There is a move starting to get voter ffraud under control and stop criminal measures decide elecion outcomes.
There are three urgent issues that needs attention and will be provided for in a new Election Law:-
Cleaning up of voters roles to eliminat e dead voters and foreigners from voting in future elecions though through linking to the citizen records as well as eliminating dead and missing voters from voter roles through linking of civic programs of the Fecderal Government;
Banning States from sending votes by mail to voters before election - thus detroying vote security with millions of votes lying around in post offices and even in the streets at addresses votes are to be delivered to.
Banning all voter registation without proof of identity and proof of residence.
Banning of voting without producing the ID proof provided at registration.
Bringing in banning of vote harvesing after election day happening in a numbr of West Coast statesand delay votecounting finalization until the Democrats gained majorities in close races.
The above methods are all used by the Democrats to steal election outcomes and will be eliminated in future,
54,034 posts
There is a move starting to get voter ffraud under control and stop criminal measures decide elecion outcomes.
There are three urgent issues that needs attention and will be provided for in a new Election Law:-
The above methods are all used by the Democrats to steal election outcomes and will be eliminated in future,