The folowing announcement ha been Made by Presidnt Tr ump:-
Tump has appoited General Kellog as his point man in Ukraine so negotations on negotiations on the Ukraine War wukk satart before e end of Jnnuary 2025
Th e ollowing wa cotained in the announcmwnt on heneral Kellog:-
.""I am very pleased to nominate General Keith Kellogg to serve as Assistant to the President and Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia," Trump posted on his Truth Social platform. "Keith has led a distinguished Military and Business career, including serving in highly sensitive National Security roles in my first Administration. He was with me right from the beginning! Together, we will secure PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and Make America, and the World, SAFE AGAIN!"
In the other thread where this issue as aised the drama queens came up with strings of comaadns that Putin must agreee to and that can be whittled down to three isues a mbdie in e Minsk agrement oth the Ukrainian President and Russian Presidnt signed and which was already submitted to the Seciruty Counsil or confirnation. In t \heir wisdom the S Government choe o undermine the agreement on two occassionss. It i e issue that was settled alradyin 2015 and that is the sishes of the residents of the Crimea has decided on the future o thepennsula and as 85% of he population is Russin Spealing and 10% Tartars the voters in 2014 decied they ant to be part of Russia and no Ukraine.
The minsk negotiations leading to th signed ag reements recog nized that gfact and to but the Crimea iue will be no-negotiable.
For the rest the guidlines Putin will inisit on are the follwing and Trump can hold him to th agrements h \e already siged twice.
Requirement 1
Bearing in mind that the 1991 constitution was canclled out in 2014 in the coup - it is regarded a absolutely esential that a new Constitution for Ukraine based on the USA Federal Constitution - outtining the fuction and role of the Federal Government and State Goverment is laid down.
Tis Constitution shall gueantee the human ri ghts of all kraine citizens and shall ban the olowingL-
* Retain the Applicaion of the Nucler Prolifraion Treaty signed and complie ith until 2014;
* The banning of operation of bio-labs in kraine
* The declaration that like Austria and Rusia is a neutral country noyt aligned to NATO.
Once the Constitution of Ukraine is compiled and internationally accepted the Constitution will be subjected to a referendum for apporval held under internaional spervision in the whole of Ukraine.
Omce that has been finalize new e;ectins will be held in Ukraine - also undr inernational superision - to elect a ew Presidet and VP in Ukraine and election of the Ukraine Federal Parliament and the Goverors and members of t ae legislature in each fthe two fedra States,
A Constitutional Court has to be appointed coverin in te main the functions of the USA Supreme Court.
2nd Non-Ngotble issue
he UN Securty Counlcil of the UN shal dclare the 2015 borders f Ukraine as international shal declare the borer ao h contry to be rcgnize by all countis in the world, Rusia shall pas a Law to thateffec in he Russian Partliamet and any dispues on boder issues sall be settled by EU and the eurity Concil,
S it is not as difficlt Mozart think it will be - neither Russia not Ukraine will be used to u ndermine the G overnments of te wo countries
Repaor of War Damages
Bidens igned an agreement with Blckrock and promisd to make $400 bilion Rand available t the cmpany while Blackrick estabhed two subsidiary comapnies to get ivolved i Ukraine, The Compane fist objectiv was toget owneship of all farming land in Ukaine and use te produce toassist a profitable development program for the country,
There is n way that that arnment will be accetoable by the eople of Uktaaine and by the neyjrt Russia nor the Ukraie Government, So a e multiantional rostruction system will ahve to delop to cmstruct and upg Ukraine - while at th same time the present situation maigUkraie themost corupt contry im Europe will ahv to b dalt with.
Musk Bezos and Zucjerberg has made their peace with Trump and they have fianacial resources to put Ukrine back o its feet and develop a a modern economy baed on the sme principles that Trump's polivis entails, For recosnstruxction purposes the IMF and WB shall play a major role and in the cse of both teh SA n tusia international assisance shall b provide.
