Syrian Civil War kicking off again

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Syrian Civil War kicking off again

Nov 30, 2024, 10:53

Not sure if any of you guys been noticing this as its getting somewhat limited coverage in the news but Syrian rebel fighters launched a surprise offensive towards Syria 2nd city of Aleppo and appear to have mostly taken it after just a few days fighting with reports that the forces loyal to the Assad are crumbling in the face of assault.

Assad has several major backers. One of them is Russia and while Russia does maintain a presence in Syria and have launched air strikes against the rebels it has been reported in the past that they pulled out some of their troops in Syria to bolster their force in Ukraine. The rebels have been using drones in their attacks and Russia has been pointing the finger at Ukraine for possible supplying or training the rebels. 

Another major backer is Hezbollah who as you may have noticed are tied up fighting Israel. Its been reported that part of the reason Hezbollah has been so interested in a ceasefire with Israel in the last few days is that they want to send Assad support and when they tried to send a support convoy into Syria the Israeli's bombed it.

The rebel force is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) who are a Islamist group that emerged from another Islamist group that was affiliated with al-Qaeda. They are occasionally backed by Turkey and possibly Qatar. They are generally regarded as the most powerful and effective group opposing Assad.

What a mess Syria is, so many different factions involved. Goes to show how many of the worlds major conflicts are interlinked in some way.

Nov 30, 2024, 13:15


Just a correction - Russia has a nav al base in Syria - and only rrops attached to the nval base was in Syria.    There were some air attacks on Syrian rebble in the past - the main backers of Assad always  were Iran as h belngs to a facion of the Islamic faith associated with the Ayatollah,  

Th worrying factor is that the USA still have troops in Syria because the aArmy Comand lied o Trump when he ordered their withdrawal.    The Turks has problems with the Kurd residents and they used to be  fighting the Kurds in Northern Syria more than fighting  on the side of Assaad.

The result is clear all ove the ME,   The wak Biden regime added to the istability worldwide - but more particularly in  the ME.   The fact is ecverting Biden touched turned into shit - both inmternationally and internally/   

The situatin is bad. both insoar as the Chiese is concerned and the pesent scenario seems to be that Biden ma y try ad start WW3 - while TRump is alredy trying to calm things down.     The oen quesion is Aleppo still in existence - it was a total ruin when the rebels wothdrew from it.   Te fact is that he S audi's and Emirates support the rebels.   The US troops proect the oil-fields in North East Syria and they will soon be underatake from the terrorists you refer to.

But hen terrrism seems to back in full use worldwide an even in the USA thea re atvive as well _ where the terrorist subsidiaries of the Democratic Party - BLM and Anifa organized the Hamas protests a fewmonths ago and they are now threatening  to murder the Trump nominees.


Nov 30, 2024, 14:46

Just a correction - Russia has a nav al base in Syria - and only rrops attached to the nval base was in Syria.

Mike being as wrong as ever. In addition to the naval base Russian operates out of the following 3 airbases in Syria.

Th worrying factor is that the USA still have troops in Syria because the aArmy Comand lied o Trump when he ordered their withdrawal.

Garbage. Here's what happened in Syria during Trumps first term. And its a perfect example of Trump's incoherent foreign policy. In 2017's Assad's forces launched a chemical attack. This was the sort of things that Trump's supporters believes Trump's inherent toughness is suppose prevent happening. So Trump in response wanted to assassinate Assad, but the secretary of defense countermanded the order and waited for Trump to forget about the idea. Instead Trump launched a salvo of Tomahawk cruises missiles at the Shayrat airbase in Syria. In 2018 Assad's forces launched another chemical weapon attack and Trump responded with an even larger salvo of Tomahawks missiles and aircraft strikes on multiple Syrian government buildings and sites.

The Russian's in response launch a disinformation campaign to  frame the second chemical attack by Assad as a false flag operation by the Americans. This assisted in turning a part of Trump's base against him, who voted for Trump believing him to be a person to end American's involvement in foreign conflicts but now started criticizing him for acting like just another hawk.

