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Trump cuts all funding to South Africa -Citing land expropriation and BEE as reasons

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Trump cuts all funding to South Africa -Citing land expropriation and BEE as reasons

Feb 03, 2025, 11:36

Here is his Truth social post...Trump


As I said in another post, it's time for the ANC to be treated like adults.


And I know for sure that they are not able to make adult decisions.


Should be a fun time.

Feb 03, 2025, 11:49


Feb 03, 2025, 12:04

Hah, their ears should prick up a bit when they realize their Audi Q7 fund has just been cut.

Feb 03, 2025, 12:07

Brilliant, about time

I see Cyril has already released a response, here it is.

South Africa is a constitutional democracy that is deeply rooted in the rule of law, justice and equality. The South African government has not confiscated any land.

The recently adopted Expropriation Act is not a confiscation instrument, but a constitutionally mandated legal process that ensures public access to land in an equitable and just manner as guided by the constitution. 

South Africa, like the United States of America and other countries, has always had expropriation laws that balance the need for public usage of land and the protection of rights of property owners.  

We look forward to engaging with the Trump administration over our land reform policy and issues of bilateral interest. We are certain that out of those engagements, we will share a better and common understanding over these matters. 

The US remains a key strategic political and trade partner for South Africa. With the exception of PEPFAR Aid, which constitutes 17% of South Africa’s HIVAids programme, there is no other funding that is received by South Africa from the United States.

Now Elon replied to Cyril's message with this.....

Why do you have openly racist ownership laws?

Feb 03, 2025, 12:07


Feb 03, 2025, 14:02

Trump and Rubio is too busy dealing with important issues involving especially the Ukraine War and the Mexican issue.   After that sometimes in March or April expect a visit by Rubio to SA to deal ith issues raised by Trump.   A nice acceptable agreement will follow as the USA needs help in A rica to pursuade African countries to immprove themselves.    

Feb 03, 2025, 15:15

Hopefully Trump makes an example of the ANC and forces them to reverse al racially based policies in the country.


Either that or they can kiss their $40b in funding goodbye. 


And we know the locals...they need that Range Rover.


I'm just glad they have been put on notice. 


These days the blacks are so openly racist in business it become the norm. A friend was recently in a meeting at Standard Bank when its blatantly BEE black female director simply said "Do not hire any more white males."


Now imagine if anybody else did this and said "Don't hire any more black females." 


They'd be crying for years because it's oh so racist and their delicate feelings would be oh so hurt. 


It's what I mean when I say the ANC are like the retarded little brother. No sense of what is fair, no sense of their own transgressions and an arrogance that allows them to  believe they are justified in anything they do because they are black.


I hope Trump makes an example of them.

Feb 03, 2025, 15:21

I mean the arrogance in this bloody statement...


"The recently adopted Expropriation Act is not a confiscation instrument, but a constitutionally mandated legal process that ensures public access to land in an equitable and just manner as guided by the constitution."


All they have to do is come up with some reason why the land could be used for "public" benefit and there's nothing one could do about it your property being taken. And everybody knows that once land is expropriated, the same HRC that deemed incitement of violence against a particular racial group is fine, will never rule in favour of the landowner. 


They think because their followers have 70IQs the rest of us can be foooled that easily. 


Why not simply end the debate by saying that they will compensate land owners at market rates and allow 5 years for the owner to vacate the land?


...because they wanna take it an not pay for it. 

Feb 03, 2025, 15:30

"Now imagine if anybody else did this and said "Don't hire any more black females." 

They would be fired, no doubt in my mind

In 2018, here in SA, Meyer Bester was dismissed because there was a dispute about the vehicle parking allocations on the work premises, and he said in a meeting that the safety officer must "remove that Black man's vehicle"

The dismissal case was escalated to the constitutional court, where the decision was upheld, emphasizing that the language used was racially loaded and inappropriate in the work place.

Now imagine what any court in the world would say, if a black man was charged with "remove that White man's vehicle"

It's a fucking joke how people are treated differently and how the White man is so heavily targeted in this country...... ja ja ja ... apartheid ..... we deserve it .......ja ja ja 

Meanwhile Julius gets away with encouraging thousands at rallies to kill the White man...


Feb 03, 2025, 17:39

...the 92% needs to be protected against the evil 8%...the 8% with almost no significant political power...what utter nonsense!

Feb 04, 2025, 09:18

Basically absolutely zero political power..... but the fear is still there.....

No idea why

Feb 04, 2025, 09:52

When you look at average incomes, you see that whites earn the the highest incomes annually. 


...but a huge percentage of that income is from businesses that whites start and run. Whites have, to a large degree, become self-sufficient in South Africa.  Earning their own incomes and relying on privatised security, medical care, etc.


Despite this, more blacks are more wealthy in South Africa as compared to whites.  And yet they don't buy land. Had they the will to do so, land ownership in South Africa would look different. 


The Transkei is the size of Northern Ireland and Wales combined, or pretty much the same size as Scotland, or half the size of Ireland. It gets perpetual rain and is perfect for farming. Nope...the government has done nothing to promote growth or profitable use of land there...and its all black owned. You would be hard-pressed to have a bad season in the conditions all the way from Kokstad down to east London. Who knows if its the ANC that have never tried any initiatives or whether the people simply don't have the will...but all that land is totally wasted and the entire area amount to nothing more than a drain on the economy.


And it's all of this, and so much more, that the ANC hope will be beaten by their victimhood card.


I'm very much looking forward to Trump taking on CR. Because he won't pander to the retarded leftist'ness like everybody else that matters has.






