The fact is 80% of the ships using the use of h e Panma canal caes fpr transproting goods between weat and e coast cities of the USA and China was usin g panma investments to have he means to stop canal usage by the US shipping companies on the behest of the Chinee Government. China as investing in two Panama devepments on each end of he canal as well as a road runnin g alonm g the canal.
Trump said no he would not allow it and Trump sent the Spanis h speaking Secetry of State Rubio to negotia te on the issue and back comes the outcome, with in a day fter negtiations started, Panama would teminate he conmstruction of the two mentioned deveklopments and and Panama would scrap the developmet agrements with the Chinese and Panama would agree to tariff charged be negotiated as well.
Problems solved and it again shows that unlike the case was with he spineless and gutless Biden Regime it shows what a strong principled USA can achieve through being respected by nother countries. A real win by Trump again and another country where US Aid wiould achieve the objectives of the US A in international relationships.
Mexican Taraffs issue
The next issue that would the tariffs issue on Mexico and Cnda will follow, Rubio's next visit will be to Mexico to deal with the international migrant issue, No entry of people into Mexican territory by foreig ners and strict comntrol by teemxican arm y of entry points into Mexico of people worldwide whose obective re solely o enter the USA through Mexico. That going together with strengthening of the US Border on the US side and the same with the Mexican army doing the same on th eir side of he Border is and would eb the objective of Rubio. The USA will help the Mexican Government to wipe out the cartels that is destroying the lives of rdinary people in Mexoco based on a signed on new protocol and the Trade Treaty between Mexico and the USA signed after negotiations between the then Trump Government and Mexiico will be back on track.
Canada Tariffs issue
That leaves two other isues raised by Trump site members in panic mde and that is Canada and Greenland. The Canada case is more difficult and a visit by Rubio will come up with a basis fo further negotiations - but at pesent Trudeau is in temporary charge until a new Govenment will take office after a new Liberal Party leader is elected in March 2025 which will goven the country until the next general elecctions is held in October 2025. So at this stage negotiations with Canada is difficult since Canada do not have a functional Government at present. Trudeau will leave the PM job in March 2025 and any agreement would have to be supported by not only the intermediate Government leaders but also the country leadership after the October 2025 elections. So the situation is more difficult. So waitfor a roundable negotiated agreement to be inalized by the State Department wih the blessing of Trump.
Greenland issue
It is not easy - the vast majority of the 51 000 islanders wants total indeendence of the Island from the Danish Government because the Eu bans exploiting of the miniral resources in Greenland based on EU rules. The people whoa re supposed to benefit frm such developments is kept in relative poverty as a result by the Danish Government. There are three issues here on which negotiations will be based, namely -
the granting of independence of Greenland as a free country ruled by it's own people;
the country being protected by the USA agaibst foreign iteference and likely creation of a major army base in Grenland caeing for both the army, navey and airforce in Greenland; and
te opening up of mining and other development agreements in Greenlands by major US companies,
In any event this is going to take time to sort out and an ageement could eb completed by Jube 2025.
Ukraine War
There is no doubt that this is a high-proirity issue on which experts are already working and a new intenational conference will take place before the end of February 2025 - probably in Switzerland or Hungary with Austria also being an option.
This conference will be attended by the elader of the CDU and CSU leadership - not the present German Government that will be non-existent by the end of this month. The Western leader that wil be the ehad of the NATO lliance will be led by Trump and includ Macron as well, Tough negotiations - but a peace agrement is inevitable. It eil also include a new US Aid package to invest in recovery of infrasructure reco vey and war damag repairs in Ukraine and lead to a new Constitution based on the USA one for Ukraine, followed by a international supevised referendum toa pprove the new C onstitution and subsequently a new election to elect a new federala nd State Governments.
It will also lead to closing of all bio-labs in Ukraine and banning of gain-of-function research in the country as well as the disarming of the Asov mercenary and terrorist organiztion and semding of terrorists from Ukraine tpo their home countries to their cou ntries of origin.
54,034 posts
The fact is 80% of the ships using the use of h e Panma canal caes fpr transproting goods between weat and e coast cities of the USA and China was usin g panma investments to have he means to stop canal usage by the US shipping companies on the behest of the Chinee Government. China as investing in two Panama devepments on each end of he canal as well as a road runnin g alonm g the canal.
Trump said no he would not allow it and Trump sent the Spanis h speaking Secetry of State Rubio to negotia te on the issue and back comes the outcome, with in a day fter negtiations started, Panama would teminate he conmstruction of the two mentioned deveklopments and and Panama would scrap the developmet agrements with the Chinese and Panama would agree to tariff charged be negotiated as well.
Problems solved and it again shows that unlike the case was with he spineless and gutless Biden Regime it shows what a strong principled USA can achieve through being respected by nother countries. A real win by Trump again and another country where US Aid wiould achieve the objectives of the US A in international relationships.
Mexican Taraffs issue
The next issue that would the tariffs issue on Mexico and Cnda will follow, Rubio's next visit will be to Mexico to deal with the international migrant issue, No entry of people into Mexican territory by foreig ners and strict comntrol by teemxican arm y of entry points into Mexico of people worldwide whose obective re solely o enter the USA through Mexico. That going together with strengthening of the US Border on the US side and the same with the Mexican army doing the same on th eir side of he Border is and would eb the objective of Rubio. The USA will help the Mexican Government to wipe out the cartels that is destroying the lives of rdinary people in Mexoco based on a signed on new protocol and the Trade Treaty between Mexico and the USA signed after negotiations between the then Trump Government and Mexiico will be back on track.
Canada Tariffs issue
That leaves two other isues raised by Trump site members in panic mde and that is Canada and Greenland. The Canada case is more difficult and a visit by Rubio will come up with a basis fo further negotiations - but at pesent Trudeau is in temporary charge until a new Govenment will take office after a new Liberal Party leader is elected in March 2025 which will goven the country until the next general elecctions is held in October 2025. So at this stage negotiations with Canada is difficult since Canada do not have a functional Government at present. Trudeau will leave the PM job in March 2025 and any agreement would have to be supported by not only the intermediate Government leaders but also the country leadership after the October 2025 elections. So the situation is more difficult. So waitfor a roundable negotiated agreement to be inalized by the State Department wih the blessing of Trump.
Greenland issue
It is not easy - the vast majority of the 51 000 islanders wants total indeendence of the Island from the Danish Government because the Eu bans exploiting of the miniral resources in Greenland based on EU rules. The people whoa re supposed to benefit frm such developments is kept in relative poverty as a result by the Danish Government. There are three issues here on which negotiations will be based, namely -
In any event this is going to take time to sort out and an ageement could eb completed by Jube 2025.
Ukraine War
There is no doubt that this is a high-proirity issue on which experts are already working and a new intenational conference will take place before the end of February 2025 - probably in Switzerland or Hungary with Austria also being an option.
This conference will be attended by the elader of the CDU and CSU leadership - not the present German Government that will be non-existent by the end of this month. The Western leader that wil be the ehad of the NATO lliance will be led by Trump and includ Macron as well, Tough negotiations - but a peace agrement is inevitable. It eil also include a new US Aid package to invest in recovery of infrasructure reco vey and war damag repairs in Ukraine and lead to a new Constitution based on the USA one for Ukraine, followed by a international supevised referendum toa pprove the new C onstitution and subsequently a new election to elect a new federala nd State Governments.
It will also lead to closing of all bio-labs in Ukraine and banning of gain-of-function research in the country as well as the disarming of the Asov mercenary and terrorist organiztion and semding of terrorists from Ukraine tpo their home countries to their cou ntries of origin.