Terrorist Attack in New Orleans - 10 people dead and 34 Injured

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Terrorist Attack in New Orleans - 10 people dead and 34 Injured

Jan 01, 2025, 16:19

This is the resultofa Govrnment allowing terrrists toenter the country illegally through the open border with Mexico nd a Pagty who have terrorists subsidiaries - BLM  and Antifa _ while being soft on criminals.

The name  and connections of the ciminal who drove a truck at  high speed into the crowd celebrating the New Year in New Orleans,   The Policde had not identified the driver - but it as apparent that the intention of the  Diver ere clear - he wnted to kill as many people as possible.

The incident wa vey similar to one happened in Waukessha in Wisconsin in 2021.   That time it was committed by a career criminal with links to BLM.  He was released from jail with bail of $500 being paid by the lacksadacical aproach where criminals are helped - his release from prison was totally wrong and should never  have happened,      Althouhg the criminal  committed 6 murdes and faced a host of other charges and in the end he recevied a life sentence with no Chance of release.   

The cosequences of policies that promotes criminality by protection of criminals ahead of law-abiding citizens this type of attacks are to be expected.   .     

Jan 01, 2025, 17:58

The latest unacy is "We will not allow attacks on communities".   That while attacks by crimnals and terrorist subsidiaries of the Biden Regime is happening continuously,    Look at not nly this incident - but atatcks by protected by Government criminals attacks civillians on a daily basis,

In the emantime it is stated hat the vehicle used in the New Orleans terrorists has a Texas registrastion number - and that the attacker is dead/    But what is his name and his background.  Will thta be a stat secret as long as Biden is President - that is in 10 days - when the Government  runs by criminals like Biden.ends,       

Jan 01, 2025, 17:58

The latest unacy is "We will not allow attacks on communities".   That while attacks by crimnals and terrorist subsidiaries of the Biden Regime is happening continuously,    Look at not nly this incident - but atatcks by protected by Government criminals attacks civillians on a daily basis,

In the emantime it is stated hat the vehicle used in the New Orleans terrorists has a Texas registrastion number - and that the attacker is dead/    But what is his name and his background.  Will thta be a stat secret as long as Biden is President - that is in 10 days - when the Government  runs by criminals like Biden.ends,       

Jan 01, 2025, 18:23

Mike...I will wait for the official report of why the Kazakhstan plane crashed.

Also Mike...despite the identify of the person who carried out the attack in New Orelans being unknown I'm going blame illegal immigrants.

Jan 01, 2025, 18:34

I am not blaming anbody - I am just pointing out known facts  about what happened in the  past and is ongoing at present,   

Even Wray said in a House hearing that there are terrorists who enter the country through Bidens Open Border policies - but he is uable to suggest that terrorists not be admitted into the USA.   I refer to a similar ttack by a criminal which at the time of the incident was supposed to be in jail - but released by the Biden officials a week before the incident.     This man had moee crimes on his lifetime than any ten criminals ould have in 20 years,   So why was he released from prison?   

When people are basically attacked on New York subways by crminals and illegal migrants do that not represent an attack on communities?

Jan 01, 2025, 19:09


Since I do not trust a word coming out of the  Biden liar administration - I suspect that the name would nt be released.   However the name has been releaed and the name is SHAMSUD BIN JABBAR.   OBVIOUSLY HE WAS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE USA AND NOW IT IS ALLEGED HE MAY BE A US CITIZEN/    

Whether the latter is true or not - the Biden Open Border policies allowed for such terrorist entries into the country.    

Jan 01, 2025, 19:43

It appears that Jabbar was a 42-year-old American citizen born and raised in Texas. He was Muslim. 

Does it make sense to allow Muslims into the country if their is going to be these type of problems?

Jan 01, 2025, 19:52

Whoever he was, he was flying an ISIS flag from the truck…..

Jan 01, 2025, 20:47

Does it make sense to allow Muslims into the country if their is going to be these type of problems?

You just said he was American?

Jan 01, 2025, 21:03

He is an American Muslim, although clearly he identifies more with the Muslim state than America. It is perhaps academical if he was born in the US or in the Middle East, or any where else.

The point is that if more are given citizenship, this stuff would just surely increase. 

We have just seen a similar event in Germany. 
We saw what happened in Moscow where hundreds were killed or injured.

The attack in the UK was not Muslim, but initially I suspected it was until after the verified reports. 

Sometimes after a few of the incidents occur, they start popping up all over the world.

Jan 01, 2025, 22:52

He is an American Muslim, although clearly he identifies more with the Muslim state than America. It is perhaps academical if he was born in the US or in the Middle East, or any where else.

The point is that if more are given citizenship, this stuff would just surely increase.

What is with this fixation on banning Muslims. Yeah I understand that Islamic terrorism has been the most prominent form of terrorism for the last two decades in west but can you try applying some perspective.