To counter this criticism Trump decided he would pull out the remaining US military presence in Syria which was located in the north of Syria.  However this meant leaving America's Kurdish allies who had greatly assisted the US in their fight against ISIS to be caught between Assad's forces and the Turks. With the US pulling out the Turks sent in proxy forces to attack the Kurds. These proxy forces where affiliated with al-Qeada and did al-Qeada like things such as beheading female Kurdish POW's.

This backfired on Trump's as the Kurd's had for years been receiving glowing praise in the US press for their valiant assistance in fighting ISIS and now Trump's was being perceived as having abandoned them and was promptly criticized from the more hawkish side of the republican party and public.

So Trump did a 180 and redeployed US troops back to Syria, but not before over 1,000 lives where lost and some 300,000 people where made refugees by the pullout.

At the end of Trump's term US had more troops in Syria than when Trump began his term. His airstrikes on Assad did effectively nothing as Assad maintained his grip on power and maintained his chemical warfare ability, allegedly using them again during Trump's first term in office. 

Nov 30, 2024, 15:56

I suggest you read that Anger, or just start with this from 2017:

Feb. 28: ISIS militants are being killed by the U.S.-led coalition at a rate that they can’t sustain, according to a British Major General Rupert Jones. “The enemy cannot sustain the attrition that they are suffering and therefore they lose terrain, they lose battles,” the general says.

March 1: U.S.-backed Iraqi forces take control of the last major road out of western Mosul from the Islamic State.’

…….after incredible vacillation on Obama’s part Trump clarified the objective and ISIS was massively diminished by the end of his term. Unfortunately these things can be messy but there is little doubt the leadership change had a decisive effect.

Can you acknowledge that Anger?

Nov 30, 2024, 17:16

Can you acknowledge that Anger?

In several previous posts I've acknowledged the role Trump played in defeating ISIS in Syria/Iraq but I actually probably gave him more credit than he deserves.

Now if you want to argue that Trump speed up the rate at which ISIS was defeated you can but ISIS was always going to be defeated regardless of who the US President was. ISIS back then where not like al-Qaeda or the Taliban in that they where never going to try to hide way and conduct a terrorist/guerrilla warfare campaign over a prolonged period of time. ISIS actually tried to take and hold territory and resolved to actually stand fast against the US and its allies something they where never going to be successfully able to do.

Nov 30, 2024, 18:04

Garbage. Here's what happened in Syria during Trumps first term. And its a perfect example of Trump's incoherent foreign policy. In 2017's Assad's forces launched a chemical attack.

 Date wrog the c hemical attacks wer launc hed in 2012 after bama warned syria it would be a red ine if they did again and when they did he did bugger-all about his red line whe they did repeattedly.

Trumps inmvolvement started in 201t when ISIS was overrunning the whole of Nrthern Syria ad Iraq.   When started onquering 75% of Iraq - Obama sent in 200 miitary  trainers to trai he Iraq amy - but the raining only resut in furher losses and ISIS wa on their way to Bagdad.  bamas insrucion wa for the 200 traines not to get invovled in any fighting.   Trump told he US army to wipe ouut ISIS/    They drove SIS out of Iraq in 3 months timeand IIS fell back into Norhern Syria with the US A rmy in psuit,   In the end to the disgust of the  lefist media  the leae of ISIS was iled by US troops in Northern Syria,    fte that  Trump ordered te army to eave Northern Syria and that is wen the army commad disobeyed him.    

BS/    Obama did bugger-all about defeating ISIS - he did bugger-all when asaad use fgs  gainthe his wn people.    So what did the BS Bide di about the ME - NOTHING constructiv bar unreezing moey of Iran - an amunt of mor than $280 billion.   After a nice bribe bythe Iran yatollah Gvernment he did bugger-all about Iran too.

I do not know where you ot the ab ove twisted stories fdrom - bu you should rather keeep t he truth  and foget about what he Guardian tell you to think.    Oe shoud baear in mind that what happened in Nthern Syrua as to occupyingbasis to protct theoilfieldand pump se-up.   Biden had to keep the oil flowing becaue eh wnted to please Gat es and tid o restrict il producion in the USA.    Tht why he US  strategic Oil reserve are now th elowest it ever was  since 1946.    He could preend h a suppoting the  lefest green loonies by spnding billions onm projectsthat produe bugger-all,   His god son Hunte even sld oil fom h e Starateicoil reserve o Chia for a hefty profit for he Biden crime family.

