Notre Dame Latest

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Dec 07, 2024, 20:50


Dec 07, 2024, 23:20

Ja he saved Esmeralda…probably going to save France next.

Dec 07, 2024, 23:25

And if you don’t like that you have no sense of humor

Dec 08, 2024, 07:22

I think that old VisKop has the best sense of humour out of all the anti Trumpers.

And when the world's economy ticks up next year, he'll warm more to Trump.

Dec 08, 2024, 09:10

The fact is that Macron - a very unpopular Fnch President  - wanted his reputation improved and invited his quests based on that effort.   

The ivitees included no representatives of the present US Government and included Trump and Mussk.   Why did that happen?

It was obiously aimed o get progess in the case of Ukraine's President Zeleenskyy - a Jew and the person who bannd the functioning of the Ukraine Orthodox Church, as well as representatives from Poland and Italy,    The UK represetnative was Prince Wlliiam and he Dutch and Belgiums were also represened by their Kings - in other words people outside of the political scenario.   Germany is at present in a state of political jeopardy  after the coalition Government collapsed and a new election is o be held not alter than mid March 2025..      

So why wss  Trump and Musk from the USA, Zelenskyy and the Prime miniters of Italy and Poland involved in the ceremoney/    The fact is that the Kinsgs and Prince William are likely to invite Trump to cvisit their domeigns as well - but for the rest politics will be shelvd - but political discussios enhanced during such visits.

However, the main agenda will be to get together the Ukraine Government on the one side and  Trump into the same room to discuss opions as to how the Ukraine War can end and what Trump has got in mind as to ow na agrement can be reached s to future negotiations with Russia as to a peace settlement in Ukraine going.    It is very likely that Zelenskyy will go along with Trump on his viewpoints and that Trump can gain from support from Italy and Poland as well.   If that can be achieved - Mozart in a satirical comment was correct,   It could save he floundering Presidebntial aspiraions of Macron as well. 

Trump will report back to the Houe nd Senate and then make an approach through his appointed Ukraine point man  to arrange an immediare  cease fire in Ukrain with th starting pint of an intntional summit involving the USA, France. Italy and Poland on the one side and Russia and Byelo on the other side.    Trump is a hard man n issues involving the USA - which will put Putin in a difficult postion and force him to concede atvantages to Ukraine as well.   I think that Trump sees Musk as playing a role in reconstruction of damage o ukraine resulting resulting from the war,    

So in essence the Notre Dam ceremoney was not only religious in nature - but with improtant political ipacts as well.             



Dec 08, 2024, 11:49

Unfortunately the time of this opening conflicted with old Joe's slumber while he was  delivering yet another comedy Santa performance in Angola.

Giving funds to corruption officials to build a rail system to transport material for the American EV program which is a dismal failure.

Sleepy Joe Biden is simply performing the same insane BS that Obama introduced with Solar energy support.

Wonder if his son is going to be the CEO of this investment?

A lost fart in clothes.

Dec 08, 2024, 12:45

The heehaw prsidency is coming to an end  that is saving the orld and France from starting of WW3,     iden can still cause irrepairable damage - but his time for doing it is running out rapidly since Cogress will be siting for about 5 to 6 days before he festive eson break and on 3 Janury the Cong ress will start operating and nothing Biden does will gt support in 5the new Congres functioning  from  3 January 2025/  .

In Snate the main function for t heir first month would be the acctoance f rumps nominees - while the DP terrorist subsidiaries BLM and Antia makes bomb threats agaist them.  

Terrorism in the USA are to start ith soon while they terrorists still have te support of the ultra-leftelements in the DP,   After 20 January they will end up in prison and riots will not be allowed.         

Dec 08, 2024, 13:21

Jill Biden is not goig to paricipate in any negotiations btwen ads of ststes and Governments in Paris.    I ues Biden was excluded o preven his farst from flooding the cereoney.   

Dec 08, 2024, 23:55

Wonder what the Trump supporters make of Trumps truth social post in which he claims Ukraine has had over 400,000 dead and wounded in the war while said Russia has taken 600,000 dead and wounded.

Dec 09, 2024, 05:30

Over a million people lost...terrible. 

Dec 09, 2024, 06:13

"Wonder what the Trump supporters make of Trumps truth social post in which he claims Ukraine has had over 400,000 dead and wounded in the war while said Russia has taken 600,000 dead and wounded."