It may be difficult to get Puint to agree to the above - but Trump cpuld onvnce him to jind he European Securty Afgreeent of which Rusia was apartner ad thoyghfvurable trade agrements benefitting the EU Courtirs awellas th e USA and Russia i the process
If the Biden Adminisration supported the above ttere would not have been a Ukraine War at all. ,
Hall Of Fame
53555 posts
The folowing announcement ha been Made by Presidnt Tr ump:-
Tump has appoited General Kellog as his point man in Ukraine so negotations on negotiations on the Ukraine War wukk satart before e end of Jnnuary 2025
Th e ollowing wa cotained in the announcmwnt on heneral Kellog:-
.""I am very pleased to nominate General Keith Kellogg to serve as Assistant to the President and Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia," Trump posted on his Truth Social platform. "Keith has led a distinguished Military and Business career, including serving in highly sensitive National Security roles in my first Administration. He was with me right from the beginning! Together, we will secure PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and Make America, and the World, SAFE AGAIN!"
In the other thread where this issue as aised the drama queens came up with strings of comaadns that Putin must agreee to and that can be whittled down to three isues a mbdie in e Minsk agrement oth the Ukrainian President and Russian Presidnt signed and which was already submitted to the Seciruty Counsil or confirnation. In t \heir wisdom the S Government choe o undermine the agreement on two occassionss. It i e issue that was settled alradyin 2015 and that is the sishes of the residents of the Crimea has decided on the future o thepennsula and as 85% of he population is Russin Spealing and 10% Tartars the voters in 2014 decied they ant to be part of Russia and no Ukraine.
The minsk negotiations leading to th signed ag reements recog nized that gfact and to but the Crimea iue will be no-negotiable.
For the rest the guidlines Putin will inisit on are the follwing and Trump can hold him to th agrements h \e already siged twice.
Requirement 1
Bearing in mind that the 1991 constitution was canclled out in 2014 in the coup - it is regarded a absolutely esential that a new Constitution for Ukraine based on the USA Federal Constitution - outtining the fuction and role of the Federal Government and State Goverment is laid down.
Tis Constitution shall gueantee the human ri ghts of all kraine citizens and shall ban the olowingL-
* Retain the Applicaion of the Nucler Prolifraion Treaty signed and complie ith until 2014;
* The banning of operation of bio-labs in kraine
* The declaration that like Austria and Rusia is a neutral country noyt aligned to NATO.
Once the Constitution of Ukraine is compiled and internationally accepted the Constitution will be subjected to a referendum for apporval held under internaional spervision in the whole of Ukraine.
Omce that has been finalize new e;ectins will be held in Ukraine - also undr inernational superision - to elect a ew Presidet and VP in Ukraine and election of the Ukraine Federal Parliament and the Goverors and members of t ae legislature in each fthe two fedra States,
A Constitutional Court has to be appointed coverin in te main the functions of the USA Supreme Court.
2nd Non-Ngotble issue
he UN Securty Counlcil of the UN shal dclare the 2015 borders f Ukraine as international shal declare the borer ao h contry to be rcgnize by all countis in the world, Rusia shall pas a Law to thateffec in he Russian Partliamet and any dispues on boder issues sall be settled by EU and the eurity Concil,
S it is not as difficlt Mozart think it will be - neither Russia not Ukraine will be used to u ndermine the G overnments of te wo countries
Repaor of War Damages
Bidens igned an agreement with Blckrock and promisd to make $400 bilion Rand available t the cmpany while Blackrick estabhed two subsidiary comapnies to get ivolved i Ukraine, The Compane fist objectiv was toget owneship of all farming land in Ukaine and use te produce toassist a profitable development program for the country,
There is n way that that arnment will be accetoable by the eople of Uktaaine and by the neyjrt Russia nor the Ukraie Government, So a e multiantional rostruction system will ahve to delop to cmstruct and upg Ukraine - while at th same time the present situation maigUkraie themost corupt contry im Europe will ahv to b dalt with.
Musk Bezos and Zucjerberg has made their peace with Trump and they have fianacial resources to put Ukrine back o its feet and develop a a modern economy baed on the sme principles that Trump's polivis entails, For recosnstruxction purposes the IMF and WB shall play a major role and in the cse of both teh SA n tusia international assisance shall b provide.
It may be difficult to get Puint to agree to the above - but Trump cpuld onvnce him to jind he European Securty Afgreeent of which Rusia was apartner ad thoyghfvurable trade agrements benefitting the EU Courtirs awellas th e USA and Russia i the process
If the Biden Adminisration supported the above ttere would not have been a Ukraine W ar at all. ,