Yes men in powerful positions mostly think that they are bless to do, say or claim whatever they might wish.
It is going to be made clear just who believes they are above the law.
Roll it out Matt.
Wonder why the Epstein list of "Dirty Old Men with money" is not being released.
Money, money and more money is perhaps the hold up or what?
Hall Of Famer39,337 posts
As it so often happens it takes the truth time to win against lies.
It look increasing the Matt Gaetz is going to win his battle against those wanting to get him
Gaetz and others are also threatening to release the names of all House members who used the House Ethics Committee slush fund to hush allegations of sexual assault etc against members of the House. Over 17 million dollars has been paid out so far.
I anticipate Gaetz will eventually be exonerated but many Demonrats are going to be exposed as sexual predators and possibly some GOP members as well.
It's going to be hilarious to see how this all backfires.
It was also hilarious to see President Trump shut down ideas that Elon would become president. Demonrats are trying to drive a wedge between Trump and Musk. President Trump reminded the idiots that as Musk was born in South Africa he can never become president. Man are these people dumb!