I clicked on this with some trepidation expecting volumes of steaming shitory and the longest post in the history of the board . . . but thankfully it was the shortest.
I clicked on this with some trepidation expecting volumes of steaming shitory and the longest post in the history of the board . . . but thankfully it was the shortest.
Back to steaming shitory after ou Maaik managed to find the edit button . . .
Te DP history is 100% proved and my comments tie in with what Sanders said on the issue,
In essense it means the Democrats will self-destruct if they keep mired in lefctist pigshit with idiots leading them ,
Hall Of Fame
53555 posts
Past history from 1828 to 1933.
Historians argue that the modern Democratic Party was first organized in the late 1820s with the election of war hero Andrew Jackson of Tennessee, making it the world's oldest active political party. It was predominately built by Martin Van Buren, who assembled a wide cadre of politicians in every state behind Jackson.
The Democratic Party from its inception was controlled by the Southern slave-owning class and in the end the Party split up in the 1580's into the Republican Party mainly in the Northern USA states - while the Democrats remain he main party in the Sothern States
That lasted until the Civil War of 1861 to 1864 hen Lincoln a leader of the Republican Party won in he War, Lincoln wanted a just peace and a move to get a just peace was stymied by he Assasination of Lincoln in 1864. After the War th Democratic Pary remained in extense - bu as a result of reconstruction excesses the Party ad a wing called the KKK - which played amajor political role especially in the Sothern States. As a result the Party for lengthy periods had majorities in Congress while the Presidents were Republicans.
However, the depression caused major problems for everybody - esepcailly amongst he orking claas and under Roosevelfd he party was organized into real reepresentatives of the wrking class and remained loyal to the Democratic Party since that. So the Party became a Pary totally controlling the S ouhern US staes and supported by the Northern working class people. So basically the Party became a center right Politicicxal Party - while the Republican Pary became he Party representig the elite nd upper classes in USA politics.
When Kennedy became Presidnt in 1961 he started a move to help he Balcks - at hat stage virually still por and uneduated to achieve better lifestiles - but he stil had Johnson as Vp to convince he Sthern S tate to remain loyal to the Democratic Party. However, Kennedy was asassinated in Dallas and Johnson became President,
The Johnson Presidency
Johnson was basically noted for his ties to ultra-Right congress members such as Senator Byrde - and ex-leader of the KKK and still a Deocratic Party Senator. However, he was mainly known for being he originator of the Vietnam War and being te corruption "king" in the USA. Biden knew heere were plenty of scandals hat would come up if he runs in the 1968 elections and dug out of the 1968 electin campaign as a result.
It however uehered in an era of politics that change he face of the USA electorate. The efoforts of the Democrats were supericial and totally ineffective - but they got the votes of the Blacks and retaied the votes of he Hispanics which hey had for near to a century. But Senators like Byrde was still the backbone of the Senate in paricular, When Byrde died Biden praised him as a top eade of he SA in the Senate. and also supportd Wallace who was the Governor of Alabama,
So in that era the DP was basically a pary of rightwing elements and moderaes and had he support of the wrking class, he Hispanics and he Blacks. A new turn in party - who bluffed he voters of variou factions to remain loyal to the Party.
The Carter Presidency
When Carter was president the Party moved frpom cener rigbt tocenter-left - but he ea also bcame an era wehn poor Governance prevailed and Inflation ran out of control. The interests f the working class people were ngatively effetced,
Reagn throughout his life was a vey kind-hearted person and appealed to all sectors of he US popularition and did much to help the working class people o improve their lot after the disaster years under Carter,
In the 1984 election Reagan won in 49 of the 50 states - showing extremely widespread support of all classes in he conry. Reagan wa accused of being a rightwing politician - but in the main his policies wa cenrsit and he looked after e lfare of the working class. in prtiular and they thrived under his presincy.
Reagan was a ssrong leade despite his benign appreance an he caused he collapse of Communis rule in East rn Europe and ultimately Russia.
His successor wa moe of an elitist han a good poliicin and he lost the support of he orkingclass a a result.
Clinton, Bsh Junior and Obama
They were all hee corrupt and mr interested in their own well-beig than in the inerests of e Communities they are supposed to serve and all thee eneded up as being extremely unpopular.
In essense their conduct led to the movement to te elt in USA politicas and in the end the Democratic Party was let-wing in outlook. It was during that time that lifelong cenrist members started leving the party;
Trump wa ne of those early departees as well. But it was not only the prominent people that left the DP - it was also te working class that turn to the Repubican Party and the reason for that were clear. The workers in 2016 were 30% poorer than they were in 1988. The popl were sick anmd ired of substandard Governnce nd of coruption in the USA.
Trump as an outider saw the opportunity to get the working class voters and the mor conservatie and centrists ex-supporters of the Republican Party to suppor his election and the orking class people - making up the majoity of voters in te USA took their revenge on the DP. Trump could not take all te Republicans ino a new era of Party Affilliation and some of the Republicans distrusted and hted him as well. For them the people supporting Trump was the same as Cliton called hem - "deplorables".
However 90% of the Republicns followed his eldership in taking the way Trump took them and Trump did evething in his power to help he working class -ad he poor ino liing better life han they use to have.
The problems in 2020 caused by Covid and e election of Biden sated an era here the ultra-left idealogues got total control of he Party. Exmpls were he Open Border policies and sex orientaion policies. Law and order in cities collapsed and iflation mde life unbearable and unaffordable.
Present Situation
Come along he 2024 election wit all its dramas nd sheannanigans/ Th imple question wa to all voters are you bettr off now than they wer in 2019 nd 72% of the voters said that Biden's policies were diastrous nd 61% said that Bide a failure as President. Seeig that there wa sno way Biden could win an election the funders theatened the DP on wiholding funding of he Paty and Biden was tickets n oce out of he elction.
Harris was probably the worst candidate that the Democrats could come up with and despite all he polls she lost badly in th eelction.
The present siuation of the Demcorats is do they keep the ulra-let ideology in place or move mor t the ecenter of he political sepctrum. One of he rst things they could do wa to attack a House member who expressed reservstions about the ultr-left sport policy of the Democrats - were ttacked by the ultra-leftists who ar trying to ge rid of him. Th way theya re carrying on is bound to drie him to te RP>
Despite he comments of people like Snders - the leftist ideologues in he party shows no interest in wirking class voters and they wil cut e pary in pieces if he Pary does no change into a more centrist Party. I iwll be a hard job for them when the eladership calles then Garbage.
Unless he Democrats wake up and gt ig of he ultra-led in the paty by 2032 it ill be wiped out totally aa a poliical pary.