Batshit Trump with yet another batshit selection .....................

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Batshit Trump with yet another batshit selection .....................

Nov 27, 2024, 20:30

Trump’s Gorka pick met with outrage: he’s ‘as dangerous as he is unqualified’

Even among a host of TV personalities and alleged sex traffickers, far-right commentator is a step too far for some

in Washington
Wed 27 Nov 2024 11.00 GMT

Donald Trump’s selection of the far-right commentator Sebastian Gorka for a senior national security post has prompted outrage and ridicule over a pick that seems extreme even amid a stream of nominations of conspiracy theorists, alleged sex traffickers, TV hosts and repeaters of Russian state propaganda.

Nov 27, 2024, 21:08


ou never learn anything real - do you?  This is anoter load of BS from The Giuardian - the worst liars in the uoverse,

One thing is that f and when Trump make nominations is what is going to happen as a result to the politico's  and bueaucrats who are corrupt and incomptent and the the screamig in the emdia started aimed  at undermining Trump's  adnministration by undermining the majority o vers in teh USA.   Half of the bastardi are in ac afraid to being caught out and sent to jai;,   I do nt know much about Gorba - but yers ago I can reember thei were similar crazy panic involving Gorba and I forget about the issue,   

In ay event I support any Trump nominations aied a ening of coruption which aims drrectly as means to stay out of jail by the crooks in Government and the Public Service,    The constnt undermining of Democraxcy though the Biden croks must stop  asap.       

I just read an article that indicated that the terrorist subsidiary of the Democratic Party  Antifa is heatening nominees with murder and the  FBI is investigaing what is happening.   Typical Democrat  slimy conduct.       

Nov 27, 2024, 21:22

Expert on Russia...amongst others...funny, nobody called opening the borders of the country to criminals  batshit,  but suddenly enforcing the law is batshit...

Nov 27, 2024, 21:31

Say Draad you were going to come to America and then you didn’t? Or am I wrong, you suddenly seem to be an expert.

Nov 27, 2024, 21:57

I'm no expert on anything USA...but you don't have to be to recognize hypocrisy and BS...and yes, I tried to go work there in the US of A, but it didn't work out...pity, I was really looking forward to it...wasn't to be...still not in sak en as about it ...getting to live in the Western Cape is definitely not torture. 

Nov 27, 2024, 23:18

Or what you perceive to be bullshit. I’m a Republican, but I’m middle of the road on social issues, as are most Americans. Most voters accepted the Trump win and were willing to support him. Nominating  two political flame throwers with minimal qualifications in two of the most important cabinet positions shocked and disappointed many, myself included.

Trump has a unique opportunity as a one term President with the House and the Senate aligned. He could actually fix a lot of issues, the country has great hopes that Musk can help streamline government. No need to antagonize  everybody he perceives as not a supporter.

The immigration thing is a major concern. But there’s an underlying reality….the economy is in fabulous shape and there is a shortage of unskilled labor. That’s what ultimately drives immigration. It dried up during the Financial Crisis because there were no jobs and accelerated after Covid.

Whatever the downsides may be socially, economically it’s working. Europe is tanking, but high interest rates while disliked, have hardly slowed the US growth machine…even under Biden’s non leadership.

Nov 27, 2024, 23:37


I am ideed surprised by your above statement,     I always sthought you may be a Republican and acting like Liz Cheyne  - who ended up campaigning for Haris beause Trum threaned to have the DF contract Haliburton had since 2006.    You obviously hate Trump and wll support the Devil if he was a republican candidate against Trump. 

I first whatwhat i want to see  how much  Musk and Ramaswary is progressig to wipe out Fraud, Coruption, incompeence and fruitless expenditure iro eliminateing  in the Federal Govrnmet more I would make a judgement call as to what Trum is doing,  .             

