Is that why their rugby and antional pride are collapsing?
Is that why their rugby and antional pride are collapsing?
Look at how woke nz has become. Wonder if old crust is thinking of transitioning. Maybe he is grooming his kids.
Maybe old crust is performing as a drag queen at the schools.
A real wacko is our old crust.
Thankfully nz got rid of young Globalist leader Justine Arderne. Hope for their sakes they don't get another Globalist PM.
When things get very bleak people return to God. Reality is a great teacher. Old crust needs a good dose of it before sanity retuns.
Poor old crust and his fellow travellors are going to be bombarded with truth over the next 4 years. It will make or break the loon.
Old pedobeeno all butt hurt his religion is going away, scared your access to little kids will dry up there pedo?
Bwahahaha wasn't that long ago you were claiming your religion was on the rise, face it your load of bullshit fairy tale has been exposed for the fraud it is.
Also FYI there are plenty of tranny's, pedo's, ass bandits and the like on your side of the fence and you have cornered the market in kiddy fiddlers as well.
Meanwhile, the Church of England is being investigated for organised crime - paedophilia.
The Chuch leader just stepped down, and the other top-ranking officials look like they will follow suit.
Exactly the Church leader stepped down and will be followed by other leaders because such behavior is completely unacceptable. Read the Bible and see what God has said about those making children stumble.
Churches everywhere need to root out these Globalist Marxist infiltrators! The Globalist Marxist march through the institutions must be stopped in its tracks and these fiends fired and prosecuted.
Meanwhile sharktwits big heroine Harris wanted trans surgery to be paid for by the US military.
The whole pedophile and trans perversion is supported by the Demonrats. The Demonrats are supported by sharktwit and his perverted fellow travellors!
They disgust me.
Did lite all this the Church continues to grow.
To think in the entire world only 400 million people are atheists. Making atheists a tiny lunatic fringe who God himself calls FOOLS.
Also great to see so many young people coming to the Lord in America and do many voting for Trump.
The truth is even non believers are beginning to see the woke agenda so loved by perverted atheists is totaly sick. I expect this trend to only grow.
Always excuses from the religious, but this stuff keeps happening. You keep brushing it under the carpet, but it wont go away. The Church has become an LGBT organisation- or it already was. It is luciferi
I may be uncertain - but are you referring to the Anglican Church? If so - is King Charkes 111 stepping down as King?
"Great news for all Kiwis. "
In your opinion...and the majority's opinion it seems...doesn't make it right though...
Also doesn't make it wrong.
Ja, I long as the majority don't force their shit on anyone...wasn't right when the Christians were the majority...still wrong
Exactly what are non believes forcing on your choices regarding religion, no one is running around banning you from being a christian are they. What we do see is your lot wailing and gnashing of teeth that you can no longer force us to follow your silly beliefs and it's getting worse as Christianity fades into obscurity.
Yes, they resent that fewer people believe in their mystical ways. They have lost their superpower, a bit like a Samson scenario, but without the option to grow his hair back/
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is a “presidential transition project” created as a blueprint for recruitment and indoctrination should Donald J. Trump become the next president. The plan calls for establishing a government that would be imbued with “biblical principles” and run by a president who holds sweeping executive powers. The Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank and sponsor of The Republican National Committee’s convention, is directing the effort, along with hundreds of additional organizations. Despite Trump’s disavowalof Project 2025, the effort includes 140 staff members, advisors, and agency heads of the former Trump administration.
This is laughable. an xtremely funny. Trump has not even seen the report/ What is ahppening is that thee sis one thing bot evodent n this sit and that is the issue of belief of people. In a democracy is it not rue that people has the right to belief in whasoeve hey believe in? Sure hey do. I have never said people who are aheiss and aainst religion are wrog in wahat they believe in -they ahve te right to believ what hey ant tbelieve, I know membes like Beno and some others take he view that religous beliefs must always be in charge and that bpeple woth no such believes arewrong - but the non-believers are also wrong in asg he issue on site ike this one.
