Forst savdsm tjeir statbf Bureecrats earm?
Inquiuld yo vite atest Snate he Dember alrady ciew.
Forst savdsm tjeir statbf Bureecrats earm?
Inquiuld yo vite atest Snate he Dember alrady ciew.
Dim Rooibnel idiot
Do you know that 90% of the Federal Public Servants have not been to their offices for thre past 3 years - 9% went to their office between 1 nad 4 days a week and only 1% go to work 5 days a week. They all claim to work from home without any supervision at all.
All the above GEC did was to spread disinformation internally in the USA. They even design a vdeo game to teach USA children to recognise when headlines are "disinformation" as is decided on by them.
About 2 years ago Boden tried to start a Disinformation Bureau in the White House to censor news. A storm erupted since that was an effort to describe any criticism .of the Biden Administration and the Biden shit then moved it to the State Departmnt and tell the people mot tp believe te trth about issue. S ince that was not enough they WH instruicted the FBI and CIA in weekly meetings with the media that any criticism of the Government represents "disinformation" that the media and the internet platforms should not allow to cover what they claim was disimformation. Musk found the censorship model when he bought Twitter amd stopped the shit and now Zuckerberg apologized to the American peope for co-operating with the Biden WH, the FBI and he CIA to censor inputs on Facebook.
Goebbels would have been proud of the achievements of the Gestapo regime the Biden Administration introduced in the USA,
There is a network of shit in the Federal Public Service that should ended and this center is just one of many such hidden censorship and corrupt methods used. Senator Paul has identified a $1 trillion spent on such projects and that does not include the operation of biolabs doing gin-of fumction of viriuses moved from the Wuhan lab to the Ukraine biolabs after the Wuhan virus leak caused the Covid 19 pandemic, The Wuhan research was funded by the US Department of Health involving Dr Faucci - so when the storm erupted they moved the sam research to 26 biolabs in Ukraine to be funded by the medical divison of the DOD.
Faucci will end up in jail because he lied repeatedly when under oath when questioned in the Senate and House and was reported to the Justice Department to lay charges against him - which thery refused to act on. The bastard wil be charged after 20 January 2025 and he will end up doing jail time for the next 18 years, What is still being investigated is of how much in kickbacks he got from the Pharma industry for persisting with virus vaccines development. Once that information will be obtained from his bank accounts and what happened to that money,
You obviously do not know that the books of the Department of Defense was never audied since 2003 and the Republicans in rhw House refused to pass the DOD budget pf 2024 if the books are not audited, So the audits started iro that Department in the 2024 financial year and the auditing work were divided into 10 projects - 7 of which was completed thus far. and the auditors found that the Departmentt could not explain on what $80 billion was spent on thus far. That means .one of two things - either the money was looted by using the Armaments industry to pay kickbacks to politicians qn bireaucrats involved in placing of orders ot just incomptence ny DOD employees. The kickbacks involve 15% of orders placed. One of the biggest kick back specialists was your hero Adam Schiff - that is why Biden will pardon him before he leaves the WH, In his case the liar in chief wil spent the rest of his life in jail and not in the Senate,
In the case of the Department of Homelands Security the Department could not account as to what $283 billion was spent on. Most of that moey was spent on providing housing and subsistence payments to and for cira 11 million illegal migrants - expenditure not authorize by Congress Another case of "Go to jail - go directly to jail = do not past go and do not collect $200".
Obama started the shit by filling Departments with corrupt cronies and Trump was accused falsely and based on Democrats lies about the Russian Hoax and did not have support to clean out the corrupt practices in the Federal Public Service - but the Biden Administration took it forward to the present chaotic conditions and it is going to end soon.
That is why DOGE was introdued by Trump and they will have to built new prisons for thousands of ex-public servnts and politicins. ending up in jail. Biden is a vegetable and would end up in a retirement home for dementia suffering elderly - as mentioned by Special Council Hur in his report on Bidens taking thousands of real classified documents with him from the time he was in Senate and VP under Obama. The president has the right to declassify documents - the VP's do not have that right. So Biden used the documents to pass on to his biographer illegally for inclusion on the book on Biden he was writing. So in his case of it a retiremeent center for mental vegetables in his case would be the end result,
So this case is the start of breaking down endemic corrupttion and wastefiul expenditure by the Obama and Biden regimes. Live with it arsehole.