There was never calls for banning the Irish when the IRA where letting off bombs for 30+ years or Spaniards when ETA was active. Where is the call to ban Italians from America, I mean the mob have killed way more people than Islamic terrorists have. How many mass gun shootings in America, nope not a problem just say "thoughts and prayers" and that covers off that issue.

From 9/11 through to 2023 the number of people killed in the US mainland in acts of violent extremism committed by Muslims was 145. You can add on another 10 from today.

The total number of homicides in the US between 9/11 and 2023 was...312,317. So in that period Muslims where responsible for less than 0.05% of those deaths.

But here's an every better statistic...the number of people killed in the US between 2006 to 2021 by lighting strikes was 444.

Statistically if you live in the United States the threat of being killed by lightning is around 3 times greater than being killed by an Islamist attack.

We have just seen a similar event in Germany.

That attacker wasn't Muslim.

We saw what happened in Moscow where hundreds were killed or injured.

Of course that Islamist attack in Moscow was appalling and for all of the Russian states many crimes innocent civilians should never be targeted, but seriously at this how much blood does the Russian state have on its hands since it invaded Ukraine. Every single Islamist attack on the west for the last 50 years included 9/11 pales into comparison to the lives lost and the damaged down by Russia's invasion, yet no is talking about banning Orthodox Christians from western countries.

Sometimes after a few of the incidents occur, they start popping up all over the world.

Perspective please.

Jan 01, 2025, 23:36

Some good points Stav, but I still think that it is a mistake letting more in.

During the time when the IRA were bombing the UK, I would have preferred to have reduced Irish immigration. If the bombings had continued, and become too extreme- like say a 9/11,
I think a total ban would have been required.

If their are problems between the cultures, I think it is best to avoid the problem - at least for the present term. 
Although Ireland does have more cultural connection to the UK- than say Iran. Also, the problem has since be relegated to history - and does not appear to be an issue now or in the future. 

After 9/11, the fall of Saddam Hussein saw terrorism increase. Their were arguments on both sides, or they just don't like either that much.

At some point in time, their is going to be another 9/11 in the West - but worse.

The only reason it has not happened, is because they have not worked out a way to pull it off. 
Surely, if their are more of them allowed into the West, even if it is a small percentage that are terrorist- it is greater numbers.

Immigration is fine, but their should not be a deficit.
(E.g. why is it only the West taking in the Middle East, and not the other way around). 

Imagine Westerners went to Arab countries, and started blowing up places and committing terrorism, surely the local residents would not be happy with it. They would start to associate this type of stuff with Westerners. 

Jan 02, 2025, 00:10

Stavanger1 on Ruckers Forum


Senior player

3144 posts

Sometimes after a few of the incidents occur, they start popping up all over the world.

Perspective please.


It appears that their was just another confirmed terrorist attack on a Tesla vehicle that was blown up outside of Trump Tower. It appears to have been fireworks and explosive material. That might explain why their was smoke before the explosion/

Jan 02, 2025, 02:27

Imagine Westerners went to Arab countries, and started blowing up places and committing terrorism, surely the local residents would not be happy with it. They would start to associate this type of stuff with Westerners.

The west has been blowing the ever living sh*t out of Arab countries for decades. And yes the locals weren't happy about it and started to make associations about westerners.

Jan 02, 2025, 02:30

I was talking about civilians, not military actions by the army. Like someone working a 9/5 job, and suddenly decides to mow people down as they drive home after a day at work.

Although, as I say it is not all their fault. Taking out Saddam Hussein was a major military mistake by the West.

Still, if not many Western people are moving to the Middle East, why should they be allowed in such high numbers here?
The Democratic consensus is reduced immigration from Muslim countries - illegal or legal.

Jan 02, 2025, 07:17


The est has not been blameless about that ahppened in the ME and in Iran and Afghanistan - since 1991 the US  started 3 wars in the ME - while allowing Radicalized Muslims to ente their countries,    

At lesast two of the of the Wars were based on lies - especially the lie that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction - which was pedalled bya lie in the S ente by Mueller,   Also the USA used depleteed uranium bombs in te Iraq War that killed and infectred ove a million children in Iraq.

However, there is a counter-argument because the Koran has enouraged violence in defense of the Islamic Religion  or enhances its growth,    In such cases dath of peple who peform such function gets rewarded after death, 

It is for that reason one finds the ehancement of terrorism involving the Muslims.   As a French friend of mine said in 2003 - any war against Muslims never ends - the F nch had exprienced that over a 1000 years after 792 when the French repulsed a Muslim from then under Muslim rule attack of the French kingdom and it was and ongoing in countries in Africa where the French has had troops by 2003.     He said that the USA will win battles in such wars - but lsot the peace,

Must agree with what he said.    The problem is that the USA and the EU countries allowed Muslims into their countries - some with valid immigration policy -but the overwhelming numbers of illegals entering and settling in countries.   Amongst both groups are radicalized Muslims and when their children are borne in their new counries they become - many children are radicalized  as well.  

