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Trump Threatens Shitting BRICS with 100% Tarrifs

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » Trump Threatens Shitting BRICS with 100% Tarrifs

Dec 01, 2024, 17:25

As part of the Make America Great Again program, President-elect Donald Trump has issued a stern warning to the BRICS nations, threatening to impose a 100% tariff on their exports to the United States if they proceed with plans to create or support a currency that could replace the U.S. dollar.

Commitment to the U.S. Dollar

Trump demands that the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, as well as newer members like Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates) commit to not creating a new BRICS currency or supporting any alternative currency to the U.S. dollar

Tariff Threat

If the BRICS nations fail to comply, Trump has threatened to impose a 100% tariff on their exports to the United States. This would effectively cut off their access to the U.S. market

Context of De-Dollarization

The threat comes after a recent BRICS summit where member countries discussed enhancing non-dollar transactions and strengthening local currencies. The concept of de-dollarization has gained traction, particularly since the U.S. imposed economic sanctions on Russia in 2022

Economic Implications

Analysts and think tanks, such as the Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI), have expressed doubts about the feasibility of BRICS establishing its own currency due to internal economic and geopolitical disparities among member nations. Additionally, imposing such high tariffs could harm U.S. consumers by increasing import prices, disrupting global trade, and potentially leading to retaliation from trading partners

Broader Trade Policy

This threat is part of a broader set of tariff announcements by Trump, including plans to impose a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada, and an additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods, all aimed at addressing issues such as illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and trade imbalances

Dec 01, 2024, 19:41

BRIC's is a joke, there is far too many differences between the countries involved and its far too lopsided in China's favor for it ever to emerge as a serious economic block.

Having said that Trump's such a f**king toddler posting on truth social.

"We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy."

Dec 01, 2024, 19:56

This of course would immediately leave the Tech industry in dire straights. The idea of a brics currency is absurd anyway….no need to make threats that could never be applied.

Dec 01, 2024, 22:01

BRICS = a platform where China strategically invests in African and South American political elites, securing favourable deals for commodities at exceptionally low prices.

Dec 02, 2024, 00:27

BRICS = a platform where China & India strategically invests in Russian energy.

Dec 02, 2024, 04:38

BRICS is a very dangerous rgnition soon to hve ahlf o he world poplation as members and with armies bgger than the USA nd he nato countries combined and moe dvanced weapory than the SA have aat its disposal.    It will soon have cotro over Asian, South American and African countries and will use tat control to undermine the USA.

Bobdy in eope bar the ultra-leftist wants anoher world war and that is against the wishes of the ulra-left who thinks they can control the world that way.    India and China does not only protect the Russian energy resources they use Ian to export oil to the SA petending it comes fro he ME countries who is a major oil supplier ro the EU counries nd the USA   So the Russian sanctions on energy is a joke and he only sifferes ae he consumers. 

So the USA Goverment sold stategic oil from the USA to the Chinese and testrategic oild sere i at its lowest poit since 1946.   The USA will run out of oil suppoes within three weeks after the start of the much dsired WW3 by the Democrats in the USA.    Trade sancions against BRICS countries wil harm he USA economy more and that is what he media hope wikk happen.

The mere  mention of acion against Canada and Mexico  already had e desried result ith Trudeau going to Mar-el-Lago to beg or help ad promsising closse the Canada brde whn it comes to human and drug snuggking and Mexico romising hey would sop the same on the Mexicn dise of the border,.

So the exact opposite of what the media claim is happening.     Countries hat undrmine the USA in the past will be foorced os top hose activites or suffer fom he consequencs and he extra money floiwng into the USA will help the working clas and poor to benefit from it - ff-setting the higher import costs  and benefittin he working calss to ahve more money in their pockets to off=set protential,

Een te ultra-rich realize he cange hat wil come to the USA under Trump and nsuk has been joined byzicjerbrg and Bezos in embacing the new direction the USA is going to take in fuure and not the sht direcion of the Biden Administration..   T result is the colapse of viewership of CNN and MNBC - which for example is aleady bankrupt or well on its way o bankuptsy,    Anoher prominent DP supporting mdia isntitution is the Los Angeles Tomes who is also moving to the center of the political spectrum.   So the site idiots who preach disaster is going to find it more difficult to defend the leftist policies and news they thrived on in the past.

   .           .     .                        .                    

Dec 09, 2024, 09:47

Shame, all this lot & Syria wanting to join :D

Dec 10, 2024, 22:27

Tariff talk

Dec 11, 2024, 01:03

Very funny  BB.    

Dec 11, 2024, 10:10

BRICS is a joke accrdin t some site idiots who do not kow he difference betweent their arses and elbows.    They believe the propaganda  atheya re told to believe..   The uth American countries is an example wher China is slowly takin over control of Governments by Chinese and Brazillian Communists,   hat being the case and the threat of Mexican memebership fo BRICS is slowy throtling the USA from the South and Central Americn markets.

In Afria the influence of  the USA is zero and goig down the drain as well - when African Countries tell the US Army to withdraw from their countries and the SA meekly did so - the USA has is going down the drain.

In Asia the iluence f h USA re already down to small pockets like Soth Korea, Taiwan and Japan.    The rest is gone.   Continuation of the DP rgim in the USA would have ed to further disaters for the USA,

So Trump  has to stop the destruction of USA influence in the world and he has several ways to stop the USA bieng the laughing stock of the world    Triffs are one of hise and when sued iro of Canada and Mexico - both counries said they will do what Trump said theymust do.   C lose heir wn borders to stop human and drg trafficking invlving the two coutnries and both obeyed.  

In he ohe cases - like for instance feritilizrs for agricultural purposes he knew that Biden caused drops in food production in the USA and there Trump will have to use strong-arm tactics to get fertilizes back in the USA.    Tariffs  will not work - 85% of fertilizrs  used  in he USA come from Russia and China.- so Trump will use negotiations to work out trade eals with both counries,    In other words Trump is using tariffs to ensure he ah a strong hand in negotiations of issues of other countries - but in the end it will not be used nad difference will be sttled by trade deals.   . .      



Dec 18, 2024, 07:36

I wonder how Syria's Brics application's progressing ?

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