Trump does another foot shoot

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Trump does another foot shoot

Oct 11, 2024, 04:26

The day of Musk’s big Robo taxi event, Trump totally undercuts his most important supporter by suggesting he is uncomfortable with autonomous cars. This after Musk has  gone out on a limb to support the Trump campaign.

What the blue blazes was he thinking? Can’t they just take a leaf out of the Biden book and hide this old man in the basement for 4 weeks.

Meanwhile de Santis is doing a brilliant job of managing the hurricane response.

Oct 11, 2024, 07:12

You make too much of it...he's just being honest...most people have reservations about autonomous vehicles...Musk knows exactly where he stands with Trump...he in particular will have a better understanding of Trump's condition as he himself is "on the spectrum".

Oct 11, 2024, 07:13

and here's another...

'Don't come back': Trump triggers outrage for bashing Detroit — at an event in Detroit

Former President Donald Trump took the opportunity, while giving a speech at the Detroit Economic Club, to bash the city of Detroit, and warn that if he loses to Vice President Kamala Harris, all of America could end up looking like Detroit.

"I don't think anything that we're talking about today is high on her list," he opined. "The whole country is going to be like — you want to know the truth? It'll be like Detroit."

This derogatory treatment of the second-largest Midwestern city — and one of the largest metropolitan areas in a swing state — where he resided as he attacked it, earned prompt astonishment and outrage from commenters on social media, much as it did when Trump called Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a "horrible city" mere days before the GOP hosted its presidential convention there.

"Always smart to insult an important swing state," said writer Thor Benson.

"'Thanks for inviting me to your craphole city, I'm gonna use it as an example of what a failing nation would look like TO YOUR FACES. Anyhoo, vote for me, losers,'" wrote opinion columnist Rex Huppke.

Oct 11, 2024, 08:20

Both candidates spend way too much time trash talking their opponents instead of bringing a positive message of their own intentions. It creates the impression that they have nothing in the tank except insults and warnings.

Oct 11, 2024, 09:10

Except in this case Donnie bad mouths the city in which he's campaigning. Now that's smart.

Oct 11, 2024, 09:33

Which was pretty much a "see how bad things are with the other guy" jibe.

Oct 11, 2024, 10:00

You should by now know that the Rust Belt States earned their description due to factory, industrial and comercial closuers and that is what will appear on an even larger extent  in future if Harris wins te election.   To claim otherwise is stupid and Musk will know exctly what is happening and what Harris said in the past on the issue and what she is in favor of,   She said exactly opposite to what her opinion on the issue of export of USA factories to for instance vehicle manufacture of such vehicles in Mexico by the Chinese Government is implied,   Musk moved his car manufacture of vehicles to Texas and he knows what Trump stand  for on te isue.  

The other situation is that most US cities are in  bad way in the field of law and order and that with Harris in charge that will deteriorate further,    Mozart himelf said that Chicago - the murder capttal of the Americas - has gone backwards under  DP control.   Detroit is an exact example of a deteriorating city turning into slum conmditions  due to policies of DA's not to prosecite criminal activities in cities and undermining police by defuding trhats of Police in such states and cities.   Detroit is an exact example of such deterioration and is now added to by forcing the acceptance of tens of thousands of illegal migrants by cities adds to the problems.  Church groups catering in the main in Black churches in Detroit invited Trump to Detroit to address a meeting on those issues - Biden and Harris avoided the issue  like a plague.   ,  \     .

When I ssw the heading of the thread I thought the issue is the threat of Trump when  he said people involved in elecion fraud by registration of non-citizeens as voters will end up in jai if he wins the election/   The RP in fact wrote in July to Garland on the issue after finding an instruction of Biden to that effect was exposed and a court ruling that non-citizens should be removed from the voters roll in Alabama.   The response of Garland was to appeal the ruling of the Alabama Court to remove such non-citizens based on thousands of such voters being registered as such by DP politicians and bureaucrats.     There was no respone from Garland to the letter the House wrote to Garland on the issue in July this year other than to appeal the ruling of the Alabama court case.   By now the Republicans know what illegal migrants were registered in bigger states and that threat of Trump follows a least 40 other cases where of similar court cases have banned such voter registration and voting in DP controlled states .the registraion of huge numbers of non-citizens have not been removed from the roles and if such non-lawful voters vote - the matter would end up in weeks after the elections asking for not counting of votes casted by non-citizens in the election and non-counting of votes cast will go with that application to the Supreme Court,


Oct 11, 2024, 12:24

America is made up of 3 belts.

