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Mitt Romney on Trump

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Mitt Romney on Trump

Apr 24, 2024, 10:04

“I think we agree that we have looked at his behaviour, and his behaviour suggests that this is a person who will impose his will if he can, on the judicial system, on the legislative branch and on the entire nation”, Mr Romney said on NBC News’ Meet the Press.

“I mean, when he called people to come to Washington DC on January 6 that was not a random date”, he continued, speaking of the 2021 attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters.

“That was the date when peaceful transfer of power was to occur — he called that on purpose.”

Apr 24, 2024, 18:04

You mean Romney said Trump will copy what Biden is doing?    Th e January 6 issue turned out to be political BS by the  Demcoras as well!!! 

By the way there after nearly 4 years after January 6 still about 300 people in jail and not charged with  any criminal offense - because despite constant intimidation they refuse to plead guilty to/ trump-up charges against them.    They are accordingly political prisoners of he Biden Regime.             .   

Apr 24, 2024, 22:43

For the absentminded ou

Apr 25, 2024, 00:25

Hahaha Good one

Apr 25, 2024, 00:25

 For the idiot ou.

Watch the security cameras what actua;ly h appened in the  Cap[itol - as well as reading of the official report of the Houe report on what really happened in that case and  you will find out th at ist was used as BS propaganda by the DP.     It wa sof no cosnequence and on par with  the Muslims in the Capitol - which was much more serious than what ahppened on Janaury 6.   

In any event the above refer to  what Romney said and that is blatant BS.    I think Romney made money from Bains who were actually invovled in bribery and corruption in  SA  under the Zuma presidency and he  should be regarded as a crook similar to  Biden.   

 Something about Romney too,   He got $350 000 from FTX to fund the Senate Election campaign of a Democrat running for Senator in Utah - so  he is now persono-non-grata in Utah that is a strong Republcian State and does not like people playing two sides for his own benefit.   Romney was a flop as Republcian Party candidate n 2012 for President and pleaded Trump to support him  in the Senate Eletion in 2018 - and afterwards voted with the Democrats in the Senate in evey vote. in the S enate.   That cost him his seat in the Senate.    


.    .       

Apr 25, 2024, 02:21


Apr 25, 2024, 09:28

Another Roney classic was him accusing an ex-Demcoratic Party House member Tulsi Gabbard who was inolved as a helicopter pilot in the Iraq War. - as a Russian Disinformation asset when she asked the US Government that illegally operated bio-labs for closure o th e Bo-labs.   That happened a day after Nuland - the Biden Deputy Secretary of State - under oath in the Senate admitted in the Senate that there are Bio-labs in operation in Ukraine,   

Romney - like most D emofatic Party politicians are career liars. 

Apr 26, 2024, 00:17

 For the idiot.

Watch the security cameras what actua;ly h appened in the  Cap[itol - as well as reading of the official report of the Houe report on what really happened in that case and  you will find out th at ist was used as no BS propaganda by the DP.     It wa sof no cosnequence and on par with the Oath Keepers  in the Capitol - which was not more serious than what ahppened on Janaury 6.   

In any event the above refer to  what Trump said and that is blatant BS.    I think Trump made money from Bains who were actually invovled in bribery and corruption in  SA  under the Zuma presidency and he  should be regarded as a crook similar to  Trump.   

 Something about Trump too,   He got $350 000 from FTX to fund the Senate Election campaign of a Republican running for Senator in Utah - so  he is now persono-non-grata in Utah that is a strong Republcian State and does not like people playing two sides for his own benefit.   Trump was a flop as Republcian Party candidate n 2012 for President and pleaded Trump to support him  in the Senate Eletion in 2018 - and afterwards voted with the Republicans in the Senate in evey vote. in the S enate.   That cost him his seat in the Senate.  


Apr 26, 2024, 02:13

No you have no idea what you are talking about.    Bains was struggling as a company when Romney got invovled in it.  He re-organized the company and when he left the company it was agreed that he would annually get a percentage of the future profit gains of the company.   That is all recorded.

