US Cabinet Appointments

Forum » Beenos Trumpet » US Cabinet Appointments

Nov 13, 2024, 10:10

Replacements in Cabinet appointments

Secretary of State    -      Blinken replaced by Rubio

Hmeland Security     -      Mayorkas replaced by Governor Noem

Education                 -      Cardona replaced by McMahon

Defense                     -      Austin replaced by Steve Hegseff 

Attorney Genera;       -      Garland replaced by Pat Nomdi

Health                        -      Becerra replaced by Robert F Knnedy 

intenal Affairs            -      The ugly thing was replaced by Governor Buchum

The above 3 Democraic Secretaries wer all three Super Shit,   Blinken was a childish BSter who came o SA to promoted the USA invovlement in the Ukraine War and wanted  SA to help the USA in getting to convince the African Countries to support the USA in te UN - was givn a lecture on peaceful settlment of issues by negotiations by Mrs Pandor - then he SAMinister of Foreign Affairs.    When he hen stared prmoting the War - Mrs Pandor got up from her chair and told Blinken he wa wasing her time and she alked ut of he meeting.   However, he same Blinke answering questios i the Senate start screaming and never answered qustions.   A typical petty dictator not fit for a job whee diplomacy is needed,   The man was a serios flop as Foreign Secretary -  and called Blinkty because he could neve be rusted.

Mayorkas was supershit/   H was unable toanswer an questions in Senate and never knew anything about the goigs onin his Department.   Hi andling ofhe Open Border polcy of Biden s a ttoal national dosaser.   He never knew what was happening in his Dparment and whe questioned in Senate - he openly tried to lie and refused to answer questions.     His sstun wa to tr ad gove lctures when  he answes were a simple Yes or No.   He wa tod in Senate repeeaedly that he was a National Disgrace and should rsign - but he never did.   Tis an was inded a national disgrace.

Cardona was a scandal ridden idiot,   When challen ged on he isue of unaccmpanied migrant children after he New York Times exposed the tragedy of the children - he famously said he way the mater wa hadnled by saying that is not he way Ford handled assemmbly lines and i made him ultra-rich.   H hen said also if to his senior staff if hey cannot dispose of the children smuggled into the country quickly enough he would find somebody who can.   The result w that unaccompanied cildren was haded to human affickers and sex taffickers and used as slave in the USA.    Most fo eh chidrn in plin sight b te cartels on he border and he snet over to the US side of the border.   

In the USA Education is a Stae Funcion ad not a federal funcion.   So  the DA creted a Sper Federal education department in Washington to promote brainwashing of children in schools.   Oher unctions were heinous.   They were tryimng to curn children to hate their familes and parens rights as mentors of heir children was to be replaed by Salinistmehods,   Children was encouraged  in Demcoratically controlled Sates o undergo sex change treatment and perations wihou their parents permission and if the aretns objected the children was ken waway from them.   T oecome tha problem of Stalinist beaior he Department a we knw i il be abolished and replaced by monitors to nsure educaion standards in Gvenment schools are imprved and proper education given to children Contry-wide.  The Education Department will consist f monotrs to enhance eucation o chldren and stop the main unction o he educaion department to destroy childen and their family lives and insead upgarde eduction standards,   

Trump as also created a ne Department t monitor efficient Administartion and honest and proper govrance by the cvarious Dpartment .   Te relevant Department will repor o their work to Musk and Ramawami - to top class business moguls,    Thta i what every Government should have - operating the Public Service to maximum efficincy  and co-operate with the Auditor Geenreal in enhancig honest and responsible Governance.   The past situation - ike happened in he Wuhan Fudng frad system will beeliminaed in future,  

Advirsors      .                                      

The whole set-up of close advisors attached to the WH.    One of the best changes is to get rid of the ultra-corrupt Clinont partn4r - John Podesta - from te EPA.   A tiriuough audit of how much money went to odeta's ak companieshandlig Green and Global Warming scam.



Nov 13, 2024, 15:04

The new Secretary of Defense is Pete Hegseff a host at Fox News.   He had a distinguished militray career in Afghaistan and Iraq and wil have te masive task to clean out the corrupt ridden Defense Force,   Another exellent choice by Trump.    The media will hate it though - the problem is that Hegseff  worked for Fox News is all that is needed to flod the emdia wih BS .         

Nov 13, 2024, 17:01

Trump has made some great picks. 

The big task is to ensure no Uniparty Rinos slip in. Trump wisely told Pompeo and Halley thanks but no thanks.

The Biden Admin was precisely  the disaster it was planned to be. They thought however their media could keep the American People fooled and that their election fraud would ensure they kept power. 

Some terrible consequences have arrived for MSNBC and CNN whose viewership has plunged. I will post some articles about the collapse of the Globalist media in due course. 

Also the LA Times owner has fired the entire editorial staff and says in future he wants proper balanced reporting. 

I see Trump's media company is now worth 4 billion. That is likely to grow over the next 4 years.

Today we will learn who becomes Senate leader. Social media and all over the place has seen the GOP base demanding that Scott become Senate Majority Leader. Lots of Rinos in the Senate but anybody voting for Thune or Corbyn will get the boot next time they stand for reelection. It appears their main object is to block or slow die the Trump agenda much as they did last time. Will be more difficult this time as Trump has definitely got a mandate. 