Nov 28, 2024, 00:23


Gorka served  an advosro hen Trump wa residn for his fist term.   The problem is he is  al with Countr-terrorism.   That will inclue trrorists who enter  he USA unde he Bidxen Administra t ion n is aprticular asociated wih the Demcoratic Party terrorist subsidiaries  BLM and Antifa who organized he 2020 riots and is still particulatrly active in the SA,   Any investiation wil leaxd to the arrest of the  DP terrorists/

They are now theatening to bomb the Trump nominees in real DP manner,   THe  DP will try and resist investigations since it will expose who and how terrorism and riots are organized by the DNC and who fund same,   Big shit coming for the DP      

Nov 28, 2024, 01:02

still not in sak en us about it ........................ Mikespeak ?

Nov 28, 2024, 01:17

The mighty USA will survive the twice impeached convicted felon's POTUS reign ...............its the irreparable harm that he causes abroad that concerns me.

Nov 28, 2024, 01:34

The mighty USA will survive the twice impeached convicted felon's POTUS reign

Thank F$$$ it's only 4 years however unpalpable that will be.

Nov 28, 2024, 03:41

It m be oly four years since the Trmp presidency will be even more successful that his first term was - which Biden twisted into 4 years of disastrous presidency the voters rejected,    The four years of BS wi b remembered by the coters for years to come and Trump will be siucceded  by 8 years of Vance Presidency and by then the Democrats in 12 ears time my find a eader tat is not ultra-liberal shit  and may have some idea about what is required from a President of the USA may emerge.

The isaster of the Biden presidency will not be easily forgotten y the voters,   And the world wide  feffects  of he shit will not be forgotten eithr,    In the emantime the news channels who lied about issues or the past 10 years are going out of businesse nad he shit you are fed will be reduced,    In esense he USA voters will realize that the dictatorship dreams of the Democrats wil also be desroyed since the FBI and justice Departmentuse of Gestapo mehods will be destroyed in theprocess as well,    There will be no more illeal sping n US cotozens that beame the norm uder Biden and corruption will be weeded out and the crooks shall be in jail.   

Withh the all of the German Governmet is imminent and likely to be over in three months time wit a nore ane Goernment in charge the democatic world is movigaway from shit aovernance.    that you promoed.   

    .   ,           

Nov 28, 2024, 05:39

Biden leaves an economy that's the envy of the Western world & negotiated peace in the ME. Ole Joe's going out smokin' hot .

Nov 28, 2024, 07:08

Biden leaves an economy that's the envy of the Western world & negotiated peace in the ME. Ole Joe's going out smokin' hot .

Hoor Hoor! Lekker gese.

Nov 28, 2024, 09:36

So  the  ecoomy was brilliant  and  nvy of idiots with hundreds of millions of people struggling to buy food ever month and 72% of the voters saying Biden was destroying their lives due to is failed economy driven by inflation.  Why the hell did the Democrts lost te election is eveything was the envy of  the world?   Are the voters stupid and refuse to fall for the envy of the wold  BS.

Biden  leaves shir and that is the resson why the  Democrqts lost the election.   Everybody thinking oherwie must  beleive the moon is amde of green cheese,  .       

Since the eelcion outcome ebame clar ery apect o the ecoomy and specailly th stock exchange has been o the rise and rapidly so.

So like the USA the people suffer because of malfunctioning of the Goernment - so he Grerman Government is in recession in Germany and the incompetent BS are goig on the way out,    

When idiots govern countries and dishonest  and corrupt crooks as well the result is the voters will take their revenge on he bastards and it happened in the USA as well.

So the next chapter is that the major funders of he Democatic Party is now hopping mad at the empty head bitch  Harris and the pollters  with their lies the funders ar hopping mad at the emptyhead becasue she managed to spend $1,5 billion funding and spent most of it on BS like paying Holliwood celebrities to suppot her,    That was the worst stragy to use,    The working class majority was struggling and   she paid millions to celebrities to support her campaign - how stupid can they get,   

Now he DP is $20 mllion sort to pay accounts nd nobody is prepared to donate.   They should ak Biden if from his loot eannot hehp out with paying them $10 million to help out,   And the DP donmors said they were lied to and now this $1,5 bilion gone.    So apart from Gates and Soros all the rest are visiting Mar-el Lago tryng to get support for Trump after they helped to steal the electin in 2020 and admit it openly.   