Bden did the Muslim terrorists the biggest favor anybody could have dome fpr them - he oppened he bodrder and terrorists and criminals flooded into the USA.   They are ranspored all ove he USA on Govenment cost and provided with three accommodation and food every month.

Aside from the terrorists imported now linked to BLM and Antifa = thya lsallowed 495 000 comvocted criminals into the USA.   But contries all over the world sw a solutions as to  crime and gagsterism in eir coutries ansopened their prisons - handed hem t ISIS - whm thy apid for usig gant money from the USA and npw all 495 000  arecing happily in the USA and mved eir criminal acivitis to the USA instead.    The worst mess any US leader ever committed in the history of the USA.

That was one of the main reasons the Bidena nd DP lst te election - tey fucked up everytig royally.

    ,         .           .   .   

Nov 30, 2024, 18:18

 Date wrog the c hemical attacks wer launc hed in 2012

Dec 01, 2024, 10:49

Lots of footage on social media of rebel fighters parading around in captured Russian/Syrian equipment. They have captured some fighter jets intact, not that they will be able to use them.

Reports of several hundred Russian troops missing.

Also reports the rebels have also captured Safira which was home to Assad's chemical weapons and a prison complex.

The Kurds have also started attacking Assad and there seems to be a time being an agreement from all the various rebel factions opposed to Assad not to fight each other and focus on bringing down Assad.

Dec 01, 2024, 16:12


Wit due respect o u bove BS  read the following about the gas attack situation and mayb e you would find ou tht Wikipedia has ben turned into a propaganda arm of the left/    I also used to use Wikipedia an in one cae I quoted i the pass the actual copy I posted on site nishe from the elevnt website since then.

So your reliance on Wikipedia to support your BS  allegations is abut a flimsy as your reliance on the Gurdiann for lies and distortions theyar known for.   o read the following about the hsitory of gas attacks on S ria by their on Goverent:- 

Trump had nothing to dow ith the gas atatcks - it all came from the tie of the Obma administration before 2017.    

Dec 01, 2024, 16:59

Trump had nothing to dow ith the gas atatcks - it all came from the tie of the Obma administration before 2017.  

Dec 01, 2024, 19:54

The HTS rebels that are the main force attacking Assad are Islamist's that originally started out as an affiliate of al-Qaeda. They disavowed al-Qaeda a few years back and claim to be moderate Islamist's. Going so far to have allowed Christian Church's to operate in the territories they control. So far they seem to be keeping their word.

Footage today from Aleppo in a Christian district shows no sign of disorder.

Lets hope they keep their word.

Dec 02, 2024, 03:43

zo the  one attack i n 2017 and strings of attacks when Obama was Preidnt and daw his red line i 2012 and in 2013 - with the e lne Obama drew vanishing into thin air.   But that vnished and now the omce cae i he only example that happened in 2017 = so TRump was uner attack while S tObama did zro about his red line.  

While St Biden help Irn t eaponize the Iran Govenment and thus help  Hamas and Hezbollah Isral came under attack from hamas and the happy chppies of the Democrats BLM and Antifa  both started by Obama in 2014 - organized the 2020 riots and murder in 2020 organized he Hamas rioytd in late 2023 and early 2024 disrupting  the academic year   of students - where the Democrats did nohing about it and when he demonstrators caused damage to Colleges - funded by Soros and Prizker = where peope shouted Death to Israel and Death to the USA - when Police finally arested protestors  out of jail wihin 24 hours  without anyone bein g carge with criminal offences by the Biden Justice Department wcvything is 100% acceptable.

No Stav - you and you campaign against  Trump and support of open borders are spreading shit on site at an incresed rate and  undermine the truth all te time  based on fake media sotries, As to the election ths tory is also hidden ab ut wat hapened in the S t tes and aeas in which milions of voters in the past turned against the Democrats in al states controlled by the Democrats and in Repyblican controlled states like Texas and Florida bcaue of a vsriety of reasons with  support came fromm the younger generation of Hispanics and Blacks who othe han election times were treated like shit by the Democrats and voted Republicn in 2024/

That hapeed despite the wonderful econmy  under Bien ad false stats about crime in the USA being released by the  FBI and real state of the economy.    The orking  calss deserted he USA totaly and teir ownly resason millions o peope still voted  for them is propgada of the D P that Trump is a Nazi that will do what they ave been doing for years ad hat is and was undemining the US Constitution. and democracy in the USA.    

