The 2025 Iran War

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The 2025 Iran War

Nov 13, 2024, 21:03

Given Iran reportedly tried to assassinate Trump around 1 month ago, I would expect some form of retaliation from the next US administration.

I saw Elon Musk talking about the Israel situation, and he said that they have been brainwashed from a young age, and that Isreal should remove the Palenstinians from the area. 

Nov 13, 2024, 21:09

No hot war, Iran will be screwed, nobody will be buying their oil...simple...and Russia is in the same boat...not rocket science...

Nov 13, 2024, 23:24

No hot war, Iran will be screwed, nobody will be buying their oil...simple...and Russia is in the same boat...not rocket science...

Well what if Israel decides to attack Iran's nuclear sites. America could get dragged into a war even if it's not the one who instigates it.

Iranian oil is already heavily sanctioned and those sanctions were tightened just last month. Not sure if Trump can hurt Iran that much more with additional sanctions.

He already tried to use sanctions in his first time to bring Iran back to the negotiating table after he pulled out of the JCPOA deal and it didn't work then.

Nov 14, 2024, 03:36

Iranian oil is already heavily sanctioned and those sanctions were tightened just last month. Not sure if Trump can hurt Iran that much more with additional sanctions.

How was  it tightened lasy month?   Biden broke the US law on freezing the dollars earned by Iran for oil exports e numerous times and unfroze being between $280 and $300 billion has been unfrozn duringthe Biden Regime  - so did Biden decided he will apply th law at last?   In public Biden stated tha only $30 million was unfrozen -but Seators invsigaing what acually happened was the figure I quoted above.                

Nov 14, 2024, 07:02


Trump will not initiate any war a especially not one in the ME - all the as in that part of the world is no worthwhile.    He is likely to start wih the implemenation of he Abtahamc Accords - which Biden destroyed and that may have some beneficial affects and ill not negotiate with terrorists - like Blinken did an may I add he go nowhere with those negotiations,   

He will send illegal migrants from Msulim countries - speciall migrnats on the errorist watch list that were released nder Biden into te country to get rid of tem and send them back to their countries of origin.    That will inclue Muslims that participaed  and ook part at thin the that took pari in the riots at US Unversities  who shouted Death to te USA and death to Israel while birning USA flags during the rios,    It will apply also to Muslims arrest edduring the said  riots and then released 24 hours later without any charges be laid,

After the second attempt  wwwhere he perso was rrste by the Florida Police the Florida stated that it was an inernally-organized attempt  - but since then they kept him in jail in Florida and would not allow the FBI to meddle in their invesigation, of who intenally was involved nn organizing of the attempt,    

Wha is known is that a video pormoting a subsidiary of Blackrock showed both the shooter who were killed ie the  first attempt and the one now arested were both involved i a video promoting h activiti of a susiduary of Blackrock involv in Ukraine restoation work funded by the Biden Regime would be involved - but wheher the Blackrick subsidiary eas involvedis being investigated.    .        


Nov 14, 2024, 10:04

How was  it tightened lasy month?          

Biden broke the US law on freezing the dollars earned by Iran for oil exports e numerous times and unfroze being between $280 and $300 billion has been unfrozn duringthe Biden Regime  - so did Biden decided he will apply th law at last?   In public Biden stated tha only $30 million was unfrozen -but Seators invsigaing what acually happened was the figure I quoted above.

Absolute garbage.

Trump will not initiate any war a especially not one in the ME - all the as in that part of the world is no worthwhile.

Biden didn't initiate any wars in the ME during his term.

 He is likely to start wih the implemenation of he Abtahamc Accords - which Biden destroyed 

The Abahram Accords are still in affect. Biden didn't touch them.

and that may have some beneficial affects and ill not negotiate with terrorists - like Blinken did an may I add he go nowhere with those negotiations,   

LOL so Trump didn't negotiate the Afghan withdrawal with the Taliban?

Nov 14, 2024, 11:09

Tread carefully here oaks. You don't want to fall for NeoCon plans for a, war with Iran just as the Ukraine war ends. 

It's just as likely Iran had zero to do with these people. You can be certain that the military industrial complex wants another war. Neocons like Mozzietard would also like another war. 

The Biden Regime had it continued via Harrus would certainly have gone to war with Iran. One plan was to pin the assasination of Trump on the Iranians. Candace Owens did a great video on this. 

Trump will try peaceful means to end the troubles in the ME. I see Saudi Arabia is saying Trump must complete the work he started with the Abraham Accords.

Fact the facts Oaks the world dodged a bullet with Trump winning the presidency. People all over the world are rejoicing. 

There is now real hope that the European nation states will throw off their treasonous, tyrannical Globalist rulers and take back their countries. 

Trump's mass deportations will set the example for them. Indeed some ignorant people will be shocked at what will be coming out. :D

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