Beeno - this is especially for you. Arizona Election results - Maricopo County and Arizona as a whole,

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Beeno - this is especially for you. Arizona Election results - Maricopo County and Arizona as a whole,

Nov 17, 2024, 10:58

Presiential resuls  

In he whole of Arizona      Trump  majority    -    207 468    votes

In Maricoa County             Trump majority    -      71 068    votes

There were 19 176 votes for Jill Steyn and her Green Party in the hwoe State as well.

House races

Arizona has 9 Congress Districts  of which the results indicate that in he 9 Districts combined the Republica Party candidates won by a majority of 86 393 votes.   They carried in 6districts the majority votes. 

Of the 5 distruicts in Marricopo County the Republics won 3 so the vote diference was consitent with what happened in that county iro Trump voters, 

Senate Race    

Gallego                             Majority               -    78 504 votes

Maricopo County              Majority               -    95 301 votes

There were 23 852 votes for the Green Party candidate in the Senator Race  in that County that would not hve voted for Trump in any event.    

So from a Trump majority of  71 000 votes the result in favor of Gallego was a swing of over 100% in favoir  of Gallego.   What makes the swing even bigger is that the Greens candidate got  23 000  more  votes hat the Greens got state wide     That makes he case much worse.    It seems that there were massive voter fraud in Maricopo Country again.   

A recount would not help - what would be necessary is a total audit of all votes counted to see where the switches occurred  Remember all level votes is on 1 vote form and it woiuld be easy to audit where the switxch took place,   My own beief is that  100 000 votes in Maricpo conty was  not counted on the same voter forms as the National election and then separate votes was entered in respect of the Senate race. vith all the votes going to Gallego.   

In other words it is B S that happened making no sense at all.        

There were anoalies in other coutries as well, - in a few counties were Gallego allegedly  won - he House cadidaes of he Rpublican Pary won wih huge majorities,     

While the above was happening the Democrats were still hoping to reti heir mjority in the  Senate and hey were trying their tmost to wn in Pennsylvania, Montana, Nevada and Aizona.   The could do nothing in Montana - but th fix w on in isconsin, Michign, Nevda and Arizona - where a full scae legal instigation is necessay to see how he DP Senators won in those races,  They tried o swittch  100 000 votes in each of he five states - but was no enough to win in Pennsylvnaia,   - whie in the other 4 states it worked out for the Democrat,s    

An Election  Integrity Commission to ensure ftt fraud does not take place in elections and change elgislaure to get the voting process  changed is the First priority Trump and the Republicans should embark on. and new election law should be pased to  ehnhance vote security and  ensure that votes cannot allow system where voter fraud is always in sway.    Voters rolls should be cleared up and all dead and missing voers should be removed from rolls and missing voters should be erased in oter states and if they regiser in heir new States they should automatically removed from their old State/

.       ,   




Nov 17, 2024, 19:08

Mike I mentioned that the highly respected Rasmussen Pollster said that the Swing from Biden in 2020 to Trump in 2024 should have resulted in a 30 seat House gain. 

Aruzona was horribly stollen last I checked Trump best Harris by 185,000 votes and yet Lake's far left opponent t beat Lake by some 75,000 votes. That is IMPOSSIBLE. 

NEVADA was, also stolen for sure. 

In Wisconsin the demonrat overtook the GOP candidate when 108,000 votes were dropped at 4 am where 90 percent of the votes were for the demonrat. Statisticalky IMPOSSIBLE. Further In a number of counties the vote was at 150% far more votes than voters. 

Apart from these above three steals they are trying to steal the GOP Senate win in Pennsylvania by counting illegal Ballots in defiance of a Pennsylvania Supreme Court order. 

The GOP should have 56 Senate seat and a House majority of over 30 seats. 

The Trump DOJ must go after these Crooks. Hopefully Gaetz will get them all put in jail. 

Mozzietard pretends to be a Republican but says nothing. How his silence further reveals what he really is an Open Border, NeoCon Uniparty Rino Globalist Marxist. 