What are you expecting Trump supporters to make of it?

Dec 09, 2024, 06:58

What Trump say is misunderstood when it comes to solving the war stoppage to prevent more deaths in Ukraine.    Trump added that over  200 000 civilians also died in the  war while over 6 million became dsplaced by the War.

Trump want a peaceful negotiated stlement in Ukraine   to stop he canage    The Notre Dame ceremey was preceeded by meetings between Macron,  Trump and Zelenskyy where Trump's appointmet of Kellogg to deal specifically with the Ukraine issue was obviously  also discussed.

I cannot undersand how he warmongers on site promte the war in Ukraine - while that war will solve nothing.  Trump is not n idiot like Biden and co are.   For the people to have abetter life wr is not the answer,       


Dec 09, 2024, 10:34

What are you expecting Trump supporters to make of it?

People like Beeno have repeatedly said Russia are inflicting far more causalities on Ukraine than the other way round. While Mike has repeatedly said the Ukrainian army is on the verge of defeat and in full retreat while playing down or denying Russian set backs.

I'm just curious to know if they think Trump is right or not.

Dec 09, 2024, 10:37

Over a million people lost...terrible.

Well that's total causalities not deaths. Typically in war you take 4 or 5 times the number of wounded as opposed to the actual number killed.

Dec 09, 2024, 11:39

clevermike on Ruckers Forum


Hall Of Fame

53526 posts

So in essence the Notre Dam ceremoney was not only religious in nature - but with improtant political ipacts as well.             

No DumbMike,

France is constitutionally a secular nation, adhering to the principle of laïcité, which mandates the separation of religion from governmental affairs and public institutions. This framework ensures that the state remains neutral concerning religious matters, neither endorsing nor opposing any faith. 

According to a 2023 study by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), 51% of individuals aged 18 to 59 in metropolitan France reported having no religious affiliation, 29% identified as Catholic, and 10% as Muslim. 

Dec 09, 2024, 12:53

 Shit again SB

The major speeches on religins issues wa deliveed by the Achbishops of Pairs and others - but that has very little to do with rstoration of the Notre  Dame  Cathedral.   What is really the issue is that the private sector funding led to restoration of one of the most historic buildings in France and the pride France  has in its history.    That is why historic buildings all over the world are being protected against destruction - it has nothing to do with reigion - but a kickback to the Woke culture favoring destruction of  buildings, statutes, paintings and books because it is not modern and negative and destructive attracks on  people.   That is what undrmines democracy worldwide and is a key eleent of the Biden regime n USA democracy and the destruction of  teh USA Consitution.   

The recent elections in Europe in the USA resulted in the turn against the Woke cukture  and a return to sanity by countries - destruction of historyad culture  is part of destructive of  actions and national identity.   While the leftits fanatics shouted "Death to America" and  "Death to Germany", the voters said no and very clearly so.    While the ultra-leftists had no poblem with burning of national flags the spectators at internaional sport mstches sang their national anems and carry thouands of flags at sport events.   Those are issues the Woke culure hate and want to destroy.   

Religion playd a major role in estblishmnt of modern democracy - but the altenative is also rue - whn democracy is replaced by dictatorship - the peple beccame more religious because it is a reaction against dictatroship/.    So there are still major difference between the Woke shit nd modern society  that remains  evident in countries like France and Germany.    The ultra-left are  openly  advocating the desruction of democracy and  freedmo of speech - the voters react diffrently.

While five years ago millions of French people saw the fire of the Notre Dame and cried in public about it - tens of millions of people are thanking the private sector for restoring one  their symbols of France,.  

You  are detroying those beliefs of people with your constant BS about desruction of religion - but when a dictarial doctrine  took over the people become more religious as a sign of opposition to dictaotrship.    It happened in Russia and China are examples of what happened and the preent regimes are careful not to go the way Mao Zedun g and Stalin went.   I have never been a teligious fanatic on site - I have always said that people have the right to beleive in what they decide.

What I say above about eigion actually reflected the truth of that appeed on Saurday in Paris.   There are definitely efforts by Biden to  promote istability and wars all over the world the majority of people want to support stabiity in their lives and freedom from Government oppression and you are a typical one turning everything  into an attack of region..

What I was driving at went straight over the head of dictatorial idiots worldwide.   They waant the freedom of speech and beliefs destroyed and people turned into dummies to believe in oppression and dictatorial conduct.    

