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RFK calls out corrupt Bernie at the hearing as well

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » RFK calls out corrupt Bernie at the hearing as well

Jan 31, 2025, 09:21

as other corrupt Senators who took money from big Pharma. 

Initially commie Bernie Sanders tries to LIE ABOUT IT BUT RFK nails the unhinged loon. Bwahahahahaha. RFK has the facts about Big Pharma etc at his finger tips and just keeps winning the arguments. 

Can't get system to post X items as a link.

Jan 31, 2025, 15:36

I watched it yesterday....  just brilliant

RFK was calm, composed and 200% prepared for the grilling that he got from so many on the panel, and he put every single one of them on notice, that he knows exactly what he is talking about, and exactly why he is the perfect person for the job.

I must say that was bloody impressive.

The applause and cheers that he got afterwards from the entire room shows just how impressed everyone was with his knowledge and experience on healthcare.

Feb 01, 2025, 01:31

Feb 01, 2025, 01:36

Feb 01, 2025, 01:47

Feb 01, 2025, 01:55

saved the best for last

calm & composed se gat ........... he's batshit .

Feb 01, 2025, 07:49

Of course Blo wouldn't look at RFK's own words.


Nah, much better to listen to another talking head opine.

Feb 01, 2025, 08:08

There you go Beenz

Feb 01, 2025, 18:02

Damn that Pocahontas is one stupid hag...thanks for the clip Bob.

Feb 01, 2025, 20:02

One hs a;ways be ware thta there is not a Democrat politciian without skeletons in the cupboard that they do not wwant investigated 0 that being the main reason wy they fought endlessly against Bondi as AG, as well as Patel and also Kennedy.   They preach about ccorruption - but most Democrats had a clique of Public Servan ts to help in keepin g the skeletons in the cupboard and do everthin g they can to prevent gettin g shamed in public by being charged of being corupt. 

There ar a few Republican Senators who have the same cupboard problem as well.

The main problem the  Democrats have with Hegseth was fear that the corruption involving the armaments industry  will be exposed - while in te case of Kennedy the problem relates to the Pharma industry.

The problem is that Health in the USA is a State fubction - not a Federal function.  Covid gave the federal Government the opening to start rulin g the country by imposing for instance closing down business operation, confining people to their hmes and enforcing vaccination.   For the latter issue lies were spread about the vaccinations - like if you are vacciated you will not get infectrd and cannot spred Covid - and if you get Covid and was not caccinated  you will die,

In essense the statement was that vaccination is advisavle but only if people refue to be vaccinated the G overnment has zeo Constitutional Rights to enforce  it.   But that was not the case,     The demand for vaccines was a huge investment the Government had to make in purchasing vaccines and the harde the fight laated to enforce usage of the vaccines  usage the more policians will benefit from it, 

It is really amazing that the vaccined that has faded out from common use is now the main reason for the attacks on Kennefy.     It is the same with the chaotic DOD  fuibncial management that cause hysteria in the interview system.    The fact is it is fear that drives the Democrats into hysteria when they come up with  objections - much of it total BS,,    It makes tatements and questions from scoundrels like Schiff so comical,    


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