The terrorists in the USA are now threatening to murder Trump nominees

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » The terrorists in the USA are now threatening to murder Trump nominees

Nov 28, 2024, 17:34

Over the last three days terrorists  in the USA threatened to murder  Trump nominees by using bombs against them.   The  FBI know about it and allegedly even who made the threats - but has not arested anynoe for that,   And the Demcrats are quiet about the issue  indicents istead of condemning the threats they are condoning it.  . 

Have the Democrats deided to abandon democracy and inistituting a dictatorship through  theeats agains people.   If their intimidation works it wcould undermine the  Trump presidency after two assassination attempts on his life, which indicated that the attacks were  sorganized - but the Person arested is eld by the State Police and DeSantis has refised to hand im over to the FBI.   I have never heard of this type of thing happening in the USA before,   .   It is time that terrorism in the USA should be eliminated or the USA will collapse into  banana repub;ic dictatorship.In the 

The federal states Govrnors are feeding  terrorist conduct by decisions to sabotage the Trump Presidnccy than the people involved should be dealt with harshly throug h legal emans and their conduct should b alt with legally and they could be accused n Courts of High Treason promoting terrorism in the USA by unconstitutiona conduct and it is not surpprising tha the trrrorits regard themselves above the law and when the FBI refuse to arrest terrorists threaening to murder people nminated by  Trump this is wose than anything happening in the USA is totally irresposible by people who are supporting Underminig of the USA Constitution then tisy should be charged with  High  Trason and dealt witha ccordingly.  

This ie wead for liars  about January 6 - yet what is happening now is making that incident loking like a Sunday  School picnic,   They used to try lies to undermine the Government the Trump Presidency in the past - now it is using terorism and threats of terorism to achieve their stated objective of overurning he ressul of  the 2024 election by Unconitutional means ad nstalling a dictotorship in the USA,


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