Trump is normal - he ralizd that wars do detoy much more than people gain from it - so he wants peace negotiations an dthat is why Macron, Zelenskyy d a ong meeing in the presidntial place in Paris before the meeting started.   They do not  want wars in the world - but the Woke industry promote wars and destruction.   

Wher Biden took money to rpovide weaponry to krain and hand out grants runnig it billions of dollars to other countries their is no money to assist people effected  badly by the tropical storms that hit the Carolinas and Florida  and istructe not to support people who suppoted Trump in the election from te DP hierarchy.   Now Biden wants an extra $98 million to be aproved by Congress, but wil that ney ever reach thebenficiaries of end up in the pockets of corrupt public servants and politicians.   Let me gt a bit more explicit.   In 2020 the effets as a massiv detrimental effect on business peration in th e USA nd $4,5 tirlllion dollars  to help busineses and  people to ssurvive,    Part of the money ($5,4 billion) was to help small and medium enterpries oge operational again.   According to the AG reprt - the money vanished ito thin air.   But the Biden regime and especially the Justice Deaptment nd FBI refused to investigate what happened to he money.   

But for idiois like you and others the  inersts of the people means nothing and you support so-called "Woke  Dmocracy"-  a system favoring dictattorship ia your preferred choise of  Government.

So try again - to promote dictatorshp and detruction of history, cukture and fredoms of people  in the world - when your dictatorial Governance are implmented and you yourself are negatively effected you will have no means to defend human rights  of people - al such means woud hsve been destroyed by what you stand for..

   .   .    .          .      .            ,    .                 ,           

Dec 09, 2024, 13:01

No DumbMike.....

Notre-Dame de Paris has suffered damage and destruction at various points in its history, but it was not destroyed by a single event or entity until the recent fire. Here are some key instances:

Huguenot Attacks

In 1548, Huguenot Protestants attacked and damaged some of the statues of Notre-Dame, which they considered idolatrous12.

French Revolution

During the French Revolution in the 1790s, Notre-Dame suffered extensive desecration. The cathedral was rededicated to the Cult of Reason and later to the Cult of the Supreme Being. Many of its religious treasures were destroyed or plundered, and the twenty-eight statues of biblical kings on the west façade were beheaded. The cathedral was also used as a warehouse for food and other non-religious purposes12.

2019 Fire

The most recent significant damage occurred on April 15, 2019, when a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame. The fire destroyed the wooden spire and most of the wooden roof, and caused significant damage to the upper walls and some of the interior. However, the cause of the fire is still unknown and is believed to be possibly accidental..

Dec 09, 2024, 13:47

It wis evidnt over rhe past thousad  yaars in French history ther were periods  f narchy that impacted negoatively on France - but in the main  the damge caue to historic buildings like th Notre Dame was always repaiered, 

What you wrote about is BS to be exoected from an idiot,   In 1548 any person accsed of being a Hugenot was executed by the Catholics and there may have been a small  Huguenot miorty, but in essense there were ver little suppot in Paris,  It was the year May Queen of Scots  becae engauge to the future French king.    IN 1572  the Marriage between Margurethe of France and Henry II of Navarre was to take place in Paris and thousands of Hugunot suppoterd voming to Pris a prt of the peace treaty wer murdered during the St Barhioomy massacre  and Henry 11 ws saved by his wife and his conversion to Caholism was advertised as to his converssion.   He escape from imprionment in the French Palacce and fled to Navarre here were not enough Huguemtos in Paris in 1548 to attack the Notre Dame and nobody has ever confired that such an attack took place, because the Protestants had no leadeship in Paris. and the French king Henry 11 was in poer.   

I am really ssrprise about the above.   The French kings at the time lived in the Loire valley and not Paris where lawlessness was a problem so many groups of riotes could have attacked somes tatues an restord since.