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Vivek: "Top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over 'native' Americans isn't because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. Tough questions demand tough answers & if we're really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the TRUTH"1
"A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers"12
"Normalcy doesn't cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent. And if we pretend like it does, we'll have our asses handed to us by China."1
"We need more films like 'Whiplash' and fewer reruns of 'Friends.' More math tutoring and fewer sleepovers. More weekend science competitions and fewer Saturday morning cartoons. More reading books and less watching TV. More extracurriculars and less hanging out at the mall."2
"Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn't start in college, it starts YOUNG."
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy expressed similar sentiments regarding the state of American education and workforce, particularly in the tech industry. Their comments align on several key points:
Both Musk and Ramaswamy highlighted issues with the current American education system and cultural values:
Musk criticized the traditional teaching methods, stating, "A teacher in front of a chalkboard is not what we need for our kids"6.
Ramaswamy argued that American culture "celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian"5.
Both emphasized a perceived shortage of talented engineers in the United States:
Musk stated, "The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low"5.
Ramaswamy suggested that top tech companies often hire foreign-born and first-generation engineers due to cultural differences rather than innate intelligence3.
They both advocated for changes in the approach to education and skill development:
Musk proposed more interactive and relevant learning experiences, such as taking apart car engines to understand their workings6.
Ramaswamy called for "more math tutoring and fewer sleepovers" and "more weekend science competitions and fewer Saturday morning cartoons"3.
Both figures expressed skepticism about the value of traditional college education:
Musk stated, "College is basically a place to have fun and show that you can do your homework, but that's not for learning"4.
Ramaswamy implied that the current education system is not producing the best engineers3.
These comments from Musk and Ramaswamy have sparked controversy and debate within the tech industry and political circles, particularly regarding immigration policies and the state of American education and workforce development15.
So is Donnie's DOGEes going after the damned dawgy-e
The situation is US Education and esepcially State schools are indeed pahetic. The fact is that standers at Schools in States where the Education system is fully controlled by the Democrats is really pahetic. The Teachers Union ran the Department and the level of education is the same as people found in schools attended by Black pupils in SA, They cannot count to twenty when the get out of school and oten cannot read either, To get them through school the required pass rates are increased by lowering the pass marks in subjects,
The basis of education in such schools is on par with what children in Russia was under Stalin. Parental comntrol is hated and the puils are told they are the wards of the Government. So the parents send their children to privae schols in thee USA State high schools are regularly infiltrated by drug dealers and management at schools do nothing about it.
The re-organization of Education was not raised by Ramaswami and Musk - they were just stating the obvious encountered by all children in State schools. The main problem is the Fderal Department more interested in brainwashing than Education and produce all the engatives in Education.
The aystem needs major changes to remove the shit and the idea is to abolish the Federal Education Deparment and turn it ito a monitoring body to ensure quality education is provided by the States. The Demcrats are sending their children to private schools while destroying the Education of eveybody else. They will scream against it - but change are coming and State Governments not helping with upgrading of education standards wil be punmished for undermining education in state schools,
The DP and the Teachers Union will scream blue murder about it - but it will happen and the pestilence reigning the Education Departmeents in DP states especially will riot if changes are introduced. But parents will be happy bcause it will end up in quality edication be introduced.
Read he following and see what is happening in the USA - bearing in mind the quality in Privaste schools are much higher than in State schools/ and that give a higher mak than w
hat happened in State schools:-,especially%20in%208th%2Dgrade%20math.
. .
Mike schooling the extremely ignorant Blobbrain who gets more unhinged and incoherent
as the days pass.
Big Tech will employ white left-wing people, or foreigners... but they will not employ MAGA white people due to cultural problems.
Musk is implementing a range of restrictions on freedom of speech against right wingers that
criticise him for being pro India labour over US recruitment.