Terrible election fraud has taken place. Trump Vowed these people will get prosecuted if they cheat. So here is hoping. 

Nov 13, 2024, 18:35

One o th main functions Trump should embark on is the appointment of a Election Integruty Commission - whose task should be how election fraud is to eb eliminated,    

This should start with voter registration and what is to be done as to non-citizens. the dead and the missing voters being on the roll.    In essense here should be a system developed to automaically removal o voes who die and thsoe moving to another adress  - the mment they reister as a oter at their new address he rgistration at his old address should be automatically cancelled/    Summary a clean-up of he roll is essential.   

New registration f voter should be based on production of proepr idntificatio and the system used should be registerd on the voters ill backup ad when election tomes come,   In other words the system should also be allowing for proper voter identification.   

Rge next sep relates to voter security,    I a person in the USA or in any foreign country aplplies for a mailin Ballot the vot should be sent t he election official in the area where the  applicant in he areaa where te applicant are wen e asked to vote andth gent shp;d take te vpts to the vote and had him the vote,   Simltaneously he sould gt he id partcularsfrom the voter toe nsure he is indeed the person who applie for he voe and the send the vote to the countig office where it is to be counted,   

No votes should ever be mailed out to voters withou a prope application has ben made - i jeopardi vote secuiy totally.   Each voe should have a  seial number and should hae a secret ssytem on its back  to ensure that votes cano be prined by people and sen in as legitimate otes.

On voting dys prior to h eection day the peple must bring the ID documents with them and produce them before a vote is pased to the voter and afte voting the vot is to put in yr box of vote after the vote show the prof of i ebing a legitimate vote can be deposited in the Box.   Only votes send by election agents    should arrive at he polling station within before - dring the election day and within 2 susequnt dayss tereater shpuld be counted, 


Nov 13, 2024, 19:13

Seantor Thune of South Dakota wa elected as new Majority leader in e Senate.   If he tries the same RINO stance of McConnell he will be ut wihin a day.    He beter make sure that the Senators is united behind the leadership of Trump and not become a rogue and secret Democrat.

If he did what McConnell did in 2022 - he will not lst beond  2026.    .    ,   

Nov 13, 2024, 22:53

 Well done Senator Thune. So conservatism fights back from MAGA redneckism.

But....   The attorney general is Matt Gates. Ha, Ha. Is Matt Gates even a conservative person?

Nov 14, 2024, 00:17


Gaetz - I am surprised in one way and not in another.     Te Jutice Deaprtment beccame the main dictaorsh ip arm of the Democrts and the FBI - fallng under the Attorney General - becae increasinly undermining  the Jutoce system.   For yers the FBI tried to frame Gatz in a farcical case o ex with another student - but the only problem is they bugered up royally.   When they claimed the incidnt happen Gaetz was not i he USA at all.   he cae went on for hree years and after three years of advertizing it i the media the droped the case.   Th myh started after Gaetz attacked he BI for theor rrole i undermining ivestigatios of corruption amongst politicians.

The FNI must piss hemselves after the anocement.    Their whole manageent rather resign before they gt fired.   This is also Trumps revenge  on them for years of abuuse and lies and their liaison with the emdia about lies,    Take for instance the raid on Trumps home where hey break all he rules appicable.   fter he raid they releesed 2 fake photos about what they found at Trumps the media.    When Smith laid charges against Trump in Florida the judge ordered Smith and the FBI to return all the documents thhe FBI took away back to hte Court for inspection by Trump's defense team.   The Judgge wa already miffed by the fact th two photos takn out were fakes - and when the FNI keep delaying the return of the ducuments the Judge ordered that if they do not provide the documents to the court wihin 14 days hey would be charged with undermining the court.   The FBI took 32 boxes of documents and ended up sending the court 21 boxes of ducu,emts and eve from those  21 boxes docments vanished,    That was when the judge through ot the case and ruled that Smith wa silegally appointed s Special Council.   

One cannot have a Police Service that illegaly and uncontitutionally spy on 278 000  peol because Biden called opponents to is regime "White Domestic Terrorists"  and let the FBI loose on them.   his came out whe the FIX Court exposed he spying and founmd the FBI  guit of illegal actions in that regard,

Watch the following  video's  on Wray.

The above indicates a tendency that should ever exisr in a Democracy is urageous in a emocratic country.   

The FBI now will be cleaned from top to bottom and restore real  policing in the  USA 

Nov 14, 2024, 00:24

Read the above  and look at the vedio's/    I thought  Senator Hawleymay be nominated as Attoney General - but Trump decided that he is two valuable as a Senator - so he nominat Gaetz appoited Gaetz to make sre the rot be removed from FBI.     I hope  they clean out that aborion of polcing  in he USA.

Well done Senator Thune. So conservatism fights back from MAGA redneckism'

Live in happy delirium please - if Thune undrmine the polciies approved by the voters of the USA - he would not last a day in that job,    .      

Nov 14, 2024, 00:54

Diector of National Intelligence - head of all inttlegnce agaencies  will be headed by a new Director - Thulsi Gabbard,  Another Democrat who urned against the ultra left DP/       

Nov 14, 2024, 02:50

Matt Gaetz is a crazy pickā€¦ much less qualified than Barr who is a heavyweight. Depressing.