When Henry IV of Navare became the king of France he  became known ad Henry the Great and restiore much of what was destroyed thus far by rioters,  while he atually lived in the Fountainbleau Palce outside of Paris where Napoleon also resided.   Henry IV had restored much of Paris  that was destroyed by rioters that caused damage in previous decdes   

As to the French Revolution after Robespierre was executed the chaotic anarchy  attached to the 1789 revolution was destroyed  and Napleon himself caused the Notre Dame to be restored to itd former glory,

Sinc 1800.  very litt was done  to maintain the Notre Dame and it was in a poor state by the 1970's when need for repairs were evdiient - but never undertook. until the fire in 2019.   Much of he bilding resortion was done by people who studied  French building mehods of the 13the cntury and that complicate  e restoration process,   All the dirt and grime that wa snoticebale in the 1970's was removed and cleane up/ as well.    Everything that was done cost  Euro 783 million and here is still major art and internal buaiication is done.   The rest of he donor money qill be used o completethe internal bautificat ion  dreplacment of are still to be done.


   .       .      

Dec 09, 2024, 14:00

Eht is evidnt over thousads of yars in French history ther were periods      .


Thanks for this, what would the world have done had we not known their were periods during thousands of years... You do mean time periods?

Dec 09, 2024, 14:10

Yes their wer periods when narchists took over in citiees all over Europe and uch was destroyed and sbsequenly rebuild.   P of the problems also were neglect of maintenance - like happened in the Windsor Palace fire in 1992.   There is a difference he Frnch Gvernment promotedtehe restoration of the Note Dme - but did not fund it. - the resoraion of indsor  Catle as done by the brisish Govenemnt at teh time Partly with mney the got from the Royal Estate and partly from cotributions by Queen Elizbeh II


Dec 09, 2024, 14:58

"People like Beeno have repeatedly said Russia are inflicting far more causalities on Ukraine than the other way round. While Mike has repeatedly said the Ukrainian army is on the verge of defeat and in full retreat while playing down or denying Russian set backs.

I'm just curious to know if they think Trump is right or not."

Fair point

I'm curious to know where Trump would get numbers like that

Dec 09, 2024, 15:11

Fair point

I'm curious to know where Trump would get numbers like that

Maybe that's the figures he got when he meet Macron and Zelensky.

Zelensky puts Ukrainian soldiers killed at 43,000 and another 370,000 wounded though that wounded number includes minor wounds and soldiers who where wounded more than once.

Zelensky put Russian losses at 198,000 soldiers dead and another 550,000 wounded.

Western estimates are for around 800,000 Russian causalities.

Dec 09, 2024, 15:34

Here’s Google’s AI overview:

In a typical military engagement, an offensive army generally experiences significantly higher losses compared to a defensive army, primarily because attackers are more exposed and vulnerable while attempting to seize territory, whereas defenders have the advantage of prepared positions, cover, and the ability to utilize terrain to their benefit

Dec 09, 2024, 15:56


With the Rusian army advancing virtually on  daily basis shows your deductions as total BS.

However, it is not the killed and wuundned numbers that are the only important issue,- it is the need for prevent  WW3 that Trump has to deal with while Biden desperately tried to kill any peaemaking initiatves/

It w clear tha Macro invited Trump to the Notre Dame Ceremoney together with Zelesnskyy was to get progres going with Peace Talks going iro the Ukraine. War and an initial co-ordination with Trump and nt the imbicelic  Biden was necessary.   Talking to Biden is like talking to aqqn idiotic plank and Macron knew it.    That is wy leaders throughout the world are rying to eal ith  Trump and not Biden.               , 



Dec 09, 2024, 16:01

Putin and Trump agreeing the peace plan

Dec 09, 2024, 16:13


You are an idiot coming  up with that shit  

Dec 09, 2024, 16:20


With the Rusian army advancing virtually on  daily basis shows your deductions as total BS.

So Trump was mistaken when he gave those numbers?

As for the Russian's. They are advancing in several locations and their recent advances have been considerably quicker than they had been managing up till recently, though where they are advancing in area's that are not that strategically significant. Russia in all of 2023 captured 465 sq km of Ukrainian territory, and in 2024 up till November 20th they had captured 2,700 sq km of Ukrainian territory so 6 time the rate of advance of 2023. To put that into perspective Ukraine is 603,628 sq km. So in 2 years of fighting Russia has captured a little over 0.5% of Ukraine territory.

Dec 09, 2024, 16:56

How Trump got the figures is immaterial.   He probably got the informaion from a reliable source and not propaganda figures that would have won praise from Herr  Goebbels for their ability in spreading  BS.    

Dec 09, 2024, 18:53

Well if Anger’s number is right and Russia has captured only 0.5% of Ukraine’s territory….that may be be the most stunning number of the year.