1. The Sunshine belt
2. The Rustbelt 
3. The Hillybilly belt

We do know that most people with brains prefer Kamala, so the Hillybelt is a lost cause.

Is she a great candidate? No... but she is better than an emotional creature like Trump.

Oct 11, 2024, 13:07

We do know that most people with brains prefer Kamala

Yes, the same brainy people that will applaud every time Kamala answers a question on what she will specifically do about a pressing issue with "I wAs RaIseD iN a MiDdLe cLaSs FaMiLy..."

Oct 11, 2024, 15:14

Musk put it quite well in a podcast i watched some time back.

He said something along the lines of "If we told you that driving the car yourself you had a one in ten thousand chance of dying in a car accident, you would still prefer that to the one in one hundred thousand chance of dying in a car driven by AI."

For us to trust a machine driver, the machine's capability has to be numerous orders of magnitude better than our own. And I don't know the numbers but I'm almost certain the people who rate their driving skills the highest are probably more likely to die in car accidents too. Which is ironic and also an interesting business challenge for automated driving pioneers.

Oct 11, 2024, 15:17

Biden should have announced that he was not running for a 2nd term, and the Democrats should have been allowed to have their primaries where the most popular candidate was selected.

Kamala was probably not ready to be vice president, but she does now at least have 4 years of experience as vice.

I doubt Kamala's first choice, but remember anything is better than Trump.

Oct 11, 2024, 15:27

Kamala Harrassmiss is completely unprepared to run the Presidency….De Santis is doing an outstanding job of managing the hurricane effects. There are good leaders, they just can’t get through the process.

Oct 11, 2024, 17:11


America is made up of 3 belts.

1. The Sunshine belt
2. The Rustbelt 
3. The Hillybilly belt

The above is iliterate BS for the following reasonsL

The Republican Party as major problems of having to accommodate millions of American ciizens from States like California, New York, IIlinois, Washington, Oregon  and the New Engkand states due to malfaunctioning of Governance in the mentioned and crazy ulra=left policies hat destrpy life in the States from where they fled.

In the case of Caliiornia citizems even fled to Acapulco and they claimed the Caiifornia gangs are  more dangerous than  the Mexican cartels.    In Oregon tere isa  mov afoot to incorpotrate a large part of the State in IDH,  

A pert of the problem that at least 20% of their supporers came from Black voters ,with the lowest level of educatio in the USA,   In a desperate efprt tp keep them loyal he Democraiic Party promised them the world in election time and deliver nothing. - thus controlling the Blacks like plantation slaves.  

In  Republican staes the elvel ofeducation is much higher than the eduucattio leels is in DP cotrolled states,   According to recent polls ssupport for the DP is dropping fast.       


Oct 11, 2024, 17:49

Oh DumbMike...


Oct 11, 2024, 18:39

Ja right...

Oct 11, 2024, 21:04

Even Hilary collected 3 million more votes .................. blame the verkrampte electoral college system.

Ja right...?

Oct 11, 2024, 23:00

Trump and his acolytes are happy talking bollocks and people are happy to either accept these as truths, or not care that they are lies, then to a large degree it doesn't matter what Harris says, assuming that what she says by default has to broadly be in line with the truth.

Oct 11, 2024, 23:08

These are PolitiFact's top 10 most-read fact-checks of Donald Trump

PolitiFact has published its 1,000th fact-check of Donald Trump. In addition to our data analysis, we decided to back at the 10 Trump fact-checks that our readers clicked the most. The list included statements about immigrants, crime, terrorism, Hillary Clinton, gasoline prices and his own popularity.

Oct 11, 2024, 23:14

What PolitiFact learned in 1,000 fact-checks of Donald Trump

Trump stands alone for the share of rated claims that are some degree of false. About 76% of his statements earned ratings of Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire. The median rating for his 1,000 checks is False.

More than 18% of our fact-checks of Trump landed at Pants on Fire, which we define as a statement that is not just false but ridiculous. 