Nov 14, 2024, 04:17

We've all seen this playbook......the one with a revolving door.

Nov 14, 2024, 08:51


I agree wih you on Geatz - but I realize what is going on.    Barr is not going to be used.   All the people Trump picked are relatively young and none of  the people picked - bar Geatz ae conroversial picks.    I would have picked  Senator Hawley instead of  Geatz - which may have some approal problms in he Senate/    Hawley was a brilliant student and a top clas legal heavyeight in his caeeer thus far.    As successful as he was in the elegal field so successful he was in his private investments making him a very wealthy man.  

Most of he picks ae people who played a major role in the Committee system in either the House or the Senate - while Hegseff  is and was a fighting soldier and not a deskbound one that eaened their gongs sitting at desks and not in batlles.     He was highly citical and deservedly  so of he quality of people in charge of the US Army and Trump told the Generals in charge of the  Afghanisan wthdrawal that he wants their resignation letters on his table when he arrive from his swear in ceremney or othewise they would be fired.

However, I think that the FBI became an organizion that were horrible in crime fighting and regarded themseleves as above the law and the Constitution  and was totally uacceptable.    If there is some cleaning up to be done it is in the FBI and CIA in partcular..

In general I think there are especilly three politicians that must be preparing hemselves for jail time it is Pelosi, Schiff , Podesta and and the Clintons.     I do not think Biden himself will be charged due to his diminishing mental state as stated by Special Council Hur in is report.  ,    All of the people mentioned are closely tied to corruption involvivg Russia and Ukraine. and there are bundles o documenary proof of  corruption -  while Pelosi was the inside trading specialist as well.    When new Government contracts of massive proportions were about to be signed Pelosi's husband would spend millions on buying shares in the  companies involved.

There are other criminals invovled in state contracts as well - like Dick and Liz Cheyne tied  to  the  company called Haliburton.    Haliburton got contracts iro of the Afghanistan and Iraq war when Cheyne senior was VP  in 2006 and  they were also allocated a similar contract iro of the Ukraine War.  - at present they opeate from Poland.    It is a huge moneymaking scheme and the way the ontracts were handled  - ie not on a tender basis - is part of a major scam.   In 2006  the contract amounted to  $156 milion a year and in the 18 years it was continuig the contract price increased by 10% per year in Afghanistan and Iraq.    When the work in Afghanistan was shut down - they got a new contract iro of he Ukraine War.      The bust up beween Trump and Liz Cheyne came when in 2019 Trump staed publicly that he was going to have experts investigate the contracts as it entails coruption.   Liz Cheye benefit from the contracts as well.   

The other stinker invovled is that since 2003 the finances of the Defensee Department had never been audited.    Hegseff spoke a number of times on TV about it and the last time in Congress when raised the Defense Department said  in evidence the Department does not  have the staff to do the auditing - which is amazing since hat function of auting is normally he responsibility of the Auditor General.   Another  problem was that the AG reported two year ago that  $5,4 billion in  aid funds to bsuiesses - part of he relief measures to assist small and medium businesses  as a result of COVID vanshed into hin air and was reported on by the AG in his report 2 years ago - but he FBI did virtually nothing about investigating who was invlced in criminology in that case,    

It is an open book that when Trump started looking for replacement of the  F15 fighte jets he asked the contractors how much they would charge per plane and they said  $2,389 billion per plane,   He did a calculation and redced the price by 15% and in discusion with the amunfacturers said that if any kicbacks to Defense Force staff and politicians were found to happen he would act against both the manufacturers and staff  and politicians nvolved.   The Manufacturers accepted the offer Trump made and the delivery of he planes started already in the Biden presidency - but the price charge are unknwon at present.    Hegsef will have a  massive job as to the mess in the  Defense Department.   

Personally I think Trump use Geatz name to scare he FBI  leadersip to resign before he resumes office  and he would withdraw the noination and appoint either Senator Hawley or the Missouri State Attorney to that positon.

There are five  appointments I am very happy about  and  know it would save the Government Hundreds of Billions a year in fruiless public expenditure:-

I have already mentioned hhe Defense Department but here are the oher 4:-

The Appoitment of Governor Noem as Sev=retary of Homelanad Security and Hona as Border Tzar wil clean up the border mess and deal with the missing naccompanied children smgged into the country by the Mexican cartels,   That will not only represnts a money saver - but also deal with a huminitarian cricis even the New York Times raised in a sries of articles,     

The appointment of  the DIA nominee to replace John Podesta  in the White House - that guy is a poisonous racketeer that got massive bribes from Russia when he was ivovled in Green operations.  He even got 75 000 share in a Russian Company with links to the Kremlin and when appointed by Obama transferred the shares to a company his daghter registered in Verrmnt.   Rosarom invested $180 millon in a comapny owned by Podesta regisered in Boston.   The FBI knows about that situation - but did nothing about it.  He is likely to  end up in jail for bribery and corruption -   You can read about that one yourself.

