I expect that you have been misinfoormed by the media. - the Trump supporters are not ultra-conservative tghey are the moderates in society now with the Democrats havig drifted to the extreme leftists ideology undermining cultural values of people in the country and consequently also Democracy.
Being a corrupt idiot Biden - proven as such by Congressional hearings where people are under oath it is clear why the standing of the USA is undermined and whereas there were world stability established by Trump - the world turnoil came from weak and corrupt leadership in the USA, Some of the past era USA allies are now firmly in the BRICS camp - which I hate as undemocratic countries - but whose leaders regard Biden as shit to be treated appropriately..
The only conspriacy theorists are the Democrats who became the chief liars in the USA . Take the Russian Hoax lies the Demcorats concocted and then spread as truths when in the end proved to be lies concocted by them. However, there are question marks whether lies sspecifically concocted by people are to be rated as lies and not cosnpriacy theories.
By the way despite Government lies to protect a crooked adminsitration the latest opinion polls by CNN indicate that Trump is now ahead of Biden by 9 points in a straight election between them - but with Kennedy as a moderate Democrat runninng as an Independent the gap is much wider.
Hall Of Fame
10751 posts
have common traits... they are
A) Putin sympathisers
B) Trump sympathisers
C) Conspiracy theorists.
D) Ultra conservative
E) Christian zealots
I'm not sure how one can love the Christain God as well as the cold blooded murderer Putin.