Justice Is About To Come For Liz Cheney and the J6 Committee!!!

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Justice Is About To Come For Liz Cheney and the J6 Committee!!!

Dec 02, 2024, 20:11

As you watch this video recall that so called "republican" Mozzietard was very critical of Trump regarding J6. He was sprouting  all the Globalist mediaJ6 lies that are not being completely smashed.

His big pal Liz Cheney actually showed her true colours and campaigned for Marxist Kackling Komrade K. 

Cheney of course holds the record for the biggest defeat ever of a sitting member of congress.

Be assured these liars on the j^ Committee and Piglosi are going to be investigated and jailed. NOTE THE PART WHERE IGLOSI ADMITS TO CULPABILITY.

Mozzietard and the very frot five have no idea how embarrassing things are going to get for them.

Dec 03, 2024, 10:21

Liz Cheyne's main problem is not the January 6 issue - it is he fathes amd her own role  is  links to  Haliburton - one of the msot corrupt companie sin te USA/   In 2006 when her father Dick Cheyne was running the war mongring in the USA  Haliburton got without going through the normal tender process a $150 billion conract from the US Defense Department to render supportiv services to the US Army in Afghanistan and  Iraq,       

When te USA fled from Afghnistan the Hliburton services ended in tha country - but it continues t operate in Iraq.   When te rssian Invasion followed the Haliburton contract was extended to cover that ant assistance and they opeate now from Poland.'

Trump in 2019 questioned the legality of the Haliburon contract and  threaten to have the contract and its real contribution to the Defense Force investigated - Liz Cheyne ovenight started her own battle with Trump.     

Haliburton is one of the first cintracts that will be investigated by DOGE and will likely lead to corruption charges against Haliburton and conequently against the Cheyne's.    It is going to have nasty cosequnces for the  Cheyne family and the money laundering system would end.   That is the main eason for her working with Harris to try and aoid a Trump Presidncy.   I believe the shit si going to hit the fan with both Cheyne's spending  a nice and long period in  jail or in her faher' case an ayslum for the elderly with mental problems,  Bien and Dick Cheyne  will share a room in such an asylumn - but Liz will go to  jail with nough trans men that will cause her real problems.   

As fa as he January 6 commitee i concerned she will ave real problems as well - yhey destroyd documents of the House and that ads another 10 years to her other problemsa as well,   Would not like to nb in hershoes as well as Pelosi and Schiff's shoes when the shit hits the fan as well.   

Although Biden is trying to stop FBI investogations of the Biden, Pelosi and schiff corruption involving Ukraine and Russia - there is also the Clinton invovlement in a host of countries and companies who dunded he Clinton Foundation that will d p with 90% of the contributions used by the C linton family and also Bill Clinton involvement with Epstein and his pedohile trips to Epstein's island activities.     

A nsty lot of criminals protected by he FBI and Justice Department is going to be bad ws for both pltico;s and bureaucrats, as wella s the discrediting of he Democratic Party.   Cannot wait to see Sciff folloing the menenedez route to jail.    Obviously Roinek will still have Schiff a his hero - remember he was praising Schiff when he was the leading liar who ran the DP effort to impeach charges initialy and then the cond impeachment trial that Cheyne supported.    

The shit is going  to hit the  Democrats sooner than they think and he majority would say we did nothing wrong -but endd up being in the wrong.   Wonder what will rmain fot eh present Democratic Party led by crooks at present?


  ,  .   


Dec 03, 2024, 10:44


Dec 03, 2024, 11:14


Dec 03, 2024, 13:42

 fct is my dea supporters hat you better read upabout Halibrtn comapny nd hir contracts with the Defnse Force dting rom 2006 wen the company without tendring got a huge contact to opeate in Afghanistan and Iraq,     A t the time D ick Cheyne wa the War Tzar a Deputy President under Bush and was linked to the Defense Department nad got two contracts from the Defense Force.  They represented huge profits to the Cheyne family.

The mneymaking BS was exposed by Trump in 2019 when he sai he is going to hav e thecompany investigated for bribery and corruption.   Liz Cheyne -another enficiary fro Haliburton becae an arch-enemey of Trump and ended up being kicked out of the Republican Party and campaigning with Harris -but her hate campaign was usuccesful/

So now she is even in deeper shi sice a fer the A ganistn dister engineered by Biden Haliburton got a new contract from the Defene Department in 2022 torendr the "same services" again wihout following tender pocedures,    Th ey operate from Poland at this stage,

Haliburton is one o the worst C oapanies in tehUSA and regarded as basically a moneylaundering operation.   So they will be the fist target of DOGE and the Cheyne family will not survive withourt being in seious truble.    

So she is introble too for her role in he Jan 6 committee and for destroying documentary eviidence as well,     Whoever decded o destruction of the documents and all members invoved will be in deep shit themselves .

The rest of the Democrat crooks are going to go down the drain as well.   THe FBI must by now be fultime busy wih destroying documents they refuse o investigate as o both the Bidens, Schiff and Pelosi.    The kickbacks they recived r U S Ai Fuds wer massive.    So enjy it whn your heroes go to jail/


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