By the way te DP' terrorist subsidiary BLM is now threatening to organizxe riots in New York s a result of the Penny case outcome.
By the way te DP' terrorist subsidiary BLM is now threatening to organizxe riots in New York s a result of the Penny case outcome.
Hall Of Famer53,938 posts
Lets divide this into sceanros - firstly the dealing wih election of DA's in the USA - followed by what is happening in this case and then dealing with the Bragg and James cases in New York.n future of vtime issus in New York.
The election of DA's in the USA
Since 2000 the major funder of the DNC was George Soros - but he also funded he eelction costs of individual lawmmakers like Adam Schiff - which fuding was subseqently taken over by the Ukraine Arms manufacturer Stepanek. For the latter purpose Stepanek rgistered a subsidiary company in the USA on the board of which two stagff members employed by Schiff served/. Every time the US Govrnment transferred money in cash the kickback to the US Subsidary kicked in. In 2019 Trump bccame aware of the racket and in the end instructed at no mor cah ransfers wuld be dne to Ukraine and weaponry shall be replaced by local purxchase of arms and sending it to Ukraine. Feeling the hurt in his pocket Pelosi and Schiff laid fake imeachment charges aainst Trump.
But there were two other issues involving Soros that became increasingly chaotic and the first of these was that Soros specifically fund the DA election campaigns of candidates of the DA and went further by laying down rules dealing with handling of crime cases scrapping more than 75% of cimes that people were charged with in the past. Soros also laid down the policies on illegal migrants entry ito the USA.
To ensure that his policies are carried out Soros' son has montly meetings in the WH with Biden officials.. The situation became quite ridiculos and wishes in espcially Califonia and New York The rule was tha shoplifting wa not a crime unless more than a $1000 worth of goods were stolen.- easy criminal solution was criminal gangs atacked shops and strip them of goods and nobody was arrested or charged. In both states strings of businesses closed own as a result. A futher issue wa break-ins into homes - i less than a $1 000 was stolen - n charge were laid - bu that rule reulted in no charge for break-ins were laid ven when inhabitents were attcked pysically during break-ins.
Crimes took over in both Sates and over 2 million people fled from these two crime paradises to sfe place - some even fled to Acapulco wher refugees claim that the California gangs wer more dangerous than the Mexican cartels. Biden is likel to aprdon Clinton, Pelosi and Schiff prohibiting their invstigation of bribery and corruption invovled in Russia,, Ukraine, Iran and China. The main raon for pardon is sirectly linked to Biden's own activities in bribery and corruption in the counties mentioned..
So wha happened to th DA's appoied nd uned by Soros with unfliching support of the DNC?
* In Florida and Texss the Governors discharged to of the Soos-funded AD's to lay criminal charges against ciminals.
* The situation in San Francisco got rse by the day and in 2023 aggitation started to recall he DA and he was recalled as a reslt and he the Mayor apointed a replacement. - incidntally the recalled DA was the son of the eleadr of the Communist Party of the US A - who in fact is a susiiary of the Democratic Party. However, the voters in San Frncisco had enough shit in the November election the voters voted foor an Independent Business man as Mayor of Sa Francisco.
* The Soros-fu0nded DA in Los Angeles lost the DA election and was succeeded by his deputy who was a real Prosecutor tired of the crimeloving DA/
Now the famus case of Penny - an ex-marine
Penny was ravelling on the subway when a paasenger by the name of entered screaming ome people were going to die that day. Bearing in mind the large number of subway murders and assults in New York he pengers was terrified and when Penny forced the chap down on the floor waiting for the Police to arrive he wa cheered by he errified pasengers, When the Police arrived Penny released the atatcker and then waited for the Police to finish their investigation. It turned out that Neely died of a heart atck shortly after the arrival of he Police - not srprising by that since he as as high as a kite on drugs and his reitance aagainst him being helf firmly by Penny likely caused the haart attack. However it was also found that Heely had a crimina record a mile log and sufffered from mental intability.
So the case when to DA Bragg - another Soros-funded DA. He decided to lay a second degree murder charge against Perry and the witnesses giving evidence did not support the Bragg charges, So the Juruy became dead-locked on the charge, Against normal judicial process the Judge determined to find Penny guilty of manslaughter - but the jury knew what the Judge wanted them to find guilty of the new charges and rejected the advice of the Judge and unanimously found Penny innocent. The Judge then ordered the the Jury to find guilty of accidental homicide - but th am result he Jury again found Penny innocent and the Judge was forced to dro he case.
The Bragg and James Future
Like the case in Los Angeles and San Francisco - both Bragg and James - another Soros DA - clashed with the Mayor of New York - a Black Democrat who was elected in 2021 as Mayor of New York getting 67% of the votes. Adams used to be the much admired Head of the New York Police and promised the voters he would crack down on the rampant crime situaion in New York. It did not take long for him to clash with Bragg and James - so the response of Bragg was to lay fake charges agaist Adams. That was not going to make the suffering of New Yorkers any lighter and the charges will likely end up on a trash heap
When more than 250 000 illegal migrants entered New York - the cost of accommdation and inancial help reached more than $2,5 billion and Adams asked Biden for asistance to lighten the load on raepayers of New Yorkers - but the other problem was migrant crimes started increasing rapidly. The next move of the Demcrats was to claim that Adams is warming up to Trump and may leeve the DP and join the Republican Party like the Black Mayor of Dallas has already done.
Aside from Bragg's and Jame's fake charges against Trump - the two has other seriosu problems. They are likely to be fired by the new Trump AG for undermining of law and order in New York and that will be the end of both Bragg and James, There is no chance that the two wil have any chance fo being re-eleccted as DA's by the cvoters.
The Leftists are now trying to find a replwcement for Mayor Adams as DP candidate - but I think they are losing the plot in that regard. So I believe that is going to be hard to swallow by the ultrs-leftists brainwashed iditos on site. So in essense the question to them is - do you suport crime or Crime prevention ad punishment?.