The fourth one is dealing with Education.   In terms of the US Contitution Eucation is a State function not a Federal Function.   Under Obama a Fderal Department of Education was estbalished and rapidly expaded and their main objectie was programs dealing with brainwashing of children -  a concept used by Stalin in the late and nlamented USSR.    The projects are run by extreme leftwing idealogues and entail programs  causing Musk to relocate his operations from California to Texas.   The quality of Eduction in State chols in the USA is a bad as it is in most  Black state schools in SA.    The Federal Education Deparmnent  should be remoddeled to deal with educaion quality issues and ensure tha States do not  use systems that reduced quality Education into a farce.

The fifth  and to my mind the most important one  is the appointment of a Department of Govenment Integrity headed by Musk and Ramswami.   I believe that Gvoernment should operate the  Public Service n sound business [princoles and not  what he public geenrally calls red tape.    There are services that create nothing and schieve nohing while costing billions and those and the regulatins they compile should end up in trash cans,    Reagan used those  princples when he was Governor of California and later on as President - but since his presidency the comcept was forgotten and subsequent President abandoned it totally.   I think Trump appointed two leaders in that progam - each with specialist nowledge of different operational expertise  and they were given till July 2026 to clear up the mess created over the last 30 years by successive Presidents.   Public Servants in General live by regulations they issued thesmlves and knows zero about sound economic business operatins - while poiticians spent tax money like it is their own pocket book expenses,    That alone would save the Federal Government to live without taking out additioanl borrowing of money to coer curent Gvrnment expenditure,

   .   .    .       

     .  ,  .          .    .      

Nov 14, 2024, 09:15

In general I think there are especilly three  one politician that must be preparing hemselves for jail time it is Pelozi, Schiff , Jhn Podesta and and the Clintons Donald Trump.

Nov 14, 2024, 09:26

Batshit POTUS will need some skillful guidance.:ermm:

Nov 14, 2024, 09:36


yYou are pricelessly funny - but totally ill-informed.    The FBI knew excl wat they ave done and proect them accordingly.   TRump has never been accused of any corruption - as a matter of fac he did not evn take his salary as president - he donaed ot totally to welfare organizations.   And e fake charges against TRump are going nowhere since none of them wer absed on proof and was asystem decided on by the Biden Administration and the DC to undrmie his election capaign.   If Trump was not a canddate - no charges would have bee laid about aything.   So try again.   :D:D:D:angel::angel::angel:       

Nov 14, 2024, 10:36

He's a convicted felon......... you can't take that away from him ........... plus he's batshit.

Shame on you.

Nov 14, 2024, 11:45

Barr is a heavyweight for sure. He is a full on fat blob of a man and a back stabbing coward. A real Rino Uniparty traitor. 

Gaetz is very impressive. I have seen him operating at Congressional hearings. He is a brilliant guy. 

The charges against Gaetz were dropped by the DOJ. 

Loved the way Gaetz got rid of Rino McCarthy. Hahahahaha. 

Gaetz is full on MAGA and will go flat out to bring to justice the many political criminals operating in Washington. 

Unlike Sessions and Barr who were back stabbing Rinos, Gaetz will stand with Trump and other Patriots trying to save America. 

Trust Globalist Rino mozzietard to suggest Barr for AG. This same Never Trumper also supported Globalist Uniparty Rino and NeoCon Nikki Haley. 

Mozzietard thought Trump couldn't win. Bwahahahaha. This out of touch Globalist shill has no clue whatsoever. 

As for poor blobbrain and sharktwit they remain bone heads of tbe first order! 

Nov 14, 2024, 11:47

I see Tulsi will BE DNI. 

She has been persued by the FBI.

As with Gaetz the Hunted are now becoming the Hunters. :D

Nov 14, 2024, 12:37


When was the sentence that Trump is  felon passed = befoe he is senenced  h is NOT a felon.   

Nov 14, 2024, 13:45

Gaetz is very impressive. I have seen him operating at Congressional hearings. He is a brilliant guy.

This the guy under an ethics investigation for sex trafficking and statutory rape? Sounds like a real Beeno type of guy alright.

Nov 14, 2024, 16:38


This story happened I believe when Geatz were a student and the FBI started investifgating him after Geatz attacked the FBI in the House,    As per normal the FBI buggered up royally - when  they were asked for details at a date when the incident the FBI gave a date when it happened that  Geatz was not in the USA.    They then 4 years ago they stopped the investigation because it was based on standard FBI  BS and lies.   The FBI was involved in strings of fake and false chargs against people and if there was anything true in their BS they would have charged Geatz of the alleged crime -even  the girl the FBI was claiming was involved denied it ever happened.   

You stated openly that he FBI waned every person crtical of them, in jail.   Their credibility in the USA is at its lowest level ever.    The fact is I don't myself suport Geatz's nomination - I ould have preferred Senator Hawley as te candidate nominated by Trump - he has done even more than Geatz did in exposing the FBI as a body who believes they have the right to operae above the law and the US Cnstitution,     In his regard you are referred string of video's where te FBI was plainly either lying or refusing to answer questions.    Incientally the money paid for using the Gulf Stream jet was the amount he would have paid for a first class seat on a normal airline in one case.

