Great post DA.
StavASS is an empty headed weak loon. His lives in some sort of weird leftist bubble much like those other freaks we have here Blobbrain the bullshitter and the very Dense Denise the ultimate dork.
Elon Musk has been posting on this major issue, the biggest scandal in British history. One guy did a count and his posts already have been viewed by over 200 million people. The whole disgusting mess has exploded.
Elon posted an extract from the court papers and this is depravity the likes of which you have never seen before
He has accused Starmer of being complicit. Starmer was Crown prosecutor for 6 years knew about all this and did virtually nothing.
Musk has criticized the lawfare against Tommy Robison who has fought for years to bring this EVIL to the attention of the British People. I see many people at last realizing Muslims don't belong in the West with their defence of old men marrying children etc.
The left are of course the party of pedophiles and these are the people Bolbbrain and the very dense denise support. One can only conclude they support pedophiles.
Musk came out supporting Tommy Musk saying free Tommy Robinson. Farage stupidly tried to tell Musk that Tommy was jailed for disobeying court orders eg still showing his documentary. Musk blasted Farage saying he the r4ason Tommy was jailed but that the sentence was absurd. This was a civil conviction that ended with Tommy getting 18 months and being put in solitary confinement. The latter proving that this is all political.
Must went on to say Reform needs a new leader a Farage did not have what it takes.
On X various videos of Farage and his weak stance on Islam and immigration have been appearing and many people are incensed.
So how does this play out. My guess is that Musk wont back down. I think Trump's calculus is that Musk is a lot more valuable to him than Farage and he will side with Musk and give Nigel the message. I think Farage and Tice and reform will be forced to mend matters with Tommy who today is a British folk hero.
Bye the way these muslim rape gangs were so depraved that Farage said don't read the court documents you wont sleep at night. I only read a few lines and almost puked. Yes mike the number of British girls raped by these muslim rape gangs is estimated at 250,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody objecting to this was silenced, cancelled. Katie Hopkins says this all presents an opportunity to know stand together against this horrific evil and speak out. The tide has turned
I see Globalist Trudeau may be resigning next week. Lets hope so. He is another traitor deserving the death penalty
Devil's Advocate
Rugby Legend5,974 posts
Ok Stav, we may as well start a new thread on this issue
I will reply back to some points that you made, but also add some more context to this discussion as well.
"You mentioned something was potentially about to come out in the US media about Joe Biden or the democrats a few weeks back"
I said it was possibly about Kamala or Melania, and both of them had suprising news stories coming out in the media about a week later .... which I then said that I did not really consider big news....go back and check
But even that, how the hell does that constitute "Always" .... man you like to exaggerate things.
"Yet absolutely no one is talking about banning the Christian Church or blocking Christians from entering the country for some reason. (no I'm not advocating for that before anyone says I am)"
Then start a thread, because I have already discussed this specific issues many times on this forum before, going head to head with Beeno on it, saying the exact same thing that you are saying to me now.
"Perhaps I know whats going on my doorstep better than someone 12,000km away?"
You quite simply don't, so don't even try and pretend to.... because it is very much evidenced by your responses on here are so ill informed it is crazy.... to be very honest, you should actually be embarrassed.
"You're in denial about who's pushing this agenda, although its not entirely the far right."
You are in denial about anything Muslim related because you don't want to be seen as being racist by identifying a certain group that is responsible for absolutely heinous crimes against young White girls.
"Now there has been genuine cases where the fear of being labelled a racist has enabled crimes. The Rochdalle grooming case case being an example of that. There have been others as well, but again its been blown out of proportion by people with an agenda."
Rotherham, Telford and Rochdale are only a few places where this has occurred, with easily more than a dozen other places being identified already....but it has not been blown out of proportion at all..... the truth has just been revealed, that's all.
This article is available on the internet that is not behind a paywall, I suggest you read it, because it only came out two days ago.... you have no idea at all on what you are talking about, and this is very clear to me just from your comments on here.
Grooming Gangs
There has long been a reluctance by the police to investigate any crimes committed by the "Asian" community due to the sensitive and potentially racist implications it would bring to communities... or as has been discovered now...... it was "Politically Incorrect"....... which is a bullshit excuse.
The investigations were never carried out because there was a genuine concern that a race riot would develop, which I completely understand, but that doesn't mean you supress any complaints or investigations due to it being a sensitive issue.
What do you say about the former Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk confirming that Ex-Labour chairman Tony Loyd didn't want any abuse linked to the Muslim community because of the adverse electoral impact it would have.
What about in Rotherham, where a senior police officer told an upset father that the town would erupt in riots if the routine abuse of White children became public knowledge.
Rochdale police and social workers were both accused of failing to investigate "Asian" grooming gangs, because they did not want to be perceived as racist .... 9 men were eventually arrested, but by then, they had sexually assaulted and abused 50 young White girls...
Here is the report
Some people are reporting that up to 250 000 girls have been groomed, but nobody has yet confirmed this number.
Jordan Petersen has just come out and said that he knew very well about this issue 15 years ago, and that it was well known that the police were supressing any information about Pakastani men abusing young White girls.
How about another senior police official saying that the abuse by Asian men of young White children, has been going on for over 30 years, but that it needs to be kept quiet due to it being doing by "Asians"
How about another daming report from the West Midlands Police that stated that "Pakastani" men were grooming young white school girls with alcohol and drugs, and that the West Midlands Police have admitted that they supressed this report to avoid inflaming racial tension.
