Smith and the FBI tried to undemine normal judicial procedures and that led to her instructing them to return all documents taken during the FBI raiding of Trumps home. She gave the FBI and Smith an instruction to deliver the documemts withinn 14 days to the Court.
Smith and the FBI ignored the ruling and the Judge instructed them to deliver the documents or fase being charged with the crime of underining the Court - they were given 14 days to provide the documents .
The documents were returned but it was further undermining the Court
Documents Taken by the FBI Documents returned
32 Boxes 21 Boxes *
* Some of he boxes did not have all the documents it was listed in evey box.
The Judge got so miffed with the conduct of Smith and after another month she dismissed the case and also Smith's conduct that she rulead his appointment was illegal.
From what I can make out the FBI returned some ofe missing documents they initially kept secret and now he media maks a story of it, The Court order wae to provided to cour for inspection by the Trump Legal team - it never was to be made public without permission of the Court,
The judge want ALL the documens returned - if s
ome documents as promissed are not returnedsome of Smith and senior officials of the FBI will end up in jail.
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