Now Hegseth

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Nov 22, 2024, 15:20

Articles today about the sexual exploits of another Trump candidate Pete Hegseth. Apparently this was settled, but Hegseth did pay the acccuser for her silence. Always troublesome. Also out there is this bizarre admission from Pete in 2019.

Fox News host Pete Hegseth has said on air that he has not washed his hands for 10 years because "germs are not a real thing".

Speaking on Fox and Friends, Hegseth said the infectious micro-organisms did not exist because they could not be seen with the naked eye.

"I inoculate myself," added the Harvard and Princeton graduate.

His remarks came after co-hosts Ed Henry and Jedediah Bila made fun of him for eating left-over pizza.

"My 2019 resolution is to say things on air that I say off air," Hegseth added.


Choosing all these mavericks may seem smart, but the Washington bureaucracy  will  neuter them. Trump misjudged the moment. There was a remarkably placid response to his election. The country clearly agreed with a lot of his positions. They were ready to support his new directions. No need to set the world on fire.

By contrast to Gaetz and Hegseth, Bondi is getting a positive response. The Donald should learn from this, but don’t hold your breath.

Nov 22, 2024, 15:41

B S 

Wh at has e to ge from - the fuckerfs that ost the war in  Afghanistan and undermined Trump all the time with their Woke Policies and to at all cost because of corruption wants wars to continue,  Remember how they bragged about being in contac with the Chinese Army Commander onm a regular basis.

So when audiing of he U S Defense Force took ff ey could not account to what happenmed o 30$ of he expenditure incurred. 

There is no fighing soldier amongst that lot and they hav e wakened the US  army to the weakest it was since 1918,

Tha is ne candidate I suppor since he reswft ar all shot tht should be i jail on a long list of charges.

There will with the aid of not much =inbreaucrats left to bluff anybdy -sin he corrks amongst the wil all be gone.   If intial indication are that $233 bilion wa frudulently spent in the Federal Gvrnment - I say fuck the corrupt abstards that is bankrupting the country.    Trump cmampaigned  celan u corruption - fruitless expenditure and incompetece from the Public Servants I suppot im in that.

The Federal Public Service shoud be run on business principles and not constant inepitude and unncessary regulaions fruitless expenditure and the system at present has been totally fucked  up since Reagan.   That is why the USA is being bankrupted by the bureaucrats - a curse on any country where they rule the  counrya s hy do at presen in the USA.



Nov 22, 2024, 16:46

Drivel alert

Nov 22, 2024, 16:56

No Mozart - Only facts  you refuse to see.   

Nov 22, 2024, 17:09

The subject is Hegseth, we have heard all the other stuff before. But the dollar is strengthening, foreign funds flow into the US stock market. Growth for 2025 will be much higher than Europe, which is tanking. The US has never been stronger economically. You and your right wing sources simply don’t understand what’s important.

So take your drivel somewhere else. If you want to comment on Hegseth feel free to post here.

Nov 22, 2024, 17:39

Becaue o h excio of Trump - but is it necessary to stab him in the back the way the Democrats are ploting to sbbotage hsi Administration - which hey di in the wgole period he was President..

Trump campaigned on issue the orinary people wants - but the Democrats and people like you try to prevent,   .     

Nov 23, 2024, 13:40

With picks like Gaetz and Hegseth he is stabbing himself in the back just when he had some real support.

Nov 23, 2024, 14:58

With the D mocrats rying t saabotage his policy implementation on a basis bordering n high treason some f his eselections is targetted mianly becaus thy were appointed ts top the rot in the Fedreral Government.   I never supported Gaetz - but I still supprt Hegseff - whoa t least know why the US  Army is being weakened by Geenrasl playing political games - who hates rump because he tries to settle wars through negotiation.   

It does fit into the politcal system to have corrupt bureaucrats to work alonmg with corrupt politicians - tht is why he Democrats sabotaged 3 efforts of settling the Ukraine War three times and is stil ful fofrce b ehinmd it.   

