MUST VEIW VIDEO - "Putin is preparing a MASSIVE invasion to end this war" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » MUST VEIW VIDEO - "Putin is preparing a MASSIVE invasion to end this war" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

Sep 18, 2024, 12:05

Putin has announced he is increasing the size of his active duty army by 180,000 men to bring the total up to 1.5 million men of which 700.000 are fighting in Ukraine. Putins total armed force tot just under 2.4 million which make them the second largest army after China.

Here are some updates on the Ukraine war:

Sep 18, 2024, 14:54

Colonel McGregor’s predictions:

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Macgregor appeared on three Fox News programs in February and early March to speak in support of Russia's actions. Three days after the war began, he said "The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over," and predicted "If [Ukraine] don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them." Macgregor said he believed Russia should be allowed to seize whatever parts of Ukraine it wanted. In his second appearance, he revised his prediction: "The first five days Russian forces I think frankly were too gentle. They've now corrected that. So, I would say another 10 days this should be completely over... I think the most heroic thing he could do right now is come to terms with reality. Neutralize Ukraine." After one of his appearances, Macgregor's comments were characterized by veteran Fox News Pentagon correspondent Jennifer Griffin as "distorting" and "appeasement" and that he was being an "apologist" for Putin. After Griffin's remarks, Tucker Carlson — who hosted Macgregor on two successive nights — remarked, "Unlike many of the so-called reporters you see on television, he is not acting secretly as a flack for Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon. No, Doug Macgregor is an honest man." Trey Gowdy, another Fox News host who interviewed Macgregor, said his viewpoint was "stunning and disappointing".[8][56][57][58][9][59]

Russian state television channels RT and VGTRK broadcast excerpts of Macgregor's second Carlson appearance, which included a characterization of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a "puppet," that Russian forces had been "too gentle" in the early days of the invasion and that Russian president Vladimir Putin was being "demonized" by the United States and NATO.[8][60] His opinions on Russia and Ukraine have caused controversy, with some including Liz Cheney describing Macgregor as being a member of the "Putin wing of the GOP."[61][62][63][64][65]

In a fourth appearance in early March, Macgregor said a ceasefire was close as Ukrainian forces had been "grounded to bits. There's no question about that despite what we report on our mainstream media".[8] He also defended Russia's invasion in an interview on The Grayzone, saying Putin had taken great care with civilians and this was delaying his victory.[66]

In July 2022, on Real America's Voice he told Charlie Kirk that: "The war, with the exception of Kharkiv and Odesa, as far as the Russians are concerned is largely over. There is no intention to do anything else because the Russians don’t have a very large army... This nonsense that Putin wants to conquer all of Ukraine was never true. All he ever did in the Minsk agreement was ask that Russian speakers, Russian citizens inside Ukraine be treated equally before the law. That they not be penalized for being Russians."[67]

In September 2022, he again predicted on Carlson's show that “this war may be over soon”[68] and later in the month "the Ukrainian army is bled white, tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded, Ukraine is really on the ropes". Liz Cheney tweeted in response: "Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch - Why do you continually put Douglas MacGregor on @FoxNews to spread Putin's propaganda and lies? This is absolutely not in America's interest."[69][additional citation(s) needed]

Sep 18, 2024, 15:38

So tell me who instigated this war.

secondly how re your Raytheon shares doing.

Colonel McGregor has got right time and again.

How is the Kursk invasion going.

How are Ukraine doing. 

I hope all the war monger devils like Nikki Haley (sits on the arms dealer Boeing's Board), Lindsey Graham and all the Neo Cons face a firing squad at some point. 

Trump needs to get back into the White House and it cant come quick enough,

Watch the video and educate yourself loon.

Sep 21, 2024, 04:01

My Raytheon shares are up 87%…my Shopify shares are up 457% over essentially the same period. And my Raytheon shares are about 0.125% of my portfolio.  Not a particularly compelling argument, but what’s that to you, the lie is good enough.

Oddly enough I don’t resent all your lies, they are just too silly.

Sep 21, 2024, 04:47

WTH is going on with the gold price?

Sep 21, 2024, 11:57

So why boast that you are well placed to profit from your Raytheon shares when they are such a tiny fraction of a percent of your share portfolio. 

I suspect you have sold off your Raytheon shares as you are alarmed that a Trump might win and end tbe war. 

Please tell us when you next buy Big Pharma. It would be a notification that the next Plandemic is on its way. 

BWAHAHAHAHA face it mozzietard I read you like an open book! 

