Anthony Fauci Receives Public Health's Highest Honor
More miions died fom Covisd and he is not a hero to to the millions whose family membErs died as a result of reasearch done and paid for by the USA Taxpayers.
Once the new AG is appointed both DR DEATH FAUCCI AND MILLEY WILL BE CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL OFFENCES despite all teemdia efforts to protect the two bastards,
There is another issue that came out in Senate evidence and that is the Health and Defense Departments conmtrol he operations of bio-labs in Ukraine where the US Government paidd for a ne bio=lab contructed and completed in 2018. The hatred of he Senators took off when Gabbard a day that the bio-labs activities in Ukraine was dangerous and should be stopped imediately, Senator Romney - another close friend of Biden and a renegade Republican demanded that action be taken against Gabbard - but he storm died,
So this week there are three nominations that the Democrats fear more than hey even fear Bndi's nomination as AG and that is the aaapointment of Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence - Patel as FBI Director - and Kenendy as Secretary of Health, The fact is Bondi and the oher three nominees will each have dire implications for corupt politicians and bureaucrats in Washington and the crooks will "Go to jail - Go directly to Jail - Don't pass GO and do not collect $200"
Fauci deliberately wanted people to get pressured into taking the vaccine....
I fully understand the need to want people to get vaccinated, because of the pressure it was putting on the health services, but given his overall involvement with the managing of Covid and the repsonse to it, including the rolling out of the vaccine.... he should be the last one making calls on how to guilt and pressure people into taking the vaccine..... deplorable
There will be once the FBI and Justice Department nominees are dealt with a detailed investigation wheher Dr Faucci got kickbacks from the Pharma Industry to enforce vaccnation of children and enforcement of people who ended up losing their jobs - 60 000 in the army and 30 000 in the nursing profesion - to illegally forcing US citizens to be vaccinated,
As it is I d not want to be in Dr Death's position at present,
Some backward stuff here folks....
Just one thin g was Dr Death Faucci not instrumental in funding of the gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab without autority by Congress to do the funding? Do you really believe that the vitus produced is not what started the pandemic in 2020?
Dr Faucci's prblem is he lied about the issue in evidence before the House and Senate to get him out of the real shit himself in and that alonecan send him to jail for a minimum of 6 years in JAIL,
"Some backward stuff here folks...."
Who exactly are you calling backward? Rand Paul?
54,034 posts
The Biden Administarion was a mixture of real maladministration and of outriight dishonesty. Th e fiut th ing of he Democrats have been to try and prevent the conirmation of Trmp's nominees by lies and deception as they ear what may come out and exposed by new nominees, So on their firt day on duy the first two nominees came out with information and what came out is disturbing and really othersome.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio
There are a number of Afghan pwoplw qho worked fir the US Defense Force for Decades and was together with their families prormised to be evacuated from Afghanistan by the U S Government and left behind during the flight from Aghanistan in 2021 by the US Army.
So what actually happened to these people that ere promised to be safeguarded? The firt Allied troops that in terms of the agreement by the Allied Governments to leave Aghanistan was the German Government stationed in Northern Afghanistan. They let Afghabistan in January 2021 dy after inauguration and took with them all their arms and vehicles together with all Afghnans working for them together with their family members and crossed the border of Afghanistan without any attacks or interference by the Taliban.
However there was still 2 500 US troops remaining in Afghanistan stationed at the major Bagram base outside Kabul and some Dutch and English troops left in Kabul and Italian troops left in Eastern Afghanistan. It wa then that the scandal started. The US troops left the base in the middle of he nigh without informing the Afghans at the base they are leaving and left 4 000 Afghan terrorists held in two prison at Bagram. That left the terrorists in jail unguarded and they just left the base and entered Kabul. The US Departure left thousands of US citizens ad about 60 000 Afghans working for the USA army and aid workers behind in Afghanistan together wih a massive amount of armaments - inclsuvie of secetly desigbed Black Hawk helicopters, Howe the insructions given to General Milley by Trump a to evacuation. When he told Milley that he must amke sure that during evacuation of all troops all military equipment must be taken out of Afhghanistan by moving ot to Pakisan where Khan was premier and not on the side of the Taliban and the other terrorists, Milley then told them it was too big a problm to take thearmaments with them and Trump losy his cool and told Milley to obney his instrucion ad said he would fire him if he does not execute instructions given to him.
The English and Dutch had full lists of their citizens and collaborators they wanted to evacuate and detailed lists of Afghans theywanted to take with them our of Afghanistan and they sent troops into Kabul to collect teh Dutch and English troops into Kabul to collect the Afghans and their families to take wih them and the Taliban that occupied Kabul by then and the Taliban objected to the that and the US General tried to stop the evacuationn by the English and Dutch troops entering Kabul to fetch their citizens and people they wanted to take ith them. That let to the English Major second in charge to call the US General he is a bastard and the English colonel in charge told him to F-Off, They completed their mission of evcuation and when their last people were evacuated their troops left Kabul. However, that was not the end of the story. The Dutch Minsister of Foreig Affairs got fired as a result and in the UK Parliament a motion of condemnation was passed unanimously,
Te US gve the list of people they wanted evacuated - but one wonders how many US citizens got out and how many Afghans and their families on the list were murdered. In the USA ex-army offices and donors tried to get organized and smuggled the people out of Afghanistan. The ex-army officers and donors then smuggled at leat 1 000 people out of Afganistan,
The US Government did tw things that was really despicable. In the first instance he US Government donated $67 billion to the UN to transer it to the Afghan Government and teh evacuation of 125 000 people started, The US Government had no idea about whm they eacuated from Afghanistan and whether the people they wanted ot was on the list of evacuees. However, it was clear that virtually none fothe people the USA wanted out ws on the people the Biden Regime called a suddessful and brilliant exercise - but was in fact chaotic, What is suspected is here were thousands of terrrists amongst the refugees the Biden Regime evacuated from Afghanstan.
