Milley was never involved in any battles and got his promotion sitting in an office in the Pentagon. The D OD is in chaos ith people do not know on what huindreds of Billions have been spent and the US A rmy has been weakened to a lvel that foreign countries do not resspect the U S anymore,
Milley ignored an instruction to withdraw the US A rmy from Syria and when Trump told him to ensure nothing of value are left bnehind - e told Trump it would be too difficult to remove military equipment from A fghanistan - so it has t be left behind.
When Trump ordered Milley to use the National Guard t protect the Capitol on Janary 6 he coluded with Nancy Pelosi to not carry out Trump's instruction on that core and help to ensure that the people incited by FBI officials could enter the Capitol;
The presence of bribery and corruption in the DOD is going to be wiped out by the enw Trump Administration and corrupt generals and army offices are going to be punished and the prime one of those will be General Milley.
Milley obviously knew that Trump would win the election and retired in October last year. He did that to prevent him be court Mashalled and discharged from the US Defnse Force in disgrace and reduc ed to the ranks toa level that he would have lost most of his pension benefits, Th e fact is that he may still be nished by reducing his rank to that of soldier losing most fo his pension benefots.
He is one of many criminals that would end up in jail anyway.
Hall Of Famer39,337 posts
says top MAGA Lawyer Mike Davis.
Milley said he would give advance warning to China if Trump decided to attack them.
Talk about TREASON.
Bye the way recall that WEF scumbag Klaus Schwab was a great admirer of President Xi and praised the CCP style of governance.
The Biden Admin was an illigitimate government installed by Glo balist forces.
Mike Davis Threatens General Milley