Oct 12, 2024, 04:45

How Trump Killed Every Business He Touched | Robert Reich

Oct 12, 2024, 05:30

... it doesn't matter what Harris says, assuming that what she says by default has to broadly be in line with the truth. it only has to be effens waar for then...only thing is, it isn't...not even close...but that doesn't matter nè...the 75 milion deplorable rednecks that voted for Trum are all are RFK, Tulsi and Musk...all Dems seeing the danger of what's going on...and if you look at the rabid opposition to Trump, a bit of cheating in a few swing state counties aren't that farfetched. 

"blame the verkrampte electoral college system."

That verkramte system makes them a constitutional republic and prevents mob rule...they've been the bastion of freedom in the world for centuries because of it.

Oct 12, 2024, 06:07

Trump and his acolytes are happy talking bollocks and people are happy to either accept these as truths, or not care that they are lies, then to a large degree it doesn't matter what Harris says, assuming that what she says by default has to broadly be in line with the truth.

Who are you speaking for, Blob? Yourself? Are you happy to accept the lies of a person you like just because other people accept the lies of a person you don't like? 

Screw what "people" does. Follow your own judgement and integrity, and if that means you have to admit the folly on both sides, even the side you are on, then so be it. Your opinion will not sway the result, just like our opinions on rugby here will not sway any selection, so we may as well be true to ourselves about it. Saying straight up that Kamala is the vapid, incompetent fake that she is will do your soul as much good as saying whatever you feel about Trump, and it won't make any difference to what happens in the end.

Oct 12, 2024, 06:09

Ja alright....

Go Donnie!

Oct 12, 2024, 06:39

Alraait then, 1 Georgian vote  = 7 Californians

That verkramte system makes them a constitutional republic and prevents mob rule...they've been the bastion of freedom in the world for centuries because of it.

Oct 12, 2024, 17:07

No, it does not.

Oct 12, 2024, 17:50

Hasn't the electoral college been there for centuries? Why is it an issue now?

Oct 13, 2024, 08:46

It's a problem now because the petulant left can't have it all their own way...same with the Supreme Court...their way or everything burns.

Oct 13, 2024, 08:48

Oct 12 (Reuters) - Former Republican President Donald Trump has an edge over Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris on who would better navigate the country through the Ukraine and Middle East wars, a Wall Street Journal opinion poll of seven battleground states showed.

In overall support, the poll published on Friday showed Harris and Trump tied across the seven states that could decide the November presidential election.

The poll showed Harris with marginal 2 percentage point leads in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, Trump up 6 points in Nevada and 1 in Pennsylvania, and the two tied in North Carolina and Wisconsin. The poll of 600 registered voters in each state conducted on Sept. 28-Oct. 8 had a margin of error of 4 percentage points in each state.

The neck-and-neck results echo other polls reflecting a tight race before the Nov. 5 election as Americans grapple with concerns about the economy, immigration, women's rights and the nation's democratic values in picking between the two candidates.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll this week also found Trump and Harris locked in a close race nationally, with Harris marginally ahead 46% to 43%.

Surveys of swing state voters can be an important indicator given that state-by-state results of the Electoral College will determine the winner, with the seven battleground states likely being decisive.

Harris would win a narrow majority in the Electoral College if she captures the states where she holds an edge in the WSJ's poll.

According to the WSJ poll, Trump leads Harris in the seven swing states 50% to 39% on who is best able to handle Russia's war in Ukraine. Trump also has a 48% to 33% lead over Harris on who is better suited to handle the Israel-Hamas war.

More voters said they backed Trump on the economy and immigration while more said Harris would do a better job when it comes to housing, healthcare and caring about people like them, the WSJ poll found.

Oct 16, 2024, 23:03

Property tycoon, TV host, ex POTUS, convicted felon & now a DJ,  playing eighties gay rock music. Lol.

Oct 17, 2024, 01:18

Oct 17, 2024, 07:51

"Property tycoon, TV host, ex POTUS, convicted felon & now a DJ,  playing eighties gay rock music. Lol."

Why is he not in jail?

Oct 18, 2024, 09:42

On the contrary....

Trump's economic plans would bring 'off the charts' chaos and high gas prices: economists

The Washington Post on Wednesday reported on the likely impacts of former President Donald Trump's economic proposals and found that they would likely cause massive disruptions were they actually implemented as described.

