Biden is getting worse by the Day in the High Treason Stakes

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Biden is getting worse by the Day in the High Treason Stakes

Jan 07, 2025, 11:00

Now 11 prisoners who were sentenced to death for their part in the 9/11 attack has been padoned by Biden and sent to Oman for resettlement - the D efense  Departmen undertook the operation in secret are vilage idiots that should be ut befoire a firimg squad/    Omar and alley of the USA - whata  farce - Omar si partt of the UAE - which in turn is a member of BRICS.   

I wnder who in the Biden Politburo who is running the country till Sunday made that decision - tehse people will jpin up with ISIS and the Taliban soon and they will plan firther terrorist attacks soon.    

How much more damage will Biden do in the USA in the next 6 days.   Just onme oobsdevation - neve trust any Democratic party crook - heyswill sell out the country to the highest bidder.   The D D wants to clse Gitmo - my sggestion is  xpand it nd sent all the Democratic Party politicians and  bureaucrat looters there and make sure the traitors amongst them are securely guarded and kept in thei cells 24 hours  day in isolation.   .   .              

Jan 07, 2025, 19:18

The problem is that the Biden Administration love terorism - the DP has their own terorist subsidiaries BLM and Abtifa needed to be strenghthened. The US paid through the UN $67 billion to the Taliban to allow the US Citizens and Green Card holders to leave Afghanistan - so the Taiban still has US citizens in custody and ins5tead sent us at least 10 000 Taliban linked fghanistan. So they still hold Americans hostagea nd birdbrain Blinken is prepared to exchange a top terrorist for the thee - cheap at the price the madman paid Irn $5,7 billion to get 5 histiges released - but it still betray the interests of the USA on a daily basis.

Jan 08, 2025, 10:59

Mike Biden and his handlers committed many acts of Treason. 

He needs and his cohorts need  to be brought to justice. 

Jan 08, 2025, 11:21

Biden wn;t be -  he si a mental case like A dv Hur stated in is repot and now court will fid him guilty due to emtnal deficiencies and will proably be refered to a clinic reating ental patients,

You know why he Democrats are in panic s to the appointmen of Musk and Rmaswamy is because of maladministration, wateful expenditure coupled to bibery and corruption in most Federal Departments as exposed in audit reports,    Wray used to routinely cover up inesdtigation of frad amongst politicians and in the end teh only eason they acted  in the D emendez cse was that hey fear exposure of a cover-up of the case as many wh istleblowers have doneiro cases of FBI maladministration.   But the new AG and FBI head (Patel) - which the Democats hated even more - is stemming from fear th at heir corupt activitie will not be covered up anymore and they fear they will be charged and end up in jail.   

Corruption became deply embedded in the Public Serice in the USA and became endemic and is both used by poleticians adn bureautcrats  in partnership.    They fear the end of racketeering is coming to an end and  urhe assssinaion attempts on boh Trump and  Nance wil be ievitable.    They organized 2 failed attempts using limited efforts (both were organized though and failed  - - the next effort is likely to be  ten times bigger and many people will die when that happens,

 Nobody can really trust the  Democrats and their bureacratic side kicks anyway.    


Jan 08, 2025, 11:36

Biden wn;t be -  he si a mental case

The two of you have much in common.

Jan 08, 2025, 12:28


Study and carefu analysis and documental proof excposed by the office of the Auditor General indicate deep levels of ciruption with Biden and other politicians being neck deep in corruption - while in the 7 audits thsus far the audits uncovered money paid ou wjhen there re no proof of what teh payments were made for,     In the case of the Homeland Security Depatment he amount involved  was  $283 billion and with 7 o the 11 projexcts dealing with auditing of he Deprtment thee are already $80 billion in evidence.   Nobody co uld account for what and why the money wa spent on/    The oher four projects invole he NAVY and Air Force  whe coruption alrasy indicates a chaotic level of misspent and corruption is going o be revealed and that is set at at least another $170 billion f missing money is likely.

The target of Trump is to enhance proper management and reducing of wasteful, incompetentece and especially endemic bribery and corruption in the Fedeal Public Service,   

The fact is as a career pbblic servant I know what is really happening in the  USA at present.   Zuma is corrupt - but a learner as such,    In the case of he  USA the Obama and Biden Administration was horific and that is going  to be exposed once the DOGE program takes off,  The taret is to save the Taxpayers a thir o he money spent by the Federal G overnment at present,   

That is goin g to caost hundreds f thusands of public Servnsts their jobs,   At present 90% have enver gome to their offices to work for 3 yeas and claim they work from home - where they can appoit secretaries to help them,     Trump as already ordered the public servants to return to their offices - nd tht does not include the assistaance they appoited theselves and paid from Government funds,    The fact is that the system is so idely abused and the Public Sevnts concrned is likely to refuse to return to thei offices adn ill be discharged as being  AQOL if they do nt return to their offices and start working.    In any even the situation i stinking to h igh heaven.     If Trum can solve that pestilence he will have done his duty nd that is hy he appointe exceptional managers to lead the Departments and clean it up.   


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