So will the  working class voters return to vote for the Democrats in future?   The asnswer is not in the scare tactics  in te media you and oters spread on site - iyt is ho the Trump turns the ublic ervice around and make them seving the people and not themselves  oa proper management basis and how he enw administaration handle the wwasteful and fruitless expenditure of he Democrats/    Yariffs aainst counries at abused he USA i the past is not  goig to be the only answer to he dilemma aced by the Democrats and if implemented against BRICS will not be  the problem the media fhope it will be.   Proper financial v=cenefits will bbe available to boost the  U S conomy by means of having nr mney available to  elp the poot and the working class of people that would strnethe RP support.   further in years to come and nody in the USA ho opposd he uktra-left Democrats are not Nazi's and Hitelerites a shouted in thelas month of the  Demcorat campain - which became t heir main proaganda item wen everything  else failed - with 70%  of the DP voters said they feared that Democacy  woud be undermined by Trump - and not support the DP policies as such.    That alone is going to be a problem - since whatsoever the RP implmeted will nlike the Democrats srengthen reeom and democracy in the USA,

In the eantime t reats against  Trump nominees is an issue and t counter the BS non-exiatnt threts against DP House membes in Connecticut  were spread as a coter gainst the real threats against Trump and the Republican minees,    Th FBI shol know where the threats come from - but would nt arrest the supporters of he Democrats esponsibnle,   It is no surprize that Trump and his family for their own safety s ays on he Mar-el Lago estae gurded by both the State Police and the Security Guards provided to him = as well as his own security detail.    

Two assassinaion attacks failed and in thes econd cse the Florida State Government are holding the arrested indivual s a prisoner - while investigating the orgaizing of the two attempts and who was invovled.   The Florida Police will not allow any intefernece by the FBI and CIA  in hir incestiations on the issue by those wo rganizaions since they are goingto undermine their investigations/   Lets put it bluntly = there are three vy dangerous groups that will wan to see Trump dead and those are the army geneals and FBI and CIA members who stand to lose their jobs sooer rather than later so a r\third attempt will be on the cards/    Probablyon inaugraion day by the terrrist subsiduaries of he DP.    since Trump will avoid Washington beire that date and tec or of his Government will be in place by then and the cleaning p of te bureaucrat and the Government will commence soon after that date.     W r ay and h leftits in the amy will b the first to go and lucky to retain their pemsion benefits by resigning - other than be court-marshalled and fired for treasonous  conduct.    Milley ran for cover already by resigning - but that may not help him and he will face the courtmashalling despite his resignaion andd then dishonorably fired when found guilty.   

That is why the media is tying to stop Hegseth's appointment as Secretary of Defense and try to use rape as an excuse - whuch wa prved not t be the case at all.    That is not going to work out and Hegseth will e appoined and gget rid of he command structure creted by Milley to ensure tha the army stay behind the DP.    The DP move to an ultra-left dictaorship in the USA will be destroyed and a lot f policians and bureaucrats will be in jail for bibery and corruption. in months to come.    So theycannt allow Trump to live  and will try to gt him murderd.    

Your own doomsday stories will be wiped out and you will be he loser on this site,


                    .             .           .               


Dec 02, 2024, 10:34

zo the  one attack i n 2017 

There was a reported 14 chemicals weapons attacks in Syria during Trump's term. Not all confirmed and not all where reportedly carried out by Assad's regime.

and strings of attacks when Obama was Preidnt and daw his red line i 2012 and in 2013 - with the e lne Obama drew vanishing into thin air.   But that vnished and now the omce cae i he only example that happened in 2017 = so TRump was uner attack while S tObama did zro about his red line. 

By all means you can criticize Obama over his Syrian red lines. There was numerous chemical weapon attacks by Assad's forces during Obama's term.

