The Greatest Hoax of the Democrats Ever is being e new Policy of the Democrats

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The Greatest Hoax of the Democrats Ever is being e new Policy of the Democrats

Nov 24, 2024, 07:21

When the lies and distortions totally disregard the wishes of the voters of the USA once again shows that the Democrats hate democracy and how they hate  people and decide what people  may or may not do.

So now they are making wild claims of how they are going  to resist the wishes of voters - while claiming they are defending their PEOLE  peo[le if the Goenment act against "our people".   But who are "the our" people they wish to defend,   The OUR PEOPLE are the migrants  they brought into the USA ILLEGALLY against the wishes of the majority of the US citizens.

The emocrats campaigned on the basis that the voters opposing them  -

*    are "White Domstic terrorists"

*    are Fascists and supporters of a ditatorship policies; and 

*    are according to Biden garbage - or like Clinton called them "delarables",

So why are the Democrts being the scum who are the dstroyers of Democracy and the USA Constitution and democracy and prove for them voting must be dealt with according to Stalinist election strategyand wen the voters ifnore the wheir wishes they have the right to decide that wishes of te people must bedisregarded and their own dictatorial cult being implmented,

So how did the Democrats go about their sustained attack on Democracy and the voters of the USA?

The Election Propaganda

Instead of protecting Democracy they undermined Democracy,   For that purpose they lied to the people and when in opinion polls people claim that the Democrats represents a greater threat to Democracy they call the voters cultist supportes and worse,   They wanted to condone their approach through lies and distortions.

So the Democrats developed a new strategy or rather another ploy in their fight against Democracy.   When by the morning of 6 November it became clear that Harris lost the election the enw strategy kicked in.    They must retain control control of he Seante and he House at all costs.   So they implement the srategy to that end they dlayed te counting of th votes in especislly New York, California and other states controlled by the Democrats,   So it is now near to 3 weeks after the election and the Democrats are still counting votes.   So how did that work?

In the case of Senate seats in States where Trump wins the outcomes of the Senate and House elections are interesting.    When it comes to Senate races in states where Trump won they claimed the same  Trump voters voted for the Democratic Party Senate candidates.   The examples are that in Arizona circa 80 000 voters who voted fo rump voted for the Democrats Senator candidate - while in Nevada that fogire was circa 45 000 voters.  In Nevada that swich in support of the voters happened only in two counties - in the rest of the counties it did not happen,

The same phenmeon happened in Senatorial elections in Wisconson and Michigan - but in Pennslvania it wnt further,   When the Pennsylvania  court ruled that certain votes should be eliminated because of conraventio of the Pennsylvania election law the Democrat leadership in te State declared that they and not the Court would decide on what votes may be counted and what not.   That decision of the Democrat state leadership showed how they hate democracy and caused an oucry that ended up in the Democrat candidate waiting 18 days before he admitted deeat,   

Needless to say the Senate scam results let the Democrats to retain al four heir remaining Senate Candidates winning and retaining their seats,

In the case of the House ections the same straegy prevails especially in California.   Keep harvesig votes and take three weeks to count the votes in House Districts,    In areas won by Trump the voters saw the "Deocratic Party lights and their own mistakes in voting by voting for Demcratic Pary candidaes in the House election.   It is new 19 days since he election took place and the results are till no compelted,   It for e Demcras it si essential that these seats being on by their candidates so they just keep on cllecting votes after te election day - it is called vote harvesing - while they keep couting until their candidates won the elections in the two districts,   But it is not in California where that strategy worked for them.   It happened in New York and oher States as well.   In areas where he voters vote for Trump in he House races the same voters voted for the DP candidates on lower levels.

The scale of which it happened was amazing and saved the Democrats from losing in House and Senate elecins,   to lose Senate and House District seats.   It indicates that the Democrats somehow crooked and get differen outcomes by election raud and the voes in the Senate and House districs it happeed in being audited to see how the scam was operated by the Demcrats,

The Illegal Migrant scam

During all the years of the Biden Preidency the scam to bring in millions of illegal migrants into the country was denied by the Democrat members of the House and Senate - but most importantly by the leftist media.   The scam containd contiued lying under oath during Senate and House hearings on the issue.    They claimed tha immigratin laws of he past does not apply and Biden issued mandates that opened the border totally and that contradicted and undermined the law governing immigration.

