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The pathetic fight scene in the new Dune (don’t read if you want the surprise)

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The pathetic fight scene in the new Dune (don’t read if you want the surprise)

Apr 19, 2024, 14:29

This remake of Dune has been a massive disappointment. The second chapter is no different. From the unwillingness to actually depict the worms to the Emperor looking on Leto as a son, it’s just hopeless. A series of unnecessary and unsuccessful departures from the book. Perhaps the worst is Chani who has been given the character of a petulant modern teenager.

Still it was building up to a climax with the confrontation of the incredibly unathletic Paul Atreides and Feyd who was appropriately nasty but not in the class of Sting.

So Paul who has all sorts of future vision advantages and clear home court support blows the whole fight, so Feyd is actually in a position to put him away and is toying with him.

But as Feyd loses focus Paul does a Rob Roy and grabs his sword…a trick that surely can’t be repeated after Liam pulled it in the famous Rob Roy fight scene.

But shamelessly the director pulled this old trick out of the bag and with it went any form of reprieve for a terrible effort….regardless of the box office results. Twenty years from now only the 1980s Dune will be watched. Better yet…read the books.

Apr 20, 2024, 07:36


In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by nuclear decimation, citizens must live in underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants and bandits.

Trailer 2:25
Clip 2:16

Apr 20, 2024, 07:58

"Better yet…read the books. book"

Small correction.

The Frank Herbert sequels were like most movie sequels, they just got progressively worse.

I agree, the movie remake is a waste of time and they haven't improved on David Lynch's 1984 movie at all (and that wasn't such a great movie either . . . Dune just doesn't seem to translate to screen). I only made it half way through part 1 of the remake and I won't bother with this one.

The first book was brilliant but everything else about Dune from the sequels to the movies was meh . . . other than the boardgame Dune Imperium which is really, really good!

Apr 20, 2024, 11:12

I think that with a lot of these adaptations they talk up keeping true to the book/s, but inevitably end up bending the knee to execs wanting to capture audiences that have no history with the franchise.

As a sci-fi fan, I'm rather embarrassed to say that I've heard about Dune a bunch but haven't read or watched any of it.

It's probably possible that some would say if you haven't read Dune then you're not a sci-fi fan. Based on its reputation, one may have though time arguing against that assertion.

I take you chaps suggest I read the book?

Apr 20, 2024, 13:22

Dune, the book, is brilliant. Unlike Rooinek I have read all the books by Herbert and the sequels, some of which are pretty good. But Dune is in a class of its own….for me the greatest sci-fi book ever.

I never knew there was a Board game…hopefully something I can find on Amazon.

Apr 20, 2024, 16:42

"It's probably possible that some would say if you haven't read Dune then you're not a sci-fi fan. Based on its reputation, one may have though time arguing against that assertion."

I'm kinda in the same boat...somehow I just never was interested enough to take the time to read it.

Apr 20, 2024, 19:58

" Unlike Rooinek I have read all the books by Herbert and the sequels . . ."

Moffie, I know you like to portray yourself as being highly intelligent and you invariably throw a hissy fit and ask people to start integrating x squared whenever this alleged intelligence is brought into question . . . but all jokes aside and in all seriousness, if the conclusion you drew from my post above was that I had not read the Dune sequels . . . then you're not a very intelligent person at all. In fact you're pretty stupid.

Not trying to start a fight, just stating a fact.

Apr 21, 2024, 00:03

So you have read all the Dune books by Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson?

Apr 22, 2024, 21:54


Apr 23, 2024, 05:16

I'm surprised you're still pushing this one. Shouldn't you be wiping all that egg off your stupid smug face, Moffie?

Whether I read all the Frank Herbert novels or whether I went as far as reading the mounds of tripe published in his name by others after he died is besides the point. It doesn't change the fact that the conclusion you arrived at based on the information you had at the time was one that only a stupid person could possibly reach.

That is an inescapable fact.

Apr 23, 2024, 13:23

No it’s not. Here’s what I said:

 Unlike Rooinek I have read all the books by Herbert and the sequels, some of which are pretty good.’

Notice the use of the word ‘and’ in ‘and the sequels’.  I was clearly not only referring to the Herbert books but also the sequels, when I made the comment. Which by the way was not intended to disparage you, it was simply a statement of fact.

You mistakenly thought I was referring to the Herbert sequels, which if you had the most basic grasp of English was not the case because of the ‘and’ in the sentence.

