The mental and phusical decline in Biden is undermining of House members and Senators in marginal States and Districts and the fear of election losses is imminent for them - especially those suuffering as a resuklt of the Biden Open bORDER Policy and inflation. So they arfe pretendibng theya re not supporting Biden BS ev en though in the hpuse and Senate they voted for Biden proposals and necver spoke out against it in the Hopuse and Snate,
That lead them into desperation and the House meetings will resatart tomorrow when the Demcoratic Party os going to discuss the issue raised by a number of House members and Senators in pub;icly.
I still th ink there is a complot to get rid of Biden - but the only thng that can save him is that Harrfis is even more unp[opular than Biden is. In the meantime Senator Pokahonta Warren and Governors Madame Hitler Whitmer and Newsom - best client of Presidentr Xi -is working behind the scene to get the President\s job.
The fact s H arris - t he Lau,ghing Hyena - is as incomptetent as Bidena nd can only be a puppet President and the other three are all as crooked as Biden adn the rest of th e D P leadership are. They all have stinks that reach high heaven and th eir c hances of doing better than Biden is remote.
The other one trying to get the job is Clinton the second biggest crook n th e - only Al Capone ws more crooked.
What a lot from whom the Democrats have to destroy the USA and enrich theselves
54,042 posts
The mental and phusical decline in Biden is undermining of House members and Senators in marginal States and Districts and the fear of election losses is imminent for them - especially those suuffering as a resuklt of the Biden Open bORDER Policy and inflation. So they arfe pretendibng theya re not supporting Biden BS ev en though in the hpuse and Senate they voted for Biden proposals and necver spoke out against it in the Hopuse and Snate,
That lead them into desperation and the House meetings will resatart tomorrow when the Demcoratic Party os going to discuss the issue raised by a number of House members and Senators in pub;icly.
I still th ink there is a complot to get rid of Biden - but the only thng that can save him is that Harrfis is even more unp[opular than Biden is. In the meantime Senator Pokahonta Warren and Governors Madame Hitler Whitmer and Newsom - best client of Presidentr Xi -is working behind the scene to get the President\s job.
The fact s H arris - t he Lau,ghing Hyena - is as incomptetent as Bidena nd can only be a puppet President and the other three are all as crooked as Biden adn the rest of th e D P leadership are. They all have stinks that reach high heaven and th eir c hances of doing better than Biden is remote.
The other one trying to get the job is Clinton the second biggest crook n th e - only Al Capone ws more crooked.
What a lot from whom the Democrats have to destroy the USA and enrich theselves