Biden Pardoned his son - but he cannot stop real investigation of the Biden Crime family actviites

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Biden Pardoned his son - but he cannot stop real investigation of the Biden Crime family actviites

Dec 02, 2024, 06:24

By the way pardoning of Huner is not going to stop further inestigation of  Huner's corrupt activities on behalf of his father insofar as corruptio by the Democrat leadership is cocerned,   

What Biden padoned ae the cases already in court - like the gun charge and the IRS fraud case.   The foreign fraud and corruption cases are still not dealt with at all,  so if ncrimes are exposed here is nothing Biden can do nothing about the future of the charges against not only the Bidens - but alsoa gainst Pelosi and Schiff. as wella s Clinton and Podesta.   

Crooks will always be crooks - whether in political power or not.   So Biden's pardon of his sn isanher fist in the history of he US A where a President pardoned a family member for his crimianla acrivities.

Biden may ge away with it because he fac that he suffer from ementia and will ot face court charges - but the same cannot eb said of Hunter and other criminals involved.



Dec 02, 2024, 06:48

So right Mike. Lots being said now about this pardon. Videos of Biden saying he would not pardon Hunter showing again what a pathological liar this tristir is. 

Also it is clear that this move can't stop what is coming the way of the totally corrupt Biden's. 

Dec 02, 2024, 08:12

Why don't you sit on your 'tristir' & go for a spin.

Dec 02, 2024, 10:11

Dec 02, 2024, 10:12

Dec 02, 2024, 10:13

Even better if you take the 'tristir' and the 'shitory' for a spin........'trishitory'.... Ataboy now that would be some fun!

Dec 02, 2024, 10:14

Dec 02, 2024, 10:35


Dec 02, 2024, 10:41

That's pretty damn hypocritical Joe.

Dec 02, 2024, 10:54

Biden can only grant a padon for crims already charged and decided on by courts - he cannot grant immunity for crimes still be investigated by the Justice Department.  They aleready tried that stunt about the Hunter Biden guilty plea to the gun crime committed in Delaware when in the gulty plea there was a conditions that Hunter would not be investigated further for crimes he committed and not yet charged for,   That implied is that Hunter  could commit crimes and not be charged for them.   The Judge through out the guilty plea and the two crimes - one being illegal hndling of a gun by buying one - sellings of guns to additcs is forbidde by law in the USA  and on the application form Hunter indicated he was not a drug addict.   He then through the gun in a waste  bin where it was found.  The othercase was tax evasion to which Hunter pleaded guilty.

The other Hunter crimes while he was Biden's bag boy are still awaiting further invesigated and those will not vanish as a result of what to psrdoning of Hunter.



Dec 02, 2024, 12:25

No one is above the law in America, except politicians and corporate Oligarchs. 
The system is rotting from within. 

Dec 02, 2024, 14:04

That is why Trum wnts to get th e judicial system to deal properly with issues irrespective of whom is involved and not turn teh system around into persecution of opposition members.   No more spying illegally on 278 000 citizens who oppose the regime

Trump also say he is going to release the customers list of Epsein and Gate's name was prominnt in that regard,    He will  be charged on that issue and what will harm to his businesses will cause problems for him.    

I do not think Trump will make much about Prince Andrew - he is already on the royal shit list followed by Harry and Megan.    He is not allowed much leeway in the process by the Royals.  He is never on the balustrate waving to the crowds/    Noadays their are the king and Queen - as well as Princess Anne and her hsband,  Then there were Prince William his wife nd children  and his couson and lastly the Duke f Ediburgh - his wife and children.   Much of the other children of King  George V like the Duke and Duches of Kent and Duke and Duches of Gloucestor and their descendents are nowhere in sight,        

Dec 02, 2024, 15:10

The Hunter Biden Board service thing was always a disgrace. This is an embarrassment for the country.

Dec 02, 2024, 17:49

Yes, Biden should never have been president, given that Hunter Biden used his father's political connections to get onto the boards of energy companies—in all places, Ukraine, where Joe Biden was the foreign diplomat for Ukraine.

It is not as if Hunter Biden could get these types of jobs, it is rife with corruption.

Dec 03, 2024, 14:50

"The Hunter Biden Board service thing was always a disgrace. This is an embarrassment for the country."

It really is, I totally agree

Despicable ....

It was put out by Biden himself how many times in interviews, and at least on 5 separate ocassions from the White House press as well, that Joe would never pardon Hunter....because Joe Biden respects the law too much.


Dec 03, 2024, 14:56

"That's pretty damn hypocritical Joe"

Not just hypocritical 

It's a complete and utter disgrace, and this action should remove any sliver of respect that any American citizen should have for Joe Biden and show him up for exactly what he is.... a criminal president protecting his criminal family

In so many interviews he repreatedly and staunchly supported the Amercian legal system and kept on asserting that he respected the courts too much to pardon his son....... 

That is until he must have got wind that it was not going well for Hunter.....

An absolute disgrace of a president to allow his son to get away with this, or anything going as far back as 2014 ..

Dec 03, 2024, 21:33


It is not as if Hunter Biden could get these types of jobs, it is rife with corruption

Hunter ould noget ANY job - he was a cocaine addict.      Nobod could use him fo any deals - the agreements was always reached taking into account the re-imbyrsement for Joe - always near $8 million and  Hunter  $5 million.    

The racket went woldwide so Bidn had 25 shelf companies and even used assumed names to communicate with Hunter adn potential clients.   So wht happened is that bribeswere paid to ienified ss helf companies bank account from where itt was laundered to family members of the Biden crime family,   Thre were at least $40 milion involved,   The Banks ent notifications of transactions they regard as moey-laundering to the FBI - they refused to inestigate and filed it,   When forced Wray to provide the oiginals Wray turne up and tabled the docments after whci h walked oit of the,eeting,   

It is unlikely that wray will turn up before the House and Senate members are sworne in on 2 January 2025 as he eill resign by that date.   He is already in deep trouble anyway,   When the FBI  raided  Trumps propety there were 32 boves full of duments seized by the FBI/  The Judge hearig the cae instrcuted to do so after delays  the FBI broght w1 boxes to the court  and in those 21 boxes there were doc,mts missing as well.   The Judge already annoyed by the faxt that he FBI spread fake photos as to what they found durig the raid -after aning Smith and Ry she will order arrest warrants  for undermining the court - the FVI turmed up wooth five mor coxes ad province the  would deliver the other 6 boxes asap.   Thy failed t deliver the boxes vy the due date the Judge threw  out the case,   Smith then lodged an appeal against the sentence  but last week he witdrew the application.

Wray may think he would be out oo shit by resigning - but th Senate and House canc all him up toamdwer questions about im covring up crimes and thy would want to know what happened to the missing boces of documents,    It s havitual for some secetaries and Wray to lie unde oath at Snate and House hearings - but if the house or Senate lay charges for lying uder oath during heaings are expose will chrge the liars.   

While Pardoning Hunter forcrimes committdsince January 2020 to 1 Desember 202  Biden did not cover Hunter - he pardoned himself as well since any invetigation of Hnter wil expose the role Bicen played in bribery an corruption he wa actually covering his own arse.  



Dec 04, 2024, 07:46

The fact that Hunter is pardoned from such a specific date going back to 2014 has even Joe Biden's most staunch supporters questioning his intentions and motives behind that...

It is bloody obvious how and why this was done, and I don't think it has anything to do with Hunter's current gun and tax charges.

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