Who was batshit to pick him?
Great - I did nt like the Gartz nmiion anyway. Hope Trump nominates Senator Hawley - that will send the Democrats crazy. He will really end the BS the Democrats made of jurispridence and ubdrmining of he USA constitution. The man is articulate and clerked for Chief Justice Roberts . He is not ging to protect Wray and he shit in both the Justice Department and the FBI.
Watch the following vido where he told Wray off:-
He lied also about how a person who made Molotov coacktails because no person were charged on what he said.
Wray lied again and the bastard paid the price of a first class ticket to cover the Jet costs
He also dealt with Mayorkas with the BS he did in the case of a murderer cming into the USA:-
Liars and crooks can expct no mercy from him.
Memoir of former German chancellor recalls US president’s soft spot for tyrants and apparent fascination with Putin
The word is trending as Trump makes cabinet picks – but it’s not the first time it’s been used to describe lousy leadership
Matt Gaetz running the justice department. Fox hosts in charge of the Pentagon and transportation. Elon Musk as head of layoffs. And Robert F Kennedy Jr and Dr Oz overseeing the nation’s health.
Some have likened Donald Trump’s administrative picks to a clown car; others are calling our incoming leadership a kakistocracy, or “government by the worst people”, as Merriam-Webster puts it.
Merkel was the one who negotiated the Minsk agreement which she couersi gne and a fterwards said he agreement as negoitatiated to give kraine time o imprv heir army and wa snever inended to be implented. She lied at he time of the engotatin in 2015 when she had meetings with Putin and then said Trump h ad a soft spot insiar as Putin is concerned and that turned me into non believer of the bitch.
Her rlationship wih Trump was always bad and he told her of about being totaly dependent on Russia for gas supplies undermine e opposition to Putin. He then orderd the ban on completion of the Nord Stream piepline. hile she was German Chancellor - something Biden lifted imemdiately after he became Presidnt and then sent in the US Maines to sabotage the pipeline. Lir = iar her pants are on fire. She gr up in East Gemany when Putin was head of he KGB office in East Berlin and that is a fact as well. Did se colaboraed with him then?
Would not be surprised if she did,
Shitoric bollocks. ................... quite shameful
Every appointment bar Gaetz were stars compared to te shit Biden appointed. The shit and destruction of he US Cnstittion under Biden was notorious and he destroyed the working class in the USA.
72% of the voters said Biden's economic policy was a disaster ad 61% of the voters said he was a disaster as President. The Democrats hate Trumps appointments because they would act against coruption in the USA. that thrived under the Biden Administration.
If ever there were shit appointments of unqualified and incompetent people it was those Biden made. I am deligted because it spells the end of fraud and coruption in te Federal Government ivolving both DP politicians and bureaucrats in e USA. That is what real SHIT is,
The fact is the panic in the ranks of corrupt Poiticians and bureaucrats are clear and they will certainly be fucked by the fimger of fate and derserve what they will enevitbly end up withm
.Why do you keep publication shit from The Guardian on this site?
I see Trump's suggested minister of Defence - a Fox and Friends host, is associated with the same stuff as Gaetz.
Trump initially considered Jeffrey Epstein as his VP from the grave and Ghislaine Maxwell as media liaison broadcast from
Why do you keep publication shit from The Guardian on this site?
Counterbalance to your persistent & shameful
Because it is shit dim cunt. What I write is what is proven in court and evidence - what you write is propaganda shit
Kremlin fed krap
I have a cure for your chronic insomnia .................... maar jou gat se moer.
Suffer you dirty ole man
Pease expain what stuff is involved in. I hope you have proof of it, The D P is des[erate - tey want to stay out of jail for bribery and corruptio and that leads tp end;ess l;ies they fabricate. I was against Gaetz becuse to my mind he was not te bbest man for the job.
Hope Senator Hawley is appointed - he wil send al the corrupt bastards to jail where they belong.
By the way Trump promised he would make Eystein custoers available to the Public and a few of he people you admirre is likely to be on the lsit.amd wil defnitely face cour charges as a result.
No wonder there were already two assassination attempts on Trump - a hord one before he becomes Presidnt is inevtiable. There will be a number of DP seats vacan in both the Senate and House becsue the present occuants will end up in jail.
All theater...lol.
"Who was batshit to pick him?"
Decoy...wait till you see the actual pick .
A ny of the above wi;; be 500 ties better than the shit Biden picled tp serve in his cabinet.
Barr is a heavyweight for sure. He is a full on fat blob of a man and a back stabbing coward. A real Rino Uniparty traitor.
Gaetz is very impressive. I have seen him operating at Congressional hearings. He is a brilliant guy.
The charges against Gaetz were dropped by the DOJ.
Loved the way Gaetz got rid of Rino McCarthy. Hahahahaha.
Gaetz is full on MAGA and will go flat out to bring to justice the many political criminals operating in Washington.
Unlike Sessions and Barr who were back stabbing Rinos, Gaetz will stand with Trump and other Patriots trying to save America.
A brilliant guy …hahaha….sounds like Gaetz won’t be standing with anybody any time soon. The blinkered zealots are a laugh a day.
McCarthy gets to laugh last!
MadMike is setting himself up for another sympathy rollout.
I have n problem with barr i that he did wha he did bcause doing oterwise would reprsent being a partner in crime/ Howeer in the end he supported Trump' election and clearly stated the reason in intrviews - he did support him because the Biden's presidency threatened Demcoracy and was undermining the U S Constitution. In an opinion po; saod te Bide presidency was a failure and a thread to the hman righs of people.
Those are facts and not fiction and I indeed hope Senator Hawley is nominated - he would clear ou te vipers nest the Justice Departmetn and FBI became. The altter dod what the KGB diid in the USSR and te Gestapo did in Nazi Germny. The respect people had for the FBI as destroyed amd the organozation needs to be ugarded toact as a crime fohting ut - which the are not at preent.
"McCarthy gets to laugh last!"
Mozart do youknmow anythin g about the real situation in the USA? McC arthy fight poeple he accised fo teing linkd to Communism - in spme cases he as right - in other cases he was wrong.
The present situation has nohing to do with any ideology and aims at trying tos top undermining of human rights in the USA and a return to C onstitutional Governace in the country.
The fct is the F BI wnet rogue and needs to be brought bck as a crime fig hting unit and stop bein g together with the Justice D epartment stop spying on inovent people and casing havoc in pesecution of opponents of the Biden Regime. Te Jusice Department and F BI beame he US version of te KGB inthe SSR and Gestapo in Nazi Germany. \
You obviously do not want to know of the 278 000 people the FIS Court found the FBI to be acting illgallyand unconstitutionally spied against. That type of cnduct befits a banana republic dictatorsship - but definitely something the USA has to fight against if it happens to them.
As was pointed out elsehere the present USA fedral government thrives on fraud and corruption ad the Justice Department and FBI did nothing about it,
I support anybody who tries to rid the USA from dictatorial conduct by institutions who are supposed to deal with crimes and rather became institutions that protect criminas and attack the humn rights of people.
I wonder what the crooks and liars will "discover" to discredit Bondi/ To be frank - they would probably come up with BS in that process.
Nice troll...
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