Jimmy Dore interview - “The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Jimmy Dore interview - “The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker

Sep 22, 2024, 19:35

So many democrats leaving the party. 

This is a very interesting video as t gives real insight into what he demonrat party has become. a party of the elites. Evans tells how the democrat convention so turned her off. She and jimmy are good examples of disillusioned democrats. They feel the Republican party now represents the worker and the demonrats the corporations.

Sep 22, 2024, 19:38

Here is an example

CORRUPTION: Ever wonder how politicians get so rich? They funnel billions into NGOs where their families work and who pay them to speak and to serve on boards. The $24 billion California spent on the homeless crisis went almost exclusively to NGOs who rely on a steady stream of homeless people to justify their existence. The more people homeless the more they make. The incentives are perverse.

Since 2019, California has poured $24 billion into addressing the homelessness crisis, yet much of this funding ended up in Democrat-aligned NGOs, serving as employment pipelines for Democratic politicians and their families. Despite the massive investment—equating to about $160,000 per homeless person—the crisis has worsened, with homelessness higher today than it was before.

Sep 23, 2024, 01:02

It turned out that the Green  and health policies of the Democrats are totally cotrolled by Gates and the policy for law and order and open borders were  compiled by Soros,   Soros's son goes  to the WH  at least once a month to ensure his fathers polcies are implemented and Gates met with thee Secretaries of Energy and his contro of  the WHO is complete,   Whatsoever the WHO wants is automatically the policy the present regime implements.

Aside from that in the Democratic controlled States and cities the AG found that an amout of $5,4 billionm allocated to assist businesses suffering from the  Covid Pandemic economc side effects - vanished into thin air,    

The findings of the Suprme Court decision on abortion never mentioed in the media indicated tha the control of the process by bureucratic regulations leads to major corruption and that was  one of the reasons why the Court inisisted that  States must pass legislation that would eliminate  corruption.    Billions of dollars disappeared anually into corrupt  payments and kickbacks.

When the top structures of the DP is controlled by people like Biden, Pelosi and Schiff involved in corruption -  one can expcct nothing else than corruption from the lower levels of the Party.   Take for instance Baltimore - the Government spent billions for upgrading progams of the city and nothing is ever upgraded.

Mozart himself wrote about the city of Chicago deteriorated badly - but money is spent on it yet nothing positive ever materialized,   California is no differemt than what is happening in New York, Chicago  and St Orleans - but in Texas cities the same happened and the Mayor of Dallas decidd he is leaving the DP and joined the Republicans. and cities in Florida do not have similar poblems as happened in Democratically controlled States and cities.

In essense the Democraic Party endorses corruption as a way the politicions an bureaucras operate on a wide basis.   .



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