In the meantime theys abotaged the US Army with Woke quota sysems for recruitment and since that happened your Seno D urbin suggested that te aarmy recuit illegal migrants and give them immdiate citiznship when jining up.  Amongst them are thousnds of Chinese and Mulims with links to terorist networks and nc armed will attack the S Army internally.

That kind of BS is why the US Army is mocked as being weakened by shit eladership..  Th D emcats and staf f in the Jutice D epartment has undermined the US Constitution and attacked innocet people continuously and a far as I am concerned epecialy the army and Justice D epartment and BI leadeshiap - as well a the army should be set beore firig squads - since the shit in charge have neouh damage to the USA already.

Ukraine ahs no nucler bombs and is now threatening Rusia wth a nuclear bomb attack.   i tha happens te bomb would have beens upplied by te USA - very few world leaders kno the US leaderhip is batshit as BB calls it.      .   


Nov 24, 2024, 14:04

 So the normal BS abot Hegeff came out.   The wpman apaprarently lay charges with the Policet the alegatins of his womn and the Police investigated it and send a report to the DA in Montecino and te later declined to prossecute since there were no prof that the allege condut actrualy took place,     The report of the Police did not contain any riif aboiout the so-cled incdient and the Prosecutor reused o lay chares against Hegseff.

This type of report si to be expected rom the BS coming out of the DP and I think if he was guilty would the DA in Calfornia could not lay charges.  So lies is used against Hegseff instead of a case proved in court.    If he  was guilty whuy wa here no prosecution,    

It is amazing ho he DP found lying against people they do not want in a seat that could cause trouble for them.   Trump wan the corruption inthe S Defense Fre eiminated and want a rutless erson t h ave it done. and he corrupt poliicians and bureaucrats are shaking in the boots fearing theymay ed up in jail themselves,   Hope the DP dig i their hels and tell he DP to go and sulk in heir own cormer waing to go to jail.   

Can one imgaine that the US Deese Force cannot accounof how mor than  $100 billion was pen by the Department in a audit conducted of the DP finances,   I hope the corrupt pis suffe as hey should,      All tha the Scetary of Defnse has to do is to report that kind f things and the guilty would be jobles and well on their way to jail.    

I think there is nthing that scare the US politicos miore than there crruption be discovered and they would fight like hell to try and escape for hat is coming heir way.   


Nov 24, 2024, 14:09

Mind you there were no prosecution in the charges agaist Gaetz as well,   even by the shit that wnted to get at all opponents f their criminal conduct.    I hope Gaets made a claim of libel agaist th e F BI running into at least $50 million to forc he ratrs into a situation they deserve to be in.

As far as I am concerned he DP ha turned into a criminal gang fleecing the txpayers and hathould en.    

Nov 25, 2024, 08:04

Yes Gaetz was investigated by the FBI but the case was dropped for lack of evidence. 

Gaetz is highly intelligent and a massive threat to the Deep State. 

Given how many anti Trump Uniparty Globalist Rinos there are in the Senate he could not be confirmed. 

However, he could have got the job as AG job via a recess appointment. So what is going on.

Bondi spent 18 years as a homicide Prosecutor. Then served as Florida AG. MSNBC says she is very competent and is a bigger threat than Gaetz. 

Wonder what Gaetz is going to do. He says he intends to unmask the corruption in Congress. That would be great. Could De Santos nominate him to take Rubios Senate seat. That would be great and go some way to rehabilitate De Santis as a MAGA guy. 

Jimmy Doore showed a clip of Gaetz being interviewed by Benny Johnston. Gaetz doesnt buy the obviously false narrate about Epstein's death. He said that he believes a foreign power was responsible and hinted that it was Mossad.

There are so many things that need to be revealed.

Mozzietard will be against all Trump nominees that threaten Globalist power. 