The US Government went further and gave a report to CNN that te US people smuggling collaburators out of Afghanistan was fleecing he poor Afghans and CNN ran a series of allegations to the most succesful organizers to get the people out of Afghanistan endangering their own lives, The result was a libel suit against the main organizers of such evacuations was awarded damages and the judge asked the jurors not to destroy CNN totally and they must approve a lower copensation that would be reasonable. The end result was that CNN would pay $5 million to the main claimant that ws defamed and pay all the legal costs by the claimant.
Rather embarrssing - but what was worse was the following:-
After the above Trump said hewans the resignation letters invlved in the Kabul debacle on his desk after his inauguration or he will fire them all.
Milley epecting that Trump will win the electon chickebed out and resigned at the end of October 2024. He is not out of shit yet and Biden's pardon will not solve the legal problems the slimy bastard will face in US Courts, In the end the US Senators are in panic mood and desperately fighting against the appointmnt of Bondi as Attorney General and Patel as Director of the FBI. That was the mainn reason why they tried to prevent Hegseth's appoiting using smear tactics against him. Neither will they succeed with ther camapign against Bondi and Patel.
Director of the CIA John Ratcliffe
In 2014 Obama was informed that gain-of-function research are extremely dangerous and should be banned in the USA and he did ban it, Whether Obama knew it is doubtful - but Dr Faucci and one of his co-operatos decided to move the researh to the Wuhan Lab nd started coeruing the cost of the research by the USA taxpayers, However, Obama might have known because in the first week in January 2017 he withdrew the ban without telling the Tump transition team about the withdrawal.
At the start of Covid Pandemic the Heakth Department censored all news about the origins of the Covid virus, There were from the start qiuestion marks as to the origin of the virus since scientist believed it is not a virus that would develop in natiue, Early in Fbruary Dr Faucci and one of his co-workers went to See Trump to try and get his support for measures they wanted done. It ended up putting a wolf to guarding a chicken coop.
The first thing was that the Department of Health censored virtually all news on te vorus a disinformation and that includes allegations that the virus originating started at the wetmarket in Wuhan - even when there sere proof that only narket in Wughan was a fish market and not a wetmaket where all types of animals were sold, The WHO started an investigation that the market was where the virus orginated and that was not the stance of Dr Faucci, and President Xi.
Dr Faucci's advice was at best erratic and basically change from week to week. One week he stated thatmasks is worthle - the next week he stated/ In due cause it cae out that the USA funded the gain-of-funcion reaearxh carried outin teh Wuhan bio=lab ad the statement by scietists worldwide hat the Covid virus was artificially created at the Wugan lab,
Trump got more and more suspicious about the conduct of Dr Faucci and i September 2020 as advisor and he ordered that a scientiific imvestigation be done to determine where the virus originated and what the roleof th USA Heaklth Department on research done at the Wuhan Lab.
In the meantime Dr Faucci on a number of times were questioned in the Senate and House about the research doen and why he US Goernment funded ehresarchm
In February 2021 Biden was President and Dr Faucci was back in the WH and he terminated the Trump-ordered investigation and promised hat the CIA and FBI would finalize the investigation of the invtat ion and repor to the public with in 6 months after the announcement submit to the oublic what their findings were, That promise did not materialize and was a lie as well. A year later Biden anno unced at one of hsi rare press briefings in 2022 that the findings of the FBI and CIA was that there was no conclusive evidence that the virus originated from he Wuhan Biolab - another lie,
Biden was rather helpless in the situation - he could not embarrass President Xi - who had full evidence of his own invovlement in briery and crruption in China kept Biden under strict control, Dr Faucci kept lying in evidence before the House and Senate but it as evident that the USA paid the Wuhan Lab to do research on viruses, th next lie was yes - the USA did pay the Wuhan Lab t do work for the Heaalth Department - but it was not for gain-of-function research, Faucci was repeaedly reported by the Senate to Garland about lying under oath abou the gain-of-function research issue - but Garland as AG refuse to act on it and charge Faucci with that crime. Faucci by January 2024 was at 85 years of age - the oldest and ost highly paid official in the US Federal Service announced his retirement from the US Federal Public Service and kept on ducking and di ving about the USA Goernment unlawfully paid the Wuhan Lab to do research of a gain-of-function nature,
One of the first actions of Ratcliffe was to make the real report of the CIA on the findings as to the Wuhan Lab by the CIA and it was clear that the fac that the finding of the FBI and CIA on the origins as annunced by iden was really a cover-up and the real report indicated that there are real indications that the research done at the Wuhan Lab was the cause of the Covid Pandemic, Ratcliffe's findings on the report as relesed on his first day in office,
So Trump ordered the termination of Faucci's and Milley's security detail as a matter of REVENGE by Trump on Dr Death Faucci and of Milley each costing the USA $15 million per year, I was not revenge at all - iut was just ending a farce costing the USA taxayes $30 million dollas every year,
All Biden's pardons are not going to benefit the people he "pardoned", All of them will end up in Court on real criminal charges - bar Biden himself - bbecause he is suffering from dementia and will end up in an asylum or people wih mental deficiencies.
Every day is exposing more scandals and Trump fired 17 Inspecor Generals of various departments who did nothing to stop the rot of maladminsitrationa and bribery and corruption in the USA Federal Public Service and it si getting wose all the time. In he end Trump is not interested in REVENGE on anybody -he is fighting to wipe out crimnal tendencies in the USA Federal Public Service,