I daw the other day one country in California had only counted 30 percent of their votes. It's totally pathetic that counting is still going on. 

Nov 17, 2024, 19:55

In California they send DP Agents to voters who did not vote by sending agents to get their votes and most of the votes come from cemetaries where  they are always  counted as DP votes,   You know over a million people fled from Caifornia to other states and even Mexoco - because the Caifornia gangs were more vicious and  violent than the Mexaican cartels/   Those votters are all still on the California voters roll and they all voted for the DP candidates in Hose seats.    The same problem applies  in New York House Districts as well.   

In any event dspite massive fraud the D P did not get control of the House and I suspect sme of the D P members who hate the ulra-left policies of the Democrat majority in the House may switch parties in their case,   

There were in fact 15 Democrats with regard tp the Act banning freigners to be registered as votes in the USA.   The Act which Schumer redused to submit to the Senate and Biden swore he would no signn into law     Why are the Democrats not supporting laws to require voter identification when 82%  of the US Voters said ID identification should be required iro all voters. and the DP oppose it a if their lives depends on it - so lefts add to that saying they fight becase their political lives depend on it.   .         

Nov 17, 2024, 21:46


I took a look a the les complicated Nevada as well

In te Presidntial eelction Harris won only in two counties the Harris majorities be as follows:-

Washoe County             =    2 582  votes - Harris majority

Clark County                 -    27 135  votes - Harris Majority

In the Senate race in the two counties the DP candidate go he followig majories in the wo counties involved          

Washoe County              -    15 182 votes

Clrk County                   -    73 155 votes.

So in those two Conties circa 40 000 voters who voted for Trump - in the S enate racxe in tos twoc ounties switch their support rom Trump to vote for the D P  Senator.   I all other counies their were little differences between what Harris got and what Rosen got.    S io the frad happened in the two counties listed  

So i two counies 40 000 people who voted for Trump switch theur votes tothe D P  Senate candidate    Amazing -  Cannot think tht would be possilbe in normal elections. 

I thouhjy pgf lookin g at Wisconsin and Michegan as well - bu if the same con system was used in both Arizona and Nevada  it would obviously being done in he case of those two rust belt states.               \



Nov 18, 2024, 00:48

Hahaha…us uniparty, globalists like a nice balance. Imagine Matt Gaetz as attorney general the Rinos will never stand for it.

Nov 18, 2024, 11:06

If I was Trump I would have chosen Senator Hawley as AG and not Gaetz - but something should be done to get Justice back on its feet after the last four years of diassters by the Biden maladministation and Garland

The chances are that Senators McConnell and Muzorski  will be sidelined by the Party as the were constnt supporters of Biden in the Senate.    Did you know that Musorski's campaign in the 2020 election in Alaska when she was not the offcial RP candidate as funded by he Committee then chaired by McClinnon .    Senator Scott is now the Chairmna of the Senator Funding Committee of he RP - which McConnell used to be - and Muzorski will not get a cent of funding in future.    The other scanda was he also refused to fund the election campaign of wo Senators of the RP in Georgiaa and now also refused to fund the campaign of Santor Cruz,    Even when the two Senators who left the Democrats and vted agaist the DP as Independents - McClinnell and Muzorski voted ih the DP on issues,  

If Gaets apointment failed Trump will go for two others who hate he DP conduct hen it came to Justice issues - and that would likely be Senator Hawley.    However, I thik that Gaez may still make it despite the media clamour  and wat he (or even Halwuy would do is to preen shreeding and destruction of eivedence would be brutal to prevent the  FBI and Justice Department from shredding crucial evidence,


The thrid Republican Senaor who constantly supported will ntget futre financal support from the Republican Party in future campaigns becasuse hey supported the Biden A dministration all-out since 2020.    