At the center of Trump's plans is a scheme to slap tariffs of 10 percent or higher on all foreign goods, which most economists say would lead to a massive resurgence of inflation given how important imported products are not only for American consumers but for American manufacturers.

Douglas A. Irwin, an economist at Dartmouth College, told the Post that such a policy would be an unprecedented self-inflicted economic disruption.

“We are talking about a plan of historic significance: It would be enormous, and the blowback would be even more enormous,” he explained. “This would stand way off the charts.”

The Post notes that the United States at the moment imports more than $1 trillion worth of goods from overseas every year and points to independent estimates projecting that a 20 percent tariff would result in a $4 trillion tax hike on American consumers over the next decade.

And Trump's plans wouldn't only affect goods imported from adversarial nations such as China, but from friendly nations such as Canada.

"Gas prices would increase by as much as 75 cents per gallon in the Midwest, where most refined products come from Canada, according to Patrick De Haan, an analyst at GasBuddy," writes the Post. "Overall, the Peterson Institute for International Economics said Trump’s tariffs would cost the typical household $2,600 per year; the Yale Budget Lab said in an estimate released Wednesday that the annual cost could be as high as $7,600 for a typical household."

Neil Saunders, a managing director at the analytics company GlobalData, told the Post that ordinary consumers would immediately feel the pinch.

"We’re not talking about caviar — these are things that people have to buy," he said. "They’re essentials."

Oct 18, 2024, 11:21

I hink a prsn must be vey caeful whe it comes to the USA.   In SA they use a generic system in  conductin polls and in the last elecion the resuls differed by less than 0.5% from the predicted forecast,

The only poll that is using the geneic poll system is Rasmussen reports.   They predicted correctly he outcome in the 2016 election  and the same inthe 2020 election.

However, for the other polls they used a  systm entailing about 1 000 people based on  being registered pary membersship/   Tht results in that situation is largely affected by two  issues, namely that -

*   that an  exremely high prercentage of the democrat membesjip is concentrated in Califonia members (inclusive of over 6 million dead and missing voters). Washington, Oregon, New York and the New England states) while cities like Chicago. Houston an Miami have the same situation; and

*     Republican Party members are not answering calls and refuse to participate in such polls.

So in most polls use a system of polling allowing for uge o 1 000 or slightly more voters mad up of  400 registered DP voters - 300 registered RP voters and 300 independent voters,     Since the polsters normally use a manipulated system in consulting  voters he predictions they make is at best eratic and a they want a predicted outcome  the system can be manipulated.

There are two systems that alway are closr to the mark and those are -

*   the is the pollstes using he gemric system; and

*    the betting agencies               .      

 In the latter case the bokmakes will win bigime i Hais wubs he eeection,     

Oct 18, 2024, 11:31

"At the center of Trump's plans is a scheme to slap tariffs of 10 percent or higher on all foreign goods, which most economists say would lead to a massive resurgence of inflation given how important imported products are not only for American consumers but for American manufacturers."

Nonsense and deliberate misinformation.

Oct 18, 2024, 13:34

Oct 18, 2024, 13:34

Nonsense and deliberate misinformation

Is Trump not on record as having proposed that, along with also saying he could put a 20% tariff on all foreign imports, as well as proposing with a 60% tariff on Chinese imports and a proposed a 200% tariff on Mexican goods?

Oct 18, 2024, 18:08

Sounds like something that this incompetent clown would say.

To think some people (and the majority on this message board) are stupid enough to give any credit to this disgusting buffoon.

Oct 18, 2024, 18:37

"Is Trump not on record as having proposed that, along with also saying he could put a 20% tariff on all foreign imports"

No, I am not aware of him saying anything of the sort...please present proof...he uses tariffs to protect American businesses from unfair competition and to support American no time have I ever heard him say anything like a blanket 20% on everything imported...and I actually listen to a lot of what he says, not what he is reported normally takes things he says out context too put him in a bad light. 

Oct 18, 2024, 21:46

With China churning out electric cars at $25000 it’s only a matter of time before Europe has to protect their car industry.

