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Liberal nations and criminal societies

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Liberal nations and criminal societies

Feb 03, 2025, 16:54

When taking a look at various societies for comparison, one of the closest things to emerge as close to liberal nations is nazi germany. Nazi Germany was the closest thing to liberal nations, the main difference being that judeophobia was essential to nazism while it is not essential to liberalism.


Other societies close to liberal societies are criminal societies (which explains how crime thrives so much in liberal societies) In fact, the law makes the difference between the two, not the actions. Liberals act the same way as criminals would except they have control over the law and can therefore make an action legal or illegal, protecting liberals from being openly characterized as criminals.

The law has never changed the nature of an act, only making it punishable or not. Rape, killing, theft, slavery and more do not change because they are legal or not.

Trump with threaten Countries  with action and then reasonable  negotiations will follow and settlements benefitting  both parties will be reached,          

The great negotiator Trump negotiates the same way as a gang lord, a don or whatever, he makes an offer that can not be refused or retaliation happens.


Yet it is been millenia now that negotiation has been happening and that people have considered that a satisfying negotiation leaves all involved parties contented or at least not feeling screwed up.


Trump takes the criminal path, he knows that he will rile up a lot of people in the doing so he will have to ensure that the dudes have nowhere else to go or they will. Which he is going to do with much damage.



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