Here is the report
Asian Grooming
How about another report in 2019 from a detective that reported that "Asian" grooming gangs were left alone to roam the streets and target young White girls, because the police were told to target other ethnicities to investigate.... here is the report.
Other Ethnicities
What about the one time where the police even tipped off the abuser that the child had come in to make a case against him, so he sent her a message whilst she was still in the police station, saying I have your 11 year old sister with me, so you decide how this goes from here....
She dropped the case
Maybe you can explain why Qari Abdul Rauf is a convicted grooming gang leader, who was stripped of his British citizenship and ordered to be deported after being found guilty.... 9 years ago.
Why is this convicted sex offender still living in the same city as his victims, 9 years after being convicted and "deported"
Why is it that in England and Wales, 6785 incidents of sexual grooming were closed, yet 32% of those cases requested the suspect to not be identified.
How effective is your police force, when they arrest the fathers of the young children that they are trying to rescue from being held against their will from Pakastani men.... how pathetic is that...
Or, how pathetic is it that they are arresting 12 year old girls for being drunk in a house with 6 Pakastani men .... yet nothing at all happens to these men...
More police officers are coming forward with evidence saying that they were specifically told not to hassle or arrest Pakastani men due to the sensitive race relations in these towns, and to overlook grooming and sexual assault and abuse.
You know nothing Stav, evidenced by your ridiculous and naive respones to this issue.
How about waking up to the fact that from 1997 to 2016.... 1 in every 73 Muslim men was prosecuted in Rotherham for grooming young White girls.
Grooming Gangs Truth
Have you even read the 16 page sentencing remarks / outcome of his honor, Judge Peter Rook QC from the 27th June 2013, regarding the big trial of these men ....Akhtar Dogar, Anjun Dogar, Kamar Jamil, Mohammed Karrar and Bassam Karrar..... I did, and I do this to actually learn about what has happend in the past and what is still currently happening to these young vulnerable White girls all over the UK.... unlike you.....
Google it.
Here are some excerpts from Judge Peter Rook when sentencing.
"To enforce your demands, you told her that you’d come and burn her house down, and burn her little brother. She believed you and it was always in the back of her mind."
"Quite apart from using her for your own sexual self-gratification, you coerced her into providing sex to vast numbers of strangers. Up to four or five men would be invited to addresses so they could have sex with her. Men were brought from Bradford, Leeds, Slough and London. Sometimes the sex would be photographed no doubt to lure more customers. Men would say they had come a long way to see her. AB describes you and the men who would come as having a “pack mentality.” You were oblivious as to what was happening to her. She became emotionally and physically exhausted. Threats were made to kill her. Your only concerns were your own self-gratification and the satisfaction of your customers so you could achieve commercial gain from arranging for others to abuse her. If she resisted, she would be coerced. Customers would become angry. For instance if oral sex was required, her head would be pushed down, her hair pulled and she would be slapped. Strangers would burn her with cigarettes. A stranger almost throttled her. One deliberately scratched her vagina with his nails. One inserted a hairbrush into her vagina"
"One of the rapes of which you have all three been convicted relates to the terrifying ordeal to which you subjected AB at Shotover Woods [Count 10]. This episode provides a graphic example of how you would react if she failed to comply. AB pretended she had a period to avoid sex. You, Akhtar, reacted by putting your hand down her trousers so as to check whether this was true. You Akhtar, Anjum and Kamar Jamil then embarked upon a wicked plan to punish her for lying. At night you took her to a remote car park up a hill near Shotover Woods. It was pitch black. You ignored her pleading. You made her get down to her knees and forced her to give each of you oral sex. You subjected her to verbal abuse telling her that she knew what they do to pigs, and they were going to cut her throat if she did not comply.” It is a clear inference that you had invited others to join you. Another car arrived within 10 to 15 minutes. There were four men in that car. She was made to give oral sex to all four. She said they were all encouraging each other. You then abandoned her. Ironically, so pitiful was the state in which you left her, she had to contact you as she felt there was no one else she could turn to in the circumstances."
Then lastly and disgustingly
You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet. Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13. When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion"
"Mohammed Karrar, on one occasion when GH was 12, after raping her, she threatened you with your lock knife. Your reaction was to pick up a baseball bat with a silver metal handle, strike her on the head with it, and then insert the baseball bat inside her vagina. You treated her as if she was your commodity. You branded her (with your initial near her anal passage) using a hot hair pin. If GH did not comply with your wishes, if you were not with other people, you would lose your temper with her. As part of the grooming, you would provide her with crack cocaine and you injected GH with heroin on numerous occasions (Count 40)"
You pretend to know what is happening, but you have absolutely no idea at all Stav seriously don't, and nothing you reply with will convince me that you do..... you are extremely ignorant to such a huge and sensitive issue.
Now call me a racist as much as you want to, I face reality, which you wouldn't see if it hit you straight between the eyes.
I have seen old and current information, evidence and testimony on this specific issue.... from citizens, senior police officers and government officials that clearly indicate to me that this has been covered up on a national scale, to prevent racial tensions or even race riots all over the UK, and if you want to keep denying that, go ahead, continue being ignorant, but at least research what has happened, and what is still happening on your very own doorstep, before professing that you do know, and accusing others of not knowing anything.....when very clearly you personally don't and never have known anything.
I would also strongly suggest you start taking a bit more interest and pride into what is actually happening on your own doorstep and stop labelling people racist or bigots for pointing these very serious issues out for you.