The Judge Chutkan October Surprise...

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The Judge Chutkan October Surprise...

Oct 18, 2024, 22:24


Oct 18, 2024, 23:36

Smith and the FBI tried to undemine normal judicial procedures  and that led to her instructing  them to return all documents taken during the FBI raiding of Trumps home.   She gave the FBI and Smith an instruction to deliver the documemts withinn 14 days to the Court.  

Smith and the FBI ignored the ruling and the Judge instructed them to deliver the documents or fase being charged with the  crime of underining the Court - they were given 14 days to provide the documents .

The documents were returned but it was further undermining the Court

        Documents  Taken by the FBI          Documents returned  

                       32   Boxes                                    21 Boxes    *

*    Some of he boxes did not have all the documents it was listed in evey box. 

The Judge got so miffed with the conduct of Smith and after another month she dismissed the case and also Smith's conduct that she rulead his appointment was illegal.   

From what I can make out the FBI returned some ofe missing documents they initially kept secret and now he media maks a story of it,     The Court order wae to provided  to cour for inspection by the Trump Legal team - it never was to be made public without permission of the Court,  

The judge want ALL the documens returned - if some documents as promissed are not returnedsome of Smith and senior officials of the FBI will end up in jail.   


Oct 19, 2024, 02:12

It's meant as a joke......joke's are created to make people laugh...get it?

Doubt it.

Oct 19, 2024, 02:31

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Oct 19, 2024, 07:10

Haha Denise popped her head out and Draad took a flamethrower to it.


Oct 19, 2024, 07:32

Not nice ButtPlug, not from an arsehole bandit like yourself.

Oct 19, 2024, 09:32

The problem here is that it is NOT FUNNY when Government officials ignore Court Orders and then try and get  away with it.    After the judge dismissed  the case - they went back to the Judge   with a promise to rerurn all documents they took from  Trump's home for inspection by Trump's defensive team as the Judge ordered.   

It is clear the Judge is distrusting both Smith and te FBI.    In any event why was Smith - who has never taken any prosecuted anybody in any USA court cases appoited to handle cases where he had no experience in handling prosecuion cases in the USA.   He aready fucked up royally by aking a cas directly to the Supreme Court and  got a ecture from the Supreme Court with considrtion by a lower Court.

In both his case and that of the New York Judge appoited to handle poliically engineered cases there were undermining of legal process since -

*    the New York judge's  daughter worked for he DNC and was paid over $12 million for serices renderd;and 

*    Smith's wife worked for Harris  in cases nderrmining the rule of law in the USA and was paid millions for work she did for Harris as well.


Oct 20, 2024, 03:14

Not nice ButtPlug, not from an arsehole bandit like yourself.

How did a petty reply become a flamethrower hahaha.....poor Twat is so desperate for support  "I can't stand Dentsie." rents  for free in his head Bwhahahahahaha

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