Anyway - the ving in Arizona and Nevda make no sense at all and that si what this item is about,    Some figures indicate  fraud  may have played a roll iro the Senate elecion.   Why would 40% of the people who voted or Trump in Nevada turned around and vote for the DP Senator?       In Arizona  it represents a turnaroud in voting of over 80 000  voters votig for Trump and then voting for Gallego - the DP Senator candidate.   It sounds bad to me  and in both caases the matter is going to court.    Quite likely the Senate election in the two States might be cancelled nd a re-election wil follow:-

If he DP committed fraught in the two Senate elections - the Supreme Court my punish them and called tfor the appointment of their opponents as Senators.    I also do not Truxt the outcomes in New York and California Houe results - thy seemed to eb cooked as well if he areds where rump won the Presidential election and the House candidates of he D won the House elections.    The Countig o votes in California taking 2 weeks after he election is furher BS and should be looked at as wel.

As I clearly stated the US election system is wide open to eection fraud in States run by the Democrats and he question remains - 

*    How can the opinion polls in SA happen t be 0.03% out?

*    Fraud is impossible and non-existent in SA and not in the USA where the system is wide open to abuse and malpractices?

I nce psted a document where he criminal charges of ballot boxes stuffing was aid against people - while thattype of hing is impossible in SA.   In SA the sytm is called vote security - a system no-xisent in the USA.    If in South Africa a person applies fr mail i voting the vote is sent to an election official in the sreas where the applicaion come from - not the applicant himself and he election official contact the applicnt and amke an appoitment when the vote si to be taken to him and once the applicant has pven hsi identity he voe is hande to the applicant nd he can vote nd hand he closed ballot to the the EC Agent and send it to the countig office where the aplican is regstered as a voter.   The voe si always secure - in he USA here is no vote security at all,    In some state an ballot is sent to all registered voters and when voes are stufed in post boxes outside of homes an even in pst ofices when delivery is not made.

In South Africa a vote is onlyissued once the person roduced his ID card or book  which match he particualrs of the voter on the voting roll and e or she can then votes,    In the USA it is possible o voe without any roofof identity.   Why are dead voters immediately removed from the vters roll once their deahs has been registered with the Department of Hme Affairs - in the USA such a system does nt exist and in California at one stage in 2017 a court odrd3e was issued by a Judge that over 5 million dead voters should be removed from he voters role and Newsom hasda law passed that nbody can be removed from he California voers roll without his or her sworne aplicaion.    By now here would be over 6 million dead or missing voters on te California voers riole wo regularly vote ithou any ideniication for the DP candidaes,   

In the audi of he election in 2020 in Arizona it was foudn tat 2 400 dead voters voted in the state that year in Arizona.

The fct is you once denied here were no voter raud in te USA - but that evidently is BS.    What is allowed to ahppen in specially DP controlled states will not eb tolerated ain any oher Democratic Country in electins.   



.           .   .       /             

Nov 19, 2024, 18:09

Mike there is zero doubt there has again been massive fraud.

You will note that mozzietard has no interest in what you or I say about the election fraud. Mozzietard firstly wants a NeoCon RINO Uniparty Globalist like Haley in the White House. If that is not possible it's fine if the Globalist ruled Demonrats get in. Mozzietard is a Never Trump. A dying breed amongst GOP voters. 

I see the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has told the counters for the Senate seat that they must not count and must remove all Ballots received after due that. Big win for GOP. 

Meanwhile counting is going on all over the place two weeks after the election. Mozzietard the anti Democrat Globalist thinks that is all fine.

Mike provided Mike Johnston does his job recess appointment which last for two years will happen. The left are terrified of this happening.

They are terrified of RFK.

They are terrified what Musk and Elon will do to the swamp. Washing DC will be a ghost town by the time they have closed down departments, reduced the size of others and then relocated other departments out of Washington. 

Trump identified the internal enemies in a speech. 

Now we see potential escalation in the war because Biden says US long range missiles can be fired in Russia. Germany and Britain are apparently sending Ukraine arms.

Putin Is revision the Russian nuclear protocols.

These maniacs want to block the Trump peace efforts for as long as they can and maybe will precipitate a NATO war with Russia. Time will tell. 

As I said before Trump can't get to the White House soon enough. 

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