Conservatives won’t ally with Reform. They have often talked about it.
Yes, only 33% of the country voted Labour……and a lot of them seem to be turning against them already !
Conservatives won’t ally with Reform. They have often talked about it.
Yes, only 33% of the country voted Labour……and a lot of them seem to be turning against them already !
I am not sure about that at all, If Politicians feels they are going to lose even potential power they will change that story.
54,034 posts
With the USA returning to NORMALCY under Trump and his popularity rising while the D emocrats are getting in deeper trouble by the Day - it is interesting to look at what opinion polls says about the political situation in the UK and in Germany.
The United Kingdom
In June 2024 there was a General election in the UK. At that stage Labour got 33% of the vote and won a runaway victory when it came to a total disaster by the Conservatives under the weakest Leadership ever:. So the Conservativ ;leader resigned and a new election was called, A new Leader was elected and the choice fell on Kemi Badenoch and her background is as follows:-
Born in London and raised in Nigeria, Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke became the Tory MP for Saffron Walden in 2017 under her married name Badenoch.
Known for her robust views and no-nonsense style, her political heroine growing up in Nigeria was Margaret Thatcher, according to Blue Ambition, a biography written by Tory peer Lord Ashcroft.
She returned to the UK at the age of 16 to study for her A-levels before gaining a masters degree in computer systems engineering from Sussex University.
She became more Conservative partly as "a reaction to the very spoiled, entitled, privileged, metropolitan elite-in-training at university," she told a Spectator podcast.
Before entering politics, the 44-year-old mother of three worked in IT and banking.
She held a series of ministerial jobs under Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, who promoted her to business secretary.
But it is arguably through her other former role - as minister for women and equalities - that she has emerged as a darling of the modern Conservative right for her stance on trans rights.
She first ran for Conservative leader in 2022 following Johnson's resignation, and came fourth despite starting the race with a relatively low-profile.
This Lady seems to be a real Conservative - she said the Conservative Party will always lose as long as they try to immitate and use labor and leftist politics and she won the support of the majority of voters to become Tory leader.
Since the June 2024 election the political situation got much worse and according to latest polls the Labour Party support slipped to between 22 and 28% - the bigger the number of voters participating in the polls the smaller the percentage votes of Labor, In the June Elecion the Reform Party got 14% of the votes and is now between 22$ and 27% according to opinion polls.
The Labour Party has a huge number of seats - but with every move by the Starmer Government they lose more votes and the leftist idealogues prove incapable to Governg properly with Starmer getting vey unpopular with the voters and likely to be replaced by another Labour leader. There is no need for another election before 2029 - but the way things are going they will soon compete with the German Socialist Party as to support.
There is another problem is that the two majority paries combined will Govern together if they can find a way of running the elections in future, That would mean that the Labour Party will start losing by-election.
However, the Labour Party sent hundreds of volunteers to help Harris in her election campaign and thus interfered in the USA election. A dangerous thing to do and I think the situation is that relationship between Trump and Starmer is at best throsty, So when Starmer decided on a Amassador in Washintoon -Trump refused to deal with the man since he has close ties with the Chinese Regime.
However, the relationship between Trump and Farage as leader of the Reform Party is very good, I would not be surprised if Trump meets with the new leader of the Conservatie Party in future to discuss how the Labour Party could be undermined in the UK, The fact is that an alliance ageement between the Conservative and Reform Parties can be productive to both Parties, That would mean the two Parties will decide in which constituencies the Conservatives will nominate candidates and in which the Reform Party would do the same. Labour is vulnerable in seats with high workig class voters and they are losing support of workes who according to opnion polls moved to the Reform Party.
There is not much policy differences between thr new CP leader and Farage and both believe in what Trump is standing for in the USA.
In the German Election in 2021 the Socialists under Scholtz got 29% of the votes as gainst 28% of the CDU and CSU of the vote and Scholtz decide to form a robot coalition wih the Greens (16%) and Free Democrats (12%) Support of the Parties collapsed recently and the coalitoon Government collapsed when the Free Democrats realized they are self-destructing by remaining part of an extremely unpopular regime. The result is that their support collapse to below 5% and thatmean no membership in the Reichstag.
As a result of the collapse of the Coalition Government a new election is to be h eld on 23 Novmber 2025 . According to the situation reflected in the latest opinion polls the siuation is as follows:-
CDU-CSU - 31% of the voters
AfD - 23% of he vioters
Socualists - 17% of the voters
Greens - 13% of the voters
SWP - 6% of te voters
Free Semocrats 4% of te votes,
Germany had a long histoy of Coalition Governments - normally between the CDU-CU and the Socialists or with the Free Democrats - but here is a problem this tiime around if the opinion polls are reflected in the actual results, The Free Democrats will have no Reichsag seats - so they will be out of the scene totally. A Coalition between the CDU-CSU and the Socilists combind will not have the majority in the Reichstag and will leave the situation of weak Governance, Nobody in the majority parties would want self-destruction by involving the extreme leftist Greens in any form of Governance coalition.
But there is a problem - when the AfD was formed about 15 years ago it had for five years no Reichstag seats - and at the ime the smug parties involved under Merkel decided that the CDU-CSU and the Socialists would not go in coalition Government worh eh AfD because they are Nazi;s, However, the growth of the Party into the seonmd biggest political aprty is preventing a really sustainable Government in Gemany and now the problem problem is that Musk declared that the only Party that will save Germany from self-destruction is the AfD That is going to cause problems in coaition forming. The CSU is the Bavarian wing of the CSU and they are almost of the same ideology as the AfD,
I would not be surprised at all if the CDU-CSU forms a coalition Government with the AfD and they would have the blessing of Trump a well.
There was a parlamentary election held in July 2024 with Macron's Prty in Round 1 the RN Party under Marine le Pen got the highest number of votes, the Socialist-Communist Alliance came seond and Macron own Party came in 3rd and the Repulican Party 4th, In Round 2 Macron sugested his party should withdraw from seats where they came in third the voters should support the Cmmunist/Socialists alliance - while in seats his party came in second the Socialists third they should wthdraw that candidate.
The situation in the fial Round was that the S oxcialists/Communist alliance got most seats in Parliament and he appointed a member of the Republican Party as Premier. The member invovled was so insecure as Prime Minister that he refused to resign as the mayor of the Town where he lives.
So with the re-opening of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris he invied Trump a the main guess of honour and had a meeting with Trump and Zelenskyy before going to the Cathedral. He apparently wants his Party to move more to the USA Republican Party policies and closer to the RN Party of Le Pen. That would mean a total re-alighnment of politics in France. What is going to happen is that the next Presidential election will be in 2027 and he is bound to be the Rightwing candidate of his Party. Macron start talking like Trump more and more - realizing that leftist ideology is losing support in EU countries rapidly.
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