I think Trump may have to use recess appointments. The Uniparty still control the Senate. That said Musk is threatening these traitors. Looks like he will fund the primary opponents of all Rinos. 

The identification of these Rinos is a first step - already many are known. 

By the way Mike I was very surprised to see that the normally very reliable Senator Hawley did NOT vote for Scott. That was a big surprise to me. 

Nov 25, 2024, 08:07

Megyn Kelly has roasted the jackasses going after Hegseth. 

It's all so monotonous. They don't like a GOP candidate. They role out the sex charges. This gives the Rinos cover to vote against a confirmation etc. Who will ever forget what these bastards put Kavanaugh through. 

Nov 25, 2024, 09:24

The DP is like the Mafia  in operating.    Famous saying before killing a person is "He isa  pebble in my shoe and is troubling me",   Anybody that they regard as beeing   serious critic of them must be eliminated by them and sex stories that led to know to no criminal  charges is the norm developed by them for years.

So Trump nominees that threaen their corrupt activities must be eliminated at all costs,   It applies to Trump himself - but also to his nominees,   When the nominee tominaed with the Green policy head she a criminal cnviction for spiking trees tha led to a serious and ear t fation injry to a worker - she is  an ideal Biden appointee  for the job.   Tere was nt a single Biden cabinet appointee that wa qualified for the job and theyfucked up royally  like the case was when the US Army fled i the middle of the nigt rom Afghanistan and left behind billions in arms a equipment - especially secia; dsigb Black Hawk helicopters and ons of weaponry used by terrorists frm Iran ag ainst the USA.

Then there was the case of the Secretary of the  Treasury who prsented the budget to the Senae teand was caught out not even knowing what was in the Budget and the constant stream of lies by  Garland and Wray when qestioned and their illustrous Mayorkas who gave four differenyn asnwers to he same question sterching over 14 days and Buttigieg - who wsa appointed by  Biden becuase he peteended he was Suziegieg and knew nothing about transport issues.   When the  Transpor system unde h is cntrol collapsed and resuled in empty shop shelves all over the USA - it was Suziegieg or was it  Buttigieg that went AWOL.     He was shit as a Secretary of Treansport and the trainwreck at New Palestine  in Ohio ewent AWOL.   Like Harris there were no Biden appointed secretary hat had any experiece of the jobs they were appointed to  and no ones hat was not a ttal diste for the USA Government,

Now suddenly  Trumps appoineees are crooks, sex traffickers and scum  without any criminal cnvictions and purely based on them heing strongest criticizers of  Democratic Party criinality and misiule.    By the way the glorious victories  of the US Army in Vietnm. Afghnsistan and Iraq claimed by Mozart was the biggest BS I have ever seen on site,   

So why did those camapigns in he end went AOL - it wa te shitr army commanders appointed over the period after Eisenhower.s presidency,   The were all office geenrals who when retiring started ne cares as kick-back kings  wrking for armaments  industry ad livin f kick backs fo contracts awarded to them.   Take the case of General Flynn which Trump wanted to use as Naatinal Security Advisor and would expose the corrupt BS of he C IA.   So the FBI falsified a report on a convesation the Russian Amassaxdor phoned him and when Barr foud  out about what was going on he as so shocked that he withdrew the fake  charges against Flynn - But the sshit on site as present then ad is sil present by the same members.

That is why I think Trump wi keep Hegseff as his Secretary of Defense and use  Gaetz to investigate the shit coduct of Corrupt criminals in the Senate and House.    He would not ened anybody's approval for his appointment to weed out the corrut BStrs like soem RINOS and the Cheyene crime family as well.     .   .                 


Nov 25, 2024, 17:47

The man simply doesn’t have the requisite experience to head up the Military…same argument as Harris not having the experience to be President. Being a Fox reporter doesn’t qualify.