Then of course having been insulted in your view you go into attack dog mode. So tedious, so basic.

So I repeat, have you read all the Brian Herbert books or indeed any of the sequels?

Apr 23, 2024, 13:36

My goodness but you're stupid.

Take your meds and read what I said slowly. Get someone with a double digit IQ to help you if necessary. Let us know when the penny drops.

Apr 23, 2024, 13:55

So the Dune sequels were ‘meh’ according to you. There are  24 books all told…. 6 by Frank Herbert, 18 by Brian Herbert and Anderson, not including the comic books.

So 23 ‘meh’ books. I assumed you had stopped reading them somewhere along the way. Given only a very stupid person would read 23 books he found boring.

Are you now trying to tell us you are that stupid person?

Apr 23, 2024, 14:49

Assuming 400 pages per book, are you claiming to have read 7200 boring pages? 

Apr 23, 2024, 15:32

I'll say it one more time, Moffie. The conclusion you reached based on the information you had at the time was that of a stupid person.

Rooinek didn't like the novel sequels and didn't watch the movie sequels therefore Rooinek didn't read the novel sequels. That is a conclusion only a stupid person would arrive at.

You can duck, dive and deflect as much as you like, doesn't change the fact.

Apr 23, 2024, 15:49

No that is the assumption of a thinking person who assumed that nobody with half a brain would read 18 novels/7800 pages he didn’t like.

Stay down, you just lost another one. Hardly the Battle of Corrin,  Did you read that one?

Apr 23, 2024, 16:18


Stick to your weight class Moffie. Ou Maaik is a good match for you . . . as this board has proven over so many years.


Apr 23, 2024, 18:08

Lots of laughing as you go down in flames (sic)nek….game,set and match!

Apr 23, 2024, 18:30

All this talk of who read what reminds of that hilarious episode some years ago when Moffie lied about having read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings . . . and then started waffling about a character in the book called "Rhymer" (sic) Wormtongue!


That blunder could only have been made by someone who had heard (or misheard to be more accurate) the name in the movie but had never read the book to know that it was Grima Wormtongue.

And then more recently the semi-literate old fool nearly topped that hilarious gaffe when he started talking about Oscar Wilde's The Picture of "Florian" Gray . . . and then tried to pretend it was some kind of sting!


Apr 23, 2024, 19:05


Apr 23, 2024, 23:36

Lane changing and misrepresenting old history  won’t help you (sic), but I can appreciate why you have to try….when your only defense is that you read 7800 pages of books that bored you to tears, you are on thin ice. Just admit you never read all the books.

Apr 24, 2024, 13:45

Be honest….admit you never read all those books (sic)nek.

Apr 24, 2024, 14:42

Moffie, does your constant and whiny need for my attention ever bother you?

Be honest now.

Apr 24, 2024, 15:10

Let me see, who started the string…who came onto the string…who launched an attack….who continued to deny what is obviously true….who keeps prolonging the string by trying to change the subject.

There’s your answer (sic)nek. Just admit you never read all the books.

Apr 24, 2024, 15:13

Nothing has changed. Whether I read the non-Frank Herbert sequels is immaterial,. The conclusion you reached based on the info you had at the time was that of a stupid person. You're the only one changing the subject and trying to pretend you haven't got egg all over your stupid face.

Apr 24, 2024, 15:26

The egg is all your’s, my conclusion was logical and accurate, you haven’t read all the books. A completely neutral statement you thought was an attack, so your tiny little ego had to be defended.

An unnecessary  fracas that left you having to avoid saying you hadn’t read all the books, while not actually saying you had read them, and becoming an actual liar vs a liar by omission..

Apr 26, 2024, 14:35

I see Herbert was a mushroom guy and apparently it inspired certain elements of Dune.

Apr 26, 2024, 17:40

Never knew that….supposedly Keats was an opium addict.

Apr 27, 2024, 06:10

Here is a link to the snippet from the interview, Moz.

Can't post a normal click video cos since when I'm on my phone not of those insert options appear.

Apr 27, 2024, 15:41

‘He saw worms coming out the mushrooms he ate and that’s how the worm idea started’.  No wonder Herbert kept this quiet.

Apr 28, 2024, 07:11

I'll be reading(audio booking) Dune soon.

Luckily I haven't seen watched the film yet either. So going into it a true noob.

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