Top quotes from Lenin. Seem familiar

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Top quotes from Lenin. Seem familiar

Sep 21, 2024, 13:25

The left in America are at Las out in the open in the sense they are not hiding thst they are vile Marxists. 

Here we have quotes from dictator Lenin. So reminds one of the Demonrats. 

We have some Nasty wee Marxists in our midst who provide entertainment for their absurd and easily debunked nonsense. 

Top quotes from Lenin

Sep 21, 2024, 13:54

The above is true - but what was worse Stalin made the rule of Communist countres cruller and deadlier than Lenin ever achieved and hed the ecord of 52 million murdered citizens - until Mao reached the total of 75 million.

Tre ar also quoes from other prominent people and one I laghed at was from Queen Victoria - namely -

"Nothing will turn a man's home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund"

I differ from her in the above - if she wrote Jack Russell she would have been far more accurate,   Problem is they take over he running and ruining of the house as well.  

Talking about dogs I surely include  clueless dementia suffering Biden, the laughing Hyena Mugabe Harris and quasi-Communist Walz as particulary destrutive dogs.        

Sep 21, 2024, 14:03

Scoundrels one and all. Supported by scoundrels too. 

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