Nov 25, 2024, 20:16

Which of Biden's picks had any required experience of the jonbs they were aaaappointed to do.   In any way tell us who you think has the experience needed  after the present generals were virtually all failutres adn were more inerested in new OKE managment thaan they kne about fighting battles.   Most o hem sit  their desks and wrk ou how much kickbacks they get from the armamnts industrym   

^So that "experience" has  weakened the army and they cannot even get recruits to the required xtent becasue all the Army recuruitment prorgam entails was to get  certain percntage the quotas for women, bisexuaks, transes and homosexuals should be reqruited and what percentage of Blacks that should be recruited must ce from inner cities,   from inner cities,   That is what is destroying the US Army and evn a fighing soldier can see what is happening.   He wrote a book dealing what is weakening the army and he alck of ldesg  ip is one of the major factors dstroying he u army/    The ultra-leftist approach reduce loaylty of people to the country and in theend refuse to fight agaiinst  US enemies.

No Moart -nohing will go wrong a a result of Hefseff's appointments since nothing can be worse than the present management deficiencies,     Maybe it would even help the DF to balance their books and be aware of what to the billion missing money which the D F cnanot account hat the money was spent on.    

Trump before he left ofice in 2021 discussed with Genral Milley and other senior generals the witdrawal from Afghanistan,    Two of the main issues were the ensurance hat citizens and green card holdes - as well as workers who worked for the army and their families - shuld be evaccuated on an organized basis withdrawn before he troops finally leve,   Insofar as the miitay equiment was concerned Milley said the equipment should be diasabled and left behind/   Trump could not believe his ears - there were at least 20 Black Hawk heloicopters csting mire than $2 billion each invovled and he told him off in no uncertain terms /     However that did not work and when the chaos that was associated with the withdrawal  followed  - the departure was chaotic.     The arny coimmand gave names of people to he Taliban to allw them to find their way to Kabul airport  - how many of those were miurered by thae Taliban nobody would ever know.   They left everything behind as Milley stated to Trump  as well an then afer bribing the Taliban brought to the USA 125  000 people to the USA with no identification involvd and a many as 10 000 is feared to be  Taliban plants in the USA/

I would rather take a Seargent  Major  with knwledg of financig before anybody  from the present army command in charge,   Trump did the right thing already.   He informed all the Generals involved in the Kabul debacle and all ofiers prmoted by Milley to submit their resignaion letters  to the WH and that would mean he would have all the  letters on his table/ when returning from the swearing in ceremony.   GOOD THING  to replace te BSTers.   Miley knew what wa coming nd took riment in October so he would  no face a Cour Marshall.    Trmp gave the others  chnce to get out, without being courtmarshalled 

In any event the uditing of the books of the Defense Force woulxd cause irther havoc because Billions vanished into thin air - nobost aema to know and care what the money was spent on.   I ne event  I wonde ho many cry baby sessions tppok pace in the DF.   What is clear is that musk nd Ramaswami is coming ad all the shot wwill be removed.     Milley s the Chairmman o the committee who acuall runs the army - the Secretaries role had zero tp fdp with actual commnd of the army.    The roe f te Secetary is to that polcies of the Presidnt is apply and contro; fiancial dmin requirments.    So the experence needed is to see that the rpesnt disorde is not continued,   

What  Reump and Hegseff  has not been clean up  Musk and Ramaswamy will remove  from the chaos that is the present Pentagon command  be eli,imated,                 .                    , ,     

Nov 25, 2024, 22:43

 Most o hem sit  their desks and wrk ou how much kickbacks they get from the armamnts industrym ‘

A slanderous comment, provide proof. Which general has been found guilty of taking bribes

Nov 26, 2024, 06:27

Not slanderous and driven as fact is hundreds of cases of hiding of bribery and corruption in the USA.   I saw enough questioning in the House and Senate exposing maximum corruption by various Government Departments and  especially the Defense Deparment.   However, nobody is ever investigated by the FBI and no charges laid by the Justice Department.