Sep 21, 2024, 12:27

Could always invest in truth social, they seem to be going cheap :angel:

Sep 21, 2024, 16:49

Very flattering that I could actually predict the next pandemic….and no, I never sold any Raytheon. The only  big Pharma I own outside healthcare funds is Lilly, a snappy little performer up 700% in the last 5 years. Fortunately I sold my Moderna a while ago. Stick with moz.

Sep 21, 2024, 17:03

There are prominent people in the USA that stated that due to malgovernance in the USA and weak Governmnts in Europe the west is staggering into WW3 and do nothing to try and prevent it.   

In such situation gold is always a better investmnt than anything else.

In essense the Europeans do not want a a war with Russia and s few Governments want war and so does the USA real rulers and their dummies in the WH do what they are told..   The crazies want war - the rest of the people want peace/ through negotiations.



Sep 21, 2024, 17:10

Drivel warning.

Sep 21, 2024, 17:12

The gold price rise reflects geo political concerns and the prospect of lower interest rates, which lowers the income penalty of holding gold.

Sep 21, 2024, 18:53


I nearly stated thus contribution with "oops" - but  I do not use that word to you before spouting BS like you do,   The waning cam from Washington not Trump/   He said the enemies of the USA are forming alliaces and thos are exapanding.

Remember waht Kssienger said in the 1970's the key to world peace is linked to keeping Russia China apart - now that situation is the exact opposite.    Kissinger to th end fo his life spke about that need  - the preent idoic regime never ealized what they were up to when in 2014 the American Governments upprted a coup in Ukraie - which quickly developed intoa civil wa in Eastern Ukraine cvil ar functuated in sriusness and althoug destructive of cities in Eastern Ukraine it was regarded as a local war,   However, after he departure of Trunp the enw Biden Administration was dtermned to wipe out the Russian=-speaking population in Wasten Ukraine and that became the key policy of the Ukraine Gvernment egged on by the US Government.  A key demand of the US G overnment ws to get Ukraine to join NATO - which wuld llw NATO and especially teh USA to have a major naval base in the Black see and threatened Rssia by such means,

After the civil war started in Easern Ukraine Germany ad France started negotiations to stop teh civil war in Eastern Ukraine.   In the Minsk Agreement of 2015 sigbed by Russa and Ukraine it was agreed  that - 

*   the Ukraine borders will be guaranteed;

*    A new C onstitution guranteeing the human righs o all citizens of Ukrane; and

*    Ukraine will not be allowed to  join NATO  and become a nuetral country like Austria and Switzerland.

The above agrement was never implemented  and in the Ukraine Presidenial eection in 2019 Zelenskyy promised that if elected he would  stop the Civil War in Eastern Ukraine  through negotiations.   He quicky got a message - you will not eb alowed to do that and if you do kih ooubye to US funding proided to Ukraine.  

The instructions from Washington became more demanding/   The speaking of Russian in Ukraine would be a criminal offence and if it happens inpublic people would be fined - all schools were forbiden to allow Russan as a language in Ukraine and the Ukraine Orthodox Church were bnnned  by the Kiev Regime.   Ar the time the policy in Kiev became progressively worse with clear instruction emananing from Kiev became more  serious.   Russians living in Easten Ukraine must abandonn their culture and language - as wel as chirch afflliation or  they will through ethnc clensing be ex[lled from Ukraine.

Putin met Biden in Heneva in October 2021 and suggested  conmfernce tos ettle the problems in Ukraine.   Biden promsed t could take lace - but he enver acted on the promise.   Two weeks before the Russian Invasion  started Macron went to Moscow to prevent the invasion and a agreement to mplemet the Minsk Agreement of 2015 was signed by both Putin and Zelenskyy, but days afte that the Ukraine Government arrete all Russian Speaking members of the Ukraine Parliament and that ended the final attempt to settle the prbleems in Ukraine peacefully.

About six weeks afte the invasion Turkey arranged a meeting of the Ukraine and Russian Foreign Ministers in Istanbul to try and reach a cease fire.   One o the conduitions fors taring the talks was that Russia must wothfraw their army from Ukraine and that was done and a cease fire agreement was ready for initialling before subsntting it for signing by the presidents of Ukraine and Russia.- when the Ukraine Foreign Minister got an isntruction directly from Wahington not to initial anything and leave Isanbul immediately.   

I provided the above to point out to other troublespots worldwide and the alliance of enemes of the uSA are being advanced - while there is no efort from Washinton t stop major extensions to the prvenion f more serious wars - while the enemes of the USA are working towards cloer co-operation and the USA loses goud worldwide.

