Do you know that Argentina has applied cfor BRICS membership azs well. Most people ousde ocf he UJSA realize that the Uundxer the present Regiime is a dangerous cfriend to have. TNhey hav e stabbed many countries like France, Germany and now Isael in the back. The cou ntries are searching for reliable orgaqnization thast would protectg the interests of their countries and move away from acountry who can stab their best cfriends in the abck.
The real problem is that sin ce Biden took ov edr the Presidency i.nterantional afdfairs had sunck into chaos worldwide.and countries arfe looking for collborators that has a constitution forcxing memkbers t c-operatge with other members - when the USA try a Ukraine stunt on them.
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38916 posts
The Globalist Marxist have been booted out.
Now the same needs to happen in Brazil with a return to power of Bolsonaro.
Trump winning back the Presidency and Trudeau getting fired look likely to happen barring election fraud.
In Europe there is a good chance of a number of Globalist governments getting the boot. A race is on to save humanity from the planet from the planned Globalist control.
Milei wins in Argentina