I think bot h Musk and Zuckerberg ang ed their mind on that issue and the outstanding BSter will have a hard time in cort to prove why he should not get a ten year senence at least.
The fact is that he SA has been destroyed by the Biden and Obama presidency and people are nw beginning to get te emssage in icreasing numbers. Obama ahd the gift of he gab - but bugger-all else nd BIden was a dementia suffering mampara,
You still have mised the boat entirely the working class support Trump and bearing in mind the disastrous situation they were over the last four years the DP will have to get rid of the ultra-left BS leading them by the nose. They got fucked and to get back some support they wil have to get rid of the Communist wing of the present DP and move to the center. The USA is not ready to accept a Communist Regime and that is what Soros and Gates wanted because they can control the Communist leadership through bribery and corruption.
Some of the Democrats are realizing that the million differences sexist policy and their hatred of law and order and open border craziness must take a dive.
The probem is the siuation is not confined to the USA - but the next shit Governments to go will be in Canada and Germany to move to reality and cast out the idelogical BS. People do not want wars the lefitsts promote - they just want peaceful and adequate living conditions. It is a bad year for the warmongers and for the Greens and their doomsday policies that push up the living costs because of money wastage by Governments. It has nothing to do with MAGA and MAHA which the moderates of the voters are striving to achieve. In essence people must believe in their country and its people and not the ideology and woke culture which have destroyed civilizations in the past and will do it again unless the BS is stopped in its tracks.
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Trump appointed Vivek and Musk, so he is all on board.
When Musk talks about winning the global race, he is not worried about the lives of American working people—it is all about him and his ego trip to Mars.
Yes, I like Musk, but I don't like his close involvement with the Trump admin...Tony or Lex, that's the question...
Propaganda shit as expected
The fact is that the US Govenment got corrupted and an exercise in what one can call gross incompetence. Trillions of B S are spent and where corruption is invovled the management of Department claims theyy do not know what the money was spent on.
90% of the population beleieves the above is true and would support wiping out especially corruption.
By the way the task of Musk and Ramaswamy is to get at both aspects and is likely that they would clean out the infected staff and processes out to save money for the people of the USA and make sure the money goes to the working class and not the stealing politicians and bureacrats.
It goes to show that the working class in America supports MAGA for economic reasons.
They would drop this movement in a flash if something were better, or if transpires they were conned.
It will be interesting to see if their economic position improves or worsens under Trump.
If Trump supports Vivek and Musk in these Visa's for an extra 500,000 Indians, the honeymoon period could be over pretty quickly.
The working class, Hispanics and Blacks made up the vast supperter groups of the DP, A fter 8 years of disaste for the working class left the DP. Since Reagan's Presidency their was a 30% real income loss for the workers. Despite years of promises to the working classs resulting only in increaased poverty they realized theey were conned by the Democrats - they voted fopr Trump.
Most workers were treateed well by Trump and their living conditions improveddd. Covid caued a lot of problems in 2020 - but during the 2020 election most of the workers, Hispanics and Blacks who supprted him in the past stayed loyal to Trump. but some workers were conned to vote for Biden.
However the Bidden Preidency was for the Working Class, Hispanics and Blacks Biden's a daily disaster Inflarion caused price rise of food and consumables went up by 23% - while incewases in income increased by 4%. All workers and races suffered from the same economic disaster/ No connoing succeded and Trump won.
Unlike the DP leadership who are career politicians fleesing the Public Trump is clver and understands economics better than the past 5 preidents did. He realize that his power basee no in the Working Class, Hispancs and Blacks - the majority of voters that should nver be neglected. In his planning that component is of prime importaance. The people who will suffer are in the main the senior staff in Departments that was inolved in maladministratio and corruption. Thousands of bureaucrats will lose thei jobs because they were conning the people they are supposed to serve. And Wasteful expenditure will be wiped out.
So with that money avalable will lead t benefi the voters. What should be more worrisome for the DP is that the working class and other support for Trump is n the up and up - and the voters will realize that the Democrats lied to them in the past and they will not be conned again.
. workers to replace the millions of soon to be deported illegal migrants...rule of law vs chaos...simple really.