So lets go into details and the start with what you menione to start off this threat is joking between  c=commenttors on site.   Blas my siel nd you were childish and idiotcic enough to use it in te above comments  mentioned to stsrt this threat - jokes betwee frinds are now factual.      

There are  adequate rasons to believe that the audits  carried out thu far  idicated that the DF management cannot accout for how up to at least $80 billion was spent by the Defense Department.    One has to studiy what happened during Senate and House hearings and understand  what really happened and  there are hundreds of cases of coruption and bribery that is just not dealt with.   

I can quote at least ten examples and prove it that virtually every Govenment Dpartmnt is corrupt and the Defense Force are een more corrupt than others,   When management cannt account on how money was spent that aloe is a signal that the spending spree was chaotic and corrupt.  

When you caim what I wrote is slanderous - what must I say about the slander you always are guilty of on this site.   So I will emntin jsut obvious cases of cirrut spending of US money:-

*    The according ti you spending on non-existent bio-labs in Ukraine,

*     Proof admitted in the Senate by he Defesne Department  hat by September 2022 only 30% of he arms deliveries reached the fighing army in Eastern Ukraine 

*     Proof that Trump himself told fighter plane manufcctures  shortly before his term ended in 2021 that he knew about the kickback operation of 15% on rmamens purchases and he warned the armaments manufacturers to their faces that he knew about it and if they make hemselves guilty in furture  they will end up in jail together wih Defense staff  involved,

*     Find out what and who are invovled in the Haliburton cntract that has been in operation since 2006 - Dick Cheyne and Liz Cheyne.

Trump knows exctly that corruption is total in the USA and that unless action is taken against it - the USA wil end up as a banana republic,    That is why he appointed Musk and Ramaswary is go to help him to get rid of he corruption in the USA puclic service to clear it out as wel as the approval of many nominees  aiming at getting rid of the shit which is destroying the country sysematically.

By the way the FBI is so rotten that the Florida Governror whose police  has the second attempted   assasin in cuitody  and already stated infoamtion reealed a plot to kill Trump and the two assassination attepts were organized and not individual occurencesm - but would not allow he FBI near to the xchap they arrestd about the second atempt.    They know he wiuld be dead and unable to give evidence.

So in a poll of their own 75% of he voters believe Hegseth's appoinment will be supported in the Senate - because the Senators are aware of what is going on.   Your new hero Mitch. Muzorski and Collins will either vote absent or with their colleagues in the DP and the other members knowing how corrupt the Public Service are will support the Trump nominees.    So he vote at best wold be 50:50 with Vance casting the deciding  vote,

So you are welcome to join the crybaby sessions in Government Departments since you obviously like and support  bribery and corruption in the USA.          .                             





Nov 26, 2024, 09:56


You are a doos aler

Nov 26, 2024, 14:06

Occasionaly I make this mistake of treating you like an adult, instead of somebody deep in second childhood. There are plenty of these left leaning generals I don’t respect, but accusing them of taking bribes without any credible evidence is disgusting. 

Nov 26, 2024, 15:13

It is openly alleged under oath in S enate and House meetings that there is endemic corruption in the Defense  Force in the USA.    There are things that  don't like and that is lsing control of hw money was spent by supposedly honest msnagement,   I think thar the FBI investigaing corruption in Govermet instead of protecting coruption like they did for years that is also the view of the Commission on  Govenent Integrity  the hell will broke out sooner rather thn later than most perople think.  .

I saw some projects that the DF dare not declare  expenditure items - like the biolabs in Ukraine are also going to be uncovered.    That is likely a part of the Ukraine fnding the Department ssi hiding.     

Trump knew Defense Force purchases  were toally corrupt and in negotiations on buying planes to repalce the aging fighter jets - he asked the manufactirer for a quote and the abcve a $2,38 billion per plane.    A f ter taking off the famus 15%  - he 

*    offeed the  manufacurers $357 million les per plain; and 

*     gave the manufacturers  an indicaio that if they pay bribes he is going to see they join he people they bribed in jail.

