THe latest report on tte Navy and especially the construction of nuclear powered submarines is in a shocking condition.
2019 Trump authorized the cnstruction of 2 nuclar powered submarines pe year and the programe broke down into chaos through absolute disstrous management and it now takes 18 months to built one submaine,
But that is not the worse of the 60 such submarines only 40 is operational and the others are in the yard for repaors which never seems to be finalized. Biden promised Austrlia 8 nuclear powered submaies but at prsent rate of construction it would take twenty years to construct those 8 submarines, .
I do not know how Phelan is going to solve the mismnaagment of the navy expansion progam and when the yard will go on full producion capacity that would meet both producion of new submarines as well a repairs of existing smaries would be managed to save the navy from selfdestruction.
The above info as provided by a Marine officer who is now a Senator. and stated that Musk will help Hegseth to sort out the sorry mess the army and navy has become under diastrous management, He went om to say ta Hesteff appointed will be supported in the Senate. All Republican Senators are upset by the disasrrous situation the army and navy are in at present,
Hall Of Famer53,942 posts
THe latest report on tte Navy and especially the construction of nuclear powered submarines is in a shocking condition.
2019 Trump authorized the cnstruction of 2 nuclar powered submarines pe year and the programe broke down into chaos through absolute disstrous management and it now takes 18 months to built one submaine,
But that is not the worse of the 60 such submarines only 40 is operational and the others are in the yard for repaors which never seems to be finalized. Biden promised Austrlia 8 nuclear powered submaies but at prsent rate of construction it would take twenty years to construct those 8 submarines, .
I do not know how Phelan is going to solve the mismnaagment of the navy expansion progam and when the yard will go on full producion capacity that would meet both producion of new submarines as well a repairs of existing smaries would be managed to save the navy from selfdestruction.
The above info as provided by a Marine officer who is now a Senator. and stated that Musk will help Hegseth to sort out the sorry mess the army and navy has become under diastrous management, He went om to say ta Hesteff appointed will be supported in the Senate. All Republican Senators are upset by the disasrrous situation the army and navy are in at present,