Trump never was against LEGAL immigration - but getting in 11 million illegals through the open border policy of Biden when illegality was what the real issue. Biden did the impossible - h mnged to bring in millions snd gave them preference over Black and Hispanic workers by illegaly caused the working class to revolt against the DP in the election.
The fact is there are people causing continous problems in te House for anybody they do not like and they have no problem with voting with the Democrats to get rid of what hey regard as traitors to their cause.
That is why they want Johnson out of the Speakership and they are not the majority in the House, Repulican Party, At one stage Gaetz was one of them and he is now out of the scene since he left the House and one wonders when his appoinment as DA was not a scam to ge rid of him from the House. They all claim they support Trump when it came to the crunch they undermine him at times.
Part of the problem relates to the US Education system that went belly-up under the rule of the Teachers Union. The Union in fact are major financial cntributors to the DP during election time and in return got control of the Federal Education Department - implemented by the Democrats despite the fact that Eductaion in terms of the US Constotitution is a State function not a Federal funcion. the Fedeal Education Department are filled by Union members and Education is the reason why so many visas are granted to migrants to enter the USA for medical and comueter service operators.
That is why education is bottom of he system with too many people leaving schools in a situaion where they are unable to do even manual jobs. Their schooling is a mess and they have only the Federal Education Department to thank for the fact that they are in fact not prepared for any jobs at all and neither for University level education. The higher evel educaion from what we in SA call private schools from where most of the Univesity entrants come from. So the Universities were taken over by radical leftists more interested in political indoctriantion than in caeer deeopment of future competent professionals.
The answer for High-Tech needs came from Asia and obviously preferable from India and tioo a lesser extent from China and Korea. Once intgrated into the USA system and getting ctizenship those proefesssionals mostly support the Repblican Party and the number of Indians amongst Trumps nominations are from Indian origin. Even Vance's wife is from Indian descent.
There are going to be objections to Patel because he was extremely competent when serving in the WH when Trump was President and found out how the Russian Hoax lies started and his inputs in the end was clesr in the Special Council Huxham investigation when he found out he core of the lies came from the DP operatives starting with Clinton and the DNC and supported by the Obama Administration.
The Democrats fear him as they fear for their corruption activitie that the FBI tried to protect because they had Biden under firm control - they could have investigated and pulled the rug from underneath Biden and his fake administration whenever they wanted to. Biden was and still is corrupt and with him as Presidet the whole administration went the corrupt way and the whole lot of DP leaders made money out of the system and so did the leadership of the crooks in the House would also be exposed. But the fact is that Biden never was the real President - he was controlled by Obama, Gates and Soros - who in fact ran the USA with Biden being their idiotic front.
By the way some items you quote came from Fox News - but Fox News was also in especially 2020 against Trump's presidency with a number of DP members in high positions in the Fox set-up. Most of he DP supporting members are still in Fox News - but most of them are now supporting Trump by 2024. Fox News are not a biased as the DP site supporters claim - they have a much wider approach on issues than the leftist media has since they are more inerested in news than the leftist media has.
Trump always been the centrist in the Party set-up - while people like Gibbs claimed tey represetns the conservtive elements and plead Trump's support their candidacy and then undermine the Party from within. The elements are up for re-electio in the 2026 election and they realize that they are going to be primaried in 2026 if they do not follow the party policies.
So in this case the chap speaking on Fox is one of those so-called "Conservatives" that undermine Party Unity, Trump also do not trust them and all his nominees are from he Independents and moderate Republicans and not the extemist wing of the Party. In the end the storm around the Speakership will be decided by Trump and the people who undermine Trump will be read the riot act and and would succumb to womsoever Trump wants as Speaker, I have a feeling the person that may end up as Speaker will be Rep Bryan Donalds. Check him up please.
Johnson on the whole supported Trump - but was weak when he was the only Republcian involved in the intermediate drama interim approvals Biden wante to use until mid-March. The other "Republican" involved was McClinnon in the Senate and he was an ardent friend and supporter of Biden.