That was recorded in WH recods and the manufacturers accepted his offer.    However, the plane deliveries started and it ould be interesting to see whether the Biden Admnistatio paid the Trump offered prce for he fighter jets  or an inceased price,

I think the therapy sesison if he State Deaortmet will soon reach the Defense Force as well as Health and Education Departments togther with the FBI and C IA .

Aside from refusal to invest the Hunter Biden Laptop - as well as the reports send by the Banks on moneylaundeing by Biden and his family.   Unrtunately the House sub-poenaed the backs to provide copies of their reports and when Wray was confronted by the House he was tod to deliver the originals to he House - did so and did not testify as to why it was not investigated  he clamed his normal and that is he  ccnnot give info on ongoing investigations,   He obviously was lying - the documents were sent to the FBI  more than 3 years ago and they did nothing about it by ling it.   

There are another issue which is disturbing  and that was the $5,4 illion the AG reported ha gone nissing  - ie a part of the relief funding provided to counter the impact of Covid on small ad medium businesses.  It just vanished andx  ivrstigation on the issue as done as to get the people in jail.     

Now hee is a report that in he las financial year $233 billion a naccounted for,   

The above are not light matters yhat should be ignored  - pesnally it idicated a massive level f corruption and inometnenve in Govrnment that obe does no expect from the USA.    I think hat Trump knows what is happening and appointed Musk and Ramaswri as business manages to ge he messes cleared up.   

Lets wait and see what happens over the next six months when the implemation of the Integrity Commison implmentation will start,   The first thing that Trump will cancel immediately is membership of the WHO organization since hey hve dngerous powes that could have a major detrimental impact on the USA/               


Nov 26, 2024, 23:34

Just as I thought….zero evidence of generals taking bribes.

Nov 27, 2024, 07:10

Wait for it it is coming and it is not the bribes they take as generals but he ickbcks they et wen tuining into consultants after they left the foce that presen the real problems as well.   

Nov 27, 2024, 10:10

Poor ou mozzietard being schooled by Mike yet again. 

Huge sums have gone missing from the Pentagon. The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is known to lobby people in Congress. These ex Generals go on TV and always talk about the military needing more money. Who is paying these guys.

Read a great article explaining how the 51 contractors to the military amalgamated into 5. How they charge the US government astronomical amounts for arms and how Russia can produce arms at a fraction of the cost. 

The whole thing stinks of corruption. Congress accepts bribes apart from a few. But to ou mozzietard head in the sand mind this couldnt apply to the squeaky clean generals. 

What a load if nonsense. Rivals his claims that the 2020 elections were fair! 

As for Milley there is talk that President Trump will recall him to service and the have him court marshalled. Way to go!

Poor mozzietard should stop all his nonsense. Like the truth about Rassie, Du Toit and Allende has made a jackass of him regarding rugby so the revelations coming out in 2025 will do the same politically. 

Mike and I and some others know quite a lot already but there will be much more criminal activity revealed. 

Mozzietard should just zip it and limit the damage to his cratering credibility. But of course he wing he just keep digging that hole and sinking, sinking, sinking. 

Nov 27, 2024, 15:07

Here is something to help the ignorant mozzie understand matters regarding Hegseth.

Megyn Kelly DESTROYS Pete Hegseth’s Accuser with Legal Knockout – The Untold Story of Why No Charges Were Ever Filed! | Elijah Schaffer (VIDEO)

Nov 28, 2024, 13:54

Lets look at Hegseth - an angel he is not.    Has thus far been married three times and has 7 children.   Built like Tarzan  he is for some woman a hotty they would like to get into bed.   The woman  made the allegations went for him the whole time - whilde her husband and children in their hotel room, and she played Hegseh like a fiddle  to get him into bed.   So he ended up in embarrasssing situation that by now he should have know woman on heat is bad for anybody and he fell for it.    Dangerous - see what happened to Zverev and he two bitched who was interest in fleezing him of his mney and now he decided beutiful bitches are dagerous things  - so he has a vey plainlooking girlfriend now.      