T answer si relevant simple - negotiation and no war promtion is what is needed to prevent he ultimate WW3 scenario.   .   .                       ,   .     ,                    .   .


Sep 22, 2024, 04:05

You just don’t get it…Putin never for one moment was going to accept anything but a capitulation. Like many generals and stupid colonels like McGregor, he thought Russia was just going to roll over the Ukraine.

Still you are right about one thing, encouraging the Russia/China accord is a huge mistake. But the seeds for that were probably first sown with Trump’s economic attack on China, some of which was justified.

Sep 22, 2024, 14:19


You just do not get it - Putin did sign agreements which he kept - the USA ensure that everything the Ukraine and Rusian Presidents signed was breached.   You have no proof of  "to accept anything but a capitulation".   Provide real evidence that support that statement" and stay away from newspaper opinion expressions and unproved propaganda BS.

Above I mentioned the danger of WW3 starting and I want you to read the follwing article on that issue:-


This  guy is ne of the strngest supporters of Ukraine in the War and referred to expert reports that indcate that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans are ganging up against the USA.

He is not mentioing the other BRICS members - inclusive of India and Brazil as well as Egypt and 2 other Arab countries in the Mid-Eeast that used to be close allies of the USA - and Turkey a NATO member who also applied to join BRICS and even Mexico and some oher countres quite clase to the USA.   

NATO and in particular is totally unprepared for any major war  and will end up on a trash heap.   The people of Europe is against any war aginst Russia  and the fact is the Governments supporting such a war will be out of Governmen in a week at most.    France is effectively lliving on a day to day basis if it comes to effective Government and supporting Ukraine war as  coalition now have les than 15% support in Germany.

Problem is in War and Peace Prince Vasili Kuragin said Russian has not lost a war in Europe for a hundred years - take it to 2 000  and make that 300 years,   The Europeans know their history and they fear what such a war will cause conquest of 95% of Europe by Russia and their allies.  Think of Turkey as being one of those allies..

I would say sleepwalking into war can be prevented by a strong Government entering into negotiations to stop the rot - and that Governmnt will not be one headed by Mugabe Harris and her openly Communist Deputy already unxder full control of China.



  .   ,     

Sep 22, 2024, 15:29

I don’t think Prince Kuragin was aware of drones….being a fictional 19th century character. Nor did he predict the loss to Japan. Russia is a small economy, smaller than Italy. They are only relevant because their spies stole nuclear secrets.

Sep 22, 2024, 18:24

Neither was he aare o nuclear arms and rockets - but eh was aware at Russia due to carious factors win wars,   If Russia does not have rackets and drones more advnced than the west have how is ta a actor in wars.

Fuck the small economy theory - it did not work out for Napoleon and Hitler - neither will it work ou for anything,   The problem si not Russia dimness the prolem si an alliance embodied in BRICS and that will soon be representng 75% of the world popuation.   How do you couter that one.

In World War 2  the USA used 12 million soldiers - at present they a hve less tha 500 000 fighting soldiers left - the rest are supporting stsff  and the leftist policymakers insist on quota selection  where the quotas cannot be met -  so your celebrated Senator Durbin wants to enrol the illegal migrants into the US Army and gv hem immedat sitizenship without realizing that the influx includ people who hare the USA and wants it destroyed,    So lets ook at the armies of Russia, China and India with five times the number of fighting  soldiers in it the USA has and Nato's combned strength Turkey has a standing army of  80 000 soldiers - te rest f the EU contries combined does nt a hve a stadinga rmy of 80 000 figting soldiers.

You mised the pint thouh s per nrmal totally - the NATO Governments are ttally weak and ss is the USA  in particular.   So where is the Churchill comng from hat wil turn woke influenced generations into loyal citizens to fight for their country nd evn th eir h omes and families,    he psychology of the west has collpased as forecasted by Khrushschev and you fail to realize it,  

You know why the USA media hate the Rusans so much?   It is because the Russians still beleve  their country and its culture and religion and they set the example where such believes equates to tem is a thread to their own believes in BS. 

Russian stole teh nuclear arms technology - OK - but ehy is their nuclear armaments more advanced in anything the USA has.   Why are they a major exporting country in food and  enegry - as well as minerals?    If that is the case why are people in Russia not food-deficent anymore and 22% of the US citenry are,   But then according to your logic all the food deficient chldren including over 20 millin children are FA TSO's deservng to starve.    

So go ahead - but tell us where  you got the following from:-

 "to accept anything but a capitulation".   Provide real evidence that support that statement" and stay away from newspaper opinion expressions and unproved propaganda BS."


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