Dec 09, 2024, 22:50

Te last fiure I read about 6 month ago was that Rusia occupied 614 Square KM;s of Ukraine and based on that figure he Russians occupied 22,74%.  However that was the figure a while agao,   I think the occupation nw will be 25 %  

Dec 09, 2024, 23:31

This is what ChatGTP says….it’s unusual for you to be that wrong Anger, are we at cross purposes:

….. .

As of December 2024, Russia controls approximately 16% of Ukrainian territory, which includes areas in the eastern and southern regions such as parts of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts, as well as Crimea, which has been under Russian control since 2014. This figure is significantly lower than the peak of around 24% of Ukraine's territory that Russia held in the early months of the 2022 invasion.


Crimea is about 4% of Ukraine in sq miles….setting that aside, as it was occupied before the current war, Russia would still have gained control of 12% of the Ukraine through the current war.

Dec 09, 2024, 23:51

The map looks about 20%. 
Some of the calculations by Stav are correct, but the base numbers seem out. 

Dec 10, 2024, 02:07

I was only talking about what Russia captured in 2023 and 2024. Not the territory they took in 2022 or what they had already taken in 2014.

The total percentage of Ukraine Russia controls is around 20%.

If you compare to that the territory Russia controlled when they initially invaded, before  they withdrew from the north and before they got their asses kicked in Kharkiv Oblast and got kicked out of Kherson.

What Russia has managed to capture since Ukraine's counter offensives of 2022 hasn't even come close to to regaining the amount of  Ukrainian territory Russia once had control of. The Ukrainian's liberated some 12,000 sq km of territory during the Kharkiv counter offensive alone.

Dec 10, 2024, 07:36

BS as per nrmal.   The original Russian attack was aied at Ukraine.  During the Istanbul confrence the Ukraine Government demanded that Russia withdrew their troops threatening Kie as a cndiion before negitations ona cease fire could start.   Russia withdrew there troops and then found out the USA sabotaged the talks and  Ukraine sent the bulk of their army to Eastern Ukraine  to get rid of the Russian speaking rebels holding part of the Donetsk and  Hulansk Oblasts.   Then the War moved to Easten Ukraine.

The Ukraine troops in 2022 gained no victory a claimed by Ukraine is BS - the Russians withdrew from the areas near to Kiev to meet demands from te Kiev Government as part of the demands of Ukraine before ceasefire negotiations could start/  After that withdrawal the wihdawal the uish ceasefir initiative started and when news reach Washington about what was happening they instructed  the Ukraine foreign Ministr to leave  h alks immediately.   

Te so-called reconquered land  indicated as reconquired by a failed  counter-attack by Ukraine indicated as blue is alrgely nonsese.    Within 3 weeks  the couter-atack fizzled out  and tmost f teha reas indicated blue  was neve eally conquered by he Russians an cacated a demanded by UKriane before ceasefire could happen.   Since then the advance of Ukraine on all fronts were repulsed and theRussian forces keep advances in Eastern Ukraine.    The only area where Russians fell back was near kharkov - but has since being threatend by Russian attacks who occupied aeas with Russian troops being about 15 to 20 kms from that city,   So the claimsa s advanced by Stav is alrgely BS.    The Ukraine Army entereing the Lursk region in Russia - utthat effort is also failing.

I do not supprt the Russians in the War at all - all I said is to counter disinformation spread by the pro-war agitators.     The only real figures is that Russia has occuied betwen 22 and 25% of the area f Ukraine and the sstoryby Mozart about the Crimea is aso false.   It erased the fact that there never was any Ukraine troops imn he crimea and the Crimean Parliament established  in terms of the Ukraine 1991 Cinsitution decided to hold  a refrndum as to he fture of th Crimea and 95% of the voters voted for becoming a Rusian Federaio Republic was not part of the Ukraine Rusian seizure since 2014.    The 95% Russian and Tartar opulation do notwant to be part of Ukraine because the constitution of Ukraine was destroyed in 2014 by the enw regime that took poewer in Kiev through a coup.   

I do not think that Rusia will insist on keep the rea occupied as part of Rusia in the case of  aceasfore and settlement of issues in Ukraine by a peace agreement.   The ac is that Pin signed wo agremens recognizing the 2015 borders of Ukraine as to be recognized internationally anyway.     There is only two conditions and those are the compilation of a new Constitution for Ukraine guranteeing the Hman Rights of all citizens and distrusting the Ukrainians the Russians wants Ukraine to a national state nt b eing part of  NATO.  since WW2 the Russins distrusted the Ukraine when a large part of Ukraine supported the German War effort in Russia.  

