German State Elections in September 2024

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » German State Elections in September 2024

Sep 24, 2024, 16:40

The situation in German Politics is etting increadsingly unstable and the present Coalition Government is collapsing and in fact disintegrating.   

In the 2021 election the elected coalition  Government comprised of the following three parties formed a coalition Government:-

SPD       -   206  seats    25.6% of the vote 

Greens   -   118  seats    14.7 % of the vote 

FDP       -      91 seats     10,7% of the vote. 

Yje enw Government was from day one doomed because of the Ukraine War and the impact of bulk illegal migration prescribed by the EU.  For the rest Germany went into depresion and the oridinary people suffered.    The SPD hasd n internal problem and some of them left and supported a new party called he WSJ.  The latter Party has weird leanings like supporting Russia - being against illegal migrants - being against the Ukraine War nvolvement by Germany - but against capitalism in any form - so it is a reincarnation of the Communist Party in Germany. 

So what happened in the three State elections held in Germany this year:-

                                                    Thuringiia             Saxony       Brandenburg

SDP                                                     6                      10                      32   

Greens                                                 0                        7                       0

FDP                                                     0                        0                       0

In Brandenburg the SPD did well - but what is scary is the State Permier told Scholtz that he is not to come to the State to campaign in Brandenburg - while in exit polls two thirds of he oters said heyvoted for the SPD to try and keep the AfD fro-om taking power in the State through a coaltion Government betwen teh SPD and CDU, but a similar coaltion is improssible since the Greens lost all the seats and the CDU lost 2 seats so the new coaliion would not be able to Govern effectively would be a coalition between the SDP and the quasi-communists who got 15 seats.                                                                            

However, the upport of the Greens disintegrated totally and the FDP collapsed totally as a Party in th three  State elections.    For any Party to bein coaliion with the SPD in future will mean death to that Party,  Support of Ukraine in the war effort is dead amongst the voters and a daths ntnce to poiticla parties supporting that poiicy        


Sep 24, 2024, 23:32

a daths ntnce to poiticla parties supporting that poiicy       

It's difficult to debate when one's clueless as to what.t.f. you're talking about.


Sep 25, 2024, 01:10

Let me correct it for you:- 

"Support of Ukraine in the war effort is dead amongst the voters and a death sentence to political  parties supporting that poiicy".

The main Parties in Germany now  are the CDU (the Bavarian Banch are the CSU), the AfD and the WSJ,  The CDU moved to the right in a desperate attempt to go the same way as the SPD abd Greens 

The Greens hae thorouhly discredited themselves by supporting  projects costing billions of Eu and do no live up to expectations.

The WSJ are in fact in economic policy terms are closley associated with the ultra-leftists controlling te Democratic Party in the USA<   

Instability n the world are causing major problems for terodinry oters and destroy dmocracy at the ssame time.   Instead of being in alliance wwith Russia - the Democrtic Party letists are conoled by the Chinese.

The objectvies of the eftists are to create a world without bordes ntrolled by a dictatorship form of Govenment - where bribery and corruption are boundless tying up the leftist politiicans to do what they are told what they can do and not do by the real dictators who are the ultra-rich in the world,

if the Democrats win he 2024 election it will the last democratic election in the USA, - by 2028 the USA  the last vesiges in the USA wil be destroyed.



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