Bains got involved in re-organization of the SA Revenue services based on the proposals of Zuma and the then head of SA Revenue services.   They buggered up the Service totally and it has not fully rcovered since.  Part of what they removed from the servce dealt with investigations of Tax Fraud - the Zuma ciorruption associates was thus protected.  They got rid of the senior staff involved in that,    Years aftyerwards the Zondo Commission read Bains the riot act and they had to repay all the money they made from it - so Romney's income from that tranasaction may have been recovered from him at the time of repayment.    

The story of the oathkeepers is also propaganda BS.    The whole invovlement in the protests inside the Capitol is BS .  There were no violence at all and the Democrats claimed 5 policemen died during the incident.   That was a lie as well.   The only name of a Polcieman who died happened three days later of natural causes,    What was weird is that Trump made a proposal to guard the Capitol should things get out of ahead Pelosi tuned it down.   The Capitol jhas a securoty door system that can only be opened from inside the building and the doors was mysteriously opened.   One of the Chief Instigators of the entry - a c hap by the name of Eb - was seen on news cameras repeatedly - but was never charged by the Justice Department.   The excuse was that he was never inside the  Capitol.   The Pelosi Committee even inteviewed him and they thanked =him for services rendered.  When he was shown as being  insidet he Capitol and the lie of both the Pelosi Committee  and the Justice Department was exposed.  During the House official investigation they forced the Justice Department and they had to charge him.   The charge wsa for trespassing and he got a suspeneded sentence of 2 months for that - he actually wass an informer of the FBI.   When asked how amny FBI agents was in the crowd Wray claimed they have not got the figure.   The guy who carried the noose to hang Pence was never arrested - whyw as that the case?

Let me put soneth ing reaql to you.    The Democratic Party -

*    concocted the lies about Collusion between Trump and Putin and for years it qwas th e main story on their news program;

*     the Democrats tried to hide the Security Camera footage from both the Courts and t he Public - allowing  them to spread stories about a non-existent "inssurrection" attempt;  .     .   

The Democrats even got a Hollywood  film Diredtor to co-odinate the functioning of the Plosi Committee.  The latter Committee wa approved by the House to consist of 7 members - 4 Demcorats and three Republicans- with the Chairman coming  from the Democrats.   Pelosi thend ecided to appoint 5 demcorats and two Republcians to serve on the Committee - which in fact was a breach in  itelf and when the Republcians nominated two mebers - she vetoed it and appointed Cheyne and Kirtzinger - two Republicans who were already on the lsit fo candidates the Repuibklican Party refuse to elect as candidates for the 2022 election because of their conduct in the House .   The whole process was on TV  and was not one in terms of normal process where evidence folows judicial practice and not Kangaroo Court practicce which  they in fact followed..    Thw whole stgory about an insurrection was propaganda BS 

The rest of your story about the Romney funding  came from the Election Commission records.   FTCX doanted $70 million to the DNC fr funding of teh 2022 mid-term election.    They also funded the election of the DP candidate in Utah for selection to the Senate (McMullin) - who waqs a de facto Demcorat candidate - but ran as an Indepedent.    That was why the money went to Romney who was organizing and support hsi candidacy.   supporting his candidature.     If you can get proof of your bS connecting  Trump to FTX please provide same.   That whole sag a of yours as givn above is what can bee xpected friom a braiwashed individual. 

Try again - you have jsut shown how bad your case really is.    Trump was never before 2014 invovled in US Poliics and was until 2008 a registered Democrat.   He turned against them by 2012 and only in 2015 he announced his candidature for the 2016 election,   So how you concoct that BS story of yours only you would know. 


 .                .    .                .                        .   

Apr 26, 2024, 02:34

There were no violence ant all and the demcorfaats claimed 5 policemen died during the incident.

Laughing graphics

Apr 26, 2024, 04:37

I like the joke LOL

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