So the RP has now thre of the richest doinors in te world at their beck and call.  Musk was first - now Zuckerberg and Bezos joined him as well.   

 So who will be the f ailure standing for the DP in 202/8.   Lets consider two idiots as well.  Newsom (Governor of Clifornia) who caused  1,5 million people to flee from that state to Republican controlled states like Texas, Florida and South Carolina.  So why did it happen that some even fled to Acapulco.   Three things caued it -

*    Unlimited breakdwn in law and orer - with those fleeeing to Mexico claiming that the  Mxicancatels is less dangerous than the California gangs - and it is dangerous for people to leave their homes at night so they and their children are confined to their home since it is too dangous to leave it after    dark,    Even the dead voters who won elecltions for the Democrats in California are araid to leave their gravs to come and vote for the Dmocras.    Children cannot leave their homes and enjoy life anymore,

*    The cot of living in Clifornia is the highest in the USA.

*    Eduaion in state schools have reached the stage were cildren leaving chol cn ge no jobs because they vnanot read aymore,

*    Criminals are reelased from jail - even for murder - within 24 hours from arrest without paying any bail and let loose on the police nd public again.

The governance in California is known throuhout te USA and Newsom'schenes to be candidte is zero-minus,    He has the mster of the gab - but is a total diaster for the voters, - bar the dead who supported him all out.a

Then there is Whitmere (Governor of Michigan) geneally known in the State as Madame Hitler.after forcing people confind to their homs during C ovid - while she and her husband were emjoying the night life in Florida,   Michigan is a failed state as well losing migrants fleeing to Republican conrolled states.    Another ultra-left idiot who is ruining Michigan and is evwn dislik by v from Etste, 

The Democrats ave ultra-left idiots all over the show and they are too stupid to get the majority working class back to vote for them  in the elections.    The USA people are modeates and the ultra-left are despised by them.

By 2023 the voters roll will  be cleared out of dead and missing voters and  mangement of lecions by cooks  will stop.   Please note that Biden "won" the 2020 election because he claimed to be a maderate - he may have been one  - but that vanisehd altogether when his menal state deriorated to a level that he that he did not know what he was signing,

So deaam on by 2028 it is likely hat the thinkig people would leave the DP it form a moderate poliical Party - while the loony left will be down to 25% of the votes.  Most of he moderaes left in the House will bolt to he RP within he next three months,   That means 15 of the House members - who vote with the Republicans in he House ofen enough.

So emjoy what is coming even though it would not be nice  all.    You are free if you so wish o wish the corrupt idiots a nie ime in jail sooner rather than later and at inclue Pelosi and  Scif as well.        . 


Dec 01, 2024, 15:18

K$H is his selection for the FBI…I have never liked Wray, but K$H?

As John McEnroe used to say….’you can’t be serious’.

Dec 01, 2024, 16:28

Bot  Gorka and patel worked for teh Trump administrtion in the past when he was Pdeient and to say Gorka is unqualified as t appointment is about as saying the whole Biden cabinet was  based onm real experience in the fields hey were appoinmted in/

Patel as FBI head would be under control of the AG amfdaht ne is ebing admitted as sitabl qulified for the job.   So I do not believe that Patel would be stopping  and undermining ofivestigation of political and buraucratic corruption will be stopped and the dngerous eements in the FBI will be fired and that was always  the cards irrespective of whom is appointed  as FBI Director,    

But them trump is a racist and his appointment wih Indianc and especiay Vanc with his Indian wife is signs of racism - so  that si alsoa problemf or the DP.

What is nmre problematic for them is the tendncy of modreate Democrats voting with the  Reublican in the House.   There are at least 15 oue members who will nt vote with the radical left adership in the House,   


Dec 01, 2024, 16:40

There is such a thing as appointing the most qualified person….loyalty is a consideration but not the only consideration.