The case of Hefgseth is that the bitch managed to get him intolved in consensial sex with her and then tried to blckmail him.     The police was aware she was BSting and so was the local DA.   So no charge because they found out she was lying about what happened,      

On the funny side  his  third his wife would be rather unhappy about his conduct in this case - but that happned before he married her so she must have forgiven him for the idiscretion by now,  ..    

In any event ask Clinton  had regular sex with intens  in te oval office  that was consential and then  have Clinton's and Gate's enjoyment on pedohile iland of Epstein.   The laltter was indeed criminal/    Would soon have a case like that thing Biden has as a trans Secretary is nothing mre than a hoar and nobowdy ever questioned his-her actions aimed at getting children  to have sexchange operatiosns without permission of their parents, 

With his  child-producing there would soon be a whole tribe of Hegseth's in the USA .    :ermm::ermm::ermm::angel::angel::angel:          

Dec 02, 2024, 08:18

Pundits rip Pete Hegseth after his own mom calls him ‘an abuser of women’ then tries to take it back

Pete Hegseth, the man tapped by Donald Trump to become Defense Secretary, has come under fire from Democrats and other liberal pundits after he was branded as an “abuser of women” by his own mother.

A report from The New York Times featured a 2018 email to the former Fox News anchor from Penelope Hegseth, where she said she had “no respect” for her son and that he needed “take an honest look at yourself.”

The Times reported that in an interview on Friday, Penelope Hegseth had backtracked on the comments and said she had sent her son an immediate follow-up email, apologizing for what she had said.

But social media commentators were quick to react to the report, with former Democratic Representative Bakari Sellers writing: “This letter from Pete Hesgeths mom is…whoa. MAGA will turn a blind eye but this is something.”

Pundits rip Pete Hegseth after his own mom calls him “an abuser of women” in a 2018 email. His mom has now walked back those comments and backed her son as he looks to be confirmed as Defense Secretary (REUTERS)
Pundits rip Pete Hegseth after his own mom calls him “an abuser of women” in a 2018 email. His mom has now walked back those comments and backed her son as he looks to be confirmed as Defense Secretary (REUTERS)

“Man Pete Hegseth’s mom thinks he’s a real piece of s***,” wrote attorney Andrew Fleischman.

Author James Surowiecki added: "Hegseth was already unqualified to be Defense Secretary, simply because he has zero experience running a large organization. His history with women (as set out by his mom) also makes him totally unsuited to run a department with hundreds of thousands of female employees.”

“Political commentator Wonder how Republicans are going to spin this statement from Pete Hegseth’s OWN MOTHER,” said commentator Brian Tyler Cohen.

In her email Penelope Hegseth accused her son of routinely mistreating women for years, though said she still loved him. “On behalf of all the women (and I know it’s many) you have abused in some way, I say … get some help and take an honest look at yourself,” she wrote.

The email went on: “I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego. You are that man (and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth.”

In her Friday interview with The Times Hegseth said she had sent the email “in anger, with emotion” at a time when he and his wife were going through a very difficult divorce.

Following the report, conservatives also condemned The Times for publishing the exchange.

“The New York Times is publishing a 6 year old private email between a mother & her son. This is despicably low on so many levels,” wrote Republican author Sean Parnell. “Families have issues. All the time. To make those issues public for the sole purpose of tanking a nomination is evil. Period.”

“Pete has children. They will read this. Their friends will read it. It is irresponsible as hell to even publish such a thing. Democrats don’t have to deal with this BS. It’s sickening.”

Hegseth has also previously been criticized for his attitude towards female military members, having previously said: “It hasn’t made us more effective, hasn’t made us more lethal, has made fighting more complicated.”

Dec 09, 2024, 08:56


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