One only has to look at 9/11, the London 2007 terrorist attacks in 2007, bt also the Paris attacks more recntly to realize that the Western coutries allowed rdicals into their  countries or even bcoming radicalized after birth in their new countries.   

Under Biden the Open Border policies encouraged tens and thusands of radicalized Muslims to come to the USA, Canada and the EU countries with their own Open Border policies.   I will give you an example where it happened .where the West themselve encouraged terrorism by Muslims.   As early as 2007 the owner of he TV station were Zelenskyy worked started a private army that was called the Asov Batallion in Ukraine.   The army became stengtheend by joining of thousands of ISIS soldiers after their defeat in Iraq and Syria.   After the  coup in 2014 during which the said battalion killed thousands of civilians in Mariopol and Odessa the Battalion was registered as a terrorist and mercenary organization and that left the USA with a  problem so the Battalion was incorporated  into the Ukraine Army -  but the retained their own command structure.

Tha Battalion had large numbers of radicalized Muslims in the Battlion an they were the people who made a major terrorist attack in Moscow afte the USA Intellient service warned the Russian Government about the potential terrorist attacks on a theate in Moscow.   How did the US Government knew the attack was forthcoming?    Well it came out of their informers in Ukraine and the attack was engineered in Ukiane by radicalized muslims being part of the Asov Batatlion.  

According to proven reports the Terrorists who attacked the Moscow theatre came from Ukraine and tried to return to Ukraine after the attack - but was caught by Russian soldies,   So the USA are in Ukraine providing arms to radicals in Ukraine and the army supplie the USA left behind when they fled from Agnistan is now used by ISIS and by off-shoots of El Qaeda and the Taliban.    It was proven that in the firs six months after the Rusian Inasion started in 2022 only 30% of the weaponry supplied by the USA reached the Ukraine amy - the rest reached the armaments black markets wordwide and was even admitted in heaings of the USA Senate.

In essense the USA and EU Governments dug their own grves by allowing Muslims nto their countries without checking their links to terrorist organization.    Over the last three weeks there was an attack on  Chrisms market in Germany by what is called "sleepers" and those attacks are getting worse,   

Over the last two das there were two attacks in the SA - the first one in New Orleans and the scond one in Las Vegas.   In New Orleans it was a Muslim that became an ISIS supporter who was known to spread violent threats on the internet and caused the deaths 15 people.  The second attack in Las Vegas was an explotion of a bomb in a rented out Tesla truck utside the Trump Interntional Hotel in Las Vegas - where 1 person got killed and 10 injured,    Not enough about the latest attack  is known yet.

What is clear is that the world is siing on a dynamite keg  that can explowed happen anywhere in the world can explode regularly from this year onwards.    Open Borders always hsd negative results  and is bound to get worse,   There were  already wo assassinaion attempts on Trump and more si to come from criminals not associated with Muslim extremist - but with internal terrorism by non-Muslims and one can expect further asssnion attempts to be organized by non-Muslims - so the threats are not coming from Muslims but also from internal criminals internally linked to politcal criminals within the USA.  We are indeed living in a world where terrorism is a major theart.    

.                    .         ,      .                         

Jan 02, 2025, 07:25


That democratic move to ban unlimited inflo is a recent reaction in EU countries - but under the Biden Regime it was encouraged for people from all over the world and that include radicalized Muslims as well.   

The DP terrorist susbiduaries BLM and  Antifa  organized the Hamas riots at colleges all over the USA and that is going to get worse in months to come.  By thee way the riots were funded by George S oros and the prtizker Foundation represented by Pritzker - the present Governor of Illinois,

Those two will be in huge shit the moment Trump assumes the Presidency..




Jan 02, 2025, 10:39

I was talking about civilians, not military actions by the army. Like someone working a 9/5 job, and suddenly decides to mow people down as they drive home after a day at work.

Although, as I say it is not all their fault. Taking out Saddam Hussein was a major military mistake by the West.

What's the difference, huge numbers of Arabs/Muslim civilians have been killed by those military interventions. I'm not saying all the interventions where unjustified but if take just the Iraq War alone which wasn't justified, the number of civilians killed there far out weighs the number of civilians killed by Islamic terrorism in the west. Israels current military campaign has killed I believed around 46,000 in Gaza and even by Israel's own account's they say one civilian dies for every combatant killed. That military campaign is only possible because the west supplies the weapons. 

Do you think Arabs/Muslims are setting there thinking, ah sure the west is fine, they may accidentally kill ten if not hundreds of thousands of us, but that's collateral damage and sure their intentions are pure.

There is this insane disconnect Westerns have where they look down their noses at Arab's/Mulsim's and lecture them about morality and calling them uncivilized when the west has a huge amount of blood on its hands as well.