So in the Republican Caucus in the House I think that one of Trump's closest supporters in the House Rep Jim Jordan from Ohio is going to nominate Donalds as Speaker and that is what in the end will likely happen. Trump would have contacted all the House members and they will do what Trump wanted,
The members wil be sworne in on 3 January and the Spaeker election will be on that date.. On the same date the Republicans will get conrol of the Senate. On 6 January 2025 the Congress would meet to verify the election of Trump as President and a lot of the Demcoats not to verify the eelction results have already been in evidence, The House cannot operate without a Speaker and Trump may decide on an otsider to be the Speaker - the position is not subject to be a House member and he may decide on who he wants as Speaker, If it is nt Donalds he may appoint Ramaswami as Speaker.
The ultrra-left idea to sabotage the election results will not work since they will not get support from about 15 moderates in the House that will not support that strategy of the ultra-leftists in the House, The question is both Parties are problematic. In the House there are reactionaries in both Parties -
* in the Republican Party their are about 10 ultra-conservatives; and
* in the D P their are about 20 centrists that in the past voted for Republican Party legislation that the Senate and Biden Administration sabotaged,
Since the election a number of moderates spoke out against DP policies and they are not going to support the eelction of Jeffires as Speaker like they did in the past, The Hispanics deserted the D P in massive numbers and the Representives in mainly Hispanic areas are going to take their revenge if the Democratic Party members are aware of what will happen to them if they support the DP in sabotaging impementation of Trump's policies. They know what will happen to them in the 2026 election.
I think the DP is going to break up into two parties - the ulra-letis and Communist members and he Modeates forming a new Party. The moderates will find it hard to form such a new Party since they will not have media support for their viewpoints, So the moderates wil end up joining the Republican Party rather thn forming a new Party.
I fact it would be clear by Friday what is going to happen - since the Congress will meet the Monday next week to verify the election results. There are two House seats of the Democrats that may not be vailable to be sworne in, since their election has been challenged in Court and the ruling of the courts will be awaited before they can be sworne in as House members,, In both cases the counting took 3 weeks to be completed and they won because of votes not casted by election day and took 3 weeks to get additional votes to get them elected. Those cases are going to end up in the Supreme Court and then the Court will instruct on votes collected after the election day shall be discarded and not to be counted. and the two Republican candidates will be elected. One can only wonder how many cemetries were election centers used for that purpose known as vote harvesting - which in California is a legal method used by DP agents to collect votes fom people that did not vote on or before election day and than votes are collected and counted weeks after election day. The Supreme Court will not fall for that method and is likely to rule that election vote harvesting after eelction day will be declared as illegal and Unconstitutional.
D.O.G.E is a plan to phase out the white working class in America.
Big Tech want H1visa to be unlimited, they have asked for millions of Indians to move to America right away.
Trump has appointed an Indian as his AI advisor, and his first recommendation was to import lots of In dians.
I ccannpt undestand he twiste mind of SB. Nobdy is trying to wipe out the wrking class ibn the USA and evens aying that represent a twisted mindset arrived at throogh ignorance and similar BS.
I am sorry for you - becaus your mind has been taken away by brainwashomg and you cnnot think for yourself, There is things way beyonmd your comprehension in dealing with issues.
The first thing is that the USA Federal Government agencies have grown massively and that was the result of tens of thosuands of people being appointed to administer regulations issed by the agencies and Department. Since Obama took over the Presidncy the growth in the Public Service was massive and the systems of regulations and mandates increased massively.
The situation developed where Obama had influence he Departments to appoint his agents - hm by now controll Departmnts. What follwed then was bribery and corruption - both on all branches and institutions get aid from the US Government - and that include foreign aid as well - that both politicians and bureauccrats gt bribes from ecivers of such funding/
The situation was so bad that when Trump in 2019 found out what was in reality happened with grant funding funding that Trump banned al further payments for projects of other countries unill the State anbd Treasury Departments provide a framework for cutting out backhanders and aguideline on how funds provided are to be spent. When that framework was provided foreaigb aid funcng proceeded - but their is one ruling that any aid to Ukraine would remain in place, Trump's instruction was that the Ukraine Government paid nthing in cash and he bought armaments in the USA to the tune of $1 billion and had the rms delivered. That decision hit Pelosi and Schiff hard and they decided to lay fake impeachment charges against Trump.