.     .     .       .   .   .            

Dec 10, 2024, 10:47

Mike showing once again he's zero concept of reality.

Dec 10, 2024, 14:54

No I am aware of reality ad of h truth as to what really happened in the Ukraine War.  Tha is why I do not fll for false maps and other fake issues,       

Dec 10, 2024, 21:17


Dec 11, 2024, 02:54

ouMaaik regarding Ukraine, all that you ever do is verbalize Putin's mythological mad doctrine.

Dec 11, 2024, 09:43

 S B

Demon accused USA

The demonition started in 2014  wqhen the USA  orgnized and funded a couip in the USA and install a proxy Government - whose first of all chicked out the CONSTITUTION of Ukraie guranteeing human rights of everybody in Ukraie and caused the sart of a C ivil War in Eastern Ukraine.   

The clear objective of he USA was to get their hands on the Black Sea bases of the Russian F leet in Crimea and the  proxy Government in Kiev objective was to get rid of the ussiabn spaking people in Eastern Ukraine makin g up 30% of the population of Ukraine - mostly living in the Crimea and  Eastern Ukraine.    Either they must stop using Russian as their home  language ad their childre would not eb allowed o be aug ht in thei home language - so rlizing hat they are doomed a Civil War broke out in Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea Prliament in terms  of the 1991 Consttiution gened the Crimea was abandoned as well.    The 85% Russian and 10% Tartan Population wanted othing to do with Ukraine an in a referendum decided on by the Crimeas Parliament  95,4%  voted to join Russia rather than becoming  totally oppressed or losintheir properties wen they are going t be subjected to ethnic cleansig - he cual policy of he ne Ukraine Government.

On numbe of ccassions h USA openly sabotaged negotiations o end he Civil Warand one of te conditions was that a new C onstiutio be drawn up to replace te discarded one in 2014 - but the US would have none of it - they refuse to negotiate and the proxy Govenent did everything they were instructed from Washington to do.

Under  Trump  the  Civil War kept simmerig and in 2019 Zelenskyy in his elction campaign promised the  vte h would settle e Civil Wr hrouh negotiated settleent and got a clear message from the House and Senate controlled Democrats after 2019 - Zelenskyy was told - you have no rig ht t negotiate any peace settlement - if ou do no mre US foreign aid support for Ukraine or you do what we tell you to do .

Then came the chaotic disaster in Afganistan and the  Industrial  Defense Force complex has had only the  Iraq War to of-load their rms prduction on - so a new war was essetial.   The a was started fte another effort by acrn o rent it was sabotaged  by the biden administration whe th ey instructed  the Ukraine Govenment to arrest all the Russian speaking membes of the Ukraine Parliament - a major brach of he agreement sigbed by both Zelenskyy and Putin.   

A week later Putin realized  that the Ukraine Gvernment is ttal prisoners of the US  Government an he istructed that an invasion  of Ukraine could lead to a negotiated settlement  - nd it did led to Turkey starting a cesasefire negotiation based on Russia withdrawing all its troops from Ukraine  threatening Kiev and the wirdrawal was completed and the negotiations in Turkey started -  Turkey was the mediator and the Ukraine and Russian Foreign Ministers represented their two Gvernments. 

When it became evident that a ceasefir could be arranged followied by negotiations the Ukraine wFreign Ministe were rdered to immediately leave Istanbul and ot to initial anyhing.   his was confrimed by both the Turkish Governent and by the Ukraine Ambassador in Turkey - who took part in the negotiations.  The next instruction from Washington was to overwhem the Russian speaking rebels in Eastern Ukraine and the whole Ukraine Army was moved to easten Ukraine for that purpose.   The  Russians responmded in kind and moved heir own troops ito Eastern Ukraine and the ar in fact broke out -  in the period from ,February 2022 to May 2022 her was very ittle funding.