Take for instance he alststory of BB/ A proacticaquestion is how manymembers and even cabiet members ave trump named that serice under him n th priod h was President ad now the idocy came out about "the effort includes 140 staff members, advisors, and agency heads of the former Trump administration".
I make a tongue in cheeck remark abot CF's religious belefs story. Iasked a question about hat is really he case and nobody responded - why does te NZ national anthem has a sennse about "God protecting our freedom". Would hey stive o cange he sentense to "hina proecting or Freedom or taken out o the nthem completely? What about believers in Islam - what about beliees in Hinduism.? Or is it only Chritianity that must be forbidden?
80% o he people in the orld - even a resent - have some believes in some orm of religion or anoher - so does they be ruled over by 20% of he world popultion with no eligious beliefs,? Thta is why I always aay keep his topic off this site, It is divisive and controversial anwway.
What about he enw religion called "Global Warming" . that is raised at times - but it remains a ew form of cultism and why is that right and why are we seemingly against or for that topic as well. Hell earth existed fo millions of years and life in one form or aother existed in that period - in that time we had ice ages lastig thousands of ears when whole populations of animals and humans were wiped out and hem some new form of life start until th next Ice ae starts and naure repeat itself,
It is stupi to believe the propaganda atached to the new religion? Is it not idiocyto believ that humans will cause destruction of humanity if w do not thigns by 2032 or 2050 or fo that mattr 2500/ To think that humans can dothat is unbelievble BS - yet it has become the "neew eligin" preachd on site,
Why do all you religious idiots always go on about us wanting to dictate what you can and can't believe and we are trying to stop you from worshipping your god. News flash for you we don't give a shit what lunacy you believe you can be a flat earther, anti-moon landing, unicorn believing idiots as much as you want we simply do not care.
All we ask is you leave us alone as well, stop trying to introduce laws to force us to follow your beliefs.
Debating and pointing out the errors and inconsistency of your silly book is not persecuting or trying to stop you believing. if you want to live in ignorance about your faith feel free to do so. Don't interact with us, its a free world and as such I have every right to question Christianity as much as you have every right to try and spread the word of your religion.
Poor old persecuted Christians, can't believe that so many don't swallow their sacred BS they have to pretend some imaginary anti christ is sending everyone else out to get them.
Face it you BS can't stand up to scrutiny
If someone wants to worship the Buddha, Neptune, God, Allah, or the Tokoloshe they can, but that does not mean that anyone else has to take their beliefs seriously.
As Ricky Gervais once said..... there are apparently more than 5 000 different Gods
Therefore a Christian only believes in one less God than an Atheist
Is it just me or do these fools need to think they are so special that a god has picked them out of the masses to give preferential treatment to while us poor non-believers are despised by their god and are left to live in darkness because we are not one of the chosen few?
Did your moms not cuddle you enough as kids?
I've never understood the enormous difference between the hardcore Old Testament god who smote non-believers at will and ordered the Israelites to kill children while sparing the women
to be raped and shared amongst the soldiers for their pleasure . . . .and the pansy, limp-wristed New Testament god who apparently loves everyone but never manifests himself in any meaningful way.The Old Testament god is someone to be feared and respected while the New Testamant guy is the equivalent of a LBGTQ tranny.
Not sure about that Roo In light of Jesus' teaching, there's no question he considered the entire Old Testament to be the inerrant, written Word of God. He said he came to fulfill the entire Jewish Old Testament (Matt. 5:17), which he referred to as “the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 5:17; Luke 24:26–27)
He was pro rape and murder as his father was, he was no woke pussy as his followers try to make out. Once the common man started to learn to read the scam artists had to start making changes to their book of evil otherwise no one would believe in this shit.
"Non believ
ers"...says it all.
Don't reepod to BS please.
Senior player
2993 posts
Just release data from New Zealand's 2023 census has non-believers at 51.6% of the population.
Non-believers were sitting at 41.9% in 2013 and 48.2% in 2018.
Great news for all Kiwis.
Christianity is still top of the religions with 32.3% (down from 36.5%)
Link to NZ Herald article:
Census data NZ: More than half of the population has no religion - NZ Herald