Still, if not many Western people are moving to the Middle East, why should they be allowed in such high numbers here?

Because Westerner's generally don't want too immigrate there. Why would you move to the middle east when you have a higher standard of living in the west. But I will point out there is at least two Arab countries where the majority of the population are immigrants, UAE and Bahrain. The entire economic model of the country depends on foreign immigrants. Mostly from Asia.

And the reason why they are allowed move to the west, like any other immigrants, is economic.

The Democratic consensus is reduced immigration from Muslim countries - illegal or legal.

That democratic consensus can change. The whole debate around immigration needs to better. There is far too much scare mongering about it and Muslims, its replaced the Reds under the bed scare. Not saying their is absolutely no issues with immigration legal or otherwise or that Islamic terrorism is not an issue but the fear mongering about them is overboard.

I mean just take a look at the numbers killed by organized crime and compare that to Muslim terrorism. Yet no one freaks out about that.


Jan 02, 2025, 13:46


The earmongering is presetn but caused by real attacks.   Let me tell you something.    About 10 years ago that it became known of gasfields off the cost of  Mozambique.   International oil companies ebcame invovled and a lot of  SA citizens were recruited to provide storge and other activities.   SA was never involved in any wars against Arabs anywhere in the world,   So most of the workers stayed in a coastal town.     Muslim terrorists stormed the town and killed everybody they could find,    SA  as a BRICS member is close allies of Egypt, Saudi Aabia, Iran and the UAE.    SA now have to send troops to guard the area where its situations work.    So why the attack on people that never acted against Muslims?   That is what rceate pani when it comes to Muslims,    Some of my best friends are Muslims and they hate the radicalized version more than I do and hey fear them even mre thn they rest of the population does


Jan 02, 2025, 16:19

What was the town attacked Mike?

There is in Insurgency on going in Mozambique since 2017. I see one South African solider was killed since then in 2022 and South Africa got involved only in 2019 as a part of joint force along with other African Nations.

Jan 02, 2025, 16:39

Jan 02, 2025, 16:41

Jan 02, 2025, 17:31

As terrible as the events of 9/11 were, it doesn't justify the collective punishment of 1.9 billion people based solely on their religion.

Jan 02, 2025, 17:43

The way I see it is, the fewer Muslims outside of the Middle East, the less chance of terrorist attacks by them.
This is not to punish Muslims for their religious beliefs, it is to protect other people from them. 

If even 1 out of every 10,000 Muslims are on the watch list for terrorist activity, that is too much

Jan 02, 2025, 17:52


You asked about the town involved  - so here goes:-

 Correction Period and Geographical Scope: The data corrections span from 24 March to 5 April 2021, the period over which the attack took place.6 Corrections were limited to events in Palma district, with the exception of one event in Macomia.

Publication Date: The corrected data were published on 8 April 2024.

Summary of changes to ACLED data after incorporating Perry’s survey data:

  • Fatalities: Based on Perry’s survey, 664 additional civilian fatalities were added to ACLED’s original 137 fatalities, bringing the total fatalities of the assault to 801 fatalities (including both civilians and combatants).
  • Events: A total of 16 events were updated to incorporate the new fatality information. Also, one new ‘Abduction/forced disappearance’ event was coded.
    • The notes of the updated events have a standard phrase as follows (bolded):
      • On 29 March 2021, members of the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces supported by Dyck Advisory Group (DAG) helicopters clashed with members of an Islamist militia in Palma (Palma, Cabo Delgado), in an attempt to retake the area. At least 42 civilian fatalities added based on the Perry survey.
    • All events updated with Perry’s survey data have “Alex Perry” listed in the Source column.

Many of the people invovled were SA workers on the Total Gas installation conmstruction  in Palma.   As far as I can remember the numbe of SA citizens who died were 27.

It was afer that attack that the Mozambique Government asked for SA soldiers to be sent to Palma.   I do not think there are in fact soldiers from from other  African countries in that part of Mozambique.    There are USA soldiers in neighboring Tanzania - but according to a friend of mine whose cousin is in Palma the US soldes are not affective in stopping the flow of Jihadists into Northern Mozambique,

I can tell you some of my best cfriends are Muslims and they are even more afraid of he Jihadists than other SA people are.   I think most Muslims in S A will not agree with your description as to the Jihadists.   It has nothing to do with punishment of Muslims - it is a question of protecting all people - also Muslims -  from terrorists attacks,   Of the near to 1 million Muslims in SA - where nobody has the right to interfere in their religion -  less than 2% of the SA Muslims will agreee with you.


Jan 02, 2025, 18:04

Man it must be awful to live in such fear.

Jan 02, 2025, 18:07

People who  have sffered from terrorism themselves will ave a lifelon g fear that will never be overcome.  if they survive attacks.   