I would think that like the Generals in the Defense Department  the Jstice Department will be found to loe at east 50% of their to Generals  and in the Justice Department 80% of their stadff ad the FBI at leat 90% of their mnagement structure.    It was two Departments where corruption ruled supreme.

By the way the apointment of Hegseff  was in  a funy way about Hegseff - bearing in mind he was a figting soldier and not a desk bound desk worker like most of teh generals in the Defense Force became.    Commanding the army in a war will be the major collapse of the US Army under present cmmand.   So watch the following video:-'clean_house'_as_Trump_eyes_reform:_'Help_restore_trust'

            .               .     .        .          

Nov 14, 2024, 21:43

The BS pedaling in this thread is incredible...still no introspection...same old canā€™t fix stupid!!!...GO Donald!!!

Nov 14, 2024, 22:38

President Batshit & his bandits......................

Nov 15, 2024, 00:10

The BS pedaling in this thread is incredible...still no introspection...same old canā€™t fix stupid!!!...GO Donald!!!

The American people have chosen, Trump has won the Presidency, and the Republicans control the House and the Senate. The Supreme Court also has a strong conservative lean. For at least the first two years of his Presidency he will reign largely unconstrained. First time round American's didn't know what Trump was about, this time they know exactly what they are getting. They made their own choice, and have no excuses for what's coming.

Nov 15, 2024, 01:19


Now there's a laugh, where was your introspection after Trump lost the election and had 60 Judges dismiss his claim of election fraud.

And while you get that into your head where is your introspection when Trump sat and watched the J6 rioters on telly ignoring his family members pleas to call them off.

Yes I know you have the usual stock standard Trump excuses and justifications.......nyaah nyaaah...spare me I've heard them all over and over again.

Nov 15, 2024, 03:04

ā€œThe government you elect is the government you deserve.ā€

  Thomas Jefferson

Nov 15, 2024, 04:06

Hush money.....guilty as charged. We now have a low life crim running the free world.

Nov 15, 2024, 04:23

To think that this batshit felon will sit down with a serial war criminal to decide the fate of 40million Ukranians.

Nov 15, 2024, 04:28

To think that this batshit felon will sit down with a serial war criminal to decide the fate of 40million Ukranians.

Not sure which is more nauseating.......the above or reading the forthcoming vomit spewed in his defence by the TrumpZombies .

Nov 15, 2024, 05:13

So let me see...

The guys that bought the Russia collusion, the bleach drinking and the "many good people" hoaxes, are now warning us against Trump's second term.

Apparently the Trumper's are the gullible ones.

Stav is right, the people in the most powerful country on earth voted for the person they think will best take them forward.

Now, who am I gonna believe? 70 million yanks or a handful of actually gullible retards on Ruckers?

The amount coping and crying...

So many salty tears.

Hahaha I love it.

Nov 15, 2024, 05:31

Trump was on The Flagrant podcast hosted by Andrew Shultz, probably one of the best comedians in the US.

At his age, Trump had the guys dying of laughter the entire time.

Of course the media tried to spin it like they were laughing at Trump and not with him, but anybody that actually watched the podcast knows that wasn't the case.

...and anybody that watched the follow up where Shultz and his team talk about the podcast will find that the entire cast was awestruck at how sharp Trump was.

Trump was on Theo Von's podcast too, an opened up about the addiction that his brother died from, and many other topics.

Trump was on Joe Rogan and Rogan's main takeaway was that Trump is total beast.

Trump was on the Lex Fridman podcast and Lex grilled him on numerous topics, also talking in depth about his life in the construction business. Lex is a good friend to Trump's daughter, who is an absolute 10 on every metric.

If you want to know why he won, watch one, some, or all of those podcasts.

I think that young Americans saw him talking, in long format, and many realised they'd been completely lied to by the media establishment and that Trump wasn't who the lying media made him out to be.

The question is, how far gone are YOU?

Are you able to listen to a man speak and judge him by his words or are you so far down the road that you think only the dealer can solve your addiction?

Note: Trump's team never restricted Rogan in any way while Carmel-allah's team gave Rogan a long list of no-go topics.

The truth doesn't care what you ask. Then lie doesn't want you poking holes in its ship ;)

Nov 15, 2024, 05:36

You do not follow anything.   In an opion poll `about six months ago 61% said there were voter fraud i 2020 and of those 18% said that they have not been shown proof that the fraud would have change  the outvome of the eeelction.

In 2020 Biden got 8I,5 million votes and Trump 75,2 milion voes.   Despite major registration progrms of death sare miion of people fled from  California and New York to states governed by the Republicans -  the outcome of this years selecion resuled in Trump maintainng his 75 million+ votes and the Democrasgettin 8,5 milion les than they got in 2020,   So why did they happen?   The answer is obvious in 2020 here were 25 million mail in votes without any voter identification and those 25 million "votes"   won the 2020 election,   This year there ere 15 million mail in votes with a large part also voted with  identification proof - in other words  their were much more strict observation over vote counting and the question is was there sucha a huge decrease in vtes cast and so big a drop in voters who voted for he Democrats.   The answer at least 10 million of the '"votes" in 2020 was due in plain words no eal votes and the Democrats worked full time to produce "votes" that cause Biden in 2020  got 10 million vote from non-existent "voters".  Trump in 2020 got 75 million+ votes and in 2024  and he got 75 million + votes in 2024,    

In all the media this year there were  an amazing vote turnout - yet the Demmcrats cssted  8 million votes the story is clear there were at least 8 million+ fake votes in 2020.  

