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How Biden tried to turn the USA into a banana republic dictatorship ruled by the Public Servants

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » How Biden tried to turn the USA into a banana republic dictatorship ruled by the Public Servants

Jan 28, 2025, 10:18

The big scream of the Democratic Party wa how te economy wa booming and how the appointment figures were up massively. 

So lets look at the real total number of Federal Public Servants in the USA.    the figures were as follows:-

2020       =     1,956,539

2024        =    3 054 000

Additional Public Servants do not add to the value of the GDP of the country - it in fact undermine it through fruiles and wasteful spending of money.

What is equally important is the Federal Debt Limit  - when Biden took over as President the Fedeal Debt Limit was $26,5 Trillion  of which S4,6 trillion was spent on sustaining US people to help them to ovecome the effects of COVID lock downs,   According to USA Audit Reports $5,4 billion vanished into thin air in  Dmocrat controlled States and Cities and follow up investigations were never a priority underaking by the Justice Department and FBI.

The present Federal Debt Limit is $37 tillion when Trump took over    If one look at the employment numbers one cn understand where the fruitless and wasteful expenditure went,    The incresed loans were neeeded to fund -

  •    a 33,3% in salary expenditure iro Federal Salary expenditure; and
  •    steful and fruitless expedniture on a masive scale - inclusive of a majr level of bribery and corruption - rn out of cotrol, 

What is even worse is that 90% of the Public Servants have not spent a day in office for thee years.  So hwat the hell did the new 1,1 million people do in that period.   

The above shoed a very sick Public Serice under he most corupt President in the history of he USA.   In te USA everyone was looting, everyone was stealing and the Democrats had a royal time in destroying he USA economy.

Wonder what Biden learned fom Zuma or whether Zuma was just following the normal example set by Obama, Biden and other crooket  DP criminals and a ew Republicans aas well.       That is the reason why the Dem politicians  fight the Trump nominees as if their lives depend on it.    Like he case is with Biden 'pardons" the crooks are trying desperately to stop certain appointments.   The answer is simple - the Senators involved are fighting the appointees because they fear they are going to jail if the appointments are confirmed.                


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