Jan 02, 2025, 18:22

People who fall down stairs might have a lifelong fear of stairs. No one is taking about banning stairs yet 1,000 people a year in the UK die from falling down the stairs. Islamic terrorist could only dream of killing that many people in 20 years.

Jan 02, 2025, 18:49

Jabbar, a Texas-born US citizen and Army veteran who served in Afghanistan, made reference in the videos to his divorce and how he had at first planned to gather his family for a “celebration” with the intention of killing them, two officials who had been briefed on the recordings said. But Jabbar said in the videos that he changed his plans and joined ISIS and referenced several dreams that he had about why he should be joining the terrorist group, according to the officials.‘

Jan 02, 2025, 19:38

And being a Muslim is not solely about practicing a religion, it is an ideology that permeates every facet of their lives. 

Jan 02, 2025, 20:40

Let me give ayu an example,   In 1981 I was working in Durban when an Indian Musim phoned me one evening and warned me that a bomb attack on the building I worked in would take place the next week and suggesed I asked the Police to guard te building - he did not tell me his name w hen phoning me - but I guessed who it wa and ears later when he was a Member of Parliament I hd lunch in the Parlimentary lunch rom and he came ove to greet me.   I just smile and thank im for the that call in 1981 and e jsut laughed.

Be it as it may i infore the gional chief - who had contacts ith the Police and tod him about the phone call - but eh did nothing and that folloing Tuesday of the enxt week a bomb blast destroyed the ground flor of the Building,   

The incident never terrified me - but the damage it did to the about 700 staff members in the building was terrified and remain earful for years afterwards,   i had a close friend by the nme of Pat Poovalingum - a lawyer in Durban and  we spoke on the phone frequently,  Aster that bombing incident the Police tapped my telephone.    So we talk about a non-exitent viost to Lusaka to meet te ANC leadership one evening and for weeks afterwaxds the Police followed me everywhere.   It was really funny in one waya nd dangerous in another way,  

By the way d you know about the famus SA writer who wrote the book Cry the Beloved Country.  I had dinner one evening with Pat Poovalingum and Mr and Mrs Paton.  Aftr his death his wife lived in tehir home for 18 months before fleeing to England because of crime levels in Durban/   

Anothe person I met and had long discussions with was Roley Arenstein - a grand nephew of Karl Marx - whose sister and husband who moved to the then Cape Colony of Engalnd.   Th brther in Lw started a famous bookrinting campany called Juta,  Roley was a gransdson of Marx sister,.   In any event he was a committed  Commnist and was banned for 52 years bt the the Apartheid Government.    I met him when eh was the legal advisor of King Goodwill Zwelletini of the Zulus,   When I asked him about Stalin - he tod me Stalin ws a dictaor and not a real communist,    Another topic I was aware of vagely was about wha happened in the Anglo Boer War when teh Englis army sent wives and chilen to Concentration Cmps and burned down their homes.    After the end of the war thosuands of imovrsihed people move to cities to find work and ended up becoming members of the Trade Unions - which ere controlled by te Communist Party.   There were two seiosu uprisings organized by the Unions in 1914 and 1921 in which thousands workers lost their lives.    In time most of the workers left the Trade unions and joined teh then Ntional Party - but some like Bram Fischer remaind Communists trhoghout their lives,   

In many ways I have an open mind on things and was always liberal in my thinking,    My mother was regarded as a great lady by all residents in the area since she spent her life helping the poor of all races living in the Southern Cape area and always emphazixed we should serve deprived people and not politicians and idealoges who promside a lot and fail to deliver on their promises,

That is why I always try ti find facts on issues and stay away from prejufice,  


Jan 03, 2025, 02:54

The liberal left wing falls apart on this type of stuff. They want everyone to be treated fairly, but while commendable - it not always the right solution.

If someone does not have any liberal values, why treat them as though they did?
The Democratic consensus is that people want less Muslim imports. 

Aside from the terror stuff, they are just not my favourite cup of tea.


Jan 03, 2025, 06:38

"As terrible as the events of 9/11 were, it doesn't justify the collective punishment of 1.9 billion people based solely on their religion."

Then they should stop harboring and protecting extreme terrorists...and BTW it's only a few Muslim countries causing most of the problems, not all of them...they will be dealt with...and no, military intervention isn't the way.

Jan 03, 2025, 06:53

What the Muslim men have been, and are currently doing, to young White girls in and across the UK, is now finally coming to light, and it is fucking despicable....

Why the main stream media have not run with this story before is insane.

I have mentioned this many times on this forum, and it was all blamed on the 'Far Right" mentality of certain people in the UK.

Open up your eyes people ....

The truth is finally coming out, and it's about bloody time..... 

Jan 03, 2025, 10:05

I see now that this specific issue of Muslim / Pakastani men raping very young White girls across the UK is seriously getting traction around the world now, not just the UK.... from people who have never ever previously spoken out about it.

Reports about politicians denying or rejecting specific investigations into this issue....