Nov 15, 2024, 06:16

I honestly don't give a fk about the future of the USA, never have.

Slava Ukraini!

Nov 15, 2024, 06:18

Well, shit rolls down the hill, Blo.

Only a fool doesn't care about what's happening on that hill.

Nov 15, 2024, 07:34

"They made their own choice, and have no excuses for what's coming"

Care to tell us all what is coming.......

Nov 15, 2024, 07:54

Many "good people" are coming, DA.

...and Stav is terrified

Nov 15, 2024, 08:08

"Many "good people" are coming, DA"

Agreed Plum

If someone like Stav states "they have no excuses for what's coming", then I can only assume that he clearly does believe that certain things are going to happen under Trump ..... so if he wants to make a bold statement like this, then I would expect that he would be more than willing to tell us exactly what he believes is "coming" with this Trump presidency ........ maybe some very clear examples that we can compare back to, to see if he was correct about Trump.....

If you are so sure about it, I don't see why you wouldn't want to put it in writing here and now for everyone to see

Nov 15, 2024, 14:54

Well I don't have a crystal ball but here are some of things that I reckon could happen.

If Trump enacts his plans on tariffs and deportations he will cause inflation to spike. How much so depends on far he goes with both the tariffs and deportations. If its anything like some of the higher figures that have been suggested 10-20% tariff on all import's and the much higher tariffs on Chinese imports, and the deportations range into the millions, the inflation will likely be worse than what occurred during Biden's term. GDP growth will be lower than it would be without those measures as well.

The resulting trade war caused by the tariffs will damage the rest of the worlds economy and strain American relations with the rest of the world.

The Affordable Care Act will not be extended, resulting in millions of American's losing health care cover.

With the Department of Health being run by RFK Junior, I'd expect to see the number of people opting to take vaccines will drop, resulting in a rise in preventable diseases among children.

We could possibly get mass resignations and paralysis in various government departments in protest at Trump's choice of people to lead those departments or at some of his policies. 

I could also foresee a situation where Trump has the military or national guard to forceable disband protests.

I also predict like last term his foreign policy will be an incoherent mess, full of flip fops that have a destabilizing affect on the world in general and we will be incredible lucky to get away without him triggering some sort of major world crisis.

Nov 15, 2024, 15:42

Pompeo and Barr were excellent cabinet ministers who actually saved Trump from much worse trouble. Barr handled the impeachment stuff masterfully. But because after the election he upheld the law he is viewed as a traitor?

What childish nonsense. Both these men would enhance any cabinet.|

Nov 15, 2024, 16:38

Reportedly Tump considered invading Venezuela back into 2017 but was talked out of by various people including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Its also reported that Rex Tillerson was instrumental in the behind the scenes halting of a planed invasion of Qatar by Saudi Arabia and the UAE back in 2017-2018 a move that incensed both the leaders of the Saudis and the Emiratis who successfully lobbied Trump to fire Tillerson.

Nov 15, 2024, 17:12

William Barr is a gutless stooge who recognised Bozo as the clown he is but still put the spin and censorship on the Mueller report to make it appear there was no collusion and only spoke up against Bozo when it was too late.

Nov 15, 2024, 17:16


Where did you get all those stories and especially the Vnezuela one from.   Trump wanted to strengthen NATO and the US Defense Force - and stop all the edless wars  involving the USA   he wanted the USA out of Afghanisan and Iraq - so why wold he want another war - that ime Venezuela.    Tillerson wanted expansion of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and Trump refused that one - so Tillerson rsignd from the Cabinet.  He also fired the biggest warmonger of he lot because what he waned were intervention in a list of coutries. 

By the way two things.  I posted a newspaper article from Kiev in another thread. No Newspaper aricle from Kiev will be published without the aaapprval of he Ukraine dicatorship -so why o response about it?

I do not go with the doomsday predictions you are making.    Trump is not an idiot - nither are his advisors such as Musk and his new Secreary of the Treasury.  The problem in the USA are not Trump  - the problem is the maladministration and coruptio that cost the USA Govrment trillons of Dollars,   The Afordable Health Care  system was a flop from te world go and the Government conribution are insuficint,   In a private sector business environment the system would  have  declared bankruptsy  years ago,   Part of the problem is poor Goernment control and te ever-present pestilence of bribery and corruption.    The problem is that the system has no funds to keep operational and it will cost  an etimated $1 trillion to get it operational again.     Chances are the Act will be repalced by another Act that would provide for a better and more efficient operation on a private sector businss prnciple basis,

Trumps onjectove is clear - reduce Transport and production costs and enhance effeciciency and prices will come down.   Simultaneously reduce State fruitless expenditure and the same would happen.

Ever since the Trump victory was announced he Stock Exbahnge have shotup and that shows the invstors has more Trust than what they had when Biden was in charge.    The fact is there are various issues that would save money for the Government and those are all relared to efficient anagement of the bureaucracy.    Clean up the mwss by running the state based on sound business management principles,   That will save enough mony to reduce taxation which wil implay redction in proces people have to pay for goods and put more money in their pockets to buy necessisities.    It was in fact eh workin and middle classes that won the election for Trump inspired by wat ahppened when he was Presidnt, before.          

