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Hegseth gets confirmed

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Hegseth gets confirmed

Jan 25, 2025, 04:37

Well done Mitch for having the courage to resist this unacceptable choice. To think that this immature man is going to be  in charge of the US military capacity is unsettling, especially when you consider the chain of command:

Following the Goldwater–Nichols Act in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, either individually or collectively, as the chain of command goes from the president to the secretary of defense, and from the secretary to the regional combatant commanders.

This could also very well become a problem for Vance who cast the majority vote, something which becomes part of his political resume.

Jan 25, 2025, 09:41

Twot hings in the  D O D  to stop is the fact that massiveamunts is bein g spent by the  DOD that according to audit reorts nobody knows on what the money was spent and for what services payments were made,   Iro of the 7 audits done at least $80 billion has gone missing.

The Navuy - where production and maintenance of nuclear powered and armed submarines have collapsed totally since -

  •  the funding for manufacture  of  2 such new sus are proided evey year only one such submarine is completed every 18 months; and
  •  20 of h e 60 such submarines are due for maintenance and not operational at all with maintenance bein g down near to zero;

there are some vey real cleanng up of management necessary and Trump hs appointed a top businessman to  help Hegseth in cleaning out that management mess,   

The fact is that  Trump's problem from the start was that the DOD managment was and is in chaos  and the target of  Trump waa always to have somebody as Scretary of  Defense that would act on cleaning up the financial management of he Pentagon and make sure that the DOD caries out political orders given to the army like -

  •  the disastrous trop withdrawals from Afghanistan;
  •  withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria after te killing  of the ISIS  head; and
  •  the refusal to execute a legal instruction to send the national gueard to protect the Capitol on Janauy 6 2021 - when Milley colluded wit h Pelosi not to send the troops; and
  •  to deal with regular telephonic conversatins Milley had with the Head of the Chinese Army.

The other political issue is the DEI targets set by the DOD as to recruiting of troops - which caused not meeting in recruitment targets  and idiots like  your Illinois stating that illegal migrats should  be recruited to make up the shortfall and after 3 months trainin be granted US Citizenship,    Incidentally the main recruitment areas for USA troops  have always been the rural areas and those were speciaifically exluded from such recruiting by the Biden set-up and since the election the DOD was flooded by new recruits from rural USA. 

The  DOD  was militarily, administratiely and  politically  sick and one of he main targets of the set-up of DOGE will be to clean up that mess as well. 

The above all came out of official reports of the Senate, House and audits and the fact is that one wonders why in WW 2 there were 8 top generals and Admirals in charge of the  DOD and now there are 32 - most are deskbound in the Pentagon.

The President is in terms of the US Constitution Head of Armed services of h e USA and if he is politiciall y undermined - like  happened the case was duing the first Trump presidency - the question is was he appoinment of an outsider with real military experience as a fighting soldier not the answer to the obvious ills of the armed services in the USA. 


Jan 26, 2025, 06:30

Its like the launch of a long awaited new reality tv series.

Jan 26, 2025, 11:14

Great pick by Trump and a vast improvement on what has come before. 

Hegseth will end all the wokeism, transgenderism etc that our resident pervs so love. Removing woman from combat roles is also a great move.

Getting rid of treasonous generals like Milley who had to get a pardon from Globalist traitor Biden shows what a scumbag Milley is.

The US mitary needs to be rebuilt and become the lethal force it is supposed to be. Hegseth will ensure this happens.

Rinos like McConnel with his Chinese wife whose family are well connected to the CCP has always betrayed the American people and is today a hated figure in the Republican party. Collins and that Alaskan nutjob are democrats and are doomed.

Typically ou mozzietard supports the worst remaining elements of the Republican party. Fortunately for America Globalist like Mozzietard have ended up in the trash can. Bwahahahahaha.

Yes indeed Mike, accountability is coming to the corript Pentagon where billions have disappeared.

Hegseth is a Harvard graduate, very articulate and a veteran well versed in military matters. Above all he is a Patriot and will do a great job. 

Hegseth must root out all the Globalist traitors. 

Nice to see all those fired for not taking the deadly Covid jabs will be reinstated with back pay. Also great to hear that recruitment is going to be off the charts as military people flock to be part of this great military that will be forged. 



Jan 26, 2025, 14:10

A soldier with the rank of major with degrees from Princeton and Harvard can't be that bad?

Jan 26, 2025, 17:11

I had plenty of chaps from Harvard and Princeton reporting to me….it’s no guarantee of smarts. Hegseth has many issues….booze, women, general immaturity  and having never run anything consequential in his life. 

Jan 26, 2025, 17:46's not ideal, but no desaster either.

Jan 26, 2025, 18:46

Time will tell….this is a crucial cabinet position. I hope he grows into the role and isn’t another Anthony Scaramucci.