Stories about factual reports being unreported by the mainstream media, despite sufficient proof.

Multiple reports coming out now about how some fathers were arrested for trying to pull their teenage daughters out of these Pakastani homes.

Report where young White 12 year old girls who were drugged by 7 Pakastani men in one home, got arrested for being drunk in this home, with nothing happening to these men.

This has been an ongoing issue for over a decade.....which is why I have often mentioned it on here, and some said it was ridiculous ......well now the truth is hitting all around the world.

All this was permitted to continue by the government and police forces because of one main reason..... because too many people thought that addressing this issue head on, would lead to claims of racist and Islamaphobic rethoric or accusations.... yet it was all just the blatant truth, involving predominantly Muslim men.

I'm disgusted it took this long to finally make the mainstream news ..... absolutely pathetic.

Jan 03, 2025, 10:58

The liberal left wing falls apart on this type of stuff. They want everyone to be treated fairly, but while commendable - it not always the right solution.

The liberal left doesn't fall apart, its just coming up some deeply ingrained prejudices that have been reinforced over a long time by some right wing media and alt-right online media that massively amplify incidents of Muslim violence to outright lying about it.

If someone does not have any liberal values, why treat them as though they did?

Blocking entry or deporting people based on their religion isn't a liberal value so maybe your the one with the issue living in the west. The overwhelming majority of Muslims who immigrant to the west, live by western laws, they work, they pay their taxes and stay out of trouble. Collective punishment is not acceptable in the 21st century.

The Democratic consensus is that people want less Muslim imports.

The democratic consensus can change. Its why there is elections every 4-5 years in the west. Anti Muslim and anti immigration sentiment are mostly a product of media coverage. If the media stopped amplifying the issues the public wouldn't care even if the immigration and crime rates stayed exactly the same, because by and large they wouldn't either see it or be affected by it. What we have instead is manufactured outrage.

Aside from the terror stuff, they are just not my favourite cup of tea.

Well I'm a fan of religion in general and Islam is a more conservative repressive religion, particularly towards women and minority groups and it does tend to produce more extremists groups willing to carry out violence. I'd never want to live in a Mulsim country (though I've no issue holidaying in some of them).

But on the other hand have you actually meet and spoken to any Muslims for any length of time. I've known a few from work and spoken with them and I can assure you when you say hello, the response isn't "Durka Durka Mohammad Jihad" before donating their suicide vest, nor are they jumping on and raping every western women not wearing a hijab and no their not handing me a petition to sign calling for the introduction of Sharia law and their not constantly interrupting conversations with excuse me I need to prey, which way is Mecca?

Usual topics of conversation are...did you watch the match last night, crap weather outside, what TV series you watching at the moment?, man the cost of petrol has gone through the roof, traffic was a pain this morning, why is childcare so expensive in this country, I can't get my child into a creche...the waiting lists in my area are insane, my boss is a prick keeps taking credit for my work etc etc.

Aka the exact same conversations I have with the native population, just with less swearing.

Aside from which if your a Liverpool fan you would probably convert to Islam if meant keeping Mo Salah from leaving. :O

Then they should stop harboring and protecting extreme terrorists...and BTW it's only a few Muslim countries causing most of the problems, not all of them...they will be dealt with...and no, military intervention isn't the way.

Perhaps the west (mostly now just America) should stop facilitating what is almost certainly a genocide in Gaza now.  But credit to South Africa for bringing that genocide case against Israel something my country has since joined.

What the Muslim men have been, and are currently doing, to young White girls in and across the UK, is now finally coming to light, and it is fucking despicable....

Where's the outrage about christian men after the decades long abuse of children by the Church in the UK. Hundreds of abusers, thousands of abused and decades of cover ups. Again why the fixation on Muslim crimes?

Why the main stream media have not run with this story before is insane.

Because they need evidence of it.

I have mentioned this many times on this forum, and it was all blamed on the 'Far Right" mentality of certain people in the UK.

Because its the far right that amplify it. They hyper focus on it to give the impression that the issue is much worse than it actually is.

Open up your eyes people ....

The truth is finally coming out, and it's about bloody time.....

Our eyes are open.

Its always the same with you, the truth is finally about to come out, we are on the cusp of this big story that will expose all the lies etc, but then we get bunk and life goes on as before.

Jan 03, 2025, 11:25

Where's the outrage about christian men after the decades long abuse of children by the Church in the UK

I 100% agree and it is something that we have discussed many times before on here....mainly in topics with Beeno.

"Because they need evidence of it."

What utter rubbish this is...

They have previously been provided the evidence, and still never ran the stories...... are you seriously this ignorant to what is happening on your doorstep, and I am 12 000km away..... wow.

"Because its the far right that amplify it. They hyper focus on it to give the impression that the issue is much worse than it actually is"

Your constant potrayal of people that raise this issue to amplify it to the general public is actually quite pathetic now.... the people that are raising these issues all over now are not "Far Right" activists..... very far from it.