The Democratic Party media lied continuously about it being a problem amd blamed the Republican Party for collapse of the Immigartion Act under Trump.   The lie as to the implications of the Demcorat Open Border policy hit the ciities like New York and Chicago and in fact other cities and states  all over the USA became clear to the voters when the migrants flooded into cities and even towns.   The voters said no more the Democrats decided otherwise,   Billions of dollars are spent on accomodating migrants while US citizens lived  on sidewalsk in tesnts and other sructures,   The Mayor of New York - a Black Democrat objected and in return the New York - and the New York AG Bragg laid fake charges of corruption against him.

62% of he USA voters wanted the Migrants send back to their countries of origin from wher hycan apply for admission to be allwed legally into the USA.   The DP would have nong of that.   They do not wn legal processes they want illeal mehoxds to apply.    Evn before hat decsions of the oters on he Migrant issue could start the Democras started to sabotage wuhe wil of he voters,   They ent ona drive to enhance firher ilegals into he country at an enhanced evel ad they openly stated that theyare going to proect even ciminals o be foced o reurn o ei countries of origin.    For them the illegal migrants are the defenders of the DP.  

Elements within the DP funded the Hamas Riots at cleges rughout the USA by Muslim fanatics and those compy with the basic Democratic Pary leadersip believes when te D emostraros shouted "Deah to Israel" and "Death to te USA".  Those riots causing damage to Universities and theatened Jewish students were implmened  by fanatics of he DP subsidiaaries called BLM nd Antifa and paid for by Soros and the Pritzker Trust contolled by the Govenor of Illinois.  Pritzker wants to protect the rioters at all costs and called them the people of Illinois whom he would protect,   The racket went further Hamas supporers who caused damages to College premises were released from jail within 24 hours and not charged with any crimes.   They will be the shock troups the DP will use in future riots against the people of the USA and the voters.

The Biden attack on Democracy

In line with Democratic Pary Policies Biden and is cronies are determined to flood te USA with hundreds of thousands of more ilelgal Migrants in the last six weeks of hsi preidency ad ordered new mesures to eace and ensure more ilegals ener he USA.    They wotre they will proect all migrants - even career criminalas and gangsters being sent back to heir countries they came from.    Looking at he conduct of the Demcorats the answer is simple- criminals of the DP figthr other criminals to undrmine the Judicia system of the USA,

Biden is also desperately to cause a direct war against Russia.   Whike their puppet in Kiev hreaten Russia of using nuclear bombs to attack Russia.    Biden is scurrying to get amamens to Ukraine,   The last nuclear bombs lf in Ukraine was removed to Russia in 1991 and 1992 and Ukraine signed a Treaty not to develop nuclear arms.   But now Ukraine threaten to use nclear bombs against Russia and Biden wants all out war between NATO and Russia,   So if Ukraine used nuclea bombs in Russia wher did theyc ome from?   Obviousl answer is the USA and Biden is tying desperately to get involved in a all-out war against Russia in the period of 7 weeks he will remain as President of teh USA.  He is trying to get maximum amount sf weaponry to Ukraine ad sabotage efforts by Trump to end th war though negotiations.

 Its fine to start WW3 when the idiot in charge had to ge out f the WH in seven weeks time.   He would hope to get aproval for the new war effort from the Snate an the ouse,   bere he enw Senate nd House took over in a months ie from now.   The only westion is whether it reprsent High Treason or not.   

In he emanime he suppos the ideas of Senators todelay implemtaion fo te Trump poicies by al means possible.    It is no yet clea how that will be done - but anyting can be expected from the traitors cntrollinghe DP.   on knows hat appened in he 2020 rits in 2020 organized by the Demcrat terorrist subsidiaries trough funding by Soros and Prtizker and resulting in the murders of 46 people by he rioers and seriosu wounding of over 1 200 police officers when the roioters fused firearms and Molotov coacktails  provided to the riotes on an organized bsis to thm and the destruction of prerty to the value of $6 billion.   

Are the Democrats going to embark on terroism as displayed in the 2020 riots  in 2025 as well   It is clear they are going to do exactly what they did in 2020   TRAITOROUS SCUM THEY ALWAYS WERE  SINCE THE START OF THIS  CENTURY AND TRAITOROS SCUM THEY WILL REMAIN.


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