Jan 26, 2025, 19:10


Trump knows perfectly well of the amount of backhanders attached to DOD contracts and the situation got worse under Biden.    H did not want any people with links to the Armaments Industry in three crucial positions, namely -

  •   Hegseth as  S=cretry of Defense;
  •   The industrialist he bominated to eb Secetary of the Navy
  •    The other indusrilaist he bominated as Sevrtary of the Air Force,

I think temision f the three people mentioned is to clean out the financial mismanagement at present causing havoc in the DOD   He also want DEI out o the DOD and the quota system the Biden dministartion introduced wen it comes too recruitment of pesonal - whic resulted in the DOD  was unable the recruitment falling short of targets,   

The other problem Biden caued was after hrrendous treatment - the DOD fired circa 60 000  soldiers because they refused to be vaccinated against CoVID,   The D epartment then thought they would recruit replacemnts and it did not materialize,   So the D OD panicked and offered the 60 000 fored staff members to return to duty - but once bitten - twice shy - hey refused to return.    o Tump promised them that they would get full pay rom the date they were discharged to the day they re-enter the service and now theya re prepared to come back into the army, navy and air-force.    The appointment of the no-nonsense Hegseth will ease there return to the DOD as well,   

Perhaps the D OD was he gratest disaster f the Biden Admministration and the situation would now under new management improve, 


Jan 26, 2025, 20:23

Hegseth is a joke. Other than the billionaires, most of Trump's selections are lackeys. 
The US president usually has a much stronger team. 

Jan 26, 2025, 20:56

Wha was 100% of Biden's appointees oher han incompetent lackeys.   *9% has no idea about theyw ere supposd o do and even he  Secretary o he Treasury did not know what was in the Bidget she was discusseed in teh Senate,   They tried to klie their way out while givin g evidence unxder oath and a number of the liars were referred  to the A  G Garland - who refused to prosecu the liards.   He used the FBI to spy illegally on political opponents and according to FIS court findings it happened to 278 000 people.  However there are reports that he actual numer awas ovver 1.3 ,mi;;ism proplr/

Trump in the main picked experts in his Cabinet bedcause the financial management of Depatments became a joke in disastrous management. 

The DOD books were never  audited since 2003,   In 2023 the House decidEd not to allocate any money to the DOD unless the books are being audited,   So in 2024 audits were introduced  and spread over 11 components,   The first 7 compnents have been completed and all seven auits was totally unacceptable,   There were $80 billion of te budget made avaliabie spent - but nobody could account n waht the money was spendt,   That accounted for 25% o the total money alocated in the budget,   

It is ntt he only  Department where it happened - in the Deoatmnt of Homland eciroty $283 billion was asownr and there were no proof og ehy and for what th money was spent on.   

 So somebody must clean up the disastrous mess the US Govenrment is in and for that he needs people like Heseth tos top the diabolical mismanagement.    I am very sirry - but if you think otherwisse you liv in lala land.      

Jan 26, 2025, 22:11

Putting religious people in the government is not a good idea. A country needs to go forward, not backward. We need people with plans, not hope for divine intervention. 

Jan 26, 2025, 22:13

Well at least he served his country.

He will shake the scumbags out within the military and the contractors.

So give the man a break.

Better than having Biden's choice and Millie with his team running the show.


Jan 26, 2025, 22:50


The  DOD is a snake-pit of corruption and much of the kickbacks from the arms industry benefit polticians.   That is why the  Democrats are in panic about Hegseth.  He is bound to find out where the money went and who gets kickbacks amongst the politicians and officerss,   .   

Politicians and in the case of the DOD senior officers are  i cahoos with the rmaments industry and that will end tto. 

Trump did not make appoinments on the basis of religion - he is trying to get a corrupted Federal Public Service back on track,   He fired 17 Inspector Generals because they did bugger-all by acting against individuals when audit reports indicatmismanagement - which is one of the tasks why they are appointed to ctrol and investigate and he relevant IG's did bugger-all for the work theya re suppsed to do and Trump fired them.

That is why they fear Bondi and Patel,   They know that if the wo get the evidence they will end up in jail.    



Jan 28, 2025, 16:11

This kid is going to be resisted every step of the way…and chewed up by the bureaucracy.

Jan 28, 2025, 17:33

Maybe...and maybe not...there might be some or other plan...must say, his drinking and infidelity does not sit well with me...he's got weaknesses that will be exploited...

Jan 28, 2025, 17:36

Bozo has surrounded himself with incompetent lickspittles.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is either brainwashed or delusional.

Jan 28, 2025, 17:40

You're wrong again Rudehole...buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride!

Jan 28, 2025, 17:43

As if further proof were necessary . . . the most gullible and easily influenced fool on the board makes my case . . . 

Edit: Other than Baboon-ou of course, but that should go without saying.

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