The biggest loser in the 2024 election was

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The biggest loser in the 2024 election was

Dec 30, 2024, 07:15

Hussein Obummer, the Kenyan Muslim. 

Hussein tried to influence the 2024 election demanding black folk vote for Kackling Komrade K. He failed dismally and Trump's share of the Black Vote sky rocketed.

Now here what Black men thing of this washed up has been.

Globalist puppet Obummer has been a disaster for America. He is done. He must be fully investigated and prosecuted for treason. 

Obummer crashes.

Dec 30, 2024, 12:23

The Obama regime controlling the DP and using Biden to run the country based on instructions he gave to the dementia sufferer.


Dec 30, 2024, 22:12

The biggest loser in the 2024 US election was the average US citizen.

Granted, slightly over half of them deserve what they're going to get because they voted for Bozo . . . but it's the other 49% I have a bit of sympathy for.

Dec 30, 2024, 22:56

I expect many of Trump's biggest supporters will become his biggest haters. 

Trump has appointed an Indian to be in charge of AI, and his first recommendation was to import millions of Indians, while also offshoring millions more jobs to India.

The MAGA faithful are in meltdown. Many of the Big Tech companies are run by Indians because an increasing amount of their employees are based in India.

Dec 30, 2024, 23:48


Dec 31, 2024, 03:27


Dec 31, 2024, 05:41

 Sure the Big gst loser was the U S citizens?  Are  you ever real in the shit you wrote on site.  The Biden BSter was stealing te money from the public purse was real?  you ssssstu pid bastards.   When62 milkoen [people did have money to buy for their the families and had to get  aid from goodd banks to survive every month due to inflation and 22 million children went tp bed hung ry regularly - they were living in the paradise ceated by the most corrupt Ptrsidnt ever i th e  history of the USA.

When the USA open the borders of the country to 11 million illegal migrants and the fact cost  costs tens of billions of dollars every month  was spent to provide better conditions for the mig rants when millions of peole could not afford paying  for their own accommodation and mre than a million live on on streets where petty crime and people were murdered wit cities like Chicago and New Orleans   becming te most dangerous to live in on both the American continents where policing was undermined by the judicial system and millions of people fled from C alifornia and New yootk ad C hicago to safer Republican controlled States because they dare not leav e teir hoe at night because of criminals and the  Police as under constant attacks by leftists and could no even arrest urderers because they were let out of custodywithin 24 hours without paying bail.

Where Public servants could not ccont n what Trillions od dllars were spent by the Federal  Government - as exposed by auditing by the AG and there were no money to hel the sufferingpoor because of bribery and coruption unh eard of for more t han 200 years in the USA.  

Where the peoeple d not know what the difference is between males and females is and where males were allowed t ruin female sport and sport of females beame dominated by males claiming they are females.    Where in schools children are educated and brainwazshed to h ate their families and te State claims they are the protector of children and whee in Deomcratic States the State government took children away from their parents if they dare to try and stop children being braiwashed into believingthey mst ndergo sex change operations and many committed suicid afterwards.

Where Bidena and his cronies stole millions of State money to dofavours to cmapniedds and average  Government  contracts wa inflated by 15% to cater for ickbacks toi crooked politicians and corupt bureaucrats,    Where at least 3 of the 7 trillio dollar US Budget are stolen every year or spent wastefully - while the FBI and Justice Deprtment proected crooks from  being prosecuted.

When everything in the USA  went corrupt and the people suffer under an oppessive regime that was udermining democracy/

No dim cunts - the people were the losesnd tey took their revenge n their oppressors nd you claim they were the losers in a country that became more lawless by the day - where the army became weaker every day and were a fake Government operated in the country - with a dementia sufferer being used to ruin the country.

The USA  was becoming weaker and more dangerous to live in by the day while crooked politicians ad bueaucrats ruin he country.    But then you dm cunts beleieve the media lies and he same emdia are bcomingmore discredited because hey were Goebbels style lying to the country.   

S o ive on idiots and suffer because of inflation tat has it all countries in the world an the leftists steal the money in every country.theyy ruin.   Germny are going the same ay- so is Canada - oth havingelections coing up soon.and the shitspreaders are going to lose here as well.   Brainwazshed idiots like you do not realize what is really happening around you and in the world  ecause you are typical idiots the media used as suckers.

            .   .   

     .                   . .

Dec 31, 2024, 05:49

S B 

ice photo of a boy used y the CIA in an assasination attempt on Trump.   He is dead now because of what he was told to do - same as the other idiot who tried to assassinate Trump  an got caught by the Florida police and State Government and they do not allow the FBI and CIA to get near to him because he will die also if they can get their hnnds on him.   Typical means the media use encouragement of murder of Trump ad othe people associted with him.   .   

Idiocy supreme on your side.        

Dec 31, 2024, 06:12

Ja, Snark...if they manage to kill him, they will make it look like a right wing redneck did it.

Dec 31, 2024, 06:45

The folowing comment on iden says it all:-

"Joe Biden has absolutely zero idea what he signed. It is time to root out his controllers, the shadow people actually running the presidency (looking at you Obama) and go after them. Let Biden drift off into history as the worst president in history but don’t forget he was just a puppet. His name should be erased and his handlers should forever be held out as the true criminals that tried to overthrow the US."

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