But Trump and his supporters like to present this narrative that Trump is both a dove and a tough guy. That his mere presence in the white house ensures peace and stability around the world. Bad people won't do bad things because they fear and respect Trump. Stuff like Assad using chemicals weapon's during Trump's term doesn't fit that narrative. In effect Assad crossed Trump's red lines and unlike Obama Trump actually responded to it. The thing is his response (along with America's European allies to be fair) turned out be so ineffective he needn't have bothered. Assad remained in power and his ability to use chemical weapons remained intact.

I can't be arsed even reading more than a line or two of the rest of your post, never even mind responding to that garbage.

Dec 06, 2024, 14:01


Dec 06, 2024, 16:27

I am ot going to sign in so I cannpt get into what you posted/

Dec 06, 2024, 17:21

Basically Iran is moaning about Ukraine supporting terrorists in Syria.

Dec 08, 2024, 10:45

Blimey that was fast, rebels have taken Damascus and Assad as fled. Quite the defeat for Russia and Iran.

Dec 08, 2024, 12:17

So the Syrian Government collapsed  but it is nt clear ho are he winners and losers in this case.  It needed to be clarified who are the winers and who ar the losers i this casse.    The winners are much easier to identify.

The Winners

*    the Al Qaeda off-shoot - the HTS - who also aingned  to the Taliban

*    Turkey who had its own interests and wanting an allied Gverment in Syria ;

*    The Sunni victory in Syria ensuring their onw accrdiated terorists are now in the Government off Syria

*    the further consolidation of BRICS in the Middle East with allowing Syria and ltimately Turkey to join BRICS.   

That in act explains why Hezbollah and the Syrian army collapsed,    Irn - probably urged to stop supporting the Assad regime likely cause the collapse of ianian support fot the Assad Regimr,

The losers

The people  of Syria 

Who suffered under a horible Assad dictatorship for 53 years and they are bound to suffer even worse from an Alqaeda  and Taliban  regime.

The Kingdom of Jordan 

With a terrorist state capable of attacking Jordan from Syrian trroitory - which the weakennd Assad regime was unable to do,   ven more dangerous the fact that the US A has troops in Jordan to revent the faqll of the Kingdom of Joradan


The USA has troops in Sria that will uddenly hve to commit a Kabul disaser in Syria.   They will obviously leave much of their weaponry behind when following the example of what happened in Afghanistan  - will result in a simialr tpe of flight in the middle  of th nig ht,   

The issue of the Jordan kingdom was already mentioned. - but what si more danerus is th entry of Muslim radiccals into the USA - initially when the USA evacuate 152 000 people from Kabul - ibncluidng of an estimated 10 000 people with links to the Taliban.   Then there are hundreds of thousands people from Muslim countries like Tajikistan, Iran.Iraq, Syria, Pajkistan and Afghanistan.    Even the normally silent Wray who protected the Biden Regime totally - evn moaned bout terrorist flooding into th USA and joining up wtith BLM and Antifa in the Hamas riots in te USA,      

The EU and Nato Members

 The EU and NATO countries that will have a terrrist Government in Syria that would incite terrorism in their own contries by a regime that would have the support of radical elements in the Muslim World through radicaliztion of Muslims communities in Europe.   The bomb attack in the Netherlannds is just one uch acse. already in evidence.


Dec 08, 2024, 15:24

Another radical government in the Middle East…when  will they learn.

Dec 08, 2024, 15:29

So much for having the BRICS in your corner.

Dec 08, 2024, 17:51

The Prophecy of Damascus?.... or just the latest chapter of Middle East savagery??

1 in 3 Americans Link Syrian Conflict to Bible's End-Time Prophecy, Survey  Finds | Church & MinistriesIsaiah 17:1 This is the burden against Damascus:

Dec 08, 2024, 20:22


I depise BRICS as much as al thinng people should,   However the Biden Aministration never learned - thqr  hated the previous regime in Brazil and helped the commuist leader previously kicked out in Brazil for bribery and corruption - yet they hated his succssor more and  was lucky to Suvive assassination attempt,    But then came the election last year and the Democrats supported te jailbird Commie all out,    They even send thousands of computers fot  vote counting purpsoees - apart from hundreds of millions used to help the Commie.   All that was  done  to help the Communist leader to get  back into  charge.   

