You mean Romney said Trump will copy what Biden is doing? Th e January 6 issue turned out to be political BS by the Demcoras as well!!!
By the way there after nearly 4 years after January 6 still about 300 people in jail and not charged with any criminal offense - because despite constant intimidation they refuse to plead guilty to/ trump-up charges against them. They are accordingly political prisoners of he Biden Regime.
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“I think we agree that we have looked at his behaviour, and his behaviour suggests that this is a person who will impose his will if he can, on the judicial system, on the legislative branch and on the entire nation”, Mr Romney said on NBC News’ Meet the Press.
“I mean, when he called people to come to Washington DC on January 6 that was not a random date”, he continued, speaking of the 2021 attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters.
“That was the date when peaceful transfer of power was to occur — he called that on purpose.”