Oct 18, 2024, 21:54

I actually listen to a lot of what he says, not what he is reported saying

You've lost the plot Draad

Oct 18, 2024, 22:04


Oct 19, 2024, 02:29

You're quoting Pakman and I've lost the plot?

Oct 19, 2024, 02:44

 Here's the actual interview, much less annoying than listening to Pakman.

Oct 19, 2024, 06:14

And Joy Reid...really?

Oct 19, 2024, 10:10

Trump supporter stumbles when asked to list a promise ex-president kept

The comedians of The Good Liars this week stumped a supporter of Donald Trump when they asked him to name a single promise that the former president had kept.

While talking to Trump supporters outside of a rally, Davram Stiefler asked a man what he thought about Trump.

"I love him!" the man replied. "We need him to save the country!"

Stiefler then asked the man specifically why he loved the former president.

"He did everything he said he was going to do," the man explained.

"So what are some of those things that he said and then he did?" asked Stiefler.

"Well..." the man said and then paused for several seconds.

"Maybe just one thing," Stiefler offered. "One thing he said and then he did."

"You caught me off guard there," the man acknowledged. "I don't know."

In fact, Trump failed to keep many of the promises that he made while on the campaign trail in 2016, including getting the Mexican government to pay for his still-unfinished border wall, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the national debt, and forcing pharmaceutical companies to charge less money for prescription drugs.

Oct 19, 2024, 12:14

Well Denny

The fact is that 72% of the voters preferred Trump's economic policies  and most voters wantts thee stability in law and order and illegal immigration  an improvemet on the sabiliy they encountered under Trump.

In hr words in opinion polls said Trump was a good president and 61%  of the voters said Biden's was a disaster as President - that made the votes realized waht theymissed from electinmg Biden as President what they missed when Biden buggered up totally turning  everything  he touched into shit/

So the fools who claimed otherwise are supported by the fake media and baiwashed idiotd..   



Oct 19, 2024, 14:52

In fact, Trump failed to keep many of the promises that he made while on the campaign trail in 2016, including getting the Mexican government to pay for his still-unfinished border wall, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the national debt, and forcing pharmaceutical companies to charge less money for prescription drugs.

Oct 19, 2024, 14:52

In fact, Trump failed to keep many of the promises that he made while on the campaign trail in 2016, including getting the Mexican government to pay for his still-unfinished border wall, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the national debt, and forcing pharmaceutical companies to charge less money for prescription drugs.

Oct 19, 2024, 14:52

In fact, Trump failed to keep many of the promises that he made while on the campaign trail in 2016, including getting the Mexican government to pay for his still-unfinished border wall, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the national debt, and forcing pharmaceutical companies to charge less money for prescription drugs.

Oct 19, 2024, 15:22

In fact, Trump failed to keep many of the promises that he made while on the campaign trail in 2016, including getting the Mexican government to pay for his still-unfinished border wall, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating the national debt, and forcing pharmaceutical companies to charge less money for prescription drugs.

Oct 19, 2024, 15:41

Yet, he defeated ISIS, did not get involved in any new wars...kept Putin out of Ukraine...and everything was much cheaper 4 years ago...can't wait for his second term!

Oct 19, 2024, 20:31


Oct 20, 2024, 03:02

did not get involved in any new wars...kept Putin out of Ukraine...not convinced......think Putin was playing a waiting game, he wasn't sure if Trump was going to support Ukraine. Putin was planning on a quick and successful invasion which meant Ukraine would be defenseless without America.

The middle east is a powder keg regardless of the POTUS. 

Kim Junk Coon played Trump for a sucker and he did it on the world stage, in actual fact he humiliated Trump.

and everything was much cheaper 4 years ago...not convinced if it was Trump designed or whether it was by coincidence.

Nov 06, 2024, 16:16


Well I guess that it will be all hands on deck in the DOJ, FBI, CIA and all the other corrupt DEMORAT organizations to delete and or destroy all electronic/paper documents prior to PRESIDENT TRUMP 's term which starts in January.

Paper shredders are sold out in the area around Washington and district and thousands are on rush order.  

Many high ranking corrupt Biden administrators are running for cover at this time.

Now to all your TDS folks............wake up and smell the ROSES.

Greatest comeback in POLITICAL HISTORY IN THE USA.

Well done President TRUMP.



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