So he won he election and immediate stabbed the US A in the back and now te country is flooded by Chinese supporters  of the Communist Regime.    The USA lost massively in influence in South America and the whole continent are moving ino the BRICS  camp,    I think Trump is aware of the ssituation - but how he is going  act to stop the rot must stll be awaited.   

There are plenty of fucck-ups made by the Bidemn Regime that  will take decads to get esolved.    The ultra-left Biden Regime turned everything they tuched into shit.           

Dec 08, 2024, 22:34

Jeez ouMaaik, I reckon you gonna miss Ole Joe next year:)

Dec 08, 2024, 22:51

See Biden is taking credit...

Dec 09, 2024, 08:01

Nobody will miss a dementia sufering idiot ever.   You may miss idiocy in Government I will still believe othewise.     Biden was te most corrpt and second worse U S President ever in USA history .   Tha is a fact as well.    What I will not miss is the wars Biden got started by his idiocy.

he NATO members thought he was shit as well and his cntribution to the Ukraine War crazy  and SB the defeat in Syria's Assd dictatorship and replacing of them y Al Qaeda nd Taliban off-shoots is as iditic as the edia claims are.    The Assad regime was too weak to sponsor  international terrorism - the replcement regime is going  add terrorism to their already repugnant ideology.   

If the media think that was a Biden success story 90% of the people who really know what is going on in Ukraine is suprshit .   Increasd terrorism by radical Islamists are going to spread more widely than before.   The bomb attack on flats in De Hague is just one example of what is to bexpected frm the Al Qaeda  linked groups,   

Biden woold have started World War 3 if he had the opportunity to do so  and what he at presnt disroganized the  Defense Forec it woul have been the end of demcoray and a defeat for the USA an NATO.     The people who regard themselves as proud Americans  are beig underined by shit on a daily basis and their replacement in the army and navy by BSters is really the end of the US Defense Force,   ,   

Dec 12, 2024, 21:43


Dec 13, 2024, 05:22

Ja Blob, we are getting there...but at what cost?...that's why freedom is so precious...paid for in thousands of gallons of blood...still the alternative is even worse.

Dec 13, 2024, 12:59

Hopefully this all works out for the Syrian's and whoever ends up in power don't turn out to a bunch of extremists. Syria has been through enough.

So far HTS have been saying the right things and mostly doing the right things. But its early days yet and they could go back on their word.

Dec 13, 2024, 14:35


I hope your optimism will be justified - taking into account it is in the ME I have serious doubts about it.    Radicals urning into moderaes are like hens teeth is in countries like Syria..          

Dec 15, 2024, 22:41

Hopefully, it goes well for Syria, but as we know there have been past civil wars that did not change much


Dec 16, 2024, 00:44

Are there any relatively peaceful Islamic governed countries ?

Dec 16, 2024, 05:46

a statue of a man with the words god emperor on the bottom

Dec 16, 2024, 08:05

Wotsup ? Trompie selling Christmas toys ?

Dec 16, 2024, 08:29

There were some moderate Muskim countries - but the USA despately tied to destroy  them - eg in Pakistan when the US Government undermined him as Prime insister and used the radical fanatics to take over the moderate Imran  Khan Government,    They are now back to terrorism proion and a clin state of China.   Another great achievement of the Biden Administration .

  For he rest the USA and EU counties are taking in flods of radical Muslims  nd n the end suffer as a result.

Some of my best friends ae Muslims - but they do not share the radical ideas of most Muslims. and those a the type f peole that can change Muslim counties but they are undermined inall countries who prefer the radical lot.             ,    .    

Dec 16, 2024, 11:28

Bobbok Indonesia and possibly Malaysia (Has a large Muslim population but not sure if its the majority) come to mind

Dec 16, 2024, 11:29

And Mike PLEASE use the spell check feature as I refuse to read any of your posts as I am sick of trying to make out what you are trying to say.

Dec 16, 2024, 11:36

CFan, trust me when I say there's no point in trying to work out what it is that ou Maaik is trying to say.

To say it's not worth the effort is an understatement of note.

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