The USA promised Ukraine $40 billion in armaments and they collected arms from American bases in the country itself an send it to Ukraine - he problem was that only 30% of he arms rached he Ukraine Army in Eastern Ukraine.    All the armaments assistnce since 2016 lead ti a coruption level of unheard proportions - found out by Trump in 2019 when he found the USA foreign aid program was totally corrupt and stopped the supply of money to Ukraine and instead ordered purchase the arms and deliver it Ukraine.    The kickbacks to US polticians and bureaucrats was stpped by intrctins to the State Department to introduce measres to to corruption in Foreign Aid,    The US politicians led by the ulrtra-corrupt Pelosi and Schiff was horrified and tried to get Trump impeached as a result of his crackdwn on corruption.   By September 2022 fte delivery of the   arms to Ukraine was so corrupt that  n the enate the US Defnse Force reprsentative claimed  tha a US Colonel was sent to Kiev to co-ordinate delivey and ensure the arms reach he Ukraine figting army in Ukraine.    In the end theysent troops to help him carring ou the delivery.   When questioned in the Senate about US trops beig in Kiev. the lie wa started hat hey were there to proect th US Embassy in Kiev.

The roblem is he USA is politicaly and  bureaucratcally ultra-corrupt.  The USA Defense Force frm 2003 wa neve audited and whena uditing stared it was foudn heir were about $8o billion pn tht nboy could accoun what happened to the money ad that was in the first audit s tarted iro of he 2022-2023 audit alone.   

In any event the rot was so deep that 61$ of he vcoters said they oppose unding of the Ukraine War .   In anohr survey 77% of he voters claim the war in Ukraine was initiaed by the USA Government.

The Demon Russia    

Ruassia was wrong in sending troops into Ukraine - the matter should have been prevnte by negotiation without sending troops into ukraine and when they did th roops was desructive and destroy the whole of Easten Ukraine.   Eforts by F rance and Turey failed and ow Chia said hey would deal withs ettlement of he War.   Why should China be invovled and not the USA? 

I can and do not condone  any war and teh fact that rusia invaded was totaly unaccetable,   Whta happened in Ukraine let to millions of Ukrainians fleeing to Western Europe and to Russia - their were 3,5 milion Rusin speaking women and children  from Easten Ukraine invovled and more importantly war is not th answer to any prblm and I t hink that the invasion of Ukraine should have been avoided nd ther sould have been further negotiations tos top thedestructive War and killing of hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine and total destrc tions of cities and towns in especially Eastern Ukraine.

So - I beleieve he war resulteddd in failur in Diplomaticnegotiations on bth sides and tha a negotiated .settlment is essential.    I do not support any war and never will,    Whatever wars started in tis century stemmed from warmo gering y the USA - eg the WEaponms f Mass destruction in Iraq that turned u to be lies and BS and cused th deth of twice the umbe of pele killed iIaq compared to casualties in Ukraine and the war is ongoing after 21 years.   

In the case of te USA corruption is closely inked to wars  and has remains a fact of life under the present Goverment.   Trump  nominated people whose whole aim is to cut the US government budget by $2 trillion per year through eliminatin of bribery, corruption  and maladministration - three sicknesses destroying the USA and democracy.    A typical example is the toal damage cused by the present Gvernment as to maintenance and upgradig of the nuclear driven and armed  nuclear submarines of the USA.    Billions was spent - but 20% of the sbmarines have needs for mainteance and in the last 4 years when according to plans 8 new ssbmarines was to be built only 2 was in fact completed and  a third of the existing  foce are not operational.   Where did the billions spent go?    A combniation of incompetnce and bribery and corruption is the answer.

By the way the claim is that Biden made ilegally without consent of  Congres a further $72 billion  in aid available to Ukraine - so where is that money going?  Probably down the drain as most of already provided aid went.   Ukraine is the most corrupt Country in Euroe and the Demcorats wanted to gain that distiction in North America and Western Europe.   

Trump is uunlike Biden a strong leader with princuiples and not a corrupt crook like Biden.   So Biden tried to cover up the political corruption and worldwide by USA politicians and bureaucrats  by pardoning of Hunter Biden.   What he effectively did was to pardon himself and crooks like Pelosi and Schiff,    By pardoning Hunter he is trying to stop investigations of corruption involving himself and a string of other politicians - if Hunter's activities are invetigated - the role of himdelf and other US politicians would be exposed by further such  investigtions - so all investigations of Hunter must be prevented by te pardon and if hat happens he himelf togethe with shit like Pelosi and  Schiff will also be pardoned.

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