When Biden became President the sxcams continued and Bilios offoallrs were paid to Ukraine into the pockets of local politcians and bureaucrats, The kickback system was in full cry again.
Trump became aware that the Federal Public Service was badly managed n bcame s massive spender of money, Trump realized that it would be to big a job to clean out the mess and he appointed Musk and Ramaswari to clean up the trillions dollars mess, It will be a hard job to do and could cost hundreds of thousands bloodsuckers their jobs.
So you will have plenty of s
imilar comments from the fake media to put on site,
I ccannpt undestand he twiste mind of SB.
I don't know of anyone who understands yours
first non sworn in POTUS.We're gonna have a lot of fun with one.
I recently read an article about the percentage of students graduating with Diploma's from school with no real technical schooling and that many who wished to be accepted into college for any technical degree did not have the standard of mathematical requirement to be accepted.
The article also noted that mathematics was the lowest of all subjects and has continued to drop year over year in the USA and Canada.
Here in Canada it almost impossible to not graduate with a school Diploma and then struggle along and eventually find a position in McDonalds or pushing shopping carts while the Asian and South Asian students excel at school and go to University studying Medical etc.
I drive one of my family members to school each day and then go one of the Provincial local High school close by to do a number of laps on the track.
Most times I spend about 45 to 60 minutes doing my routine workout and was shocked to see large numbers of students going home after just attending one class.
Speaking to some of the students I was surprised to hear that very few students have a full day at school and that none of them took mathematics or chemistry because it was to difficult.
But they are all experts at surfing their cell phones.
Thankfully the school that my grandchildren attend is full time and geared to educate the children and no phones are allowed.
Finally, the Medical field here in our city is filled with SA trained Doctors, plus South Asian and Chinese and a very few Canadian Doctors.
Each year the number of local folks increase the unemployment lines and get government assistance with money and food vouchers.
But they all have their cell phones and can afford smoking and vaping.
Wonder why????
Does it really matter who serves us best, Asian or Non Asian? Sitting in a medical practice this morning, i noticed of the 14 Doctors 11 had Asian names. My Doc is Sri Lankan and she is great, my cardio is a Japie from JHB and my Endocrinologist is Chinese, both are excellent. The cream rises to the top no matter where or how. They did a survey here recently, as a choice of career most people wanted to be Influencers.
It is called the WOKE CULTURE - which the ultra-left in te USA support, They hate the working class and wants to eliminate them and replace tem with slaves from abroad that would support them and replace the USA workers,
The Democrats wants to rcruit the foreign illegals into the army and give them aimmediate citizenship in return. Under normal circumstances there are tens of thousands of Chinese and terrorists that would become army trainees and will be exactly do what the Chinese and terrorist organiations wants them to do. That will be the end of the USA as a Democracy an another covil wa may erupt and te Chinese will laugh all the way to the Bank.
But then the USA will be deemed to become a protectorate of the Chinese and Democracy will be ended, In the meantime the Education Department will continue to destroy USA from within producing idiots to le free to become ubusable in future, The pest within must first be eliminated to get the people to et prper schooling to enhance people devlopment and the DP think that must neve appen as they ant he useless eaters out of the way.
Even in California the Democrats supporters are sick and tired of promotion of criminality by te State and rebelled and voted for moderates as DA in Los Angeles and Mayor of San Francisco They also voted for a law that increase charges for crimes that went unpunished before he November 2024 lection. It was so surprising to routine shoplifters tand othe criminals that stealing from shops and entering homes to commit theft are actually crimes. That while the Governor of California are creating a fund ti fight decisions of the Trump administration in courrts - the ulta-leftist BSter Newsome calls it Trmp profing California aimed atsabtaging the Trump policies beig implemented. Newsom is a Chinese operating agent in the USA and regular are involved in China aiding the undermining of govrnance in the USA.
Newsom aspire to be DP candidate in 2028 and he will not have zero chance as his policies caused over 1,5 million refugees fleeing from California to othe US Staes and eveybody kbows that he will dstroy the USA as much as he destroyed California, He in fact is a Communist and nothing else. He will obviously have the full support of the rpesent sie idits polluting this site.
