The latest unacy is "We will not allow attacks on communities". That while attacks by crimnals and terrorist subsidiaries of the Biden Regime is happening continuously, Look at not nly this incident - but atatcks by protected by Government criminals attacks civillians on a daily basis,
In the emantime it is stated hat the vehicle used in the New Orleans terrorists has a Texas registrastion number - and that the attacker is dead/ But what is his name and his background. Will thta be a stat secret as long as Biden is President - that is in 10 days - when the Government
runs by criminals like Biden.ends,
Hall Of Famer53,940 posts
This is the resultofa Govrnment allowing terrrists toenter the country illegally through the open border with Mexico nd a Pagty who have terrorists subsidiaries - BLM and Antifa _ while being soft on criminals.
The name and connections of the ciminal who drove a truck at high speed into the crowd celebrating the New Year in New Orleans, The Policde had not identified the driver - but it as apparent that the intention of the Diver ere clear - he wnted to kill as many people as possible.
The incident wa vey similar to one happened in Waukessha in Wisconsin in 2021. That time it was committed by a career criminal with links to BLM. He was released from jail with bail of $500 being paid by the lacksadacical aproach where criminals are helped - his release from prison was totally wrong and should never have happened, Althouhg the criminal committed 6 murdes and faced a host of other charges and in the end he recevied a life sentence with no Chance of release.
The cosequences of policies that promotes criminality by protection of criminals ahead of law-abiding citizens this type of attacks are to be expected. .