"Our eyes are open.

Its always the same with you, the truth is finally about to come out, we are on the cusp of this big story that will expose all the lies etc, but then we get bunk and life goes on as before."

Your eyes are completely shut, and you are absolutely oblivious to what is going on around you

It is actually quite pathetic how blind you are to these things that are affecting so many people in the UK.... you are one of these people who are too scared to speak up...too afraid to be labeled a racist.

Provide me with some examples that I "Always" keep providing, and I will respond on Monday when I am back from my weekend away.

Jan 03, 2025, 12:24

". . . and I will respond on Monday when I am back from my weekend away."

What if we raised the money to keep you there for another week?

Jan 03, 2025, 13:17

I 100% agree and it is something that we have discussed many times before on here....mainly in topics with Beeno.

Yet absolutely no one is talking about banning the Christian Church or blocking Christians from entering the country for some reason. (no I'm not advocating for that before anyone says I am)

What utter rubbish this is...

They have previously been provided the evidence, and still never ran the stories...... are you seriously this ignorant to what is happening on your doorstep, and I am 12 000km away..... wow.

 Perhaps I know whats going on my doorstep better than someone 12,000km away?

Your constant potrayal of people that raise this issue to amplify it to the general public is actually quite pathetic now.... the people that are raising these issues all over now are not "Far Right" activists..... very far from it.

You're in denial about who's pushing this agenda, although its not entirely the far right.

Your eyes are completely shut, and you are absolutely oblivious to what is going on around you

It is actually quite pathetic how blind you are to these things that are affecting so many people in the UK.... you are one of these people who are too scared to speak up...too afraid to be labeled a racist.

Here's the thing right, if you focus on the crimes of one group of people over another, when you constantly amplify the crimes of one group over another and start labeling an entire group of people over the crimes of a very small minority then you are indeed a racist. And I am speaking up, I'm calling out racism.

Now there has been genuine cases where the fear of being labelled a racist has enabled crimes. The Rochdalle grooming case case being an example of that.  There have been others as well, but again its been blown out of proportion by people with an agenda.

The UK government's own 2020 report in child sex abuse found that the majority of perpetrators where white.


"The nationalities and ethnicities of suspects in current investigations “varied considerably”, the report said, including British, American, Bangladeshi, Bulgarian, Dutch, Eritrean, Indian, Jamaican, Lithuanian, Pakistani, Portuguese and Somali.

“This analysis demonstrated that the existing data would not answer the question of the relationship between ethnicity and child sexual exploitation,” it added."

Provide me with some examples that I "Always" keep providing, and I will respond on Monday when I am back from my weekend away.

You mentioned something was potentially about to come out in the US media about Joe Biden or the democrats a few weeks back.

Enjoy your weekend away.

Jan 03, 2025, 13:54

Stav, you may want to import more Muslims but most people do not. This is a Democratic fact.
If you truly had liberal values, you would see that the majority can't just consist of the far right....Some left-wing people don't like Muslims for their lack of left-wing values. (e.g. Sharia Law). 

It is not just the West that does not like them. Are China or India seeking to import Muslims? Even some of the other Muslim countries will only accept certain Muslim sects that align with their own take on the interpretation of the Koran.

Muslims have their own place where they appear to constantly be at war with each other, how does one realistically expect them to get along with non-Muslims? Problems will just increase with more of them. 

The liberal left-wing falls apart on this type of stuff. They want everyone to be treated fairly, but while commendable - it not always the right solution.

The liberal left doesn't fall apart, its just coming up some deeply ingrained prejudices that have been reinforced over a long time by some right wing media and alt-right online media that massively amplify incidents of Muslim violence to outright lying about it. 
Amplify incidents? Like 9/11 and the London bomb attacks, the Moscow theatre attack that killed hundreds of people.  The more Muslims, the more this stuff is going to happen. If our Arab friends had the means they would blow the Israeli's and West off the map. (Sure not all Arabs, but their is a decent %). '

If someone does not have any liberal values, why treat them as though they did?

Blocking entry or deporting people based on their religion isn't a liberal value so maybe your the one with the issue living in the west. 
Stav, you can clamour to the moral high-ground, but you are a minority. 
Do you realistically believe that more than 50% of people want to increase Muslim imports? Does that mean that all of these places or people don't have liberal values


The overwhelming majority of Muslims who immigrant to the west, live by western laws, they work, they pay their taxes and stay out of trouble. Collective punishment is not acceptable in the 21st century.
Conversely, why should they be rewarded by allowing them entry? 
If millions of people from around the world started moving to Muslim countries, can we expect themto  apply your version of liberal values? Naïve stuff...


The Democratic consensus is that people want less Muslim imports.

The democratic consensus can change. Its why there is elections every 4-5 years in the west.
No kidding? I didn't realise that there were elections where people voted for what they wanted, instead of being forced to take on your version of liberal values. 