Thanks but the question remains what does the Aussies regard as :influencers? Is that regarded as jobs in what fields?
I understabd that nedical and even other professional staff from Asia and even from SA are doing jobs which the Aussies and Americans regard as essentials. Take for instance two billionaires that made huge progress in the USA. The one is Musk birne in SA and raised here unti his prents got dovirced adn his mother moved ith him to Canada and the other is the Chinese owner of the Los Angeles Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong - who was borne and brought up in Johannesbug and graduated from Wits University and went to the USA and became one of the richest people in the USA. He now decided to turn the Times into a real newspaper and not the propaganda BS spreader it used to be.
I get the impression that both Musk and Soon-shiong learned somethig in SA that los its meaning in the USA - namely self-discipline tha went missing in the USA. That is wby the ultra-leftits wants them out of the USA because hey have become too close to what the US elite regard as undermining their ideas .
The fact is I still wants to know what do the Aussies means by being unfluencers? .
The media used to screa that Trump oppose legal immigration and that was a lie as well. Trump is accused of now being turned against what he promised votes in the eection. Trump never was against legal immigration and what he did rpomise the otes to save e USA by sending ilegal migrants to the countries theyc ame rom - starting with the hundreds of thousands of criminals the countries used billions in grants from the Democratic Party Government to pay them to keep their cotozens in their counries. They did the USA the dirty by emptying teir jails and paying the crminal crtels to smggle the crimianlsinto te USA. According to informatin coming out there were 458 000 criminals in jail for murder, armed robberies and secual crimes released from prison and now released in he USA, Those are the first people that would be sent to their countries of origin. The recorded criminals involved will be the firs to be extradie rom te US despit e effots of teh Dmocat Governors and C iy Council controlled by the Democrats tried to prtect from being sent back to the USA,
After that will follow the people from countries from terrorist supporting countries like Gaza, Iraq, Iran and Aghanistan that flooded in the USA under the previous regime.and amongst them are tens of thousands of illegal migrants now in the USA as well as tens of thousands of military age tha China exported to the USA and sent by the CCP to enter the USA through Mexico. To get ot of China is strictly conrolled by the CPP nd theat tens of thousands of Chinese sent to the USA are going to undermine the USA from within.
After that the unqualified people taking away jobs from US Citizens jobs that is undermining the Blacks and Hispanic working class will be sent back to their countries of origin - which mde up 90%, of the ilegal migrants wh are paid much less than unscruplous employers pay the migrants knowing that their real income will be added to by the Government. There were even reports in the New York Times that children are used as slave labourers without gettig paid anything after the original workers were fired to mae way for child laborers.
This site lot has a problem - they got used to the USA being run by weaklings as Presidents. The real ruiners were the combination of crooked bureaucrats and more crooked politicians. Trump is a strong leader and therefore the understanding of reality, Nobody wil ever boss im around and he will always be the final decision-maker,
In his first Pesidncy he did not handle the cleaning up of the Federal Governments Trump then found it to cleaan up the messs is virtually impossible because too many obstacles were raised by some Republican Senators uniting with the Democrats,
So Trump find the solution and three major decisions as to future policies followed:
* , The Public Service should be cleaned up by cacelling regulations that cost money to implement and is just wasteful expenditure.
* The Public Service should be run on the basis using Private Sector models as means of opeation; and
* Since the Justice Department and FBI should be ebuild into a crime investigation - since unde previous administrations they became the protectors of administrative fraud, bibery and corruption - their conduct indicating that they could run the WH as well. Wray smug conduct when questioned in Senate and House indicates that he could lie and get away with it
As a result Trump decided to appoit Musk and Ramaswamy and their legal and economic experts/ There are four major Departments that may result in being closed totally, Two such Departments are Health and Edcation. Both services in terms of the US Constitution be operated by the States and not the Federal Government. The Federal Department's main function was to get children indoctrinated Stalin style.
THe Dartments will be retained - but their functions changed to enhance eduction levels and nsuring States introduce programs that would improve the quality of education. In the case of Health Department will d overal management of approved programmes and co-ordinate medical reserch investigations.