I think wiser and more experienced businesmen had already looked at the basic principles t  involved  to save the USA from becoming a banana Republic.    

The only people that would be nhappy are eh 500 000  public servansts who would eb loking for jobs  after the mess they created has been ceared up.    .  ,  .                            

Nov 15, 2024, 18:09


The whole Biden cabinet were  gutless idiots unfiit to run anything - so thy ruined everything in turn.  The problem is they will have to re-open Alcatraz prison to accommodate all the corrupt politicins and public servants guilty of bribery and corruption,      Your  hero Schiff - he hanitual liar who never spoke the truth  desrve to be in solitary confinement and o alloed o sak to anyon until he start to be truthful.   A punishment cell alone or better stll a sial rapist should join him - tw serials  can enjoy each each other..       


Nov 18, 2024, 19:23


Nov 18, 2024, 19:43

Paul Joseph Watson...charming fellow.

Nov 18, 2024, 19:46


Nov 18, 2024, 23:26

......and only spoke up against Bozo when it was too late.

True......Barr was gutless.

Nov 19, 2024, 01:18

If Barr was gutless he would have gone along with the impeachment narrative. That was the low risk play. Instead he upheld the law as he saw it, risking a mutiny in the Justice Department which would have led to his professional demise. Everything was on a razors edge.

The fact that both sides call him gutless aptly demonstrates his problem. 

Nov 19, 2024, 02:50

Most of Trump's cabinet appointments are pathetic compared to what he had in his first term. 

Fox and Friends already have 2 people on the cabinet. 

Fortunately, sensible conservatives like Mitch McConnell seem to be trying to block the most ridiculous ones like Matt Gaetz.

Matt Gaetz will turn the US into a circus. 


Nov 19, 2024, 03:55

Now why would the Donald have orange hair?

Nov 19, 2024, 13:55

"Paul Joseph Watson...charming fellow."

If he really said's absolutely despicable...there should be consequences for who ever said that...doesn't make everything he said wrong though, but it does taint his character.

Nov 19, 2024, 15:21

McConnell a senstitive Conservative  - he will be around for another two years licking the arse of Schumer - but then gone and forgotten.        

Nov 19, 2024, 18:27

McConnell is a uniparty RINO...conservative my big fat arse!

Nov 19, 2024, 18:55

Denny if you for a moment think that President Donald Trump will be  sentenced to jail you are sadly mistaken.

We all know  (except you and the other TDS patients) that the 34 charges that he was found guilt on by a biased Demorat jury was a fix from the Demorat's and I would suggest this originated from the screwed up White House and the DOJ.

President TRUMP will have his legal team appeal any sentence that is made and will win and have all charges dismissed.

So sit back and watch some cricket 

Remember what I have been saying all along:


But to get the USA back on track might take a bit longer after the BLUNDERING and CORRUPT Biden term expires and once more be the leader of the FREE WORLD.

So relax and enjoy the turn around because it is going to be a great TERM UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Nov 19, 2024, 19:41


If Barr spoke out against Trump about the eelction fraud isue.   When i comes to this election he said the Justice system was being destroyed by the  Democrats and it is undermining the Constitution o he USA.

With evidence coming out from time to time 61% of the voters believe thee were election dfraud in the 2020 election  - but 18% was unsure wheher it would have changed  the final election result,   So Barr thought at the time he was doing the right thing - but it iseems as if he chnaged his mind and endorsed Trump/         

Nov 19, 2024, 22:09


Nov 20, 2024, 09:45

Unforunately you are the insane one - brainwashed to the level where you lost all ability to think for youtrself and thrive in idiocy.  .    

Nov 20, 2024, 13:06

"The other stinker invovled is that since 2003 the finances of the Defensee Department had never been audited.    Hegseff spoke a number of times on TV about it and the last time in Congress when raised the Defense Department said  in evidence the Department does not  have the staff to do the auditing - which is amazing since hat function of auting is normally he responsibility of the Auditor General."

The audits started  this year with expenditure over the past financial year and it came out that the  Defense Department could not account on what up to 30% of thir budget of $832 bilion was spend on.     The audit could not go further with the issue and that will go over to the FBI to investigated - but that would have to wait untii the FBI is cleared from the BSters that manage them at present.

I heard that Wray is already packing up and in the meantime hundreds f ousands of document are being destroyed illegally by FBI staff.    Amongs it was 12 boces of documents the Court ordered  the FBI and Smith to reurn to the Court for study by the lawyes represnting Trump.   They could not let that documents becomig public and would not return it despite repeated  instructions by the judge o return he docments.   It is no doubt that by now those documnts have been desroyed.

Smith has now informed that he is withdrawing his appeal against he resultion of he judge on the issue and so that case has  as expected gone out of the window.    

Wray better get a top lawer to keep him out of jail for destroying State documents under aggravaing cicumsatnces and 10 years in jail can be expected if he is found guilty in a court of law.   .          

Nov 20, 2024, 13:14

Ai another Shitory.

