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Jonathan Pie ... With corporate greed out of control, it's time for Labour to start governing.

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Jonathan Pie ... With corporate greed out of control, it's time for Labour to start governing.

Feb 02, 2025, 04:39

Feb 02, 2025, 05:56

Governing what and how?   Starmer cannt govern anyhing and if he tried he will lose even more support than he already lost.     If he last for more than a year he would be gone and the Labour Party will in panic get rid of him and replace him with aa real piece of shit.   Idealogues are based on governance that is disastrous and that will end up like happened in Germany and France,    

In Germany there is an election in three weeks and the present indication in opinion polls that the Socialists and Greens will be the third and fourth biggest parties in the Reichstag - with the AfD increasing their voting support by 3% and is now by a distance he second biggest Party - so despite promise of Merkel in the past that the DCU-CSU  will not be co-operating with the AfD will be out of the wndow,   

In France the enxt Presidential election will be in 2027 and Macron is moving to the right to  try and get Trump's support in that election.   It is not sure what will happen i that election and it is likely thatLe Pen wil end up as President of France.  


Feb 02, 2025, 20:17

I don't think I've ever disagreed with Jonathan Pie. Probably my favourite commentator since I discovered the internet.

Feb 03, 2025, 04:43

I watch   him a number of times and wha  he advertie is leftist BS with n dea abiou iplementation and like in the Biden Adminis tration always tuurned into shit,


Feb 03, 2025, 09:51

Thanks ou Maaik.

As I'm sure I've told you before, having a staggeringly stupid and hopelessly brainwashed fool take an opposite view to mine is always welcomed. It validates my viewpoint.

So thank you.

Feb 03, 2025, 14:17

Foeitog dofdoos - you have no ideas about brain functioning and knows shit about everything - so you believe the media shit you get and end up being a total idiot.   

Feb 03, 2025, 20:21

This fool should stick to the simple stuff he understands.

Feb 03, 2025, 20:27

Who's the fool your opinion?

Feb 03, 2025, 20:37

Pie….an ignoramus shouting out the obvious.  The more he shouts the less he knows. Economics for morons.

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