The Major problem where corruption nearly sunk the two Departments with the administration being in total disarray. The books of the D efense Department was not edited since 2003 and last year the Republican Paty and assisted by a few Democrats refused to pass heDOD budget. So the audits started and was divided into 11 projects. In the first six reports the fiding was that there were no proof of how billions of dollars are spent. Then came along the 7th audit and the findings were pointing out chaotic financial management. The aount of money spent with no proof of where the money went and for what expendutre expenditure was used for.
There are four further 4 audit projects to be completed and those include the Navy and Air Force - by far the two worst administered components of the DOD. It is likely tat the unaccounted for expendture could be as high as $250 billion out f the total Defense Force Bdget of $850 billion.
That and that only is what Musk's and Ramaswami's serice are to be used for - nothing else, They have 24 mnths to clean up the public Service and gt it unctioning legally and onestly, That is why I am worried about the safety of Trump and Vance being assassinated by major means and not idividual basis. Senior DOD, CIA and FBI officials fear that they would not only lose their jobs - but do jailtime as well. That will be a
dangerous situation in the making. .
Who is the main owner of IBM? This company got a $156 billion contract from the DOD. A week before the allocation of the contract was announced Nancy Pelosi's husband bought $10 million shares in IBM/ That is how the politicians and bureaucrats operate in the USA operates, You can be sure the sweetheart deal would include circa $25 billion in backandes - normally the charge is 15% of the total contract price.
When Trump found out about the racket in 2019 he himself was involved in meetings with the potential fighter jets to replace the aging USA air fleet. Trump asked them for a price per jet and when they provided it -
* Trump reduce the amount per plane by 15% and offer them the reduced price; and
* Gave them lecture that if he ever find out that they are involved in payment of backhanders he wil make sure both the manufacturers and staff and politcians invovled would end up in jail.
The companies involved all accepted the Trump offered prices and the contract was eventually allocated, Delivery of the planes were delayed due to Covid and the first planes delivered took place when Biden was Preident. I will bet that the prices has gonme up 15% and the abckhanders are back alive and well. In the emantime the S Air Force must still e udited and the first thing Trump wil look at woulfd whether backhanders system having been re-introduced,
You would not read iabout it n the leftist media becuase it would detroy the Democrats as a Party The US on federal level is in compeititon with Ukraine as to being the most corrupt country in the Americas and Europe/
/ . ,
The hit is steaing in - but it will not work. The fct is that Trump ia not fightinga gainst immigration. The dama ge done to education since 2004 has been incalcuable - it wwas a total disaster.
In the period 2004 the qualitlity of edcuation dropped by 7 points - in tehcase of mathematics the drop was 14 pints, So the SA education system is undermining USA worlers,
So I want to see rests - not scare story BS.
By he way I ask you who ae the main owner of IBM? So when Soros and Gates wrote out policies for the Biden Idiot to impement he jsut sign o on it without really knowing what he was signing, N objectives from you and yo silly partners - now you talk about shit as a means to keep cocupied because you d not know what
Trump will be implmenting,
DumbMike, I object to these big global corporations killing competition regardless of whether the it is a left or right wing government. Neither
Hall Of Famer53,942 posts
The State Department created the Global Engagement Center with a ciew to deal with engagements with other foreign countriesm However, as expected the GEC liaised with the CIA and other Departmnts to undrmine through disinformtion to undermine free speech in the USA.
The House had enough of the BS and when Biden submitted a budget request to dund the Government Programs till mid- Marsh - he House deleted the funding atest allocation equest and the Snate did not have the numbers to change the House decision and rhw Department was forced to close the Agency on 23 Dember 2024.
So what would happen next:-
* The illegal and unconstitutional censorship of news will now stop;
* a saving of $61 million will kick in and
* 120 bureauats will lose their Jobs - good riddance, Maybe the Bureecrats lmay learn that the are paid to wotk and earn tneir living and that they are supposed to work to be paid salaies and that to lie is not aceptable in normal Society
First to go - thousnds to follow soon.