Nov 20, 2024, 13:25

Another case of Denny ignorin g  facts and belieiving in media BS  and lies,   :woot::woot::woot:

Nov 20, 2024, 18:37

Mitch is far too subtle for the zealots and has served his country honorably and well.

Nov 20, 2024, 19:44

While licking Biden;s ars and undermining the GP by refusal to grant funding to some offivial  D P candidates in S enate electins and in the case of Wuzorski such assistance when she was not the official Republican nomneee.    He undermined the RP on a continuous basis and that is why he was oced out by the Republicans as theur kader ibn the  Senate.   

In both 2020 abd 2022 he acted to prevent the REpublicans to have majorities in the Senate.    He was suppoed to the Senate leader to always reject what is not in the inerest of the country like voting for confirmation of blatantly incmpetent and Ultra-left fanatis.     

There were not any Biden nominees McClinnen did not vote for - so much so  with some Demorats not supporting the nominees Harris had to cast the decding vote.    By September 2024 most  of the Republican Senators had enough of his BS when he again refised financial assisance to RP candidates like Cruz and Lee and force him to announce  the election  of the new majority leader of the House,   Because of McClinnon abuse the nw Reublic to head the allocation Committe will not be he enw Mjaority leade nd Senatpr Scott was appinted as Chair of that Committee,  

He will just be sidelined for the enxt two yeas and in Knetucky the Republicans will nominate a new Senator.Candidate who will not be a kwazi-Dmocrat./   


Nov 21, 2024, 13:59

Mitch McConnel betrayed the GOP and America. His wife is Chinese and he should be investigated. 

He is part of tbe Globalist Uniparty Rinos that are getting kicked out of the GOP election by election. These people should join the Demonrats where they belong. Pack your bags mozzietard you are fired! 

Clowns like Blobbrain, Dense Denise poor sharktwit and StavAss remind me so much of the crazy leftists loons having complete meltdowns.

These low IQ gullible frot vis have swallowed every lie from the collapsing Globalist media no matter how preposterous! The Fake news media have reduced them to quivering wrecks. Bwahahahahahaha. 

Bye the way Elon Musk perhaps tbe major intellect of our age has called Gaetz a brilliant mind, a man with a spine of steel. 

The DOJ investigated these allegations against Gaetz and dropped the case. However the frot five still insist Gaetz is guilty! 

Trump's felony convictions will be over turned. Dont be surprised to see Alvin Brag, Smith, James and Willis suffer the consequences of their fake prosecutions. 

Isn't it so funny to see these terrified Demonrats wailing away about Lawfare against them. 8f they have done nothing wrong what are they afraid of to use their own words! 

Trump is also suing various media for  10 billion dollars in damages. 

Mark the words of Beeno, barring assassination or something pulled out of the hat to take down Trump, many demonrat criminals are going to be unmasked in 2025. There will be revelations that will stun the world and crush the demonrat party. 

False narratives regarding the 2020 elections will be crushed. Ditto false narratives about Jan 6, Trump cases, the Covid Jabs and other Covid lies. Various aspects of Wokeness will also be crushed. 

Moves will be made to restore election integrity. Millions of invaders will be deported. 

The Deep State will be crushed and tbe U S Government will be drastically paired down. Washington DC will see many government departments moved out of the city. 

RFK will ensure America faces a healthier future. 

Clowns like the very frot five will look more foollish than ever, if that is possible. Hahahahahahahaha

Mozzietard will be more embarrassed than he already is. 

 Bye tbe way Barr stopped the investigations into election fraud in 2020 as various witnesses testified. 

Secondly, 60 judges did not pass any Judgement on election fraud. They simply refused to go ahead with any court case and refused to look at the evidence. 

With more election fraud in 2024 and what has been revealed about 2020 the majority of Americans believe today that election fraud is affecting election results. What a sea change. This awareness will continue to grow as the Gaetz DOJ investigates what has happened. 

Expect the Globalist media to collapse. 

I foresee nothing but huge embarrassment for the very frot 5. :D

Nov 21, 2024, 15:49


I will shit myself if I was a corupt Democrat politician and a corrupt and incmpetent public serant.  There is not a single cabint member that will nt be chargd ith lying undr oah whe iving eidence i the House.

Then here would not be much left of the House and Snte that would not end up in jaail for slong lists involving bribery and corruptio,   

The shit will hit the politicians and buraucrats sooner than they think.   Afer racketterig for years without any dfear of prosecution - their era will stop soon an many will guure out how he or she was caught, out,  

Indeed a dificult five  years or lnger in jail will be a niightmoae for housands of career officials,   Then there is another prbolem - how are they going to get out of jail without contacting AIDS.

2025 and 2026 will be an extremely difcult years for the DP and their supporting bureaucrats and i a way I am sorry for them - but then what they did was betrayng the USA and democracy worldwide,

The remaining Democrats will survive as ultra-leftist fascists and there suport base will disintegrate and the rest will run to the Republicans in a desperte bit to avoid going to jail.


Nov 23, 2024, 00:52

Bessen nominted as Secretary of the Treasurty to replace Yellan - who did no even know what as i te bidgt submitted by Biden earlier this year,    Another example where a brilliant business manager replces a loony left University professor llready in her dotage,   ,   

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