Feb 04, 2025, 10:20

I can't wait for the investigation to expose the corruption...showing us where all the billions of $$ went...ANC will be exposed world wide for the crooks we already know they are.

Feb 04, 2025, 11:58

Cyril has now resorted to quite an aggressive speech directed personally to Donald Trump, telling him to stay out of Africa, and keep his America...

Even accusing Trump of doing nothing at all during apartheid.

Not sure if getting insulting or accusationary against Trump is going to help Cyril going forward.

"Nope...the government has done nothing to promote growth or profitable use of land there...and its all black owned. You would be hard-pressed to have a bad season in the conditions all the way from Kokstad down to east London. Who knows if its the ANC that have never tried any initiatives or whether the people simply don't have the will."

Quite a few initiatives were implemented regarding black farmers, but two things not enough support and training was given to black farmers to assist them in making a success out of commercial farming.... two.... many blacks didn't want to put in the hard graft every day at 4am in the morning to ensure what they were given, would become a success, so it died a slow death.

Nevermind all the game farms and other commercial farms which were destroyed and left to ruin, with hundreds of animals dying from no food or water, from all the ANC cadres who got it or bought it from a buddy high up in the ANC... it was even televised as an expose on Carte Blanche.... the footage was absolutely disgusting.....

Feb 04, 2025, 12:14

I can remember using the oad through the Transkei when going to Riverssdale and thee were huge ares unde maize and vegetables as well,   The Government provided extension officers as well.   That was before 1994 - since then the whole system collapsed into nothing being produced,  Tragic - but true,       

Feb 04, 2025, 14:10

But it's the White man's fault again......

How many commercial black farmers have been successful since this was implemented....

Hats off to those Black farmers who took the initiative and dug deep and made it work and kept it sustainable.... but to those thousands that didn't ...... who do they blame.... well the government was at fault, but their own determination to succeed was the main factor ....


Feb 04, 2025, 19:25

I'm not an Elon Musk fanboy.

I think he's off the spectrum on some Aspergers-type disease and I hate the fact that he's become not just a Trumpanzee, but a Trumpanzee with Bozo's ear.

I will say two things about him though, firstly, he does execute. Some of his ideas and plans seem harebrained but he makes them happen.

Secondly, I know Elon isn't a South African patriot, he hated his school years and he doesn't like to be identified as a South African, but if he's going to speak out and influence the bungling ego-driven puppet into taking any kind of action against the bare naked racism of the ANC, then I'm 100% behind him.

We of all nations should have known better than to introduce race-based legislation and watching the fat black diamonds plunder the BEE system to their advantage while Sipho the petrol pump attendant struggles to make ends meet makes me sick to my stomach.

If you want to know why I have Communist tendencies, just think of the black diamond BEE fatcat driving around in his Aston Martin, buying his wife a yacht and going to the racetrack to show off his new equine acquisitions . . . and while that fat, glutinous and lazy toad is publicly washing his hands clean using Johnnie Walker Blue Label whiskey (looking at you Julius Malema) . . . Sipho the petrol attendant hopes he's been given enough tips on the day to buy his daughter a birthday present and Themba the taxidriver can't afford to replace the shock absorbers on his taxi to make tomorrow's rounds.

Feb 04, 2025, 20:15

Given the ANC just steal any money, I don't mind Trump cutting funds to South Africa. 
In general the US should look at who they are giving money to, and how this is utilised. 

Also, if all allocated payments are being paid. 
Ukraine claim that only a percentage of the military aid approved by the US was actually sent. (something like 1/3rd never arrived). 

Africa needs to outsource their government to China. They need a hardliner to set plans 

Feb 04, 2025, 20:43


As you said a hopeless situation similar to what  the US polticians do in the USA they turned the ountry   from a corruption pepective into a Third Wold Banana Republic,  The system operates is to get a 15% commision on all money paid for projects - and then there are also the DP terrorist subsidiaries BLM and Antifa that get grants directly from Government to fund their riots.

Sad to see how both couintries have gone to the dogs,   .    

Feb 04, 2025, 21:41

The problem is...Mugabe didn't give a shit about sanctions because he could still eat.

I have a feeling that the ANC will happily swallow the sanctions because nobody that actually matters to them will be affected.

This is the level of scum that they are.


Feb 04, 2025, 22:12

If you want to know why I have Communist tendencies, just think of the black diamond BEE fatcat driving around in his Aston Martin, buying his wife a yacht and going to the racetrack to show off his new equine acquisitions . . . and while that fat, glutinous and lazy toad is publicly washing his hands clean using Johnnie Walker Blue Label whiskey (looking at you Julius Malema) . . . Sipho the petrol attendant hopes he's been given enough tips on the day to buy his daughter a birthday present and Themba the taxidriver can't afford to replace the shock absorbers on his taxi to make tomorrow's rounds.


That's the problem's exactly the Commie influences that caused these things happening...human nature makes for all these ideals going to sh!t...the best system would  a benevolent monarchy/dictatorship...but power corrupts and erodes the benevolence...

Feb 04, 2025, 22:44


It's semi-communist policies inserted into capitalist structures that causes the abominations. 

Almost exactly how cancer affects a perfectly functioning organism.


The organism on its own works perfectly. All parts respect other parts and benefit from their cooperating. But then a cancer cell enters the system. Its modes and goals are entirely contradictory to the system that it enters and because it doesn't care about the rules of the organism, it can exploit it, take but give nothing back, cause imbalance and ultimately ruin the system completely.


That is precisely how socialism inserted in capitalism behaves. 


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