Denise, sharktwit, blob brain, wee Rooitwit etc watch the clip I posted where Tulsi Gabbard and RFK explain why they left the demonrat party and why they are supporting Trump.

You have to be profoundly stupid and be a very gullible service gimp to vote Demonrat. You also have to be a full on pervert, child hater and war mongerer. In fact so bad is the demonrat party, so evil is it that you have to mentally ill and Satanically influenced to support it. 

To be fair Uniparty Globalist war mongerer like Mittens Romney, Mitch McConnel, Nikki Haley etc are also traitors and sell outs. Never is there a war they dont like. 

As RFK Jr says the old Democrat Party is dead. They are now the party of rich Globalist "elites". They are tbe party of lawlessness and censorship. They are the party serving tbe Swamp and Military Industrial complex. 

They are a Marxist/Fascist party. Their Goons are the violent ones. They use Lawfare and now assassination to win. They lie, lie and just keep lying. They are completely anti democratic. 

Idiots like the frotties mentioned have no clue whatsoever as to the World chaos Cackling Comrade K would be used to create. She is of course a Globalist puppet. 

The moronic froties have no idea how brainwashed they are. How many absurd lies they have accepted. Dispite having their nonsense exposed for the complete drivel it is. At one level it's hilarious. On another level it is sickening to see just how servile and controlled they are. 

The Demonrats are the party of large corporations and guided by the WEF hell bent on destroying Western Civilization.

Sep 27, 2024, 13:33

The funniest thing though that makes me chuckle every time I see the heading to this thread is that poor old Blobbrain is quite possibly the dumbest guy on the board although he has some fierce competition. Hahahahahahaha. 

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