The DOGE Investigations

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Nov 20, 2024, 01:11

Trump was brilliant in appointing the Commission on Government Efficiency and clean up Government  in the USA  aclled   DOGE,


DOGE has not even started its investigations when ths BS are booming in the Federal Public Service.   In one report it is mentioned that their were only $233 billion being lost through FRAUD.    Asides from It is also became clear that the Defense Force in an audit now startes at last  that the Defense Force could not account for major expenditure losses'   And then there aeveral real problems - is in the ineerest of he world whether injection of the fish with cocaiine makess fish more promiscquenous    

I will  follow the results of successes of DOGE regularly and give more detailed summaries on Federal Government inefficiencies and fraudm bribery abd corruption  is lost annually in the infamous categories mentiond is going down the drain annualy

That alon would help Government to improve  invstment in soial and worker intress and voila in lowering taxation.       

Nov 20, 2024, 01:29

Please don’t …why don’t you report on fraud in SouthAfrica, or is  that too close to home?

Nov 20, 2024, 06:33

In  South Africa Judge Zondo caused action to be taken and the voters did not support the ANC to get  majoriy vote in Parlaiment as a result,   I have many times wrtten about coruption in SA.  So if SA was corrupt and still is - why would the wornderful USA follow the same route of bribery corruption and incompetence in Government?   Would one not expect it being different in the USA?

In a lecture I delivered at an inernational conerene in Bremen Germany I spoke out against corruption and incomptence in Government and especially in the case of Public Servants and advocaed a system where Govenments use private sector principles in management of the Public Service and promote privtization as a means to enhance efficiency .   Got cheered by the people present.    

Sorry Mozart - but if  Public Servants gets too much power and usurp legislative authriy  by issueing of regulaions without Congressional approval it is totally disastrous,   I believe in one recent case the Supreme Court ruled that the usurpation of lawmaking by the Public Service amd Cabinet  is constitutionally wrong.

I think the idea is that the swamp of Public Servants in Washington costs the Federal Government in excess of $1 Trillion a year and that suspicion is what Musk and Ramasami will be dealing with.   If the  Defense Department could not accont to Auditors for up to 30% on what money was spent by them  then it is clear that there is something criicially amiss in the USA - namely proper control by the legisature over the Public Service,

I always thought that Zuma was the top dog in Government fraud and corruption - but I was and is wrong - he learned all his BS from USA experts in the relevent fields.   .

That is why I cheer on  DOGE in their efforts to save te USA from corrupion that cost the taxpayers massive amouts of money,  



Nov 20, 2024, 07:40


Watch he following video and maye you would get an ide f what is happening in realiiy,-'disturbing'_effects

Why as a taxpayer do you apear to be a lover of Govenmen waste, fraud and corruption that could cause a total financial disaster in the lomger term in the USA?    Why do you oppose  a campaign to cut out expensses that is fruitless, wasteful with a mixture of fraud and croruption also being in evidence?


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