Dec 01, 2024, 17:11

I do think qualifications and functioning in the Trump administration will be a loyalist - but you must remember that the FBI falls uner he AG  and the Democrats are horrified by her appointment - since she is competent to take realistic actions against people.    So  Patel will not have unlimited powers to deal with issues,   

Wray and Patel have the same academic backgrounds so from that perspective  there would be no problem.


Dec 01, 2024, 19:53

Classical. Patel has a JD degree from Pace University ranked 136 out of 196 among law schools. Wray has a JD degree from Yale ranked number 1 among law schools. I can assure you their education is very different.

This is your know nothing but think you know everything …as a result you come up with warmed up right wing propaganda. 

Dec 02, 2024, 05:28


nce has degrees fro Ohio and Yale and therefore is also an idiot accoding to you.   So Waray undrmined the proper functioning of the FBI in dealing with crime and you support that all out,   The FBI colluded with the media to avoid publicaion of media news reports detrmntal to the Democrats and ;ove sencoring as well.

The FBI was involved in illegal  spying on 278 000 opponents of the Biden Regime and that  is aslo OK with you.

So do not preach that you are a Republican supporter and the support ndrmining of dmocracin the USA he wa you did n he past six months.   all bar Trump supprot in effect the Democrts like Cheyne tirn out to be ,    

By the way you obviously you don/t support the majority of Trump nominees like he Democrats do - so I am not onviced you are anything bar another so-aclled Republcian who voed Democrats anyway.    

Trump made a huge mistake in picking Wray as FBI head and he now went for a loyalist tha woked fo him when he was Predident.    No alwasy the best choices - but at lest more cometent an trsuwothy than the Biden cbine was ever been.    The lied o Congress all the time and are ow gone an ve took reonsibility for disasters lieButtigie as Ministe fo ransport did iro of the New Palestine train wreck and refsing to even investigate it,    Thn heir was theigrat srisis which Mayorkas lied about and the lies of Wray when i comes to criminal activities of Bidem, Pelosi and Schiff beaue e neve ineigaed repors of crimnality f hosee hree.   

I peroally have quesion marks iro  of some Trump nominees and was against for instance Gaetz  and now Patel - but I am not going to go on a campaign  against the, as you ar on about and your Hegseth comments were BS from the world go.   Add that to a lie about  a sex chrge for rape was your second point - the only fact being that the Californsa D A refused to proecute because the charge since there was no rape imvolved,   So try again please and come up with real facs next time around.   .   .          .                         .   

Dec 02, 2024, 07:28

So funny this huge fraud and deceptive serial liar mozzietard claims he is a Republican. 

95 percent of the Republican base supports  Trump. Mozzietard doesn't. This fake belongs in the demonrat party. 

Mozzietard is in truth a war mongering NeoCon. He is a Uniparty Globalist American traitor. Hence his support for NeoCon Nikki Haley.

Dr Gorka is a an anti terrorist security expert with great experience. Will do a good job.

Thanks to the open borders that Globalist mozzietard supports America has tens of thousands of these people inside the country. It's going to be a big problem.

Kash Patel has huge experience and is very well qualified to be the FBI Director. I see Ted Cruz says there are the votes in the Senate to get Kash appointed.

Kash will smash the Deep State operatives in the FBI. They are terrified of this guy. 

I saw a video of Kash complaining about the fact that the FBI have not released the Epstein Client List. This is what also terrifies these Globalist elites. :D

Draad don't worry about this buffoon mozzietard. He lives in America but doesn't understand the country. He is actually quite a nutjob. All he cares about is how his shares in Big Pharma  and Raytheon are doing. 

He is immune to truth. Look at his refusal to face facts about the causes of the Ukraine war. Indeed look at the total BS he has sprouted about Rassie, Du Toit and the Boks. 

No sticking with mozzietard is rather like clinging to the Titanic. 


Dec 09, 2024, 08:53

You're nothing more than f'wit Trumpanzees

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