Are you suggesting that in 4 years, everyone will now decide they only want to import Muslims? A big part of Brexit was motivated by taking back control of borders. While people in general may want to reduce immigration, at the top of the list are Muslim countries. This is a fact. 

We live in the present with a government that is elected for that current period- not the future.
If you had liberal values in practise, you might consider why the majority don't want more of them and take empathy with their position, instead of taking the alternative viewpoint to be a moral crusader. 


 Anti Muslim and anti immigration sentiment are mostly a product of media coverage. If the media stopped amplifying the issues the public wouldn't care even if the immigration and crime rates stayed exactly the same, because by and large they wouldn't either see it or be affected by it. What we have instead is manufactured outrage.
Garbage. I have never witnessed anything like 9/11 where a non-military target was destroyed by passenger airlines. If they could have put nukes on the plane, they probably would have. 
Remember these people are led by the likes of Bin Laden - many of whom were actually voted into power. Hammas is the ruling government within Palestine that was elected. 

Aside from the terror stuff, they are just not my favourite cup of tea.

Well I'm a fan of religion in general and Islam is a more conservative repressive religion, particularly towards women and minority groups and it does tend to produce more extremists groups willing to carry out violence. I'd never want to live in a Mulsim country (though I've no issue holidaying in some of them).

You never want to live in a Muslim country, but would be happy to increase their numbers....That makes allot of sense.... 
You would not like to live in a Muslim country....Is that perhaps because you are scared to get your head chopped off for having liberal values?

What they do women is a reflection of their society and religion. This alone is enough to not let them in. Sharia law is barbaric savagery- and many of them practise it, and want to the right to practice this in their new host countries.


But on the other hand have you actually meet and spoken to any Muslims for any length of time.
I have. It is obvious that not all support terrorism, but many ( the majority) will support Islam in any war with the West. Not everything is their fault, but many countries just dont have great relations with the Middle East.

I've known a few from work and spoken with them and I can assure you when you say hello, the response isn't "Durka Durka Mohammad Jihad" before donating their suicide vest, nor are they jumping on and raping every western women not wearing a hijab and no their not handing me a petition to sign calling for the introduction of Sharia law and their not constantly interrupting conversations with excuse me I need to prey, which way is Mecca?
This from the person who said he would never want to live in the Middle East:?

Aka the exact same conversations I have with the native population, just with less swearing.

Aside from which if your a Liverpool fan you would probably convert to Islam if meant keeping Mo Salah from leaving. :O

Then they should stop harboring and protecting extreme terrorists...and BTW it's only a few Muslim countries causing most of the problems, not all of them...they will be dealt with...and no, military intervention isn't the way.

Perhaps the west (mostly now just America) should stop facilitating what is almost certainly a genocide in Gaza now.  But credit to South Africa for bringing that genocide case against Israel something my country has since joined.

What the Muslim men have been, and are currently doing, to young White girls in and across the UK, is now finally coming to light, and it is fucking despicable....

Where's the outrage about christian men after the decades long abuse of children by the Church in the UK. Hundreds of abusers, thousands of abused and decades of cover ups. Again why the fixation on Muslim crimes?

We live in the present. However, it is not as if I would not want investigations into the Church for similar conduct. That is a Western problem and something we need to sort out. We dont need the problem compounded by Islam versions of this.

Why the main stream media have not run with this story before is insane.

Because they need evidence of it. 

There was evidence of it, many of the perpetrators are in jail. Are you denying this happened?
The mainstream did actually run with this story, but it was over 14 years ago.
The conservative government refused to reopen this case in 2022.

If there was new evidence of this old case, it could be reopened. (I have seen Musk is trying to reopen it- but that appears motivated by political ends - not the human tragedy). 

I have mentioned this many times on this forum, and it was all blamed on the 'Far Right" mentality of certain people in the UK.

Because its the far right that amplify it. They hyper focus on it to give the impression that the issue is much worse than it actually is.
Or the West is too politically correct to give it the coverage it required at the time.
"If" there is new evidence of other perpetrators, of course, the case should be opened. Or if there is new crimes, the investigations should be made public knowledge, rather than give it low coverage to protect minority groups


Open up your eyes people ....

The truth is finally coming out, and it's about bloody time.....

Our eyes are open.
"Our"? Again, you are the Democratic minority.
Some people may be jumping on the bandwagon of Tommy Robinson, because of their dislike of Muslims. Regardless, the consensus is that people want less not more... Do you deny this as a fact, or are you saying the majority want more more - not less?

Jan 03, 2025, 14:27

What if we raised the money to keep you there for another week?

Laughing graphics

Jan 03, 2025, 16:32

The Irish couldn’t live together peacefully when they were separate  Christian faiths. Now Anger claims they will live peacefully with the most militant religion today. I’m persuaded, aren’t you?

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